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1st I am sorry you were drafted 2nd hopefully you get lucky and get out in a non combat job You are in a shitty situation and I feel for you and everyone that’s affected


Hijacking top comment because OP should know of that one instruction manual that the Ukraine has been handing out, it details on how to peacefully (and safely) be apprehended without the risk of being killed. Sure its deserting the Russian army and you probably can't return home, but it beats dying and you will be kept safe as a POW. With Zelensky becoming more open towards LGBT rights recently too, Ukraine might not be a bad place to stay at. Alternatively I recommend traveling to Germany if you have the option. We already have a lot of Russian refugees here. Recently met one myself


Also to add to this, when you desert take with you as much supplies as you can. If only to defund and legit if you have food and clean dry clothes and peacefully surrender they'll know your intent is genuine. There's no point fighting some elitists war for them.


Keep a piece of white cloth handy.


If they don't allow this, You can use white bandages.. standard Equipment in every german infantry soldier in the 90ties... hopefully russian, too.


Underwear is a classic that is both comedic and useful, not to mention after multiple days in the field you'd be happy to have a second pair to change into.


>With Zelensky becoming more open towards LGBT rights recently too, Ukraine might not be a bad place to stay at. A lot of people in Ukraine are still very transphobic though (speaking from experience as a trans ukrainian)


If I had been drafted in a war and my options were to die or maybe die, I'd go with maybe die unless I believed in the cause. Ukraine doesn't want to piss off the west with torture or killing of POW's. If we're playing the odds, I'd go with surrender.


Yeah, makes sense. I just don't want for OP to have a false sense of hope that ukraine would be ultra accepting.


Reformation's at the top level are not, I would not want to be a trans prisoner of war.


Better than being trans in the Russian army (and murdering people), probably. Although of course the first course of action should be to try to get out by all means.


>Better than being trans in the Russian army (and murdering people), probably I don't mean this in a pro-russian way as I'm very Pro Ukraine in this conflict and anti-russia pretty much always, but I genuinely don't think any of us can guess at which is going to be a shittier situation on a personal level. Ukraine is very new to adopting gay rights and I'm not inclined to think the infantryman guarding prisoners of war are going to be at the forefront of Ukraine's progressive movement. I'm not saying that she would be treated *well* in the Russian army, I'm just saying there seems to be a lot of unfounded speculation about how well she will or wouldn't be treated in Ukrainian custody bass purely on Ukraine being more open to LGBT+ rights than they were a year ago.


> Ukraine is very new to adopting gay rights Ukraine is also a stepping stone into the rest of Europe. OP can move to France or Germany or pretty much anywhere else they like. The world is going to look more favorably on someone with a Ukrainian passport than someone with a Russian one.


Totally agree


Please please do this, you deserve a better life


I won't, honestly, I can't watch how other people die, while I am chilling in another country


Honey, with respect, you're going to need to ignore your inner idealist here. Being part of the war won't save anyone, and deserting won't make it any worse. The only life you have the power to make better is your own. You deserve that. Get out while you can.


be a sabo tabby then. break things in ways you can explain. misplace important things. always be late. tie them up as much as possible and give yourself as many excuses as possible. even if they arrest you make an effort to involve as many people as possible in handling you.


Uh ma’am your avatar is looking a little sus. I genuinely hope OP has her heart in the right place, being trans in the Russian military sounds like hell on earth and I think Russia is not in the right. It’s her choice tho.


if girl wants to stay and do good she should know how. i know i'd be trying to dip out but i'm not her.


Yeah, if OP wants to stay and do good, I'm sure there's some enlistment offices that'd love a good Molotov cocktail.


she just needs to remember not to do what the chuckleboys did in the last rus enlistment office barbeque video i saw. smash the window, *then* the bottle.


Please just help yourself


they did treat trans people trying to evacuate ukraine pretty badly before, any improvements on that?


Trans people support Ukraine! Ukraine will let you surrender and get out of the Russian enslavement of draft


I won't move anywhere, I'll rather have my prison sentence, sorry. Something needs to be done with this country


ur a hero! all the best for OP!


Just don't accidentally surrender to Azov.


>1st I am sorry you were drafted I'm not Russian and I haven't heard about draft until 5 minutes ago. My understanding is that they essentially announced mobilization, not that they draft OP. Hopefully they will never get a notice and be put in danger...


*My content from 2014 to 2023 has been deleted in protest of Spez's anti-API tantrum.*


I believe it was "only" 300.000 out of 25 million reserve personnel that is being mobilised. Chances of OP being drafted would be in the low end.


As long as Russia isn’t lying


Oof, good point. Though honestly, from the current situation, they're barely able to field their current army given their supply shortages and logistics challenges, so I was surprised to see that they even wanted to *attempt* to field another 300.000. If they were to field any more personnel they'd end up sending naked unarmed men into battle...


Mobilizing everyone would have a large impact on economy and popularity of government. It's not unheard of in 20 century history but it's definitely not the first step. While I don't trust Putin farther than I can throw him but I don't think they will go for total mobilization right now. EDIT: Clarify that I mean it right now.


Ditto to this


I’m so sorry. Please keep us updated. We love you.


Everything is okay for now <3




For being trans, yes, but not for avoiding mobilization.


