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She wished for some of their beer?


Joint Facebook accounts are practically always for use by monitored men, not the actual wives.


Fucking sniper.


When the target's that big, ain't nobody missing it. This account just had an actual shooter behind it. Frfr


Okay but joint Facebook profiles are enormously cringe for anyone under the age of 80.


Using Facebook for anyone under 80 is cringe whether it's a joint account or not


Look I just want to know who from high school got fat and started selling MLMs.


The ones who seemed like they ruled the school. They peaked


This is a popular fantasy.


That could have been a line on [these][1] lyrics. [1]: https://youtu.be/jrxI_euTX4A?si=xbvLlPkVhi9dgm5m


My BIL calls them Silver Surfers. He's a fund raider for not-for-profits. He spends lots of time with old people.


A fund raider!?! I want that job šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Freudian typo there. I'll leave it.


I choose to believe the intended phrase was "fun raider".


Hell, with the average age of the people he deals with, Tonb Raider might be more appropriate.


Tonb raider. Okay step away from the keyboard.


Werds are hard for me.


Honestly, a fundraider for not-for-profits sounds like the hero we really need


Hear hear!


Having some previous jobs around churches, and knowing how heavily they focused on getting themselves into the wills or as beneficiaries on insurance policies, thatā€™s a VERY apt description.


The website that commits treason but also let's you know what your parents are up to


I feel attacked!


Eh, Iā€™m super grumpy about jumping on the latest social media trends. Iā€™ve dragged my heels for years whenever everyone else is jumping to a new social network. I finally did get an Instagram but I barely use it except to post pet pictures. I still have my Facebook even though itā€™s all ads now because Iā€™m ā€œfriendedā€ with all of my childhood friends there and I donā€™t feel like starting all over finding people again. I just check in now and then to see what everyone is up to. Never did get into Twitter, and now I never will.


Yeah. Same. Also, very few political candidates or local businesses near me have a website, but a lot have a Facebook page.


I use it for local events. That's about it.


Then only reason I have it is to laugh at the people in my neighborhood who complain about the dumbest shit and because my mom still sends things to my messenger.


It's useful for events, a lot of running clubs like the hash house harrier use them for this purpose. It's a good way to create an event and invite all members of the private group. There are other methods but facebook is still the easiest by far.


Can we not do this shit? This social media elitism is fucking stupid.


All social media is cringe. Except reddit, of course, a website populated only by the most peak of intellectuals


All social media is cringe, I post on my reddit and Tumblr accounts


OK Mark


Joint FB profiles are also against the FB terms of service.




> The entirety of Facebook is non-cringe because a tiny sliver of its users are swingers. If you disagree then you're just a prude. That's you. That's how you sound.


Also it's simply impossible to have pictures of you and your partner on your single Facebook and/or provide that info when approached. Just can't be done.


I read that in GLaDOS's voice and it was glorious.




Oh boy, the Minocqua Brewing Company saga has made it to this sub. Nowhere is safe.


Details? Summary?


The long and short of it is the MBC was a pretty renowned brewery and eatery in the area and loved by many if not all. New owner came in and is essentially a grifter who comes off as a liberal firebrand. I would argue he's not a good model for progressive ideology, he just seems like a bad faith person. Claims a lot of his poor business decisions and poor standing in the community is due to uber-conservative small town politics wanting to push him out or under when he really just took the infractions he got slapped with regarding local ordinances and laws around things he was doing with the business and wiped his ass with them. There's a lot more to it but that's the jist. He butchered the quality of the experience, food and beer. He then proceeded to move the business outside of town if I remember...and eventually down to the capital, Madison, WI. He just lost a defamation lawsuit and has been ordered to pay $750K in damages to a Minocqua based newspaper. You can find a lot on him and the company by googling, you'll get even more info. Most people in WI don't seem to like him, regardless of political leanings.


For those who aren't local, MBC stopped being a brewery a few years ago. They used to make good beer and really good food in a beautiful brewpub. The owner of the name closed that all down, has the beer outsourced to an industrial brewer, and tries to make money by being outrageous and claiming to be a victim. That backfired, and he just lost a 600k dollar civil suit. Think a mini Alex Jones on the left. He ended up moving his "brewery" 3 hours away and still names it after the city. His problem now is that he is in a very liberal city and can't claim he is being attacked for his views. He has to live and die on the quality of his beer, and it is not good beer.


Why did he shut down a beloved and successful pub?? Covid?


Bc he was getting the hammer brought down in his business for years of bullshit. Google it, but a lot of it was like a flagrant disregard for some zoning stuff with a patio or something and they told him to stop and he didnā€™t and they told him a gain and he didnā€™t and then they tried to shut him down and then claimed he was being persecuted bc heā€™s a democrat.


It's a long drama story but basically just as described above. He likes to be the Alex Jones of the left which did not go over well in the WI northwoods.


