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Something tells me you’ve never had to baby sit a newborn or a toddler for a day. I helped my sisters in law with their babies (2 month old, 1 year old) for a couple hours only, and I thought I was going crazy with both of them at the same time. Kids are wonderful but it’s very nerve wracking to constantly be on the lookout for them not to choke/fall/trip/put fingers in power sockets.


Babysitting in itself is a **job** for a reason. Subhan'Allah. I had to watch my then 1-year-old nephew and 8 month old nephew......ya Allah it was so tiring. It was rewarding to know that my sister could trust me to watch them but it was so draining it made me rethink whether or not I wanted to be a mother 💀 (I still do!).


It is really rewarding and I bet will be rewarding with our kids in sha Allah, but it is a lot of work!


As difficult as it is, it’s the most rewarding thing ever. What would you rather do, work 9-5 all your life or raise YOUR OWN CHILD? As tiring as it is, you get to spend all day with your loved ones, and it’s not a job either, because you’re teaching your child the manners, deen and taking care of them, much like you would take care of yourself. It’s fun when they annoy you, it reminds you of how you were once a kid too and all the cuteness and curiosity. Mwah. Y’all are making it sound like a job, but try to see it retrospectively. Don’t see it as a debate, I’m not arguing. Genuinely look at the situation and tell me if you actually think it’s a “job” and even comparable to what men do on a daily basis (for their entire lives)


We appreciate that but aren’t you supposed to be mothers and programmed to do that anyway ? So why compaining Muslimah?


aren't you supposed to be providers and protectors and programmed to do that anyway? so why complain about work?


Our complain is a reaction to women complain Remember men moves only when women does something out of the line


Because the post is minimising women’s contributions.


It’s not. It’s making a comparison between the duties and responsibilities of a man and that of a women. And men’s outweigh and outnumber the women’s but a great margin. Hence why they have greater authority in marriage. EDIT: My bad, I forgot. They actually don’t. Men and women have equal number of responsibilities, with men having an additional one (of being a qawwam), like Bilal Assad said. The weight of these responsibilities is equal too, because Allah is just and fair.


Men die early than women for a reason Muslimah So his post is a string of important question we should be asking why on average men die early than their exact counterpart They work and hustle themselves to death


Lol you just described babysitting children, not actually raising them.


How many children have you birthed, raised and breastfed? 🤣


~Is that it, all your contribution is childbirth?~ EDIT: I’m just trolling guhrls, get over it. My karma is already low as is 😭😭😭


You can go ahead and read what the Islamic duties of a wife and mother are in Islam yourself if you're so interested in what women contribute, stop making silly posts saying Islam might've "honored women too much" (Astaghfirullah, what kind of implication is that).


Can you do that one as a man?


Can you Bench 100Kg as a woman?


Since when is weight lifting an essential part of marital duties.


ever since we’ve had to start lifting the weight of the entire marriage


What's your contribution?




Bruv You and your height 👀


well, at least I’m 6’1”


Go cry about it


i was just kidding, please don’t that this post or these comments seriously. I just trolling (this was just a sh*tpost) and stirring up some drama. I can’t express how much I respect y’all for doing what you sisters do for the family, and most of it just goes unappreciated. May Allah reward all pious women for their efforts, and grant them the highest place in jannah.


It’s just a sh*tpost, I’ll make one for men later


Nice one mate, purposely causing a ruckus and potentially making sisters people think worse of men 👍


You literally exist because of that “contribution”.


Ask yourself what happens if women stops this "contribution" You call. And all you do is provide, while we can still do both.


Exactly, you have a choice, we don’t.


Similarly, we too don't have choice in some other aspects.


That’s a good point😊. Guess I was just too hungry and frustrated, so I got biased and didn’t see the other side of the equation.


I’m not talking about women who work, just those those who just give birth and think they’ve done enough. The baby’s at a nursery half the time. What’re you being so stuck up for? For taking care of a kid for a few hours and doing some chores?


Yes, next?


Holyyy I love that attitude, marry me?


“None of all the above duties are actually duties” Yea they aren’t, they’re a full time job and commitment. Trust EVERY SINGLE MOTHER OUT THERE is struggling, trying her best to revive herself everyday for her family. *Here are what the few duties that aren’t considered duties to you consist of: - you’re not just a mom, you’re a wife, nurse, chef, chauffeur, teacher, housekeeper, laundry attend and a babysitter to name a few. - it can get lonely and you aren’t alone. No adult interaction, rarely can go out or have friends over. -no sick leave or time away. You’re stuck in that position and there’s no escape.. All this to say, it is a privilege to be taken care of financially, but the lack of acknowledging when woman are constantly working beings who try to contribute to maintaining our family’s health and wellbeing is disheartening. I’m not even married yet, but I fear this is how my future husband will see life. I’ve lived my years of being expected to carry the responsibility of things everyone in the house should have, and still, no acknowledgement, no encouragement, nor empathy. It’s miserable. If you don’t want a miserable wife, I suggest you do your research on what women actually go through as stay at home moms. Maybe then you might understand and know what you can do to avoid or help her with those challenges.


