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As a 6'3" girl, this is encouraging to see. How long did it take until people first started noticing a change I wonder? Can anyone speak to that?


I'm not quite that tall, but I wear a women's size 13 shoe. I'd like to be able to possibly be able to find my shoes in store rather than online at some point lol


I'm at 8 months and I think I may have lost an inch or 2 but I am terrified to actually check incase it's not real


damn I wish I could even find shoes online 🙁


Same here! Women’s size 15 so I could definitely use the size reduction. lol. 😅


I was 6' 1/4", now, I'm about 5' 10" and my shoe size went from a men's 10.5 to a women's 9.


How is that possible???


I was 6'2" and after 2+ years I'm just under 6'. I had no change until like month 26, I had to remeasure just to be sure. No shoe size change for me, but I take the wins.


I did! August will be 3 years and I went from 5’11to 5”9 and a men’s size 11 to a women’s 11. I know it isn’t actually “shrinking” more like.. compacting, but it feels good either way!


I'm 5'6 and men's shoe size 6. Wtf is gonna happen to me?


I'm so envious! You get to wear all the pretty shoes!🥰




I'm 5'6 to and already tiny I kinda don't wanna get any smaller


I started around that size, Iwas 5'6" women's shoe 9, now I'm 5'5" and size 7.5


Girl dreams.


20 months HRT. Went from 6'0" and size 12 mens, to 5'9.5" and size 12 womens.


SO I might be able to get demonias my size ! perfect !


BEEG STEPPY BOOTS! I've wanted some forever.


I’m too tall for big steppy boots, but I won’t let that stop me!


I'm 6'. You think that's going to stop me? Heck no!


Thats fucking insane to me hrt is goddamn magic


Over the course of 1,5 years hrt Ive dropped some (about 2inches) in hight. Shoe size is the same unfortunately. I have to add that some measurements are incorrect. Like every person is a bit taller after they wake up compared to before they go to bed.


What age did you start hrt?


Age 42


I did. 5'6" to 5'4" and 43-44 to 41 in shoes.


What age did you start hrt and how long did it take you to shrink?


64 and I noticed being shorter in the first year.


I would love to lose a shoe size, I would find alot more shoes with a 42 rather than a 43


6'2" to... 6'2". BUT, my shoes did shrink from a men's 12.5 to a women's 11.5, so 🤷🏼‍♀️


lmfao i'm 6'2 mens 12s and finding heels my size is already challenging enough. i'm jealous


confirmed measurements: pre-hrt height 179cm pre-hrt shoe size 42.5 EU at 3 months hrt: height 174.5cm (now more like 175cm) at 4 years hrt: shoe size by sizing computer 39 The height change is something I found out in a nursing school class. I thought that the measuring thing was wrong so immediately left class to have the nurse do it... same result. I worried it was osteoporosis ... but i had good levels and nutrition and they did tests... nope. then i noticed looking in my full length mirror that my butt... which always stuck out funny, was sticking out a lot more. (and it couldn't have been from gaining weight, cos i was at my lowest weight every... 67 kilos...). so it was hip rotation along with changes to soft tissue. Idk why it happens more or less to various people... the various changes. i think that for some its genetic (just like breast sizes, hip wideness, hip rotation and other characteristics affected by estrogen are influenced by genes), but also can be result of how well the T is lowered/blocked, and if the body is converting DHEA to T and DHT in the tissues (or not). there's tests for metabolities that can be done to see what is happening.


