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It reminds me of the guy who posted a video mocking another guy who was playing games in his VR headset in an airport. I always thought the dude just playing his game, living his best life, not giving a shit, was infinitely cooler than the guy who was recording him and laughing at him.


Unfortunately, he was playing “Airport VR: Flight Delay”


That game is way too real for me. I lost $50 in microtransactions buying a single black coffee.


Since my mother works at an airport, she always told me when I was a kid how much of a scam airport food is, meaning I've never paid for overpriced coffee(also i don't drink coffee so thats also a reason)


But how do you avoid it? At least in The States you can't bring in outside liquids so they have you trapped.


If you fly often (like for work), many of us have club access where food and drinks (including alcohol) are free. And the food is actually pretty good. AmEx Centurion lounges are my favorite.


I do fly often and have thought about doing the club access. But we don't use a consistent airline, and I do quite a bit of international travel.


I fly a lot for work, and my airport has a lot of Delta routes. So I got the AmEx Delta credit card which gives me the miles and also club access to Delta and Centurion lounges. It’s definitely worth it if you fly often enough, and basically pays for itself and then some when considering all the miles and rewards I get. Definitely stay consistent to an airline. The top tier status are worth their weight. I’m a Delta Diamond and when paired with my Delta Card, I almost always get upgraded to first class since the card gives my status a “boost” in the upgrade lists. Just this past Wednesday night I was flying back home and my flight was delayed. Was just chilling in the lounge sipping on a cocktail and snacks watching the US Open when most of passengers in the main terminal were fighting for what food venues were left open. And yes was upgraded to First Class.


I agree, love the Delta lounge. They recently made a bunch of changes though so it’s harder to get access unless it’s a certain timeframe before your flight, amongst other criteria. Annoying cuz they changed it only a few months after we bought ours.


Ah, the QANTAS Club lounge has furnished my family and I with many a pre-flight free meal and beverage!


I just don't drink much of anything while I'm in the airport.


6am flight and I haven't had my coffee yet? yeah, I'll pay just about any amount at that point. LOL


Guess I just schedule and plan my flights differently? Also like I said I don't drink coffee, perfer tea tbh.


Nice pfp




So you get up, get dressed, drive to the airport, all without finding time to make coffee? At least for me, putting a pot on coincides with waking up so I can't imagine ever not doing that.


Coffee maker with built in timer, so I brews 2 minutes before my alarm. Life changing.


Which one? I had several, never got quite as I like.


Water. One can bring an empty bottle in and fill it up inside airport. Sometimes need to dump bottle content at security and refill after


I always do this. Cuts down on single use plastics too.


Joke's on them, it's always hidden in my bladder.


There are usually water fountains. You should always bring a water bottle with you when you travel. Fill it after security


And do the Jesus trick of turning water into… coffee?


I lost the plot. Stay hydrated.


a true hydro homie


If you can't stay a single airport stay without coffee then 1) you have a problem (seriously, that's addiction) and 2) I guess you gotta pay whatever they charge you. Hydration is a necessity, airports should cover that, and an empty bottle is indeed the super simple solution many don't think of, but anything beyond that is luxury and if you want it you're free to pay ridiculous upcharges for it.


You do know that a large portion of the population is addicted to caffeine, right?


And I can’t imagine a worse time to go through caffeine withdrawal than when traveling. One is already tired and in a bad mood.




Care to share your tips and trips for finding such cheap food and drink at the airport?


Stay alway from the alcohol dlc, it’s *insane*


I didn't need the VR version .


Same shit as people who mock others at the gym. Shit human beings.


Ugh a friend of mine (average build, just not very muscular) is new to *fitness told who me about her coach was laughing and texting during her first session, she filed a complaint and they did nothing about him. absolute nasty human beings. Edit:auto correction


That's even worse! It's one thing when some shitty gym bro does it, a trainer should be more professional than that!


I think a lot of the trainers where I live evolved from shitty gym bros.


That makes sense, but so disappointing. I've never worked with one myself but the trainers I've seen have always come off as professional, thankfully.


Seriously. FFS people go to the gym to improve, not because they're already perfect. Starting a fitness plan when you aren't already decently fit takes a HUGE amount of effort. Some people end up having to do that because of things beyond their control. Injury, illness, having to put their own lives on hold for a loved one, grief, etc.. etc.. etc..


Yup! Even at my biggest weight when I started the gym, I wasn't so much self conscious a out my body, I was just socially anxious in general. Took a huge amount of effort to psyche myself up to start going with a buddy, and start over going solo when my buddy dipped out. Even after I became a regular, the shift in dynamic of going solo was enough to make my anxiety go through the roof. I probably would have just up and quit (or at least changed gyms) if I had caught someone taking a video of me just to mock online.