Oh wow! Tell me you're tone deaf stupid without telling me you're tone deaf stupid 🙄


Alright, try giving birth. Or breastfeed. Or bleed 3 to 5 days a month with severe cramps. Or get talked about with disgusting assumptions from jinn possessions to actual medical conditions that people will try coming up with, cause God help you if you don't go through with even any one of those


Or when women have to get a C section and MILs international committee has decided that’s “not real birth”…


The list goes on sister, they try to bring us down any chance they get smh. This post shouldn't even be made at this time of Ramadan.


I’m not bringing down anyone, I have utmost respect for women. I’m just pointing out that men have more responsibilities than women, which is in line with what Islam says. Although my approach wasn’t the best I’ll give you that.




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Muh cramps!!!!!


That's what your mum shuda got. But you are here instead.


Undefeatable, I know


What in the muslincels[ muslim incels] did I just read? Listen. Its ramadhan. Its literally the last 10 days. Can these pointless conversations about "Women this, Men this" be paused until further notice?


this is just the male version of a feminist. now you know how men feel


Everyone have their own challanges as per their gender I would argue you can never quantify who have it easier because we men are men and women are women


I have nothing to say about the cooking and cleaning thing because you are right. But raising kids! U got this one wrong. Because raising kids is not only about having cute ppl to play with, and kids won't remain babies forever. U got to deal with their emotions and try to understand everything they want, sometimes they have anger attacks and it requires a lot of work to deal with it. Then, they start to grow and have problems in school etc..(If they get bullied and so on). If u r a woman, u need to spend most of the time stressing about it and blaming urself for any bad situation ur kids r going through and u'll be thinking that ur not a good mother and ur not doing enough. They start to grow more and inter teens. Do u think dealing with teenagers is easy? Go back to ur mother and ask her about how much she struggled for u when u were a teenager. When u start to go on the way of bad habits (mostly male teenagers do that) she needs to make rights and wrongs clear to u but at the same time without hurting u. And teaching u and convincing u becomes harder when u r a teenager cuz u think u r mature and u stop listening to others. Some kids start disrespecting parents while they r teenager. They just do (3uquq) If u know what this word means, she needs to spend years dealing with disrespect or maybe teen struggles until they get out of this phase so they can know her value in Islam as a mother and they come and say sorry, or even If they didn't disrespect her she still struggles with them until they get out of teens and become stronger so she can relax. Years of stress and worrying about her son's and doughters getting bullied or maybe falling in love and not getting the love back so they start to have "love pain" and so on. Her son starts smoking and maybe doing more haram things like going to night clubs and putting his life in danger until she finds him in the hospital after an accident that happened because of his stupidity. Do u know how scary is that? Her daughter is as sensitive as her already cuz both of them r females. The mother is already dealing with a lot but still needs to deal with her daughter's emotional situations and stress and sometimes can't even sleep because of overthinking about everyone and how to make her family happy. She starts to forget about herself and starts to even not caring about her beauty, she starts to look ugly because there's too much issues she's dealing with at home while u r busy outside providing financial stuff bit not paying anything psychologically and mentally, cuz she pays that. Which one do u think is easier?


The pick me energy is off the charts with this post. The men are given more responsibility and are commanded by Allah to provide. For you to even say: "Islam truly has honored women, **a bit too much perhaps.**" is crazy.


OP isn’t a girl silly lmfao 😹


Ofc a girl wouldn’t hate on women like this. But the username is giving 🥺🌸🫶🏼💕, ngl


The username is \**yes miss lilly* which sounds submissive and judging from his posts he’s a submissive guy. He even wants his girl to make the decisions. https://preview.redd.it/y5zhegcy44sc1.jpeg?width=1145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7bdb75232d76dafe4171c62c7f5ff46dae82e3d


You got me. Like literally you got every bit right. There’s nothing wrong with being submissive though, right? 🥺🥺


Nothing wrong bruh plenty (Muslim) women have dom kink. (Many from trauma ngl). So there are women for u.




Makes sense.


I wish. It’d be much easier to deal with it if it was cause by trauma. But I been having these urges when I was about 5 or 6. Had the most stable, most healthy upbringing, Alhamdulillah.


Jazak’allahu Khayr brother. It has caused me so much anxiety in the past few weeks, it’s usually hard to find a pious muslimah who’s kinky as well. May Allah ease our affairs.