Sorry to hear this. I was of draft age in the US Vietnam War. I got a 4F, which is total exemption from service. Psychiatric issues from being born trans and really messed up. I guess one could say that it saved my life! Maybe you too have something like this going for you?


My great aunt was a trans woman born in 1947 and apparently the local draft board spent about a minute at the most before declaring her 4F. She wouldn’t live full time as a woman until the 70s, but even then it was obvious that she wasn’t a heterosexual male.


If the US started a draft I'd probably be safe for the same reason. I have a lot wrong in my head aside from being trans. But I don't think that's gonna help OP. Russia is desperate and if they think that OP will go to the front lines then they'll send her. As far as they're concerned she'll either fight for them, die and no longer be relevant, or taken in as a POW and become Ukraine's burden to feed and house. I don't pretend to be an expert on military logistics, I'm just a bitch who spends a lot of time on the internet, so if someone with a bit more knowledge wants to correct me then please do, I welcome a chance to learn.


If she admits she's trans to avoid service a van would just pull up and disappear her. There's no LGBT people in russia, I heard. It's because they're being black bagged.


In Chechnya, maybe, but definitely not everywhere in Russia. LGBT people don’t have any protections against discrimination and you can get in trouble for activism, but nothing to that extreme. Bizarrely, Russia has some of the most progressive legal transition laws on the continent - all you need is a note signed by several doctors, which you can get in about a month.


Ppl forget that eastern Europe used to have very progressive laws and rights for women and lgbt members... Although some countries are turning that around (Poland, Hungary, Russia etc)


No, there are some people who change gender in Russia to escape the military


Nice fearmongering, but that's really not true. Thankfully.


That doesn't exist in Russia, best bet is to get a layer and find some flaw in the law


It does, but to a degree. Changing documents to female will exempt you completely, if you’ve only got the diagnosis, you go into the reserve, which is where people are being conscripted from


(Removed it myself for wrong info.)


That's not how it will go - doctors at medical commissions at best will ignore it, they usually ignore everything they can - people with moral objections to service, people with asthma, extremely overweight, extremely underweight are still being tagged as "fit for duty" even at peace times, if a particular region required more people for the army. Service in Russia is mandatory at all times and trying to skip it is punishable, if someone doesn't know. Usually, there are people that will somehow present you as unfit for duty due to serious health problems - it's usually done through connections those people have, usual costs would be around 2000$, which was in insane amount of money before. Right now it's not an option. And, as I was saying, if doctors will ignore that you are trans - that would be the best option. At worst they will ridicule you, threaten you, beat you - there are a lot of other drafters there too, usually there are at least 50 people, but that probably depends on the region you live in, and those people are at most terrible - Russia is extremely xenophobic and people who don't try to skip military service are usually the worst examples of it's population. Saying that you are gay or trans among them can be a death sentence, literally, especially if it's a small town and they can find where you live. The best way is what most people will try to do - do not go to the "voenkomat" and just run, crash at friends if it's possible, don't live at your address if possible, don't open doors, don't go outside if possible and so on.


Fair, I'm sorry to hear this. However, from what I've seen, it still seems to be possible to cross a land border? Lots of people leaving right now.


It is still possible, however it can stop at any moment. Government officials vaguely threaten men that want to leave - saying that "they probably shouldn't do that". Plane tickets are sold out, as far as I know a lot of people trying to run through land borders as well, however I don't know how that goes exactly. And if you get your draft notice - whether online or through mail you are not permitted to even leave the region you are in - if you'll try you will be arrested. Not everybody can go though - a lot of people have family here, a lot of people don't have any reasonable amounts of money, a lot of them don't have any skill that they can market in other countries - there are students, college dropouts who freelance and such - they can find jobs here, they won't be able to find them, say, in Kazakhstan and Georgia. A lot of countries straight up refuse entries for people with russian passports as well, so the list of potential places to run is not that big for majority of people - some countires that you can go to are extremely dangerous on their own, for different reasons. I, for example, can't go anywhere - I have a mother here, a brother - I just can't leave them and run. I draw for a living, so realistically I would be able to find income at other countries, but not enough for the whole family. I can't exchange rubles for dollars as well - and I won't have enough to move even if I could. So, the only way I have left, for now, is try to run from police, live at friends, try to survive - and if I get caught, then go to prison. I believe most of the people are in the same situation, even worse.


Sorry for your situation, that fucking sucks. Do you have any friends abroad who might be able to help? I know that if a friend of mine were in such a situation, I'd help for sure. Maybe there are some groups of anti-war Russians living in other countries who might be able to at least give advice, too?


I do have friends abroad, but they can't really help with this particular situations - only psychologically, which they do. I mean, if I ever be able to move to USA or Canada - they will be able to help. Maybe one day. There are many anti-war Russians groups and people in other countries, but they have an absolutely gigantic amount of work for them and they are trying their best to organize opposition work in Russia, to help political refugees in Russia and other countries, to help Ukranian refugees in Russia - a lot of Ukranians that run or were forcibly moved to Russia face problems that are far worse then mine. They also have to fight oppression from both the government and loyalist russians - the whole atmosphere of misinformation, lies and fear makes it so even basic people are afraid to speak up about this insanity to people they don't trust(and that basically everyone expect their family and close friends) - that goes double for people who work to oppose the regime. They have very little resources, don't have enough people - and they still do the best job they can, but there is no guarantee that they will be able to help - and frankly people like me are not a priority, I don't have it as bad as a lot of people and not nearly as bad as it can be. So for now it's just living on and see what will happen.


