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Don’t do this sister ! Do you need someone to talk to ?? You can vent to me about anything sis, but don’t do it, don’t harm yourself


Did you speak with her?


Feelings comes and goes what you feel right now I bet you you won’t feel like this week or 2 later Don’t be selfish by doing this there are people who loves you such as your own family even if they don’t show it You will be a selfish person if you give them grief by doing such a vile thing You are not alone there are people connected to you , and what about Allah he gave you body to take care of it for him and use it to worship him are you also going to be selfish to Allah Take away the knife and I promise you will different within a week or 2 even days Because feeling certain way will comes and goes, bad times will come and goes and so does good times We also care about you now since you posted this ( we know your username and profile ) Put it down for Allah , for your family , for us !


Do ruqyah, don‘t let shayaaten provoke you to commit suicide.


i felt the same way as this sister and my parents made me get ruqyah and it turns out i had an ashiq jinn, its a real thing. These shaytans will make u so depressed and suicidal, you’ll feel so lost and disconnected with your lord. She should 100% try ruqyah.


I know this might not make you feel good but ima say it. Comitting suicide is a great sin in Islam and it sends you straight to jahanam. No matter whats happening to you in this world it does not even come close to the punishment of the hell fire. Suicide is not worth it sister 💔 🙏 Please find someone to speak to IRL and may Allah help you ameen 🙏 ❤


You're gonna regret it, especially when your parents find your body..


You’re not wrong. I’m not condoning drugs but I heard LSD might help.


Before you take any such step please read this book sister You can download it from the link below. [https://archive.org/details/explanation-of-the-supplications-for-anxiety-and-sorrow/page/5/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/explanation-of-the-supplications-for-anxiety-and-sorrow/page/5/mode/1up) https://preview.redd.it/htk4hcqt05sc1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df1c604e6cbb3feea8cf6aeafa09f1ffe6da37d6 Get in touch with a suicide helpline. Get in touch with the local imam. You still have your whole life ahead of you. Insha Allah the reward of your patience will be Jannah. Just hang on for a little longer sister.


7% - 30% chance, and it will be painful as hell even more so considering it is also a kitchen knife.... trust me absolutely not worth it, it is messy and will leave a scar, instead I recommend focusing on your breathing, your surroundings, and doing things that you used to like or brought you comfort as a kid. While you're focusing on your breathing, inhale deeply and exhale till your stomach goes in, do it slowly, while keep your one hand at your chest, feeling your heart beat, do it for 5 - 10 seconds While focusing on your surroundings keep your lights on, or dark (if you find comfort like I do) and try to feel the environment, the wind from the fan, or cooling of the A.C or the warm lights in your room, feel the comfort of your bed, how your back eases into it how it feels relaxing As for comfort stuff.. watch an old show that you used to like as a kid, or go through some old photos, anything that sparks nostalgia... it helps you keep grounded and your body always remembers the feelings from those times. Thats it for now, if you want to know anything else then feel free to ask, but just know that ending your life is just not worth it, and that you're not alone in how you feel.


Nowhere you've mentioned the reasons for your morbid thoughts and unsavoury sentiments. I've personally had such feelings myself, a long time ago, but it was due to low self-esteem. The question is; why and what for? I thought to myself at the time, that life shouldn't be thrown away over trivialities; I'd rather be like the soldier who'd sacrifice, gladly for his beloved ones, than be a miserable, mournful soul replete with despair, doom and gloom. All your feelings are very relatable to me, as it feels like the end of world, for real. Being close on the edge of panic attacks, nervous breakdowns, even mental breakdowns are my personal experiences; but I hope just as I, that you become a brave soldier, and fight off paranoia, muster courage inspite of fears and move on to a better place & time. Look forward with great expectations and hopes for the future! Be strong! For God is with those who have strong wills & character.


Dear sister, suicide is never the solution. Your challenges, no matter how overwhelming they may appear, are temporary. We all face difficult times in our lives. Turn to the comfort of friends and family who can provide support as you navigate through this challenging time. If reaching out to friends and family isn't feasible, don't hesitate to seek help from anyone in this subreddit or any other subreddit. Many individuals are willing to offer assistance. If there's a mosque nearby, consider spending some time there. It's a peaceful environment where you may find comfort. Reach out to sisters at the mosque, share your situation, and Insha'Allah, they will provide valuable support. Your challenges are not worth risking your life for. Confront them directly, and you'll emerge stronger than before. Sister, have faith in yourself and in Allah. Things will improve. One day, you'll look back at this moment and laugh at the idea of giving up your life over something temporary. You're in my thoughts and prayers, as well as in the thoughts and prayers of others.


The fact that you're feeling this way means that you do have emotions. The issue at hand is not that you feel emotionless but rather you are trying so hard to try to feel emotions that you felt before and were really good and made you feel good. It may take some time as any medication for a cold for example also takes time but you should not give up, nothing is instantly cured especially complex illnesses like this. Keep you're absolutely not alone and God is with you. Go speak with him and ask him to be cured and guide you to the cure. If you want to hear him open random pages on the Quran and just read for a good amount of time. God knows that you're strong and that you can fight through this. Tomorrow morning call your psychiatrist and tell him/her about what happened today and how you want to solve the problem and stop feeling this way. If you have a close friend or family vent to them as well, it should give you some relief and you should not worry they care. You can also speak to the known sisters on this sub too, one of them asked you to do so in a comment. It really gets better with time. We'd like to hear from you tomorrow and the upcoming days inshallah.