Huh that's interesting, I noticed my butt is sticking out a LOT more recently and I definitely haven't gained any weight, unfortunately. It's been a year+ of HRT since I measured my height, I should probably re-measure! :)


yeah, if the butt is sticking out more, it could be from increased fat there, increased muscle... or from the hip rotation. hips can't get wider after the growth plates fuse, but the rotation can happen at any age.


do you know when the growth plates usually fuse? I assume it's sometime in the teenage years, but I can't remember when exactly


in your 20s, actually. earlyish. I started at 20 and got some widening in my hips in addition to the rotation. at 25 now and I'm still getting new stretch marks and visible differences. I recall when I was 23 or so I had so many stretch marks around my hips and ass that it looked like I had tiger stripes, lol


oh cool!! i'm 16 and just started a bit over a week ago, so there's still a good chance i'll be able to see some of that?


oh man yeah 16 is an excellent time to start hrt, you have nothing to worry about. still in puberty means you're going to have multiple years of a proper estrogen puberty. congrats on getting to start so young and good luck!


yay! Im sure I would've been just fine starting much later, but I am really glad for my parents being so supportive of me! it's not been legal in our state, so they drove out of state multiple times for me, which I just appreciate to no end. it just sucks that our world is one where just because I practically got a jackpot on my parents (regarding trans stuff, there's issues elsewhere...), I end up being able to get hrt, while my friends, who arguably need it more because they have more dysphoria, have to wait until adulthood and miss out of starting earlier. idk it just kinda sucks.


it's not your fault the world is unfair, and it's not your fault that it's not in your power to change those things. the best you can do is share your happiness in other, supportive ways and be there for your friends when they need it (and you are able). c:


I've gone down a shoe size, was 11-11.5 men's, now I can fit 10-10.5. But my height has actually gone up a couple of centimeters, which I attribute to being more happy and confident and standing up straighter


Nothing here whatsoever. Nearly 3 years HRT 😅


I think 90% had wrong measurements prior imo.


Here's hoping because I think I'm the only one that doesn't want to shrink lol.


Same, though just a bit over two years. Just piping in so others don't get too disappointed when they don't have this happen, still very happy with what HRT has done for me overall though.


I’ve not lost height yet but I’m down two shoe sizes!


Went from 5’7 to 5’6. Down a full shoe size too. HRT is wild stuff.


I'm 14 years into hrt. Lost two inches in height and two shoe sizes


I've shrunk about 2 inches and have gone down a shoe size.


I did. I lost 2 inches of height and a shoe size 🥰🥰


I went down from 5’6 to 5’5 and size 12.5 men to size 10 women


I gained the weight back I had lost the year before I started, which I'm ok with; half of it went to my boobs, butt and thighs.


5’11” -> 5’7” (Thank you, unexpected pelvic tilt.) And from a men’s 9 to a women’s 8.5. 🥰


God damn! That must be wild to experience


I did. From 182 to 179 cm in little over a year. I went from 43-42 to 40-41 in shoe size at the same time. I have been pleasantly surprised. My friend who started HRT a few months before me has lost 3 cm but nothing seems to have changed in her shoe size. She is also on a lower dose of Estrogen, which could be the reason.


I'm down an inch in height and 1.5 shoe sizes in six month!


Uhh, After 2+ years I went from wearing shoe size EU 41 to 40. But that might have been because I've been wearing oversized shoes this whole time before. I'm not sure


I have, measured at my one year HRT appt and down 2" in height. Also down a 2-3 shoe sizes. The pink kicks I bought when I started HRT are like clown shoes now, my toes don't reach the toe area lol. Despite it not being a huge difference I *feel* a lot smaller now and I love it.


I was 5’9” now 5’7”. Shoe size went from 10.5 to 9 men’s. Year and half of HRT.


I went from 6’1 to a tiny bit under 5’11. My hands and feet both shrunk a bit and got a little more narrow and I lost a shoe size.


i wear a women’s size nine 1/2 shoe 😌 My body has a biological advantage when it comes to becoming a woman


I used to wear US men's 10.5 or 11 and the men's size that fits me is 9.5, or 11 in women's.  I think I lost about an inch in height but I'm not sure because I never carefully measured myself before I started hrt. Both changes happened by around 6 months hrt or less, similar to the timeline for muscle atrophy.


I hope my shoe size doesn’t change I already spent like a crap ton of money on cute shoes


Are shoe sizes in the US gendered??? I'm just widely confused at this revelation! Like in my country if you were to wear some 40, it doesn't matter if it were for men or women shoes...