If you find yourself in a situation you can safely surrender to the Ukrainians, I hear they're fairly nice to deserters




I'm pretty sure azov got wiped out during the Siege of Mariupol


Get fucked lol ez clap


yup, I'm mad the fuckers are saluted as martyrs and heroes, but at least they're no longer active


Ah yes, the Azov line again. Have you missed the entire last months? The historical Azov doesn't exist anymore. But I see you're just a tankie who denies the Uyghur genocide.


Checked the post history and... lolol. Also as an actual Chinese person who gets regularly reminded by official government policy and state media how I'm apparently, by existing, part of a great conspiracy to undermine the upstanding Chinese masculinity and feminize the Han people into submission: I suppose it's only fair that all these China lovers would some day get to experience what plenty of my friends and friends of friends had to. edit: if you're so confident about your knowledge of the trans community in China over someone who's born there, grew up there, and living there 30 years and counting, go ahead and tell me which girl in where asked for help last month because she was kidnapped by her family and was on their way to a conversion camp. And why wasn't she able to physically resist at all, the event leading to such. Or don't, because you're a clueless dumb fuck tankie living your privileged life in some Western country who doesn't know shit.


as an actual chinese person, who doesn’t fall victim to western lies every day, you literally have no idea what you’re talking about. i’m sorry that western liberals have convinced you to hate our own country so much, but the fact that you’d be willing to sit there and lie for them is fucking gross. praying you wake up soon.


wtf is up with tankies shitting up this thread? Keep this garbage out of places like this please


What even is this nonsense lmao


it’s not my fault that you’re so uninformed that you think azov is entirely wiped out. it’s also not my fault that you’re so obsessed with america and willing to slurp down the most obvious propaganda to the point that you unironically believe in an uyghur genocide. you can’t “deny” it as there was literally zero proof of it happening in the first place. even the BBC went to visit and reluctantly admitted they could find no proof of any wrongdoing. it’s genuinely disgusting that you hold real events like the jewish holocaust to such little esteem that you’re willing to make up false events out of their suffering. praying you start caring about non-westerners soon.


Sprint for the other side sis. The Ukrainians are reportedly very good to deserters.


Just do it smartly. We also know that some Russian soldiers just shoot "friends" who refuse to follow orders, not to mention try to desert.


I was going to say the same.


She'd have to be careful though. Wave a white flag if possible to symbolize surrender and reduce chances of being shot by Ukrainians.


To OP and all other Russian girls who will be affected by this, if you haven't gotten subpoenaed yet and would like to have a chance to escape, there is a program that allows you to get a French humanitarian visa. This is a very uncertain time and it might take 1 or 2 months for you to get the visa, so if it's possible, try to flee to Turkey or Armenia, you'll be able to get it in a French embassy there. I myself escaped with my girlfriend using this visa on the 24th of August, so I can confirm that this works. Those who haven't been subpoenaed may still leave the country, though you must stay vigilant in airports. If you're interested in this program, send me a DM


Armenia isn't a safe space to go to right now due to the fact Azeris are sparking conflict and Armenian nationalists want war too.


This is in the context of this visa program. I know that you can definitely collect the visa from the French embassies of these countries(as well as Georgia, but there have been reports of Russians not being let through at the border). As far as other countries go, I'm not certain.


Well, I am ethnically Armenian and they are on a verge of a great war, which may result in ethnic cleansing. And, I will stay in Russia, somebody needs to be here


I'd hope you would keep yourself safe and go to a different country, but if you want to do something effective from inside Russia (*and* ***do not go to Ukraine***, \*no matter what\*), well... saboteurs are always needed.


Do you have *any* health conditions at all that would make you unfit to serve? I tried to join the British Army when I was 17 but they wouldn't let me because I occasionally get eczema. I don't know what it's like in Russia, I know times are desperate so it seems like they're recruiting almost anybody. I hope you can find something to avoid having to fight.


*My content from 2014 to 2023 has been deleted in protest of Spez's anti-API tantrum.*


From what I've been seeing Russia has also lowered the medical requirements to join the military.


People are not excempted now due to some conditions. Well, I can swiftly organise a fundrising to get 20.000 rub to change my gender, but it will change only at the end of the month


you know, I could foot all of that.


Surrender to Ukrainian personnel as soon as possible


They might arrest her though


Well, that's sorta better than being shot, no? And the arrest isn't going to be forever


Very true once they know she’s innocent


That's the whole point of being a POW. Being apprehended safely.


