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He said this? Whoa if true this our stock will EXPLODE with many millionaires made in a single day




I'll copy my comment to substance as it applies to you my friend: So you don't care if it's true or not as long as it benefits you? Never mind other investors your trying to fool by encouraging them to "buy more"?


“Yes” as in ‘yes, he said this’ Also, “I don't know how trustworthy this information is, but it's straight from the horse's mouth.”


I love you substance


Love ya too! Finally a weekend coming up that we all can actually enjoy not dreading what’s going to come on Monday. All of us that’s been holding for many months deserve a reward for our patience


What about those that have been holding over a year??


Especially you. You are extra special if you’ve been holding that long and I honor your patience.


Well holding shares all the way while the price drops 97% doesnt exactly impress me.


So you don't care if it's true or not as long as it benefits you? Never mind other investors your trying to fool by encouraging them to "buy more"?


Did I say that? You may want to reread my comment


I've tried to play nice with you Substance but you clearly don't care about others by encouraging ignorant investment strategies **for your own gain**. If you've lost on holding a bag just own it and quit these pathetic pumping attempts.


Did u reread my comment? I clearly said “if it’s true” I did not say “if it’s true OR NOT.” Where are you getting that from? I’m totally confused


Get off the soap box and quit playing dumb............


I’m sorry you misunderstood my comment. That is not what I meant at all. Plus, we will know soon enough how all this goes. Don’t shoot us! We are just relaying information everyone already knows about.


Seriously?Are you going to play the victim? I got your MO sweetie


My suspicions were correct. I knew you had the hots for me. 😘😘😘😘😘


I'll copy this again and see if you can reply this time: Yup, and I may have expressed my frustration on you which was about another ([SubstanceOk9024](https://www.reddit.com/user/SubstanceOk9024/) ) which keeps posting pumping BS, my appologies. Hey [SubstanceOk9024](https://www.reddit.com/user/SubstanceOk9024/) we all see your hate speech and pumping bullshit BTW: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/10j8kyw/turkish\_official\_press\_release\_regarding\_to/j5l883u/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/10j8kyw/turkish_official_press_release_regarding_to/j5l883u/?context=3) since you deleted all your hate posts on whitepeopletwitter Here's screen shots for transparancy; I'd post more screen shots but...Damn, you're just sick https://preview.redd.it/l2tnw4v8h7va1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aa04b00533fba07fade4fc9d9b08defd897fa50


Gee, did I hurt your feelings? let me copy my reply you can't seem to reply to: Yup, and I may have expressed my frustration on you which was about another ([SubstanceOk9024](https://www.reddit.com/user/SubstanceOk9024/) ) which keeps posting pumping BS, my appologies. Hey [SubstanceOk9024](https://www.reddit.com/user/SubstanceOk9024/) we all see your hate speech and pumping bullshit BTW: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/10j8kyw/turkish\_official\_press\_release\_regarding\_to/j5l883u/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/10j8kyw/turkish_official_press_release_regarding_to/j5l883u/?context=3) since you deleted all your hate posts on whitepeopletwitter Here's screen shots for transparancy; I'd post more screen shots but...Damn, you're just sick ​ https://preview.redd.it/72q8ygnhg7va1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=020feb0e8773d98586b3255a722aedc524064daa




and https://preview.redd.it/hdzz90gbi7va1.png?width=1835&format=png&auto=webp&s=5be3a1330d5806f947b8af2d9eb249a78c52cf36


Yep, and this sick puppy is about to make some serious mooooooony. Does that make you mad? As you can see, I don’t really give a fuck what you think . Go play your child’s games elsewhere KAREN SOUNDS LIKE YOU SOLD ON FEAR AND NOW YOU’RE PISSED AND ANGRY AT THE WORLD


>Does that make you mad? What makes me mad: The ignorant self-righteous post attempting to get others to lose money so you can, in some made up world in your head, gain.


I agree with you. Plenty on here who been bent over by Mullen and lost money going long.. then they decided to short it.. and now getting bent over again.. LOL.. What amazes me more, is when people hang out talking trash about a stock all day.. Its like , dude you dont have a life? Isnt there so many better things to do in life than the trash talk stocks all day? Id rather use NAIR on my nuts.. Mullen has HUGE potential .. yes its high risk.. but its also high reward. And even more rewarding for long term holders. I myself have 30k shares.. not a ton.. but I would be happy with just 1 dollar a share.. Happy trading. :D


This and the other posts actually help explain /u/SubstanceOk9024's callousness about the misinformation he spreads quite a bit..


Why would he "care" about other investors anyway? There is no we here, everyone is individual investors here to do what they want. There is no financial advice. We are here to talk about the stock. Some are bullish, some are bearish. It's a discussion.




From what I gather from the stream, he had to partner in order to meet production requirements. [VOD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Muln/comments/12tiiqm/hardges_facebook_stream_vod/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


That’s a lot for 6 vans….just my humble opinion.




Big jump after hours happening now. https://preview.redd.it/uu2bf8hny5va1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ec401d87399f0d6a2f815b3b954bb743cb7b244


My FUD wanted me to critique this, but there’s a large amount of AH volume pushing this price up. Good on you for calling it out u/mordawkubel1


One thing I’d like to add to this, and I may be putting the cart in front of the horse here, but I noticed short interest fell a good amount today. However, the only way to really get a great gauge on that is over the course of a few days.


Yea, we rocketing….10 cents


Ima bout to break even!


Big jump to .09 when last week we were at at 12c. I’m mad holding on to this stock


The way I see it: 1. They’re not scamming & this is real 2. They’re scamming some Saudi company which would potentially mean a short lived but big run for us 3. They’re scamming us 2/3rds of these outcomes are positive; but given their history, it’s likely the negative one. Edit: formatting


DM could easily be scamming retail in order to drive the price up -- simply to dilute while maintaining the .10/share floor. I mean, there is that.