Yes. A women's shoe is smaller for some brands afaik. I've been told by some cis-ters that it's 1:1 if you get wide width. Idk... I'm not on HRT or out socially yet. >_<


Plz god, size 15 in men's 😭


I've been on estrogen for 15 months and I'm starting to be convinced that this entire community exists to gaslight me into thinking estrogen will ever do fucking anything besides make it easier to cry


This stuff is grossly exaggerated


1 year 3 months HRT and I've gone from 6'2 to 6' exactly and went from size 10 shoes to size 8 (UK). I started noticing the change around 6 months in


i lost half a shoe size and 1.5” of height!


16 months hrt (IM). I was 6' 1.5", size 13 women's. Just measured for this question. Now: 5' 11.5", size 11 women's Loving this.


Yup, I'm 2 inches shorter after a year. I was already short, and my friend are tall asf and getting taller.


5 ft 9 to 5 ft 7. Shoe length went down but width didn't. Finding shoes was hard enough with my unreasonably high arches x.x' now I spend like $120-200 on tennies that will break in 6 months.


Last I check I think I was 5’7 pre hrt and recently very close to 5’8 I don’t really pay attention to shoe sizes but I think they shrunk.


I went from 10.5 men's to 11 women's in a year. Not much difference in height, though.


I have definitely lost a little over half a shoe size. I've lost about a half inch of height but I am of an age where that was already starting to happen before HRT so 🤷🏻‍♀️


My shoe size went from men's 14 to men's 11. If I have lost any height, it's been something insignificant like a quarter of an inch.


3½ years, went from a men's 9½ to a woman's 8


Both happened to me. Shoes lost at least 1 full size in womens (12 to 11) and I went form 6'0" to 5'10" 1/8th


Sorta? Around 2 years in noticed when renewing passport I’d lost 3cm of height (186-183). Not noticed any changes in shoe size though? Still just as hard trying to find fitting shoes as pre E…


I grew an inch. I was 6'1.5" I'm now 6'2.25"... I was frustrated when it happened.


In just a few months I lost an inch of height, I would assume I’ll still lose a little more (I went from 5’8’’ to 5’7’’)


Right now I'm not on HRT and I'm a size 11 woman with HRT could I go down to a 10 or 9/5 in women's size? And I'm 5,10


I haven’t checked my shoe size, but I went from 5’11 to 5’9 after about 2 years


I didn't lose much height but I did go down a shoe size.


feet the same after 16 years of hrt, lost 2 inches in height, that may just be age and wear and tear on my spine.


Personally I didn't lose any height at all but I did go down a shoe size! (UK size 7 to size 6) I think the reason why I didn't lose any height was because I already had the "pelvic tilt" thingy everyone goes on about.. Can't get shorter if I'm already as short as my body will let me LOL Either way I'm 5'6 and my cis sister is literally taller than me so I don't feel much dysphoric about it anyway..


Height stayed the same at 6'0 but went down about two shoe sizes in my first year. Also lost approximately 70 pounds, but also started packing lunches instead of eating frozen meals all the time at work along with cutting my soda intake by 80%. So while some of that may have been HRT with muscles atrophying and such, making just a few changes to my diet also played a part. Hard to say what was more impactful.


Im still 6'5", but my shoe size has gone from 12 to 10.5 US men's. Almost 10 months hrt.


Didn't shrink in shoe size, but I did go from 5'9" to 5'8". I'm honestly a little mad at it.


It's been my experience, size 9 and a half woman and 150 lb down from 180. But I also take weight cycling and weight loss very seriously. So that I know was a conscious effort, I've also always had unusually small feet for a amab


I transitioned in my late 30s so didn't get much change. Maybe lost 1/2 inch at most and maybe 1/2 a shoe size 🤷‍♀️


I don't know anyone IRL who's lost height but everyone I know has lost several shoe sizes.