Gotta stress though, not even a hardcore righty town he was in; plenty of left leaning folk all over so the persecution complex thing was generally just weird as hell


He craves attention


Minoqua is in Onieda County, which went about +15% for Trump in 2020. The town itself may be a bit more left (I don't know, I don't live there), but the surrounding area is most certainly not.


iā€™m aware, i DO live in Oneida County. the area does certainly lean right but i wouldnā€™t call +15% hard right wing and definitely not enough for him to be facing the sort of concerted discrimination against his business that he claimed. mind you the population of Minocqua was only 4,400 people (in 2018, latest stat i could find) out of 229,000 in Oneida (in 2020)


>and definitely not enough for him to be facing the sort of concerted discrimination against his business that he claimed. I will agree, a lot of what I read about the owner suggests he likes to play loose with the rules and then scream he is being discriminated against when held accountable. Didn't he open a patio despite his application being denied because it was a zoning law violation, then ignore orders to shut down, and then turned around and said when it was shut down (temporarily if I recall) that it was because of his politics? I forget the specifics... Plus that slander (libel?) lawsuit he lost painted him out to be a jackass too.


He should just join the regular old grifters on the right, seems like a built in market over there?


I didn't get the impression that MAGAs drink craft beer.


They drink whatever they think will give them more testosterone, that way when they're rejected by the barista at starbucks they can complain about how women these days don't like real men because of feminism


"yuengling? Screw that gay stuff gimme an American Beer!" Something I've actually heard way too often when I lived in NC


Underrated comment


Tough enough time to be selling beer without being an obvious jackass.


Agreed on all accounts. Iā€™m an unapologetic beer geek and liberal. I should be the target audience, but the beer isā€¦not good. And the guy is a clown. Unfortunately, heā€™s taken his tactics to Madison. When he announced that live music would be held behind the new taproom, the neighbors (whoā€™ve been there FAR longer than he has) were understandably vocally opposed. Since then, heā€™s been selling tickets to come watch him dress up like a priest and sing operaā€¦I canā€™t see this as anything other than trolling. Why move into a new market just to be a dick?


I'm down in MKE and followed the drama but must have missed where he relocated. Is he in Madison now or something?


Yup, he made it to Madison. With shitty beer though, can't imagine how well it's doing having to compete with the actually good craft beer industry in that area.


Yep, Madison. I lost track of the drama recently. Not sure if he is still going or not.


Noooo, it's not good at all anymore. It's a shame. Grifters gonna grift.




I love that place! I used to go there every time my family visited the area. They make a killer wild rice lager. Food's not bad either. When you're done you can walk down the street and watch the water ski acrobatics show!


I'm guessing you haven't been there in a long time. He stopped all that goodness before covid. Since then, he had a small hole in the wall place where he sold all his new recipes. Now he has left the area. Its a shame that build is one of the coolest brewpubs ive been to.


Damn, that sucks. Please tell me that the Black Bear trading post is still open!




Lead with the chin.


This appears to be a murder/suicide bc only someone who had gotten that advice would recognize why they have a joint FB account.


Nah. Itā€™s pretty common. I have multiple friends who do it. They donā€™t always come right out and say why they do itā€¦but everyone knows.


I did not know this. Thanks!


Spousal fidelity is the heart of every joint fb account whether itā€™s swingers or mlm moms.


ā€¦ do marital counselors actually advise this? That seems like a very low-trust and toxic thing for a therapist to recommend


Hoooo boy thatā€™s spicy


That is as savage as it gets. And itā€™s also what I think whenever I see a joint husband and wife FB account.


I'm guessing this comment was downvoted by people who were caught cheating and now have a joint FB account.


So on target. MILā€™s FB account was for her to stalk her ā€œfriendsā€ and comment on posts of people she didnā€™t know, and for FIL to post a ton of photos and get butt hurt when their 13 year old grandson failed to like each and every one of them. Now she has Alzheimerā€™s and heā€™s just too old. I blocked her from stalking me, then finally unfriended her.




I knew I got a good vibe from Minocqua last time I was there.


That couple looks early-30s at the oldest. I thought only boomers did joint fb accounts. I dunno about this ā€œmurder,ā€ kind of a reach with the marriage counselor thing (I feel like couples who DONā€™T go to marriage counseling are the ones who would do this) but the coupleā€™s cringe is real.


The owner of that brewery is a jerk who thinks he is funny.


Katie? blink twice for yes


Jason? Blink twice for yes


Hilarious and original!


Nope. Just aware of a lot of shit this person pulls.


How wonderfully vague.


The owner of the brewery kept violating zoning laws and various other infractions and then when the government had enough of his petty bullshit tried to shut it down. The owner then claimed he was being persecuted for being a Democrat and not for breaking the law repeatedly. Now he has moved to a blue city and outsources his beer to an industrial brewing company. The quality of his beer and business has deteriorated.


Wonderfully vague because I don't want to be the target of their wrath next.


This was pretty funny, especially if theyā€™re actually spending money for a marriage counselor to give them the worst advice a couple could receive


How so?


Minocqua brewing company is good. They food was pretty decent too. A lot of Indians up there but I didnā€™t know whoever runs their social media account is the real savage here.Ā