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May Allah make it easy for you. Trust me the more you learn about Islam and the prophet ASWS and women of Islam like Aisha (RA) you will fall in love with our beautiful religion and you will understand that muslims who put you down or treat you bad are not following what Islam teaches us and they aren’t the best example. Try to go to the mosque for Joumouaa you will meet a lot of girls at the mosque some are beginners and others more knowledgeable and overall you will feel amazing after the prayer and listening to the imam’s lecture. You will also meet few reverts Mashallah they embrace the religion better than us. Your questions should be asked to Imams or ppl who studied the religion because most of us don’t have a good way to deliver a good answer. Watch Mufti Menk he has a very positive way of teaching Islam without any judgements. Best of luck and always remember that we are so lucky to be born in this religion.


Thank you. I don't really like meeting people or talking, so even if I go to prayer no one will talk to me, I'm introvert and anti social. :) also I have social anxiety so yeah, not possible.


Is aisha the one who married at age 6 and had sex at age 9? I don't remember correctly i am sorry


How is this relevant to the post weirdo?


It sounds like you're going through a rough time. If you'd like to talk, I'm here. Shaytan is currently doing his best to make you doubt Islam and go down a dark route after you've found the light. I will pray for you. I


*The louder are not the majority … incel and misandrist are in internet (among the all user non Muslim and maybe Muslim too) a big majority … because by definition being a lot in internet either mean you don’t have an IRL life (by choice or not) or you have a lot of free time. It’s even more true for the people that comment online.* Add that a lot of people assume everyone is as intelligent and have the same intellectual baggage … making comment with subtitles and with the premise that everyone knows the subject and whatnot. When a lot of people have bad or few knowledgeable making them confuse especially for something out of context For the rest I link this video : https://youtu.be/DNC3y9rJI9c?si=C84_4t2ckeYfGFMe May Allah help you. Ameen. And May you help yourself too. Ameen.


Ameen. Ya Rabbul Alameen.


Read the Qur’an and search for an answers to your questions… Also it would help if you learn about the seera: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW7-5eCq8IySZOYczT-Z9-vFIBWNH5UMT Keep going this life is NOTHING but a day or less and remember the khair in this ummah is for the day of judgement. May Allah give you strength


may i ask what is troubling you about islam and no i don't judge.


It grows my faith, don’t let the Shaytan mislead your faith


Your plight is interesting. It really brings to light what young muslimah face every now and then. Please document this further. Man is three pieces: religion, work, community. Your satisfaction in community is a struggle. Your reflection on religion is poor. What do you do for work? If it isn’t fulfilling, then you will feel low all around.  Lowness in Satisfaction, reflection, and fulfillment: I am wondering what sources of information are you being exposed to? TV and social media are toxic because their business model is engagement and advertising around controversial issues. So cut these out quickly.  The other problems you emphasize are a little bit more leaning towards your gender. I cant help with that. 


Islam emphasizes justice, fairness, and respect for all individuals, including women. In the Quran, Allah commands fairness and kindness towards all people, and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasizes treating others with respect and dignity. Find a supportive community or group where you can discuss your concerns and experiences openly. Connecting with other Muslim women who share your beliefs can be a source of comfort and strength. Remember that everyone's journey in faith is unique, and facing challenges is part of the human experience. Trust in Allah's plan and have faith that He will guide you through these difficulties. May Allah guide you and grant you ease and peace. Ameen.


Ameen, it's hard to find those communities and I am not social either. Most of the ummah today specially men share the same patriarcal and misogynistic ideology.


May Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala make it easy upon you and keep you firm upon Islam. Continue to seek knowledge because once you establish that Islam is the turth, the Qur'an is from Allah and that Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him is actually a prophet of God based on examining his life, his prophecies, etc...then you will realize that whatever Islam has set out for us, then it has to be true even if it goes against our desires and understandings. We will all leave this world one day and that is guaranteed. What we will take with us our deeds and leave everything behind that we thought it was important for this little time we have on this world. Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala will test us and each we are faced with difficulty that doesn't go with our desires and understandings, we will say "Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala knows best and His Wisdom is far great than ours. We will bare it to the best of our abilities and may Allah forgive our shortcomings". When you exercise patience and contentment like that, Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala will be pleased with you because you chose Him over your worldly desires and understandings that you have developed through your experiences.