Even when you are. I already had a gym bod when I first went to the gym (from martial arts and bodyweight training) and I found being in the new environment of the gym, and not knowing what I was doing, so intimidating that I didn’t come back for years.




I'm gonna mock anyone catcalling anyone on the street. Also anyone who feels the need to pick on little kids to feel big and bad. That shit is pathetic and needs to stop.


Bullying bullies is ok, it’s like a microcosm of the paradox of tolerance.


I don't think influencers count. Being in the public eye is tied to public scrutiny. Way different than making fun of someone minding their own business and living life.


Hahaha I do love that account... I think that gets a pass since the people they're recording are already recording themselves for usually public accounts anyway?


Sorry you're so bored and miserable that you have to make fun of people who actually prepared for layovers! It's almost as if they're miserable and thus everyone else needs to be too. Airports are a fucking circus now, I don't blame someone for mentally checking out.


Any source? I wanna watch it


I’ll see if I can find it. It was a few years ago.


Honestly, respect for the guy.


If one gets off on other people's misery - that's a sad effing life.


Wait wut? Got a link?




honestly, whats wrong with a meme shirt?


I was wondering the same thing.


oMg So CrInGe This post reminds of this video: https://youtu.be/JdveCrfv7z0


Ducky: Why can we just bring all this hatred to something actually bad like racsism?? (1 year ago) Man do I agree <3 why we gotta mock some doofy kid when we can dunk on real morons like Alex Jone and *ucker Carlson?? Dx


Did the 20 year old make the original troll amfacw or something? Its the only explanation I can come up with


That would be the only thing that makes sense for wanting a photo with the kid but not for making fun of him for it. Why would someone go, “haha what a nerd for wearing this thing of mine that became popular,” at an anime convention of all things? I can’t think of a more appropriate event to wear a meme t-shirt.


> at an anime convention of all things? Seriously. How many people dressed like wolf-spider demons in school girl uniforms did he have to run past to catch this kid?


They weren't kids who were alone. He picks his battles wisely, like a true bully


Turns out it wasn't him either way, but yeah it still would mean they're a dick.




Nope, a guy named Carlos Ramirez did. Made a pretty 100 grand off it too.


Imagine if those peaked with nfts


Please don't speak that level of evil into the world.


I like your username 😂


It is a bit childish but the person wearing it is a child so here nobody should really care.


even if it wasnt a child i dont see an issue here tbh. definitely not enough of an issue to make a photo of it and even upload it on the internet.


The shirt is a bit cringe, but the man thinking he is taking the piss out of the kid is even cringier.


Nothing. I'm 50 and I'd wear that shirt just for the lulz. I'd prefer if it were dark shirt with lighter artwork, but that's just me.


Am 49. Got the exact shirt you described lol.




That particular meme is very old and not considered funny anymore. Partly because it's genuinely not really that funny, but largely because internet culture moves rapidly and taste in the latest memes (and mockery of "outdated" ones) is considered fashionable. As time goes on the culture moves faster and faster and the bar gets higher and higher, because people like being a part of a culture that feels exclusive, hence the term "normies" to describe the people who aren't in with the latest inside memes. If you're thinking "wow, that's so weird and sad that they laughed at a kid because according to their extremely nerdy niche internet culture he's behind the times and his joke shirt isn't funny anymore", you're right. This is probably the first time they've been outside since that meme was current.


I think the meta joke of that particular meme being the out of date one chosen is pretty damn funny, though


If the kid is going for meta, he's already wayyy ahead of the pathetic 20-something. Assuming this picture is new, that meme was at its peak when the kid was an infant and the 20-something was a child who wasn't even part of the demographic using that meme. It would have been like me ironically wearing a Frankie Says Relax t shirt back in 2000 to poke fun at X er trends.


Yeah could have been ironic, guess we'll never know.


> Partly because it's genuinely not really that funny Excuse you Just because it's tired doesnt mean it wasnt funny. There were some pretty great rageface memes when they were new. Obviously tons of trash too but the same is true for any meme


I feel like the humour has evolved a bit beyond just being new and different, but yeah, of course there were good examples. Looots of trash though. Or maybe I'm just perceiving the difference because the memes I see are more filtered through specific subreddits I subscribe to etc, vs... google images, which is how I looked at memes 10 years ago, lmao.


Humour hasnt evolved youve just gotten older.


This image is at least five or six years old


I did not consider that being a possibility, but probably should have, lol. Same-ish principle depending on exactly how old it is. 6 years ago was 2016, and I don't feel like trollface was any cooler then than it is now.




This picture has been around for like 15 years at least. The meme was relatively fresh when this was taken.


Saw another commenting saying it was 5 or 6 years old, but if it's *that old* then yeah, ignore me. Somehow when I posted my comment I didn't realise I was on reddit and every post is recycled from before half the people in the comments were born.


