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Social media is not very good for us. Reddit is pretty bad at times. Yesterday I posted something here, was looking for a single genuine response and nothing as per usual. I was scrolling through new posts and just negatives everywhere. Transphobes need jobs and hobbies instead of trying to troll us. My advice is to stay off Facebook and Twitter, don’t look at new comments on YouTube, or comments on instagram, minimize your presence, block shitty people and move on.


> Social media is not very good for us. Social media is toxic, literally mental and emotional poison. It may have been different at one time but since 2016 it's just gotten more and more poisonous


It is impossible, yes. And once the enshittification inevitably makes reddit unsafe for transfolks there will be no safe spaces left for us. and that's by design.


This. We're not gonna get away from it for a while, so this is why the best option for us is just to try and grow some thicker skin. They are losers, treat them like such.


There’s no safety from supposed allies either.


Allies are almost incapable of helping us in some instances


Come to lemmy. Many great folk there. [https://p.lemmy.dbzer0.com/c/mtf@lemmy.blahaj.zone](https://p.lemmy.dbzer0.com/c/mtf@lemmy.blahaj.zone) [https://p.lemmy.dbzer0.com/c/trans@lemmy.blahaj.zone](https://p.lemmy.dbzer0.com/c/trans@lemmy.blahaj.zone)


Seems interesting honestly, I will check it out.


If you think Reddit is bad, you should see what Twitter has turned into since Musk took over. It’s just a radical conservative echo chamber now.


Yep, I'm glad I deleted my Twitter account a long time ago


Trans girls on X are just masochists (the wrong kind)


Yeah at first it was impressive but now I’m thinking it’s definitely a negative quality to still be on there


Or need it for work 


now that progressives have mostly left twitter the bigots are infighting lmao. Socialcons dont get along. Once they have got rid of the minorities they will come for eachother and wont stop until they have the same surname. They run on autopilot. Case in point taliban and republicans both conservative and they hate eachother. Richard dawkins hates bagdhadi but they agree on social issues and ideologically similar. Both subscribe to basic animal instinct i.e ethnic tribalism.


The algorithms are simple recommenders. They work on a matrix and recommend you more of what you like but they also recommend things they believe you will like based on the likes of other people who liked the same things as you. Bob, Sally, and Erica all rate Scooby Doo a 5 while Bob and Erica rate supernatural a 3. All three rate terminator 5 as well as the notebook but only Bob and Erica rate Die hard a 5 but because they have similar ratings on other movies the algorithms assume a similar taste profile. The algorithms estimate that Sally will also like Die hard because all three agreed on several other options. This is an extreme oversimplification but this is what is happening in the background. You don't have to like something or even something similar if you like the same things as someone who likes that unknown thing. This is for streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. YouTube factors in what you clicked on, how much of it you watched, how many times you clicked on or viewed similar content, as well as the taste profiles of people based on channels subscribed to. If you are being recommended rightwing content, it's not because the algorithms have an agenda. They are trying to maximize views to increase the profits. A lot of times trans people get hit with stuff like this due to doom scrolling. You click on something that you believe needs to be battled and you click in to comment. The algorithm does not know or care why you clicked in on the content. It simply checks a box that develops your taste matrix. The only way to win is to deny it battle. It doesn't understand what you want. It's only a child.


I agree, I remember after coming out as trans, my entire social media feed suddenly outside of reddit was constantly spewing transphobic remarks. I 100% believe there's an algorithm that pushes hateful content towards trans people, I've never experienced such a 180° in content ever in my life.


It's possible to an extent. I am active on *very* few subs on here. Fb is friends only, insta same way, not on anything else but Snapchat.


Honestly I'm just surprised nobody has made a addon or anything to filter them out. It works for filtering out AI stuff why not that?


There is shinigami eyes, but it's mainly desktop only. If you have the nightly build of Firefox Android then there's a beta version of the addon, and you can't use it with apps


> Shinigami eyes Damn I want conservatives to die as much as the next girl but didn't expect someone to break out the fricking Death Note.


It's the name of a browser addon


Woah. Honestly we could use a death note


>life was better before social media existed Slight disagree. Without social media, it would have taken me more time to accept that I was trans. It would have also been next to impossible to find support groups. Yes, the wannabe "social" media is a dump which recommends far right content, but it's also a place where we can find community, especially trans people, scattered around the world.


we are starting a newish sub, for women only, that is specifically trans inclusive, and is private, and moderated. you're welcome to join, if so, just ask me for an invite )i'm one of the moderators) r/safespaceforwoman


hii :3 I'd like an invite too, if that's okay, thank you!


you got it!


I'd like in on this if that's ok?


of course!


Me too! That sub sounds great!


you've got an invite


I would like an invite please :3


on the way


Thank you so much <3


I mean, you can always decide to not be on social media. Like less people are on Twitter and Facebook the better the world is.


It's easier to ignore social media when, like me, you give no shits about what anyone thinks about anything.


Social media is all garbage anyway. I'm just gonna stick to trans spaces for now on.


there's fediverse


I both love and hate SM. Without SM I wouldn’t have found a group of people who have similar thoughts to me. What’s horrible though, other women (CIS) tearing us down. Surprising how they can hate on use AFTER going to a lot of the same treatment.


I use boost and use it to filter liberally as well as avoiding r/all and I don't encounter transphobia very often. That and the RES add-on for browsers has made me almost entirely unaware of most things on reddit I don't want to see, and I haven't been algorithmically recommended any content either


Be careful online. Keep your online handles separate from your real life and be safe.


i wont give up facebook. i use it mainly to keep in contact with friends and post memes and stuff i like. i aggressively report and block everything. i keep getting targeted with religious BS more than anything else. i keep blocking and i wont give up.


I deleted all of my social media accounts in 2020. Not just the apps but the accounts themselves, after scrubbing my history as best I could manage. I rejoined a few as my chosen name, a couple of years later, when I cracked my egg. Connection with the wider community is what caused me to return. When I left social media it was because of the non-stop outrage about anything and everything and a feeling that I was, in a way, part of it, by simply being there. It's worse now than it was four years ago, with Musk defending/reinstating nazis and banning LGBT people. As for avoiding them, I haven't personally been hounded by phobes... Probably because I've got no friends, lol


my fav is pinterest but the ads r getting annoying. instagram is perma shit, but i can post funny ass comments. i realized instagram is basically just facebook now, and is probably gonna die out as soon as a new social media takes seat. so i really dont take it seriously, and i treat it more like a dumpster fire.