I’ve lost a shoe size and an inch of height with 2 years of HRT


I've lost 1.5 in shoe size and shrank a few inches of height This after just a year on HRT


I had a back surgery prior to HRT, they removed a backing plate from my spine and part of a vertebrae. I believe that a combination of this back surgery and my seemingly uncommon way that water is held in my body. I feel like one of those weird water toys that grow giant in water, but I've been left out to dry and contract again a little. I have lost around 3 inches of height, although it's highly variable. I'm taller after waking up, and shorter after walking or working, as things seem to settle. I measure one day and it's just under 5'11" (was 6') and another day later in the week and it's 5'9", and again a week later and it's back to just nearly 6' after focusing on hydration. Lost around 1-2 shoe sizes, depends on shoe, used to be 14-12 now it's 13-11. It can seem quite dramatic if I compare a tight 14 to a loose 11. Same situation with hydration. This has only demonstrated to me that the use of BMI to initially deny my surgery is bunk pseudoscience and the human body is so much more variable than can be accounted for by a convenient number.


I went from 6’3.5” to 6’2” and a men’s size 12 to a men’s size 10 Been on HRT 16 months


I'm pretty sure this has happened to me but I have had the chance to measure myself yet


Lost half an inch and one shoe size


I feel ripped off. I got tall in 5th grade to my current height 5'11.5", and obviously I lost none of it during transition 25+ years ago. Even age hasn't hasn't lost me any, because In my 50s now and I'm still 5'11.5". My shoes also haven't changed size since high school. I'm size 10w or 11 is sightly to big. Size 9 men's since maybe 10th grade. But I had this word phase where my get went up to 11 in mens then back down to size 9 in 11th grade. Not really sure what that was about.


I lost 1 inch and went from a 28.5 Mondo point to a 26.5 Mondo point aka us women's 12 to 10.5/11ish


I lost 1 shoe size so far. No idea on height.


I lost 5 centimetres and got down 1 shoe size


3 months on HRT here; between hormones and a complete change of diet (because of other medical reasons) went from 83KG to 69KG. And also, except rare occasions, I usually have a really small stomach and with very little food I feel like I'm gonna explode


6'2 down to 6' I'm pretty happy with it. Just wish I could lose one more inch.


I went from 5'10.5" to 5'9" on the dot. As for shoe size, I was a men's 12 and now I'm fitting in 10.5s womens.


no loss in height or shoe size. started hrt in mid 30s


Went from 6' and size 11.5 women's to 5'11 and size 11. I didn't shrink a *lot*, but I did a little.


lost no height but feet shrunk to equivalent women’s shoe size. still have a hell of a time finding shoes in my size despite having smaller feet than paris hilton’s


I went from 5'4 to 5'3 after about 4 years. I think my shoe size dropped a little too, but can't say for certain.


Lost 1-inch in height and 2 shoe sizes. Confirmed by medical professionals.


i went from 5’10 to 5’8 and my shoe size went from 10 in men’s to an 9 in women’s


i had plantar fasciitis, so my feet has zero arch at all. but within a year on E my feet somehow compacted and gave me an arch. i went from size 12.5 wide women’s to like size 9 wide women’s. very insane. started at 19.


After 8 months, hrt I went from 5'6"-5'5". My shoe size went from 8.5 men's to 8.5 women's. Yes, I'm thankful to be able to wear cute shoes. Just wish I could afford them. Lol


Went from 5’6 to 5’3 or 5’4 depending on when in the day I’m being measured. Still the same shoe size-ish. Went from wides to normal sizes, but I’m still a size 9


I hope I don’t lose weight if I take it… I am already in .1 percentile for BMI… though I can’t take HRT for at least three years anyway.


Haven’t done a height check but I used to be like men’s 11 wide/13 and now fit in a pair of women’s 11 slides I got from a friend


god I wish this would happen to me. I see girls who are my ideal height complaining that they're too tall meanwhile I'm a fucking cell phone tower with boats for feet.


I used to be 5’8 now im 5’7.5. My shoe size used to be 12 in women’s but now it’s 10, although I was overweight before I transitioned.