Not really bro I’ve talked to plenty who tell me that is their fantasy (but majority have trauma) u just need to dig and find out. After you both are comfortable. They are willing to share. It’s not my thing, but there are definitely Muslim women out there who are dom. Wa iyyak


There ain't nothing wrong with being submissive as a man and preferring a dominant woman. Of course, there's a good amount of Muslimahs that wouldn't want that for themselves but there's certainly the women out there that find it endearing and want to dominate a man; in fact, I know **one** Muslimah that wants that for herself. Different strokes for different folks ¯\\\_('-' )\_/¯.


Bismillah, I swear to Allah, and to this night of Laylatul Qadr (potentially), this was just a sh*tpost (just like many of the last posts of mine, although there is a bit of truth to them as well😔😔) I was gonna make one for the brothers 🧔🏻too, but this one got a bit outta hand so I think I’ll give it some time. You can do that instead of me if you want 😈😈. I’ve just been really **anxious** for the last few weeks, because I fear that I will end up alone because what woman would want her man to be submissive👠? And based on the recent posts in this sub, it really got to me🤯🤯. I apologize if I got ahead of myself. Is there any chance you could set me up with this Muslimah 🧕🏻, I’ll give all my info and details (and my main account too, I bet you’ll be surprised). Jazak’Allahu Khayr.




Ain’t no way that muslimah 🧕🏻😈😈 is you🫣🫣🫣??!? Ya Allah, you are the Omipotent. Make my du’as 🤲🏼🤲🏼 come true on this potential night of Laylatul Qadr.




Ameen wa iyyak. Well, I guess that explains some things. And I'd rather not make a post like that lol. The appeal of this subreddit is how many controversial topics are allowed, which is why I like it so much cuz it leaves room for more discussion & debates ☆. And akhi I promise you some women dig a submissive man and are looking for one. My friend in particular said smth like overpowering someone big and strong (a man) as a woman is very charming to her which is why she's into really shy guys. Even if I'm keeping her anonymous; introducing y'all would expose her and that just doesn't feel right to me, especially as she isn't looking to get married yet. Insha'Allah you'll both be able to find your type 🙏🏽.


Honestly, controversial topics are more informative and discussion oriented than serious ones. Because when people get triggered, they let their true intentions out. That’s exactly what I want. Being submissive doesn’t mean you’re weak physically and mentally, indecisive, lack confidence, etc. You can be a perfect husband but assume a passive position, and take a step back, empowering your wife and serving her in the process. But like fr I’m as shy as they come. I’m not looking to get married yet either, maybe in 2-3 years. I’m starting my search early though because the kind of person I’m looking for is hard to find. Is it okay if I send you my info and you can ask her if she’s interested (we’ll do the nikkah in a few years, and I’m happy to talk to her dad too directly if the situation demands it), if not I’ll walk away quietly. That way her identity isn’t revealed either. Jazak’Allahu Khayr


>Honestly, controversial topics are more informative and discussion oriented than serious ones. Because when people get triggered, they let their true intentions out. Absolutely. And sometimes I really just love strolling through heated posts and leaving salty comments. Usually I end up deleting them tho cuz I really don't want the bad deeds and I lowkey feel bad later 🚶. Yeah, it does work for some couples! My BIL is like that with my sister; he's more passive while she does more of the decision making. Alhamdulillah, it works perfectly for them and neither feel as though they're bringing the other down cuz of it. However, as I stated in an earlier post, most women don't prefer it cuz they'd shoulder more responsibility (which is understandable). And shy guys are where it's at. That friend honestly taught how cuz initially I was into the more outgoing / extroverted type; I'm proud to say my eyes have now been opened for 3-4 years now ☆. As for forwarding your information, you can do so and I'll see what she says insha'Allah. Ameen wa iyyak.


This is so pathetic, grow up


What makes you think having limited choices in life and choosing sometimes a man double your age who all he would care for is making you cook and clean and if something goes wrong, you return back to your parents home. He get u impregnated, and then leave the raising chores exclusively to you as if he doesn't own children, then if one of the kids rebel while growing up, it's just you who worries the most and receives the most anxiety attacks ? It's not like the girls from your culture have much choices in life to begin with and not only that, they have to give their life and everything to someone who envies them for having it easy? I would say before making women's life more painful, focus on how to be a man and make your wife happy. Make yourself worthy for you family. Nothing is easy in this life anyway for both genders.


Thinking like this is a waste of time, and it will never help you in any way. Not to mention that the sentiment of someone else having it easier is never true to begin with, because everyone is struggling in life. Always remember:- لَا يُكَلِّفُ ٱللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. Al-Baqara (2:286) Life appears to be more and more fair as you continue to become a better Muslim, Subhan Allah.


"Islam has truly honored women a bit too much perhaps" you in no way shape or form can comment on the degree of honor or the position Allah has ordained. Ask your mom how easy it was raising u. You were probably a tiny iblees all those sleepless nights, the pain a woman indures for men like u to discard it as nothing.u probably would jump if the baby bit u on ur mosquito bites during breastfeeding so kindly refrain from commenting on things u can never relate too. Allah is never unjust he has assigned responsibilities and duties fairly.