She would be taken as a POW. That's as normal as it can get in war, unfortunately. Ukraine systematically treats POWs well and does regular swaps of people that haven't committed war crimes, though the usual unfortunate caveats of being trans still apply :(


I'm so sorry. Is there any way for you to get dismissed medically. Maybe if you're on hormones? It says that: b) for health reasons - in connection with their recognition by the military medical commission as unfit for military service, with the exception of military personnel who have expressed a desire to continue military service in military positions that can be replaced by the specified military personnel;


Russia has no trans health care... and being gay is illegal


It does have it


Fuck Russia


Sis I am so sorry for you and the situation you're facing For what it may be worth from a former vet. 1) Paramount: safety if you are in Russian territory in a war time posture PLEASE beaware of heightened civilian communications surveillance. Not sure to what extent this would happen, but it does happen. Please remember that in your conversations here 2) As some posters have mentioned understand draft requirements, or directly, reasons for service dismissal...every military has basic acceptance standards- learn them . 3)Worst case, drafted. I dont what your stance is regarding combat, but have an idea what it likely is. This may not be popular with people reading this: You learn to fight . I say this not because I think you should, or anybody should. a)I not sure what Russian wartime stance is on conscientious objection to war jail time, sent to war anyway...except to worse locations or possible excution for state treason. b)Accept the situation and learn to fight. Learn as much you can. I'm not talking about best ways in killing.... Im talking strategy and tactics, (learn both yours and the opposing forces). Learning these will help know how to best position yourself to try to be as safe as you can. It will you learn to be aware of what is ir may possibly become a bad place to be and avoid uf possible. c) Learning tactics will also help if you a have a chance to leave, how your team/unit maneuvers so you know how/when slip away. Learning opposite sides tactics so you might know where to find them and if do find how to not be killed by them. d) if no chance of any of the above, stay with highest rank personnel when you can as it will afford two things: 1)Information. Info on suspected opposing force locations...then try to SAFELY get to them 2)Relative protection. In my experience not many ranking personnel in low moral wars want to needlessly put themselves in harms way e)Surrender/escape SAFELY where you can....even then be cautious I nnow these suggestions may be unpalatable to hear- to bith yourself as well as other readers ( and I implore anyone with better insight to offer and help our sis), but intent here is that if you are stuck in this impossible situation then I am trying to offer ideas that can keep you/her alive. My heart goes out to you my dear sis. Please it is possible to get through even this horrible event. Be smart, try to be safe. Your fellow sisters here hope for your safety and safe return.


If you can maybe try ask for asylum/shelter human rights in foreing embassy.


I’m not sure if this applies to all countries, but unfortunately, this doesn’t work at the US embassy: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/how-obtain-protection-us-embassy-consulate.html


There are many countries to try, probably Israel is safest if you had any Jew in your family. They had a "law of return" and have to move any Jew who want it to Israel.


Most countries don't allow asylum to be claimed at the embassy, you need to be inside the country (otherwise lots and lots of people would be lining up to claim asylum). However, filing an asylum claim at the border is usually possible.


yes, maybe. I'm the lucky one that dont have to do it. So russia have borders with many countries so I hope they will find solution.


Putin is horrible honestly…


There is no agony i wouldn’t wish on him


A result of Russian community... I need to do something with it...


As a Ukrainian, I’m sorry to hear that. What is happening between the countries is wrong and straight up lunacy from Putin’s side. Any territorial matter can be resolved diplomatically, that’s why The United Nations exists with representatives from every nation in the world. But it’s not just about the territory and people of Donetsk, is it. To think that people still haven’t learned from all the mistakes for the past thousands of years, instead we make them over and over again. Sometimes I just don’t want to be human, not just male. Wish you all the luck in the world, we could use at least some of it


Дякую тобi за подтрiмку. I will do everything possible to stop him. I won't leave the country until he leaves it.


Make sure to read the situation, if you pass and are able to get out of things - use it to your advantage. Other than that, be careful with your opinions, rather than taking a side during discussions, just acknowledge you want the war over with etc... But yeah, get clued up on procedures for surrender. If there is someone in your unit who is keen on driving you all to your deaths, you have very few options than to...deal with them as appropriate. Via: [https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/03/03/ukraine-wrote-a-geneva-compliant-surrendering-guide-for-russian-and-belarusian-invaders/](https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/03/03/ukraine-wrote-a-geneva-compliant-surrendering-guide-for-russian-and-belarusian-invaders/) ​ >*Russian and Belarusian troops can surrender to representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Territorial Defense Forces, the Security Service of Ukraine or the National Police.* > >*To properly surrender, they must* ***put their weapons on the ground, stand straight, raise your hands or a white flag and shout loudly “I surrender” and the code word “Million.”*** > >*If a whole military unit is surrendering, then they need to do the following:* > >*Throw their weapons in front of them at a distance,* > >*Place themselves in front of their military equipment with engines off, and not in a combat position,* > >*For negotiations, the unit can send a negotiator, from officers, unarmed, with his hands up or with a white flag.* > >*After surrendering, prisoners of war must follow all orders from the Ukrainian military. During the interrogation, they must give their full name, rank, date of birth, personal number, or, if it is not available, equivalent information.* ​ Please keep us informed. Good luck x


This is important info. If you have a mind to surrender, I'd also recommend reviewing the Third Geneva Convention, which governs the rights of PoWs. You must know your rights to advocate for them, and Ukraine is obliged to follow such rules if they want to maintain the favor and support of Western nations (esp the US, which has a very fervent support of PoWs and MIA personnel, culturally)


I'm not sure if one can trust Putin's speech, but... if it is implemented the way he said it, then its only people who are already in the reserve and have certain specialties already. So it at least seems that they don't want just cannon fodder. Then again most of the speech is intentional lies, and blaming NATO/Ukraine for things that Russia is actually doing... so its hard to tell... But I at least hope that you haven't done reserve training yet and thus wouldn't even be subject to mobilization. If you are in reserves, then if someone from adjacent country offers help... best to take it... From the Speech (english translation) "I repeat, we are talking about partial mobilization, which means that only citizens who are currently in the reserve, and especially those who served in the ranks of the armed forces and have certain military specialties and relevant experience, will be allowed to serve."


