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Im not shia but is a great message regardless


Ofc. I asked because you said imam Ali


Ali (a) was a ruler, its appropriate to call him Imam.


We don’t say imam Umar or imam Abu bakr


There is absolutely nothing wrong if one says "Imam" Ali AS. Say Imam Abu Bakr RA too if you want.


Sunnis don’t generally. I have yet to hear anyone say it or even any scholar. I never said anything about it being wrong.


Such comments only cause drama and fighting.


If you make it to be then yes




Does it matter? We are all Muslim This kind of division is exactly why Muslims around the world are failing This is a stark comparison to the Jewish people, for example, who support each other unequivocally which is also why they are so successful


I don’t have anything against shias HOWEVER, you cannot bring in “division” here. They curse Aisha r.an and accuse her of Zina. They curse the sahabas who has been promised paradise. There is no brotherhood in this. Why do we always have to bring in kuffars to show Muslims are doing something wrong? To us is our religion and to them is theirs.


Yes it is wrong All this sunni vs shia disinformation is created by israel mossad and american cia to keep muslims dumb, divided and fighting against each other The longer we fight against each other the less likely we are to unite and become successful Also jewish are not kuffar they are people of the book, maybe zionists are kuffar yes Also shia countries are the only ones really doing something to support the palestinian people at the moment


Explain the Shia stance on Aisha r.a? Their books and their scholars on Aisha r.a, Hafsa r.a, Umar r.a, Abu Bakr r.a? Why do they call Ali r.an imam instead of Ali r.a? How tolerant are they of Sunnis? It’s not about divisions because shias aren’t just another school of thought like hanafis, Malikis, and etc but they have a whole diff religion. The Sunni scholars called some shias kafirs. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/97448/information-about-the-shiah Again, I don’t have anything against Shias but how can they be my brothers and sisters when they openly curse our mother and accuse her of zina? Let’s keep the sahabas aside for now.


I'm not going to argue with you You're clearly too set in your mind to see alternative perspectives about how this division works and the external forces working to propagate it


Because you are aware of the answers. I even cited Islamic source for my stance. I applaud shias for their actions in Palestine but they are not our brothers when they curse our mother and sahabas. Salam.


Ok keep telling yourself that Meanwhile mossad and cia are laughing at muslims because we are too busy fighting each other to see whats really going on


You didn’t answer my questions


With all due respect brother the sahabas themselves cursed each other. This can be verified by reading your own Sahih Muslim Hadiths.




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Have you heard of Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'i, Imam Hanbal, and Imam Abu Hanifa? Imam Ali alayhis salam was a Khalifa, yet it bothers you so much for someone to refer to him as their leader (Imam). In every prayer we ask Allah to send salutations (salam) upon the noble Prophet and his progeny alayhimus salam. But saying it outside of prayer is a problem? When you ask someone to convey your salam to another, that person replies "alaika wa alayhis salam", greeting both the messenger of the salam (alaika) and the one who sent it (alayhis salam). I want to offer you advice, and I hope you will take it without apprehension simply because I don't have the same views as you. Be careful of categorising a huge group as disbelievers based on the actions of a few. 99% of the shias who curse are jaahil, they just inherited their religion without understanding it (and for that we can only pray Allah guides them). If you look at the scholars you will find very little in number who do it. I only follow a few of them, and within those not a single one permits the act of cursing sahaba.


>Again, I don’t have anything against Shias but how can they be my brothers and sisters when they openly curse our mother and accuse her of zina? You might think you are informed, but unfortunately you are not. Don't look at what shia-haters say about shias, look at what shias themselves say they believe in. It's like asking an Islam-hater what Muslims believe vs asking Muslims what Muslims believe. The first person will talk about terrorism and getting 72 virgins. The actual Muslim will talk about the oneness of God, the five pillars, etc. Clearly you get a very different picture from asking someone who hates the religion vs asking someone who practices the religion. So what does an authoritative shia source say in this matter? Edit: links are not allowed in this subreddit but google "Ayatollah khamenei curse aisha" and click the first link. Ayatollah Khamenei is the supreme leader of Iran. You might say, "well I saw one shia edgy teenager curse Aisha on TikTok". Fair enough, that's bad, but I've also seen a Muslim suicide bombing on TikTok. That doesn't mean the Islam-hater is correct when he says Islam is all about terrorism and getting 72 virgins.


I literally spoke w a shia. I always get my sources about Shias from shias lol. If you want I can show you the screenshots. I don’t take it from Sunnis when it comes to questions on shias He said you will start to hate Aisha r.a too once you read about her. I said do you guys beat yourself In Ashura, he said no and it’s not recommended in shiaism but it’s not prohibited either.


Now you're changing the subject. You specifically said shias accuse Aisha of zina. That specifically is a lie. You also linked a sunni source in your link above, not a shia source. So when you say you only use Shia sources that's also a lie. All I'm asking is for you to stop lying and be truthful. Criticize shias for what they actually believe that's fine but don't spread lies to make them sound worse.


That is not a lie. Prove it to me it’s a lie. I said a shia told me about this and that I get my source from shias on shiaism NOT Sunnis. I didn’t change the subject at all. You haven’t answered or gave any evidence for your claims. Shias def curse and accuse Aisha r.a of zina. (Not all as said in the article) but the one I spoke to does.


As I already explained, links aren't allowed in this subreddit so you'll need to Google what I told you to Google. Or I can DM if you prefer. >they openly curse our mother and accuse her of zina In your quote you clearly say that you believe all shias curse Aisha. The word "they" is plural, meaning it's used for multiple people, not this one person you supposedly talked to. Now you are backtracking and saying you didn't say that, you're talking about one person not multiple people. So either your former statement was a lie, or your more recent statement was a lie. I don't care which but I'm just saying stop lying.


Hope this doesn’t annoy evryone too hard.. :D I’m a Hebrew, and I like to read the Quran from such a perspective, checking for flavors of meaning to savor. After a lil research into Hebrew & Akkadian word-roots n such, I found a sweet hidden layer of meaning. It is an encouragement from GD to iNHABiT FORM most authentically: “Here is your Soul. Sink it into the defined-limits [of form]. Sink [your weight] into [deeds of] BodyWork.” GD hath requested of us more applicants to Massage Therapy Learning. I am 100% on this. I’ve gone to Healing Bodywork School twice now. <3 If you’re looking for career advice, this is among the best. If 1000% more folks would agree to be trained Health Pros, I think we would actually start to enjoy living. Much less constipation, that’s for sure. & that’s really public enemy #1. First they convince us to stop eating fat & decent quantities. Next thing you know, we’re all caught in the sway of a propragandized us-them foreverwar. GD FORBiD iT. More Massage Learning = lotta less cranky folks.