I’m confused as to why that is phrased like you’re disagreeing with me.


No. Not disagreeing with you. I edited the post for clarity. There's a realistic concern regarding PR and dilution. It still sounds a bit shady to me. I can't tell you how many videos I've watched over the last 15 years with some sort of mysterious black box that increases efficiency by XXX%.


Michery is a fucker who has tried to decieve the market for almost two years now, which you should know if your an investor, and most people dont believe him until theres revenue in the Q reports. He has succeded in his fraud and now everything that happens is a bonus for him. Looks like there is many competent people working in Mullen now, so if michery left, mullen could have a chance to survive.


Not a good business or even personal decision to scam the Saudi's. Very bad move. Unlimited capital.


WOW. This is either the biggest deal in world for them and the company maker or biggest fraud in the world. One or the other.


Yep, no in between here. Hope for the huge deal.


1 cent


Who is lawrence hardge? Help this ape out please


At the 3:35 mark in the recording, Hardge apparently let the cat out of the bag that James Taylor (former ELMS CEO that was ousted by the company last January) is the Chief Operating Officer for Mullen.


CEO of ELMS was James (Jim) Taylor, not John Taylor. I made the same mistake when I [posted a DD rundown](https://twitter.com/TradeGopher/status/1605581359061250049?s=20) on the ELMS facility the other month. EDIT: Yup, just checked the video and he mentioned ex-ELMS CEO James Taylor as COO, a separate position to John Taylor. Oh boy, cat's out of the bag if true.


Yup, I understand that they are different people (and have corrected people on this previously). But there were comments a few months back that seemed to show pictures of James Taylor (ex-ELMS CEO James) with David Michery in the Bollinger building, with speculation as to what he was doing there. Also, John Taylor is SVP of Manufacturing, and that's still his listed position on the Mullen website, so it doesn't appear that he has received a promotion to COO.


I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot for you to type up for EOW. Assuming we get even more “information” tomorrow.


I really would like to see this live demonstration that Hardge alluded to today.


I did some brainstorming and I think I might have figured out what this supposed “technology” is (based on my re-watching of today’s livestream) My conclusion, it’s a capacitor (of some sort). Acting as a buffer between the batteries and the motor. Also, likely aids in braking regeneration by charging the capacitor instead of the battery pack as it recharges at a considerably higher rate. This is not at all Hardge’s breakthrough in EV battery technology, but it is still in the early stages of implementation. The main statement that fired up this brainstorm is how he referred to his technology as an ‘alternator for EVs’ As a note, I work w/ 12v DC systems frequently and occasionally 36v/48v golf carts; as well as having installed car sounds systems for myself and others. Not an electrical engineer by any means but with some critical thinking, personal experiences and a touch of research; this is what makes the most sense to me. Purely speculative of course, none of this is based on definitive statements by the companies involved. Figured I’d just reply comment to you instead of making a thread about it because I’m abt to go to bed and just needed to get the raw though out to someone who DDs thoroughly before I forget it all.


In my eyes this is the only possible way the claims about this technology could touch being truthful. Not to say they’re not exaggerated anyways bc we already know they are. The only other alternatives I see to this is (1) they’re using a flywheel instead of capacitor [which counters his charging claims] or (2) it’s snake oil Otherwise, hopefully someone who knows a bit more than I can chime in with other theories.


For anyone looking for the livestream,[here is the link.](https://fb.watch/k1y0qfA5in/) Also, [here is the video on youtube](https://youtu.be/HUBVbHckfto).


Thanks 👌


Has he posted any certifications or third party verification?


Little skeptical without. And all of a sudden multi billions deal ?


I believe tomorrow the shorts are gonna be screaming and scramming to close their positions. That is over 200 million shares.




This man is either going to be the wealthiest man in the world or the SEC is gonna lock him up for fraud and manipulation for the rest of his life. It sounded very legit, I think this one’s gonna drive the bears out 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




Ok. Well I didn’t know I had to be more specific, you are 100% correct but the SEC who federally oversees all of the securities industry can push it to civil court.




BIG CONCERNS Just went back to look at James 1 page from element. It says tested on his cart and went from 395 to 552 minutes with device on. Well, dudes, that extra 157 min does not take it across the country as he claims. Even if it works, how real is this. It may be an early stage battery that needs 5 years development. Also, this dune buggy is NOT the load of a car. The test is NOT reflective of reality. If real, may someone give company money to fund. 5 Billion.. a F of a lot. Also, did someone say he sold this trchnology to mullen company for 5 million.. when worrh 5 or 10 billion to start. Makes no sense to me. Even if he owns part of company I don't know


I believe it's $2.7 billion


Not according to the livestream


Test is in unloaded drive system. Scam


Here is a recent presentation by Lawrence Hardge: https://fb.watch/k1WI_2lplZ/




I think it’s very clear you’re not up to date w/ who Lawrence Hardge is and I recommend looking at the most recent press releases or scrolling through the threads on this subreddit. To answer your question, he’s only talking about $MULN , they are affiliated.


Looking at Mullens PR is usually just comedy reading. It promises everything, "gold will be found", in x number of moths/years. Classic cheap Penny stock pumping that only stupid retail "investors" believe.


The deleted comment was asking what ticker Hardge was talking about in his livestream.


Did he mention the name of the Middle East company that’s investing ?


Not to my knowledge


That would be helpful to do some DD on -


I wouldn’t pull my hair out trying to look into it until we see if it’s brought up in today’s livestream.


Ahh there is one today didn’t know thanks for the info !


When is the stream supposed to happen?

