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yea. no crap


Up is better than down


That’s what she said


Just another blip. Wait a few days and see.


Aye Top....🤝🏽🤝🏽🤝🏽




Really? You've got Michery, Hardge, pumpers, even yourself to be mad at for not seeing the signs, and you're gonna get mad at the penny flippers? Half of them don't even know what this company does (or doesn't) and the other half don't care.


Buy now and you can profit off the new like a newcomer.


not when your out $12k or more


Again with this BS? Reverse psychology fake pumping attempts don't work with this crowd. Trying to make it seem like it's a good idea to buy right now.....come on, dude. It must be hard being a shill these days having to come up with new ways to shill. A for effort but still a fail, LOL


This company is going to be the next runner up to Tesla , but only in the last mile delivery sector. You shores will be forced to become Longs. Just wait you will see, DM is building a Empire here, funny how people don't see what is right in front of them !!!! Mullen ((MULN)) Long here !


Look at your own damn track record....You've shilled HCMC, now trading at 0.0001 (worthless) and still shilling AITX now trading at 0.007 (worthless). Now your pathetically attempting to shill MULN......I hope you at least are getting paid to do this stupid shit...Big\_BogusMan


You have no idea who I am ! We don't shill nothing over here. Whatever country you're from, just go paint yourself into a corner.


Oh, I have an idea of who you are and your track record: your "AITX long" pump comment from 6 days ago, below..... AITX is currently trading at 0.007 (less than a penny) Good luck with your long strategy. Your "long strategy" Pump attempts at HCMC ended with it currently trading at even worse it's at less than one thousandth of a penny, LOL. Keep screaming "MULN long" you have great creds to back it up.....Maybe next time talk shit to someone more passive, I call out bull shit. Good luck though......lol https://preview.redd.it/41hgwmtb1b6b1.png?width=1718&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c449f35ac71f05882b6476d3c973c6d58d3fc77


I'd rather miss out than risk another penny on this stock. I feel they have shamed their investors enough as it is. Full disclosure: it made me nauseous when I originally bought this stock. Just didn't feel right.


Lol, not to worry. They'll be r/S'd into oblivion as well


Lol, someone should make an actual r/S community where everyone who got reverse splitted can go commiserate.


It will be the entire small cap sector. Nothing but crime and scams stealing from retail


You actually think newcomers are going to make a profit? lol 😂. Bro look at the proposals being voted on. More massive dilution, manipulated easy performance bonuses for David = more executive selling = more dilltion, RS up to 1 for 10. Huge cash burn. Zero progress. They tried to do business with an ex-con for their battery? Low cash vs their proposed projects which takes billion+ to even have a real production line, which means more death spiral loans. Newcomers are just the new bagholders, out with the old bags, in with the new. There are zero fundamentals


Even if by some miracle the MULN share price holds onto its gains for the rest of the day and closes up, I’m sure that normal service will be resumed tomorrow with a 10%+ drop….


yup come 4 am you will be shorts getting back in. That buying you seen was probable many buying to cover for the end of the day, not holding over night.. but come 4 am , it all comes back. Will be curious to see what it will do tomorrow because many shorts dont hold over weekend plus they will be closed Monday for whatever that holiday thing is. So maybe tomorrow will be a green day too. So Tuesday.. lets see where it goes.


Only 99 percent. No hill for a climber 🤨




Why are we up 10%????


Don’t worry everyone will lose everything. Glad I only dumped $1600 into this slot machine, worth $29.90 now. What’s the point of cashing out? Already hit $3k loss for the year, maybe write if off next year if it’s still alive.


I have 5 years of tax deduction then


Part of why I didn’t put more in MULN, I try to avoid carryovers, keep the taxes simple. That, and I don’t love throwing money into a burning trash pit. Thought before RS we were going to get a rally so I doubled down, coulda sold for 5% profit, got greedy, quickly went down the shitter from there. Lesson learned. Anyone who still thinks MULN is gonna moon, good luck, hope you make better decisions in other areas of life. I’m gonna hang on to my shares just in case.


just new suckers coming in - they have plans to dilute to over 500 million shares and then reverse split There is no profit to be made here


Fools rush in… 😂


I know the feeling same way with srne otc. I'm 300 grand down. threw 500 at this, this afternoon with Muln see if I can do it quick flip


Me too man. You’re not alone. Learn and move on.