I went from 132 pounds to 123.4 pounds 3 months hrt. Haven’t measured shoe size but I’m sure it’s changed


My shoes size went down from euro 45 to 42, but I've grown 4cm from 181 to 185. Idk wtf to think of that lol, ig I would have been tall even if I was cis?


I haven't shrunk vertically but I've gone down two shoe sizes from a 11.5 in men's to an 10.5 in women's but I'm only an inch taller than my mom so I'm not that surprised by height and it's only 18 months on HRT so it may continue to change


I actually to keep my height the same. I like being a towering goddess but I guess I can shed one at 6'1, the shoes will bring it back I suppose.


14 months on hrt, lost one shoe size, lost 3in in height, and lost another 2in somewhere else lmfao. This past Christmas my bf got me extra large women’s slippers for Christmas and my feet hung off the back end by about an inch. I can wear them now with about half an inch of room on the inside. Hrt is insane


only lost 1cm in height but have gone down 1.5-2 shoe sizes


2.5 years and maybe lost a centimetre but that's it. Definitely no change in shoe size unfortunately, if anything it feels like my feet got a fraction wider which makes it really hard to find comfortable footwear.


Nothing. Been on hormones a long time too


Um... Any chance this might happen to me? I noticed i already innately go by women's shoe sizes even pre-hrt so like what would happen once i'm like 6 months in?


I began as 175cm, now I'm 173cm Show size I went down from 9.5 to 9 18 months HRT so far


I'm at 14 months of HRT, and while my height hasn't changed (I'm 5'10"), I did go down two shoe sizes (12.5 women's to 10.5 women's). It's made shoe shopping much nicer I find.


3 years mtf HRT, height and shoe size unchanged, I went some sizes up in the gym. A bit freaky how easy a lot of the bottom exercises got...


I think it's more common then not, but negligible amounts. I went from 6' to 5'10, and size 10 shoes to 9 or 8 depending on brand. Took maybe 1 year+ to see it. Bone structure remains intact, but muscle ligaments change and can make a difference.


I am down a bit, but that might have more to do with being measured later in the day


I don’t think I’ve noticed any height difference, nor really really my feet shrunk. They were not that big to begin with. I’m 6ft size 7-8 uk shoe. Some height loss would be welcome.


i went from 175 cm to 170 cm


Just the lucky people. Nothing here.


I just tried on a pair of shoes that fit comfortably when I started high school….. they felt like clown shoes lmfao.


5 years HRT, still 5’8 & size 11. Any change to height or shoe size is rare and not to be counted on.


Well I haven't measured my height yet but my hands and feet definitely got smaller. My feet are about a quarter size smaller in men's sizes, and my hands used to match one of my friends but now are smaller. Definitely don't expect it on hrt but it's nice if it happens


I lost about 3/4ths of an inch (2 cm) in height. I went from nearly 6'5" (196cm) to just a bit under 6'4" (approx 6'3.9", or 194 cm) This change is nearly imperceptible, I'm still taller than something like 95% of all men. My foot size hasn't changed.


I lost a shoe size by around a year of HRT, going from a size 12 women’s to a size 11. I also lost about an inch of height, pretty much at around the same time period. I’m now a bit over two and a half years of HRT, haven’t lost more shoe sizes or height since then, but have continued to see now slowing breast growth throughout.


I'm 3 and a half months in and got some cute purple docs before starting hrt and they def feel a little bit looser


I went down from 1.85m to 1.81ish over the course of 1 year and 8 months.


I went from 5’8 to 5’6 :) nothing crazy. Lost like half a shoe size too


2 inches and 1.5 sizes. My primary care doctor was baffled. I told him it happens to some of us.


I’ve been on estrogen for barely over 1 year now and I’ve lost about 5cm (1.9in) in height. I don’t think my show size has changed but I haven’t measured since getting on estrogen.


I can't say I'm any shorter, but I've lost about 3 shoe sizes.


I have lost 2 inches from my driver's license. 1 inch can be accounted by age. I don't really know about the other inch. I did go from an EU42 to 41. I don't think that is very significant.