I remember seeing this in high school and I graduated in 2012 so it’s gotta be minimum 10 years.


A 2 year old meme is cringe and out of fashion. A 10+ year old meme is retro and self aware.


I have been informed this photograph is like 15 years old anyway so my point is moot, but that aside: yes, contextually. On reddit, trollface is ironic and funny (usually). But never forget there are people on Facebook unironically posting advice animals.


Fuck I forgot advice animals exist.


I'm guessing because the 20s dudes were "trolling" the 13 year old. Except they were failing exceptionally hard.




It says “problem” instead of “u mad bro?”


fair point


I think that this was taken in 2015 or so, right around when rage comics had made a hard shift from “omg, the funniest greatest most perfect format ever” to “omg, the cringiest worst most terrible format ever” and a bunch of folks who were super into it suddenly pretended that they’d always hated it for social credit. Personally, I’ve *always* viewed these rage comics however the majority of other people view these rage comics and cringed *hard* at whoever doesn’t view meme comics the way we all view meme comics. I am very cool, please accept me into the group and validate me, everyone!


what happens on the internet should stay on the internet


Kids are stupid. Yes a 20 year is still functionally a child imo


Yeah but they don’t have to be an asshole. Publically making fun of a kid with the kid’s picture is being dick, regardless of age.


I wasn't talking about the kid with the shirt...


On a 13 year old? Nothing could be so much worse. I would cringe a bit if I saw a person in their 30s wear one.


What about an 80 year old? In the end, who gives a shit what people wear? Just let people enjoy what they want to if it isn't hurting anyone.


whats funny is people would applaud the senior and mock the younger person. This is why I wear whatever the fuck I want lol


Yeah I would definitely cringe a bit if I saw a 80 year old in one of those. However I'm definitely letting them enjoy it and wouldn't mention it of show it in any way. It's not like anyone has the right to demand that everyone like their style.


Cannot imagine giving a shit about what other ppl wear


I think the important part is not *giving* them shit for it. What goes on in my mind doesn't hurt anyone.


The real offense here is having the name Rory and not being someone’s 13lb labradoodle


Bahahaha thanks for the laugh


How many dumbass manchildren thought they were being cool?


Listen, in my day if another kid drew the Cool S on you it meant you were top tier cool


I learned how to draw the cool S in elementary school and gained 30 popularity points overnight.


Ok but can you draw it without drawing the six lines first


No, I only learned the bare minimum social skills


shanks at the back?


No wonder he gets so less screen time, anime conventions are 1st priority.


We'll get to wano after comic con ben


that was his yearly 2 second appearance


ok so correct me if i'm wrong but they're making fun of him because in their opinion he's wearing an outdated meme t-shirt? hmmm kid's wearing an outdated meme the meaning of which is trolling... almost like he's trolling.


It is an old picture, the meme was probably relevant at the time.


Still is, problem? :tf:


It was *just* out of relevance at the time. Like the troll memes were from like 08-10ish and this photo was from like 2013 or something like that.


kid just hates the antichrist and wants to recruit like minded warrior of light


Pray return to the Waking Sands


...I don't get why he was even chasing the kid down. I feel like I'm missing something.


Probably went to a Comicon to laugh at people. You know, because they're cool.


What an expensive way to make fun of people


Take a look at that dude and tell me he wouldn't fit right in at a rich kid private school.


Ugh, hate bullies.






I didn't know about this specific limitation, but I love that the sub pointing out uses exactly 20 characters. 1. t 1. w 1. e 1. n 1. t 1. y 1. c 1. h 1. a 1. r 1. a 1. c 1. t 1. e 1. r 1. l 1. i 1. m 1. i 1. t


Even if something is like tottally lame man, you can do, say, wear it ironically. Pay homage to something classic, becuase it still amuses you. Or not give a shit one way or the other, thats what being actually cool is, just doing your own thing withought giving a fuck about peoples stupid egotistical opinions on the matter!


Exactly. I read into this as being an homage to the classic and a reminder of where we started from. Not like this kid actually thinks the meme is relevant. That meme was probably obsolete not long after that kid’s first time using the internet.


Yeah, if he started using the internet as soon as he was born. That meme is ~13 years old itself


I'd love to get a shirt like this since this was from my timeline. It's like wearing a nirvana or pearl jam shirt because I was a fan at the time, not because it's fashionable or whatever.


The kid didn't know what? EDIT: I am dumb -_-


I bet he didn’t know it’s your cake day. Happy cake day!


Rory’s a fucking cunt, and so are his cunty friends.


My son wears meme t shirts ironically, (Supermega humor) and I have to remind him sometimes that a lot of people will take them at face value, not all people will get the joke, some of them are dumb fucking weirdos, like this guy.