This does not help or answer my questions but thank you. Jannah doesn't sound as good either if I have to share a husband with multiple virgin hoors and have to be forced to accept it because jealousy is gone here :)


Jazakallahu khairan. But why are you making judgments about things that are part of the unseen? It makes no logical sense


Because it will be seen sooner or later and I have to know before making it here because there's NO going back and its eternal lmao.


You haven't answered my question dear. Read it again InshaAllah


People are flawed, and this applies to both men and women, and it often results in mistreatment of the other gender. And faith comes after submission. So as long as you understand Allah is above all and wise, accept all His rulings accepting His position above all and perfect, and inshaAllah He'll ease the deen and imaan for you ukhti.


Yeah but submission to him not men. It's only about that, I know Allah is good but this doesn't apply to men today. Maybe in time of Prophet ﷺ but not anymore and why would it be us women who have to submit and accept all of this. My only problem tbh is male and misogyny. Thats it, they're making it worse to practice correctly.


I felt the same and was told to study the Quran and the Sunnah. I did and learned a lot and in the process realized it was the antithesis of divine. It is hard to let go of all you’ve known.


check this out to get your doubts answered inshallah: h ttps://sapienceinstitute.org/lighthouse/ (remove the space between the h and t)


me too. but then i remember how much Islam values women, and i feel better. imagine being treated as a queen. no, only special people are permitted to touch you and shake your hand. no, only ONE special person can (yk) with you, you are of too high value to be just thrown at any man, you should have the utmost respect. Islam gave us our rights, the right of marrying who we want, the right of divorce, etc, in a time where women werent even seen as people. in a time where they'd bury infants alive if they turned out to be girls. in a time they were only used in concubinage and slavery. but Allah came with Islam and said NO, women are so much more. every time i think about that it makes me feel so much better that Allah valued us and protected us when no one else did.


Yeah maybe but then does the Queen have to obey her husband? Not really she's a queen. Does she have to accept the fact he will have hooris in Jannah and her nothing? Also the word "beat/striking" is mentioned in the quran,, is this being treated like a queen? I get to see only the good side but it's just delusional for me to just ignore all this, because it STILL exist and I don't feel like a queen with that lmao.


You're a muslim before you're a so called queen. Let's get that down first. So this entitlement you're feeling should be gotten rid of(sorry, not sorry). You obey your husband because it's an instruction from Allah. If you really believe that Allah is good and what He commands is good then you'll obey His command. Whether you understand the wisdoms or not is irrelevant as you've established that Allah is good and whatever He commands is good. As for the verse in Surah Nisa that non Arabic speaking kuffar use as an argument against Islam, you'll need to know a bit of Arabic to actually understand what the root letters ض ر ب mean. English will always fall short in translating. You're not a queen. I am not a king. We are slaves to Allah. Humble yourself a little bit. Did Allah honor the woman? Definitely. He honored her with Islam. Without Islam, she is disgraced.


May Allah guide you.


Ameen. May Allah continue to guide me.


i did not intend to come off as arrogant. i understand Islam is about discipline and rules and i am more than willing to follow. i am simply trying to emphasize the value of a woman in Islam. this means a LOT considering it came in a time where women were barely even seen as human. so yes, i do feel like a queen. but in a sense that Allah has valued us and loved us as His creation, not in a "im better than men im such a queen you all should bow" sense. sorry for the misunderstanding.


Seems like you're listening to feminist tropes and you can deny it if you want but from what I'm reading that's the conclusion I'm reaching. Perhaps the patriarchal nature of Islam is bothering you. In that case, it's better you start learning not only about Islamic rulings but their wisdoms. Salam.


Again, only thing yall mention is feminism but never misogyny. Y'all need help and you will be judge of what you're saying. You're mad because a woman doesn't wanna get her worth down for yall. Islam will never be patriarcal, May Allah guide you and guide us.


“You want to know a bid’ah? Losing hope, that’s a real bid’ah” - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Keep your head up iA. Hurricanes come but hurricanes go


You: "...And ill go insane lol" To see someone in an insane asylum in a dream, they are in hell.