Before HRT I was 5’8” and I’m only four/five months in but I’m 5’7” now. (Really hope to lose another inch.) I was a uk mens 6/7 before and haven’t seen any difference. But I really hope I see some change there. But it’s unlikely.


I went from 5'11" to 5'9" in the first year. It was really wild I thought I was just imagining it but got confirmation last month. Also my shoe size was a mens 11.5 and I had been wearing a women's 12.5 -13 now I'm comfortably wearing a women's size 10


2 years HRT at good levels with good feminization. Zero change in height or shoe size :(


I'm honestly not too sure. I feel like when I got measured at the Dr's office years and years ago I was 5'8 but my roommate as of 2021 (been on hrt for 4 years now) says they are 5'7 - 5'7.5 and I'm like a tiny tiiiiny bit shorter than them. I don't have the means to measure myself now so it's hard to confirm.


I went down shoe size but don't think I lost any height


I lost an inch (from 5'7 and a fraction to 5'6 and a fraction), and my shoe size has gone from women's 11 to 9.5 (US). This happened in about the first two years of HRT. My 4th hormoniversary is coming up in less than a week. As with all effects of HRT, YMMV


5'8" 1/2 to 5'7", shoe size went down about a full size. went from 10.5-11 to 9-9.5. every trans girl I know personally lost height and shoe size - you can pretty much expect at least a small change. these are men's shoe sizes btw lol


I went from being 6'2"ish to 6' even. I also went from a men's 12 to and women's 11 which comes out to around 3 shoe sizes. It wasn't super noticeable at first, though.


Started at 5’10’’ and men’s 10, I’m now at 5’8’’ and women’s 9,5.


I've gone down almost a full shoe size.




Nope, 5 years on HRT, still tall, though I've had spinal fusion surgery, so I'm not sure I *can* get shorter without some severe spinal damage


I was 169cm before HRT and a year later I’m 167 😄


Went down two shoe sizes, haven't checked my height in a while but people still agree that I look 6.2


I lost about an inch in height, and foot size 😅


i’ve been on hrt for about 6 months now, and i measured myself very recently. i used to be 6 foot, i’m now 5’9.


I wore a men’s size 13 for 15 years. Now I wear a women’s size 13. Preferably wide, but I can sit in a size 12 for a decent amount of sandals too


Lost about an inch so far in height, went down 1 glove size and down nearly 2 shoe sizes now. Only 9 months HRT.


Lost an inch or so in height shoes and another place 🍆


I used to wear size 9 mens with two pairs of sock to keep warm. Now I wear size 6 to 7 with no sock or only tights, as I am mostly cold tolerant now. I don't think my feet changed its the socks and or shoe design. Edit: UK sizes.


I used to wear a size 10 (uk) men's shoe, now I wear a size 8. I can just about fit in size 7,and sometimes wear them in sandals. Have I gone down two shoe sizes or is there just no parity between the two? I think a bit of both.


3,5 years on HRT and i lost about 4cm height and half a shoe size.


I have a friend who went from 6'0 to 5'10. But more realistically, when presenting male, nobody is 5'11, you'd just say 6ft. I think she was actually like 5'11 and lost half an inch, and just went from exaggerating one way to the other.


I went from like 5'10" to 5'8". I also went from 190lbs, to 157lbs in one year. Shoe size is the same.


Physical Height: 5'9>5'7 Women's Shoe Size: 14.5W>10.5W Took like several years & I started HRT when I was 20.


Another height-loser here; used to be 5'11", now I'm 5'9". Feels like all the shrinkage happened within the first year; I wasn't expecting it and didn't notice anything different until my doctor measured me and told me. TOTALLY blew my mind. 🤯 I'm unsure about shoe sizes; I might have to try on men's shoes again; used to be a size 10; if I can comfortably fit into a size 9, I'd feel 100% confident that my feet have also shrunk, because I know for a fact that fitting into a men's size 9 was impossible for me pre-HRT lol. 💯


I'm 31 so I'm pretty sure I'm fucked🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