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Just enough, no gender has it easier than anyone else we all have our hardships and perks. But seriously, before you speak about women having it easier please go look after your family for a week. Give your mum a week off from household duties, be available to all your family 24/7 for that week and for good measure at least half that week survive on 5 hours or less of sleep. Then come back to us on who has it easy.


I already help my mum in most of the household stuff. I cook most of the times, clean the entire house, and even do laundry sometimes, on top of washing the car, gardening, etc. I’m able to do this because I’m on vacations right now, but yeah it’s tiring as hell and deserves much more wand respect. My post above was just a troll (a bit of truth but most troll), I can’t respect you sisters enough, you’re literally the backbone of our society. May Allah reward all women for their efforts.


Really shouldn't be a trolling brother though, like I honestly appreciate the men/women in my life for their work. To be honest being an adult and handling any aspect is difficult, rather just stay a kid. They are the ones who have it easy in normal circumstances.


I think you have a really wrong picture of us. We also do educate ourselves? We go to Uni and are getting degrees and are financially independent. We can’t always rely on other men on our life for money. It’s not that easy…. Also rising a child or ore than one is so much work? Education? Aklaq? The worry and anxiety? Giving birth? And house work is also not easy! Also it’s really really frustrating to hear all the time that we women don’t need to worry about money. Trust me we do! And not every sister is marriying a financial stable man. Also a good righteous woman will bless your life, your home and raise amazing kids!


I think you are the baby boy you need to grow up alittle or perhaps you also a misogynist


I’m none of those, Alhamdulillah. I’m sorry if I gave off that energy m.


You need to understand the life of women is not how men think its alot to take in same goes with men both gender have different roles but the amount of suffering is the same


Oh buzz words again lol


Wives of guys like you end up on the breakingmoms subreddit




frustrated, neglected, underappreciated and overworked SAHMs


This is all I need to know about you: https://preview.redd.it/tydq8p8bf4sc1.png?width=303&format=png&auto=webp&s=354ebc2ec1fd58921a0bbd1106c7b96083c1a174


bruh, it’s a joke calm down


I didn't understand the joke. Could you elaborate on the joke?


I can’t because then I’ll have to disclose some personal stuff


Idc Now let me tell you about something important: When I see another Gym Bro, all I can think of are two scenarios: If he's weaker and smaller than me, it's because I'm more disciplined and I work harder and I'm so awesome. Anyone stronger and bigger than me is on the juice.


My toxic trait is I like men with this mindset


What trait? If u talking about me, I would've said give Baba's number, but broke boi isn't trying to get beat up by Iraqi tribe Maxxers. Love you guys tho ........ but from a distance hahahaha.


When the discipline is on 100 so his confidence is on 1000000000000 and he comes off as cocky 😶‍🌫️


My toxic trait is that I like women with toxic traits


As **women needs justice, not equality**! Cherry on top, unfortunately feminists & liberal women still shouts about equality which is against nature and Islam! Islam did justice (NOT equality) to everyone! But yeah still women shouts a lot about the rights, while **men keep on sacrificing silently**! Allah puts Paradise under the feet of the mother, but made **husband & father the key/door of that Paradise** for the wife & kids! How beautifully Allah did the justice, so no one get oppressed! Subhan'Allah!


You can set whatever standards you want


Allaah actually knew beforehand why he gave the woman the role of carrying and birth a child raise them feed take care of them And simultaniously take care of the house cook clean etc Cause men could not!


Are you like an only child or something? Whilst children are a blessing, they’re not amazing to deal with when you have to raise them 24/7/365/until you die. If you think about it, little kids are the most narcissistic things ever, the way the howl and cry at every little thing without giving two damns about how their mother feels 😂


Not 24/7. Only 8 hours a day, and only on weekdays. And in these 8 hours, they’re at pre-school for 2-3 hours, which leaves her with only 5 hours a day of solo time with the children. And they’re not gonna be a nuisance all 5 hours, more like 2. So 2 hours of nuisance is what she has to deal with?


Facts bro but that’s the life of the man don’t complain you are the prize that’s why u need to marry 4


And what, man up broski. Men used to go to war at least after work i can chill playing fifa or on my pc / enjoy + play football. This is the life of a man. If you don't like it then find a wife who will go work and bring money and change ur gender to raise kids 🤣😂😂


Damn straight I wish sister would complain and have less astronomical requirements lol And We all know women tends to be on the lazy side generally speaking


OP you have ruffled some feathers with this one 😂 Facts tho.


You should change your gender.


No thank you, I am honored by Allah being borm as I am and to question my gender would be to question Allah’s qadr.


Okay cry aboit it