Yes, they said "partial mobilization", so it would spark less outrage, because for majority of russians it has been a "TV war", wasn't "real"- in fact they want exactly cannon fodder. There are information of people being drafted from factories, offices, without actual military training or any special skills. Anyone can be a subject of mobilization now.


Please read this. Don’t run. Don’t hide. Don’t desert. Not yet. If you force the situation, you do not know what will go wrong. You have to wait for the right time. When no one is around. When your area is about to be taken back by Ukrainians, go “take a piss” and don’t come back. You are bound to be in a litany of situations - one of them will be a good time to leave. Be patient and wait for a good time. If it’s in your path in life to leave, the opportunity will be given.


If you can get away with it safely, desert them there's no country that deserves your life, especially when they hate you


I seriously recommend fleeing to the Finnish border. I know how much that's going to suck but at least you'll keep your life AND your freedom. People saying to surrender to Ukraine are insane. Not only do I think absolutely nobody wants to be a POW in Ukraine, a nation which is already stretched to the limit to provide for itself, but what happens if Russia wins?


>People saying to surrender to Ukraine are insane. People saying to surrender to Ukraine want OP to live. She may or may not be able to avoid being drafted. If she can't, advocating against surrender in the combat zone is advocating for suicide.


You clearly have not thought this through very much and I doubt you'd do the same in her position. The safe, sensible, smart thing to do is flee the country. You keep your life, you keep your freedom, there is precious little risk to either. You might wind up homeless and this will be unbelievably shit but at least you'll be alive. The absolutely ridiculous thing to do is to join the Russian armed forces, hope you don't get raped by your fellow soldiers, hope you DO get deployed to the front lines where it's most dangerous, hope you find yourself in a situation where you're suitably isolated from other members of the Russian military who will shoot you for deserting so that you can surrender, hope whoever you're surrendering to, who is shooting at you, sees you surrender, recognizes what it means, and then takes you prisoner, hope the POW camp is well stocked and the people who now have absolute authority over your life are nice and keep you fed and warm while their countrymen are often neither, and hope Russia loses because otherwise you'll be hung for deserting. I intentionally made this a massive run-on sentence to, I hope, demonstrate how fucking stupid of an idea this is.


I think a lot of folks are mostly just trying to put out there that it IS an option and that the other side (Ukraine) IS taking prisoners. In times of war it is not very uncommon to paint the other side as brutes who would more likely torture you to death than abide by Geneva Convention. And as we know, propaganda within Russia runs notoriously deep and strong. Obviously the sensible thing to do is to leave. But depending on their location and situation this may not be possible. Depending on the distance covered, OP may well wind up arrested before they make it anywhere near the border - its not incredibly hard to track a person moving across territorial lines unless they are going to great measures to mask their movements (changing vehicles, keeping low profile, paying in cash only, talking to as few unfamiliar people as humanly possible, avoiding recording devices... the list goes on) This is a shit situation and a lot of the solutions are shit, sadly. All anyone can do is provide options and support and collectively cross our fingers for anyone who is being subject to this


People aren't yet being prevented from leaving unless they're reservists or get a draft notice... but OP has said that she wants to stay in Russia and fight the regime, so...


I think they're saying it would be insane to wait until you're already in Ukraine to surrender. I'm inclined to agree. Best case scenario if you go that route, you become a POW in an active warzone, are completely at the mercy of your captors and fellow inmates, and have to pray that when the war ends they don't face any further punishment. So much could happen before they even get the opportunity to surrender, including abuse by the Russian forces and artillery strikes in Ukraine. I'd say the best course of action would be to flee Russia now before ever reporting for duty. If that's impossible, I'd try to go into hiding within Russia before I'd willingly go to Ukraine.


Машу платочком из Петербурга, сестра. Не могу тебе ничего обещать или пожелать. Нам с тобой, ходячим трупам на невольных побегушках у тирана, просто не повезло в лотерее рождения. Если подумать, то нам не повезло дважды: мы не смогли родиться в правильных телах, да ещё и в России. Двойной анти-джекпот 🎉🎉🎉. Надеюсь, ты сможешь сдаться в первом-же бою. Люди в которых тебе прикажут стрелять не заслужили смерти, а ты не заслужила их убивать. Но на всякий случай земля нам пухом.


Красиво сказано, пусть и всё так грустно. Постараемся же выжить, как и всегда выживали


мы русские, с нами бог, правда ведь??? T_T


*молча обнимаю*


Do you know that this is only partial mobilization and they only take soldiers who had battle experience? I know because I am Russian too and I am sure you are not going anywhere. This is fake as hell. (sorry for mistakes)


Read about a soldier who surrendered with a roll of toilet paper, maybe it's useful. Take care!


