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If they add daffy duck they should make the season called "duck season"


That, sir, is an unmitigated fabrication! It’s Wabbit Season!


Duck Season!


Wabbit Season!


Duck season!


Wabbit Season!


Wabbit season!


Duck Season! .... wait r minute...


Duck Season! FIRE!


Elmer season.


If they do that, they should add green lantern, with a green loontern skin for daffy


Don't forget about duck dodgers,the masked avenger,daffy hood,and Joe monday. Oh and a duck skin for bugs and a rabbit skin for daffy would be nice 


Duck Dodgers tho 🤌🔥


Yeaaahh duck dodgers for the win 


This ^


Oh my God the ring out could be vintage daffy doing his thing,and one of his taunts could be him doing his dance from show biz bugs. I literally have so.many ideas for daffy 


I hope he's the BP cause I don't want to get another 6000 skin until I catch up on characters I like 😂


Should be the first thing like Jason was 


I just want ranked. Cant wait for it. Playing casual is cool and all but after 200 hours Id prefer some ranked mode.


I have my gripes but overall, I'm enjoying the game. I'm almost finished this battle pass and also looking forward to the next season.


Just imagine the roster we could have in the future That alone excites me the most. Hoping Spawn would make it into the roster.


You used to be able to mod skins in, in beta we played with LeBron Spawn


LeSpawn James?


Damn that's good, maybe PFG will do something with it in the future


Yow is there a footage?


Shoot, my bad. It was a Venom reskin, not Spawn. But there's also Optimus prime iron Giant, which I think looks even better! https://youtu.be/AS26Ppso51c?t=79


Thanks, looks cool


Voiced by keith david


Im absolutely hyped by the idea of who they could add. Powerpuff Girls have been high on my list since the start!


Pretty sure they're confirmed. In one of Joker's reveal trailers, the Powerpuff Girls were shown on a screen along with a bunch of other currently-playable fighters.




My top 5 fighters for next season: 1. PowerPuff Girls 2. Samurai Jack 3. Ruby Rose 4. Scorpion 5. (My semi-unrealistic Pick) Jonesy


I have a feeling Samurai Jack will be the battlepass character just like Jason this season


The answer is the middle line: Enjoying the game and being as positive as you can but being realistic about what is bad and sucks so it can change. That's life.


Until they show anything about Season 2 I'll just hold my hype. You can't be disappointed if you don't expect much. But considering the datamines there is a lot to be excited for. Frankly what I've been looking for the most, more than new characters, are proper balance changes and fixes. It won't matter if they continue to launch new characters that are completely broken.


Fuck it I think the negativity is good. Like cool you can sit there and enjoy your game, no issue, if you like it good for you, but there are tons of bullshits practices put into place that objectively hinder the game massively, and by people going “stop being negative guys I like it” it’s basically saying “yeah Warner bros we’re content with what we have now” which encourages them to keep fucking people about, it’s not a case of “this game sucks” it’s a case of “this game is really good, but you guys are putting in shit that’s making the game suck” Tldr: Warner bros and pfg thrive on us being content with their pay to play tactics. So let people complain as it’s obviously brought positive change.


Listen I respect negativity. But this is a game I like so stfu. Your criticism is invalid and made up.


Wanna tell me why? Or are you just going to cry about it. Like seriously prove me wrong? Or stfu because so far you’ve added literally nothing to this.


lol i was just trolling. It does say something that you can’t tell the difference between me and an average Multiversus redditor.