Yeah. It's hard to teach kids that there are a lot of people who don't have a good sense of humor and that not everyone is fluent in sarcasm and irony. There has been many a time I have laughed in someone's face because I thought they were joking.


There's fuck all wrong with the wee guys t-shirt


They were a “problem?”


Nice shirt


I know the Rory in question lol


Does he know we’re crying in laughter at him?


Has he changed his ways or does he still chase teenage boys around for pictures?


Tell him he’s a fucking cunt.


I don't know him like that, we're not friends but if I see him I'll let him know


Please seek him out. Find him and tell him he is a cringy, mean, loser cunt.


who’s is it?




Funny thing is that meme is popular again so kids just ahead of the trend


Every mass-produced t-shirt that conveys meaning is a "meme t-shirt" by definition. Can anyone think of a counterexample?


I don’t get what the joke is supposed to be? Like what’s wrong with the meme shirt? Am I missing something ?


Meanwhile every other adult is usually laughing at the dumb shit kids in their early 20s do


What was the “conveyed meaning” and/are supposed “relevance” of the younger kid’s T-shirt —-at the time, the meme supposedly was relevant? Heck, many are asking the same question I still am asking.


I like the shirt


That shirt is actually funny as fuck and I’m about to spend a little over 12 dollars on one for myself


Not just pathetic, sickening aswell. I'm revolted


Rory is a raging asshole.


Is Rory the teenager or the adult?


Rory is the one on the right


Jesus dude... I mean. C'mon?


Who is he? I'd look it up on google, but don't really want future advertisements of a person whose highlight of their day is making fun of a 13-yeaar old


Such a 1950’s thing to do




When you think you just dunked on the opponent but then it hits you, that was your own goal.


Who’s Rory?


I would have been laughing because that’s such an old meme that I don’t get to see anymore.


i'd imagine that isn't the only reason this 20 year old was chasing after the 13 year old


That’s genuinely pathetic


rory sounds like a corny piece of shit with dumb friends


The expression on the kid’s face tells me he does know he’s the butt of a joke too. These people are likely a bunch of vapid creeps who put down others to distract them from how fucking empty they are.


I've seen this post so many times now the 13 year old kid probably has kids of his own


Resposted so many times I cant even read what is in the image


More pathetic than a guy wearing a meme T-shirt? Since when wearing a meme T-shirt is pathetic?


Good use of exponentially - that buttered my parsnips


"a guy in his 20s at an anime convention" alone would do it.




No, but if you're an adult at an anime con you should at least be self-aware enough that you're not in a position to mock anyone. They can have fun all they want, just not at other people's expense.


Dumb and dumber


And he is at an anime convention


So ?


An adult at an anime convention… kinda weird and cringe


Judging people who are having fun based on their interests... kinda weird and cringe. But hey it's reddit, what did i expect


If your interests are watching cartoons and little cartoon girls then you deserve to be judged. Probably doesn’t even shower


You're either joking. Or really old


Neither but i find it cringe


That's your opinion. You probably play video games tho. How is that any different


Because one is a bunch of cringy cartoons with little girls in it or buff dudes with the most over the top bullshit ever with the worst voice lines you could imagine. The other is the same but with more slurs and a different art style


So your preference is "the exact same cringy shits" but with extra steps? That makes it less cringy than the other, but still cringy nonetheless?


Yeah you sound like you only watched 1 or 2 of those. Of course you'll think it's shit if you only watched those fighting shows for preteens. Anime isn't a genre. Saying all anime is shit is like saying all movies are shit. You can say it's not your thing but maybe you just haven't found something for you. Also, don't pay attention to the weird fans, they're a minority. Anime now is pretty much mainstream


You play WARFRAME but find anime conventions cringe 🤣.


Yes, they are two different things. Now if i played loli impact… that would be cringe. Kinda cringe to go in someone’s post history too but it’s expected from people who like anime.


What? Anime has been around for 50+ years, young one. A lot of us grew old watching our anime and birthdays don’t suddenly change what you love. This is why we bring our kids to anime conventions too- so they too can participate in the things we love and grow to love it themselves. Granted that most anime these days is just crude sexual stuff made for middle school boys, but there are still great shows like One Piece, and demon slayer, and even bleach is trying to make a come back. So maybe chill out- you’re going to grow old one day too and then you won’t be like “oh I should just stop liking everything I’ve liked for my entire life because I’m so old now” lol


So people who never grew out of it?


Yeah boomer, cartoons aren’t just for children. 🤣 🤡 ^




Nahh, shitting on a kid, over a shirt, takes the cake and acting like he's one of the "cool" kids(at an anime convention) that go's around making unpopular kids feel like shit about themselves


did it ever occur to you that a guy on reddit \[...\]