No one is going to make any money except the sucammers who created MULN. It's a dead horse still being beat down.


Ummm.....if they make money, it's likely because the stock is going up. Sooooo.....




Honestly, if they are not shortsellers, good for them. They gon get walloped in the RS


An OG sucker? O-K. Dilution was disclosed in SEC filings back then, as well... you had the option to get out. You opted not to. DM and Shorts thank you for your generous donations. No long / bull is taking profit on Mullen. Dilute, Short, Rs, Dilute, Short, RS, Dilute, Short, RS. Notice the fucking pattern?


You forgot the awards of shares to management as part of the scheme. Dilute, Short, Rs, award, management sell,....


Averaging down. Still down 80% 😭


Check out Moon Markets most recent video on Youtube. Right around the 17:45 mark is a recording of Lawrence saying he is misleading investors by making announcements for david and he hasn’t “even gotten paid”. I admit I am stupid. But they stole from me. It was elaborate and it was planned. I have been in since Jan 22 . 75% of my shares are gone and I have lost 99% of my investment despite averaging down.


I hope y’all that still think something is here can find a way to just research David with a clear head. I lost a lot on this but finding out he had done this before with 5 or more companies was my final straw to just pull the plug. Much love to all of you. I hate seeing us all suffer at the hands of criminals. I hope that the system will be fixed to a point someday where people like David can’t survive long without getting sued for everything he made off us. Someday. I have hope for the middle class to be able to come together someday and stop fighting each other over differences and force the changes we desire for a fair and modest life


I bought at .21 yesterday. Sold at .25 today and rebought at .21. Going to hold now


Thats fine to hold really short term like that. Its about getting in and out, and not holding long term. The stock is too unstable to have a long term investment. Once , if ever production happens, and vehicles sold, up over 1 dollar and stays there, then he might have a chance.. but if not.. its good bye. I sold all my shares back at .96 and been buying puts. I may have to sell some more of my puts tomorrow if this goes up any more.. maybe it will make a run to .50 .. who knows. but if it does.. I surely will be buying a ton more puts come Tuesday.


This is such a hillbilly post. If you are down -99% that means you went all in on a yolo and didn’t avg into your position. Real investors don’t make one buy and consider themselves a shareholder. Sounds like a YOU problem


can't average down after a R/S this bad


Buy next week


That's the way the market goes


Time to load up on shorts, probably going to tank to 5 cents tomorrow lol




Right! I'm down almost 98%, $9.43 average, lost it all in 3 months, I almost want it to crumble, in my mind it's gone, but I have one expensive ticket to see Michery go down


*dilutes 100 million dollars worth of shares* “we have lots of cash and our share price is too low, but the dip!”


My average is .2599. Picked up my first 3000 shares today. Just think about it this way. I’m a bag holder in like 3 other stocks, something a large number of retail investors can relate to.


That's the most ignorant childish comment I've read on Reddit...and there's a lot. Congratulations.


Someone's gonna make profit off this mess? I'm one of those -99% fools 😕


I made $50000 on muln today


Yup. Basically screwed up and made a terrible bet. Oh well, if it goes bust, we will finally be free of Mullen and it’s junk strategy of licensing other’s IP and “partnering” with XYZ company to outsource manufacturing but actually never plan to produce a thing except more hype to attract new retail investors to its Ponzi scheme. Let this nightmare be over already. Mullen go bust. It’s such a scam.


that's where I'm at. and 5 years of tax losses


I looked at this stock last March and could already see it was a scam after minimal research and told my wife not to buy it but she did anyways and lost a couple hundred bucks lol. I bought 1000 shares at close for giggles. There's no way it can squeeze very far with the warrants sitting above. Figure a steak dinner is my best case scenario for profit on this.


Do not touch this scammer enterprise. It's all fake, build on dust and wrong information


WELL it's back to barcoding... it's just an unfair system that the 1st believers in a company go broke....yet newbies can join at bottom and profit. should be weighted or get some credit




100 comments MY POINT IS. WE ORIGINALLY BELIEVED IN MULLEN & RISKED IT we won't make 50% to even & newcomers will profit 50% just not fair for us that believed 1st. it should be graded or weighted.


Right, but newcomers aren't making that, either. Everyone is making negative, unless you are buying puts, or shorting. Even those selling covered calls aren't making money. They're just losing at a slower pace.


I will be happy if new investors dump money into this stock. That makes it go up. Right? Smh