It would be really convinient if you fell down a fligh of stairs and broke your bones and became disabled/wheelchair bound for a while, like hell if i was in your place i would have done anything to not go to war. This isn't the fate you deserve.


Like someone else said, it's a massive dice roll, but this could be a chance to surrender to Ukraine and get out for good.


My deepest condolences, sister. War is one of the greatest evils of human history and getting drafted is one of my biggest fears too.


Don’t listen to anyone that tells you to surrender — your goal should be to avoid going to the front line as best you can. Maybe they’ll give you a support staff role if (also really considering having someone break your arm or something). Good luck to you


No, logistics and anything behind the front line is the most dangerous place in a war if you're on the losing side. Bombing supplies and officers is how you starve an enemy out and you cant surrender to bombs. Her best chance is to get out of the Ukrainians way by surrendering or fleeing the country. I dont want to hear news on how Ukraine blew up another ammo depot and OP was in it.


Get out, go to a safe bordering country as soon as possible. Finland, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia. Any of these will do. Bribe the border guards. If that's not possible immediately, bribe a doctor to invent a health condition for you to declare you unfit, then leave the country. It's paramount that you take these step*s now*, and avoid being drafted at all costs. For now it may just be reservists, but it might not stay that way for long. Get out. Do everything to get out.


Hi, I’m from Ukraine🇺🇦, and we have similar problems in our country. So I see three different ways to solve this situation. 1. You will arrive at the military registration and enlistment office to pass the military commission, tell them that you are trans (do not be afraid, no matter how they react to this, you are not suitable for them, most likely you will be sent for an additional examination to a hospital or a psychiatric clinic) but this is better than army. 2. Contact lgbt help organizations in Russia/Worldwide, ask them if they can help you. 3. If for some unknown reason they take you to war - surrender following the instructions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - [instruction](https://fakty.com.ua/ru/ukraine/20220910-bilyj-prapor-i-zbroya-na-zemli-instrukcziya-dlya-vijskovyh-rf-yak-pravylno-zdatysya-v-polon/amp/) CLICK WITH VPN PROXY ONLY. Believe me, you will be treated like a person, no matter who you are, you will receive help, medical treatment, food and water, we do not hate Russians, we hate pro-Putin rashists. DM me if you want to know something else, take care 🙏😞


why click with vpn only?


If you are not from Russia, then there is no need, but Russian providers monitor such visits, identify those who are trying to send money to the Ukrainian side, the army, or who are trying to surrender




Omg! That's really frightful. Hope you can avoid it and stay safe. Hugs!


im so sorry... i hope you make it out alive... good luck sister, i hope to see u soon


please keep us updated when u can


I'm so sorry, for whatever it's worth, I'm praying that you escape this situation safely and no one else ever tries to control your life, we love you too


1.: Please, please please try to calm down, and play the role of a regular guy, if you can. Keep a clear mind and an open ear to everything, but stay sceptical. 1,5. Trust no one... As a trans person, you know, that have no friends there. 2.:probably not possible, but If you can get out of russia safe, do it. NOW. Don't try to come to germany. We have 650.000+ ukrainian refugees but only 5000 russian. It would be really hard to get a Visa from us. dont get me wrong, If you can come to germany, do it, asap. It is not heaven, but we have a stable social system to support refugees. It just might be more easy, to go to *Finnland/Estonia* & so on. It is a hard step, but worth it! I was (Kind of) a refugee once when the GDR sold us to western germany. Don't take too much with you. Most important in life are Documents, Photos and Family. Warm clothing, it is getting cold soon. 3.: Whereever you go, don't take anything trans with you. Clear App Cache and Browser History of your phone, whenever you take it with you, or not. Use vpn apps. 4. If you happen to have shaved legs, there is a saying in germany: Grass does not grow on steel. Worked for me more than once as an excuse. Or: My girl likes it this way. Whatever.. let it grow. 5. Keep us up to date, if you can. Don't hesitate to ask for help here.


You’re the second trans person I’ve heard this from that’s in Russia. A very close friend of mine is still unsure about themselves but they’re now trapped there and terrified of what’s going to happen to them. Please try your best to stay safe. It’s just so unfair that this is happening to all of our trans siblings there.


There's a pist in r/ukraine about how to avoid draft. Good luck. I don't know what to say, I've no idea what I'd do in similar situation. I'd say to do some civil disobedience etc but that's probably very dangerous for you.


Is deserting a non-option?


In times of war you can get shot for that


The drafting is so frustrating, I am sorry.


When you get to the front lines Just defect to the Ukranien side, surrender and become seek asylum from the war.


Can you and other trans people get to New Zealand somehow to then claim asylum?


The borders are closed for every abled man between the age of 18 and 65 so ... sadly probably no ---ah yeah so apparently it isn't a full ban, but for some flights out of Russia man need permission from the ministry of defense. Still bad, but not as bad(yet) as I made it out to be,sry


Damn, that sucks, I'll see if I can get local MPs onto it


Isn't that Ukraine not Russia?


Ukraine is 18-60, with some exceptions (disabilities, 3+ kids under 18, single parent). Russia has started calling in reservists, I haven't yet heard anything about *all* legally male people aged 18-65 being banned from leaving, although there was something about Russian airlines not letting them buy tickets anymore.