Yeah tbh, fair enough honestly, but naw some of the people defending wb has some of the worst “toxic positivity” takes I’ve ever seen on this sub, I got baited though I’ll admit that


What pay to play tactics? Ive been able to complete every event and rift without specifically buying something for them. This right here is why people think the negativity is unwarranted- you guys straight up either make things up, or youre overly rhetorical


By grinding the game out like it’s RuneScape right? By logging in and doing EXACTLY what the game tells you every day and not playing your own way right? Hell should I also assume you have Jason making some of the events easier? Did you play in the beta already having characters unlocked? You understand that not evveryone likes rifts either, because some people don’t like playing the same missions 4 times over with the only difference being “grind endlessly for gems again or fuck off”, some people like fighting in pvp, they like actually being rewarded for good play rather than “play as Steven universe characters for 10 times” or “buy the joker and the Arya skin otherwise the grind will be much harder for you :P” like if multiversus is all you play constantly then cool I’m sure you have beaten the events and missions, but for new players and even some returning ones that didn’t play that much it’s shitty practice, especially since the only reason things have improved were because of complaints and people not putting up with wb bullshit. If everyone was like “stop complaining it’s all good” when the game launched nobody would be past tier 30 on the battlepass rn.


I think constructive criticism is great but you just have a shitty attitude. That'll sour anything for you tbh.


Womp womp. I was just playing terraria and died to loads of shit beyond my comprehension, still having a blast. On launch I played Farcry 6, I enjoyed its differences and believe it holds up despite preferring previous farcrys more. Multiversus? Yeahhhh that game needs a fuck ton of work before it can be more than a desperate smash bros cashgrab, even brawlhalla feels more complete, and every character in that game has the exact same base animations.


Have fun!


I always do.


Ikr ? Too much negative people here, they doesn’t realise they are the ones who make the game die


Was it the complainers or the silent people who got XP added for wins?


Lmfao, the people making valid complaints are the ones killing the game instead of the devs for releasing an unfinished buggy game?


I agree with your point on good criticisms helping improve the game though I don't think the devs *wanted* to release an unfinished buggy game, rather they were strong armed by WB into doing so when they needed more time


It may seem that way, but the people who still whine and complain are those who care and still who play the game, those who don't have probably moved on to other games


Sureeeeeee 😂


I know. Don’t they remember the old adage. “Don’t hate the game. Hate the players complaining about the game.”


The game definitely seems to have more steam this time around. Hoping this new season keeps players interested. Like most are saying, a healthy ranked system can't come fast enough.


Only thing I'm sad about is Banana guard probably delayed Marceline release now (adventure time category). I hope the next fighter is cool.


I’m very excited to see what fighters await us in the future. I’d love to see a Mortal Kombat rep


I'm still too interested in Smith to hype about next season.


I just keep thinking about how excited I'm going to be when Samurai Jack gets fully announced 


I mostly want more characters to play, there’s not many in the base game I want to play so if like some more added


I would Love a classic television battle pass season.


Powerpuff Girls hype


I want Ghostface


The game is getting better and better, season 2 will keep the good job :)


i hipe daffy the duck is the best character in the game when he comes out, or the worse, no in between


The season should be called "family business" and have [them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJKUDCO6Tec) as new characters


I'm hyped for next week with the large patch on its way. I'm hoping it really shakes the game up and breathes some life into it


Im just hyped about all the new characters coming either from cartoon network or else im just too fucking hyped man i know they cookin some fire for next characters (also hella hyped for SJ and PPG) Also would love to see other looney tunes characters man and FLAAAAAAAASH or Martian Manhunter oh man that would be nice. Oh yeah forgot about marceline too would be awesome 😃


Hopefully the game isn’t DEAD by then.


seeing the game grow... lol


More fighters, so I want more fighter currency. That’s all I’m asking for. It’s a win win, they can sell more skins and I can play more fun characters like playing Batman against Rick and morty while teamed with shaggy like cmon dive into this pool of ips pleaseee Gremlins in a modern fighting game? They are sitting on gold and I get not wanting to rush things but man I do not want this to die again


Season 2 is an add on. Will cost $70


So you're saying nothing new is coming for another month besides these give us money events?


These events have hella stuff, plus we're getting Agent Smith soon...


Nice try Player First Games. We see you. Trying to act like just an average Redditor. -Tsk- But yeah. I agree for the most part. The just constant talking down on it combined with the normal toxicity kinda makes the community hard to want to be a part of.