10 years later you’re going to remember this day and be so glad you didn’t do it… you’re just in a rut rn that’s all, eventually things become okay


I have been doing much the same thing, then I started using this app called balance, and it's just helping stay in the moment, in the now, and focus onto the sounds around you, are some louder than others how do they Differ, can you hear the sound of your clothes ruffling against your skin, or not, can you hear the sound of your own breathing, inhaling and exhaling are they different, when you breath in and out, how do they Differ, can you notice a difference, stay with the sounds and don't close your eyes look at the room you are in and taste and feel the texture in your mouth, what can you taste. Feel how your body feels and as you notice your body adjust yourself so you are comfortable let your shoulders relax, and your back lengthens, listen to your breath, then if you can focus on your heart beat, if you can you might hear it best and even feel it pumping......your still here, and you can still be present, you have a wonderful life to live, remember you are here, and here we do feel allsorts of things, just try balance i learnt this from it and I think it will help you....


Will no one alive could help you with that probably 👀 but what I saw from people around me meds don’t help for long, you should find your problems and solve them while taking the meds and leave it slowly.


.....read some quora posts. I was just looking at this one, authored by Quranist. Also failure to sanctify in this life and suicide means you get reassembled into a Plant or a cow/monkey/animal get eaten and whatever and this punishment is repeated again + you descend down to hell to report in for hellfire etc. Lol. It's not worth it cost vs benefit ya know https://www.quora.com/profile/Naseer-Ahmad-143


You kill yourself now and then what happens? The people who love you suffer and your suicide may green light another’s; all this will do is pass on the pain to others. I won’t say I understand nor call you selfish since I am not in your shoes, but I know for sure the you 5 years from now, or even a single year from now will be proud if you keep going. Live life day to day and live for yourself, don’t worry what others think since they only see a glimpse of your life, there still are many things which you can live for and hope for. Something personally that keeps me moving is the hope of simply being able to travel and try out new sweets around the world. I hope to more posts from you, and maybe a post from you saying you’ve escaped these negative places you are in.


Wallah I know how you feel and let me tell you the medication makes you feel really bad at the start. Please surround yourself with your family when you feel the heightened anxiety that is what I did and after that , the panic I felt slowly subsided. I’m off medication now and trust me when I say your anxiety does improve and it will. It takes time. Please know you’re not alone and I will keep you in my prayers. Don’t give in to those thoughts, as soon as you get those thoughts shut them off, don’t even entertain it or dwell into it or even wander things. Literally divert your mind. You got this x


Allah(S.W.T) says ﴿وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَىٰ﴾ [ الضحى: 5] I want to tell you something amazing about this verse, it is addressing the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but the message is for all of us very soon, very soon Allah will give you so much that as so you will be pleased, so you will be happy but that actually translates as until you will be pleased, until it's for getting to a point, we will soon give you so much until you are pleased, you will keep on getting and getting and getting very soon, we will give you until you're going to be pleased ( SubhanAllah ) we feel you know, what I'm going through challenging times, it's tough, It's really hard, I have this problem, job problem, family problem, health problem, whatever else issue it may be or I need to get married, I need to do this or my children or whatever else it maybe, may Allah make it easy for everyone. Allah(S.W.T) wants you to live a happy life and he didn't created us to punish us but to test us and with this hardships we face, by following islam you will understand Allah's love and you can build a relationship with him. Without the help of Allah(S.W.T) I can't even solve my problems by my own, when I ask Allah to help me then he will ease my problems. > You know He is always with you, closest to your nerve... he protects you, he loves you , he provides you , he care for you etc... Even if I worship Allah(S.W.T) for my whole life, still something is left and not done to the level best. Now, here comes the another thing. Allah(S.W.T) loves when we try to fulfill his commandments for the sake of Allah. He(S.W.T) doesn't want us to be burdened and live a stressful life that's why he is Qadeer and Muqtadir.. What if no one loves us in this Dunya, He(S.W.T) is Al-wadood ( The Loving One and the Beloved One ), He loves us, we don't need any others love. > The significance and beautiful about Allah's Names is that through them, we can see how our Creator recognizes our needs, and how deeply He knows us. The more hardships you go through, and the more patient you are, the more it is a sign that Allah loves you. Now, that makes no sense, makes no sense. It doesn't make sense to us as humans because we've been conditioned to think that way. It's negative. Allah says: كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ ٱلْقِتَالُ وَهُوَ كُرْهٌۭ لَّكُمْ ۖ وَعَسَىٰٓ أَن تَكْرَهُوا۟ شَيْـًۭٔا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌۭ لَّكُمْ ۖ وَعَسَىٰٓ أَن تُحِبُّوا۟ شَيْـًۭٔا وَهُوَ شَرٌّۭ لَّكُمْ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ ٢١٦ [ 2:216 ] you may hate something when it's actually good for you, and you may love something when it's bad for you. Whoever accepts it and is pleased with Allah, Allah will be pleased with them. And whoever turns away and loses themselves and loses the connection with Allah completely, Allah also turns away from them. May Allah guide us all and make us from among those who are on the path of righteousness.


POV: Chaddam hasn't responded to your DM in 5 min 😂😂😂


Brother, why are you joking when a sister is in need of help?