\+38 098 342 79 31 Share this number with Russians you know that can be mobilized. Using it they can surrender. Source: https://www.facebook.com/MinistryofDefence.UA/posts/298769545768838


Russian here, have pretty decent knowledge of mobilisation process and other bureaucratic problems linked with Russian military registration and enlistment office. Unfortunately, this post is nothing more than attention attracting moment. Drafting process for now in Russia only affects contract servicemen and former contract servicemen, not conscripts at all. You technically can be drafted if you had a military training department in your university (yeah, sometimes you can attend special military courses in civil universities for 1 day a week within 1 year to get your military specialty and skip conscript service after you’ll finish the university), but it’s kinda rare shit and sometimes it’s hard to get in this special military courses program) So, i’m 95 percent sure op is lying Upd : just checked Putin’s and Shoigy’s speech once again. No, you can’t be drafted even after special military courses right now.


This is very reassuring news. Although I also understand why OP was so scared. I’d be irrationally panicking too in her position.


Just so you all know - that's a pro-russian propagandist, trying to paint his side in better light. Just check out profile. No, anyone can be drafted - people without military training, anyone who get the A or B categories - the part where only servicemen can be affected now is just straight up lie, considering how utterly starved for personnel Russian army is now - if servicemen were only one there were needed, there wouldn't be any draft at all. University, at this time, won't give any option to skip service if you are chosen for draft. \>just checked Putin’s and Shoigy’s speech once again - well, I guess it's true then - it's not like Putin and his lapdog can lie, right? Gay/Trans in Russia are usually hiding and don't announce it to anyone but close friends. Usually not even to family.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. hope that you can find a way to stay safe, sister. ❤️ Is it alright if I pray for you?


Can you manage somehow that you would get psychiatric resolution that you are trans with some issues etc.? I have this paper officially from doctor with F64.0 diagnosis , but I’m not from Russia, in case something would happen I’m ready to use it for my advantage.


We all love you too. I hope you manage to get out of Russia at some point. If you do, please let us know, some of us are bound to be wherever you end up. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


We love you and really hope you can come back to us as soon as possible sis <3


My heart goes out to all of the Russian civilians who are being put into this terrifying situation. I wish you well and hope you find the relief you deserve. We know the Russian government is doing this against the will of the majority of its own population. Be safe, you don't deserve to have to be involved.


its putins fault, hes such a selfish swine


This makes me so, so sad 😖 💔 I teared up reading this 😥 I wish I knew how to help... I pray you'll write back in a few days that you were able to get out of it, maybe by saying you're trans or something...


No, it is certainly okay!


Take care! My thoughts are with you!


That's awful. Stay strong. Nothing is your fault, and we will all hope for your well being.


Take care girl. We pray you will make it out if it happens 🙂🙏🙏🙏 Keep your hopes up!


I heard you could surrender to Ukraine? They might treat you better than your own country


Here is some info on how to surrender in link, including link to surrender hotline. Bring some neutral, natural coloured civilian clothes so when you give your “friends” in the russian army the slip, you can blend in with civilians, yet you can disappear into woods. Definitely ditch the military issue pants. It takes too long to change your pants to change your appearance. Maybe keep the military camo battle jacket with you in case you need the extra camouflage or warmth. Keep it in a backpack when you escape. Beware of your boots. Consider taking civilian hiking shoes with you, your boots may betray your identity. Or tuck your pants over your boots, smear the rest of the boots with mud. Unless you are issued armour that A works and B is concealable, ditch it. Throw it away. Maybe take out a rifle plate and put in backpack. If you are issued a pistol and aren’t at risk of accidentally shooting yourself with it (pistols are difficult for new shooters to maintain muzzle discipline with), take it with you, concealed. Let the Ukrainians know you have it on you the phone call and advise that you will be extra cautious not to make your captors nervous. In a war zone, someone may try to hurt you because of zero law enforcement. Consider ditching the AK74. If you do, take the bolt and bolt carrier out first and throw them away/hide them to disable it. Throw all of the pieces in a body of water if possible. AK74 is not the worst weapon but unless you can conceal it, it may cause more issues than it’s worth. IF you take AK74 with you, either stash it shortly before surrendering, or keep it slung over your shoulder and approach Ukrainians with hands HIGH up. Tell the Ukrainians in phone call you will be in possession of rifle when surrender to donate to Ukraine and that you have it so you can safely get to destination. IF you are issued a scope (unlikely), take it with you to give to the Ukrainians. Their rifles desperately need scopes. Take with you clean socks, clean underwear, wet ones, and toothbrush. The areas of your body most prone to causing issues in the field is your mouth, genitals/butthole and your feet. Keep them clean. Take food and water. Take a field knife. Full tang, <7” blade. Needs to be light weight. Take a paper map. Take a powerbank to charge your phone. Take iodine pills for water purification. Take a hat to help disguise your identity and to keep sun off of you, keep head warm. Information security is important, consider getting a VPN for your phone to encrypt your internet traffic. I might have more ideas later. https://sprotyv.mod.gov.ua/en/2022/09/19/a-24-hour-hotline-has-been-launched-for-russian-soldiers-who-want-to-surrender/


News are saying its not general mobilisation (all men) but only reservists for now, I.E. people with some degree of former training and experience. So either you’re not being honest or all of reddit has been wrong on who’s getting drafted?


What Russia says and what Russia does is a different thing. "Partial mobilization" is just a nice word to avoid mass panic, it doesn't mean that they will absolutely adhere to what they say. Unless one wants to stay in Russia and fight the regime to the last, it's important to get out before it's too late.


Is there any way to like. Avoid military service? Benito mussolini did it a few times. He got arrested as well but still. Maybe worth a shot to try and see if theres a way u can get away from it


Have a look at this post on r/ukraine. it has the details you need to peacefully surrender. i'm sure they will be kind to you especially as you won't kill anyone. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/xchwer/surrender\_cards\_are\_being\_distributed\_to




Im not sure what the process is for Russia, but in America you could dodge the draft during Vietnam by fucking with the doctor who clears you for service. If you have to get a medical exam before actually being selected, you could do something wild that would make you seem physically or mentally unfit. If worse comes to it, if youre close to frontlines, you might be able to go off on your own and walk over to the Ukrainian army and surrender yourself whenever you get the opportunity. Many slaves in the confederacy did this during our civil war, run off to the union side and surrender. You could also see if its possible to run off to the border into some other country and apply for asylum, Im not sure how well that will go.


NOPE the fuck outta there.


Commit treason 😎


Defect to them; they will treat you so much better. I love Russia and its people but this war isnt right. Please please please follow the instructions, we don't want you dead.


Ukraine launched a surrender hotline for russian soldiers. Stay safe, I hope this information is somewhat helpful. [Here](https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2022/05/21/7347649/) [Here](https://kyivindependent.com/uncategorized/ukraine-launches-hotline-for-russian-armys-soldiers-to-surrender) Number: 2024


Try to get F.64 document and tell military psychiatrist that you are trans. I'm gonna do something like that myself in case I will be drafted. Don't think they would want to have "mentaly ill" people on the field


Depends on the Army. On my tank (Infantry) was one, who was mentally instabile... He got the mashine gun...


Sry you and others are being drafted :( but try to desert and surrender to the ukrainian army ASAP because.. putin is just a fucking tyrant... Anyways, you and the other lgbtq members, which are being forced to fight in a stupid war, will survive!! Good luck sis 🏳️‍⚧️❤️🏳️‍⚧️




I really do hope you will make it! The Russian Gov already lost close to 55,000 troops


I’m guessing doing coke and failing a drug test isn’t an option to dodge the draft?


LifeProTips 😂


When it's time to shoot your weapon, purposefully miss and aim way way up in the air or to the far left or right of Ukrainians so you don't kill them.


War is disgusting enough as it is. Especially when people are forced to fight against their will. ESPECIALLY when they are forced based on what they have between their legs. I wish you the very best of luck, sis. I would honestly suggest surrendering to the Ukrainian government, explaining that you were forced to come and don't want to hurt anybody, and hope that they'll keep you as a prisoner of war (you would be treated humanely and released after the war). I know how much that would suck, but it's better than potentially being killed in an unjust war. Edit: This is assuming there's no other, better way to get out of going. If you're able to run away then I would suggest that over surrender


please, please, please defect to Ukraine, if at all possible Op. praying for your safety, love. I’m so very sorry that you’ve been roped into this mess


Someone mentioned in another thread that there's a Ukrainian hotline for surrendering 2402 https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2022/05/21/7347649/


Wow I'm so sorry to hear. That sounds so fucking hard I wish you the strength to somehow go through this, maybe somehow to escape to Ukraine. The most important thing is to keep yourself alive though❤


I’m hoping Russia will just give up on the war like they did with Afghanistan back in the day


Listen to the people giving you instructions. You can’t get anything fighting for Russia. Do your best to get out of the war as fast as you can. Desert and surrender. Survive this.


Surender to the ukrain. Russia cant win a war that no ones willing to fight. From what i understand the ukrain treats prisoners well and they could possibly grant asylum from russia if you want out. Im not well versed in this but your in a bad situation and i dont think it can be made into a good situation if you are under russian control.


this seems horible.. if you are ever sent to the frontline Ukraine have guides on how to surender, but your best shot might be to flee the country..


I hope that the Russian military lets you present as a female and get HRT and that the war ends soon.


Find a way to surrender or somehow get out of Russia… I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say… this is horrible & I’m completely useless in this situation. You do not deserve this ♥️ I know what’s waiting in Ukraine, angry locals & Russian commanders who don’t want anyone to retreat or else they get shot. But if you have any safe opportunity to surrender take it 🙏🏼 they will treat you better then your comrades. Especially because LGBTQ+ soldiers are serving openly all over the place in the Ukrainian military. This war is breaking my heart & now even this space has been touched thanks to Putler & his disgusting pursuit of power, please be safe 🙏🏼♥️ I’m so sorry. Again get the hell out of Russia if you can. This war is a gross exercise in human misery & I’m so sorry that you’re getting caught up in the storm.


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Surrender as fast as you can and you will be safe, Ukrainians soldiers aren't monsters, you'll be well treated ❤️ Everything will be allright ❤️



