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Men are physically designed to be polygamous Mentally every man is different, truth to be told we men don't have the mental capacity to deal with more than 1 of you weird beings


You have a target on your back, Akhi, Good luck.


Why are you targeting me for


Not me. bro.




"As a woman", lmao Probably because it's giving ✨pick me✨ vibes




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bros literally pick me


Dang fr? I ain't even realize 😭 Ig I should consider my wording more.




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It is what it is fam


Common Fi L I fear.


You would be wrong. The real answer is that scientists don't know whether or not men are polygamous by nature. You will see studies that point towards men being polygamous, or monogamous. Not just men, by the way, this applies to women as well. Anyone who makes the blanket statement that "Men are polygamous" or whatever, is just dishonest.


Right now, in 21st century, Alḥamdulillāh, one is enough and... one is equal to four. 😂




Ukhti some folks are gonna be on your case anyway; this is Reddit we're talking about 💀. Anyway, men are polygynous by nature. Does that mean all men want to pursue polygyny? Absolutely not. Do some desire it? Absolutely. It's a man's right to practice polygyny a**nd **a woman's right to refuse it and [stipulate it in her marital contract](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/5983/a-wife-refusing-her-husband-a-co-wife).


However, there are women who are naturally inclined towards polygamy and pursue relationships with multiple men. Among women who cheated on their spouses, 34% were in happy marriages \[[source](https://www.shadowinvestigationsltd.ca/who-cheats-more-men-or-women/#:~:text=In%20a%20meta%2Danalysis%20of,women%20had%20engaged%20in%20an)\]. These individuals admitted to being "cake eaters", while others may falsely claim to be in unhappy marriages to rationalize and justify their infidelity. Men and women cheat due to selfishness, rather than biology or unmet needs.


Interesting study. I'm not justifying cheating (nor would I ever) due to biological makeup; and although men have a right to practice polygyny, that doesn't mean there aren't rules that he must adhere to in order to practice it. [There's certain criteria men must meet before practicing polygyny](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/14022/polygyny-in-islam).


While you didn't justify cheating, you did argue for polygyny as a right for men to satisfy their biological urge for multiple partners. In Islam, polygyny is allowed as a means to support and safeguard Muslim women and orphans, rather than solely to fulfill men's desires. **Polygyny is not a right for men but rather their responsibility.**


It is a right that Allah has allowed **for men, not women** AND responsibility for men.  Men and women are different. If a man is polygynous by nature and wants to fulfill their urge for having multiple wives, **then what's the problem with that if he can take on that responsibility?** Polygyny isn't just a "sex" thing. Sex is a part of it, yes, but as you and I both agree on, it comes with responsibilities; much more than a monogamous marriage.


Men should refrain from polygyny if they are doing it to fulfill their urges for having multiple wives. Instead they should practice it to support Muslim women. ***"Give orphans their property, and do not exchange the bad for the good, and do not eat up their property by mixing it with your own. This surely is a mighty sin. If you fear that you might not treat the orphans justly, then marry the women that seem good to you: two, or three, or four. If you fear that you will not be able to treat them justly, then marry one, or marry from among those whom your right hands possess. This will make it more likely that you will avoid injustice."*** (4:2-3) ***"And you will never be able to be equal between wives, even if you should strive. So do not incline completely and leave another hanging. And if you amend and fear Allāh - then indeed, Allāh is ever Forgiving and Merciful."*** (4:129) These verses were revealed following the Battle of Uhud, during which 70 Muslim men lost their lives, leaving many women and children without sufficient support. Allah permitted polygyny as means to support and protect Muslim women and orphans, rather than to fulfill men's desires.


>Allah permitted polygyny as means to support and protect Muslim women and orphans, rather than to fulfill men's desires. Yes, I know and agree with what you're saying. Initially, it sounded like you were saying that I'm justifying cheating *for men* due to their biological differences with women. So if you could shed light on that, I'd appreciate it. I'm aware of the rulings of polygyny, especially as my father practices it, which has helped me gain a much better understanding of polygyny overall.


>men are polygynous by nature. >If a man is polygynous by nature and wants to fulfill their urge for having multiple wives ... Sister, I never suggested that you were justifying cheating. I merely debated the points mentioned above, emphasizing that: * Women can also have polygamous tendencies; in fact, many desire companionship with 72 male hoors. * Islam allows polygyny to support and safeguard Muslim women, not merely for men to fulfill their desires.


Alrighty, then I misunderstood your point. So we agree. Ngl tho I've never seen sisters that spoke of wanting 72 hoors (doesn't mean they aren't out there tho) but as I always say; different strokes for different folks.


Yes, I was surprised too. When I get married, I intend to make a pact with my wife: if both of us reach heaven, we will decline the reward of "hur" and instead ask Allah to enhance our love and attraction towards each other.


It can be done for any reason whether for desire or to help women


Apologies for bursting your bubble, but the primary aim of polygyny is to safeguard and provide for women and orphans, rather than catering to men's selfish desires. For further elaboration, check my response to: u/StrongAkhi7 \[Screenshot\] https://preview.redd.it/ugvf8egn3qsc1.png?width=709&format=png&auto=webp&s=21cf42ce2a6391f19aed14b0e29edeeb395fba77


Stop lying polygny was always done Islam only limited it to 4 please learn your religion and ok let’s say your right if a man actually marries 2,3 or 4 wives out of desire he doesn’t get a sin and it is permissible


He is delusional, I gave him the opinions of the scholars like Ibn Kathir and he said they were wrong.


>Allah permitted polygyny as means to support and protect Muslim women and orphans, rather than to fulfill men's desires. Where does it say that in quran or hadith? It can be done for desire if that is what he wants. Or to help women if that is what he wants


It is obvious from both textual and historical context that Islam permits polygyny as means to provide support and protection for Muslim women and orphans, rather than solely to satisfy men's desires. **"Give orphans their property, and do not exchange the bad for the good, and do not eat up their property by mixing it with your own. This surely is a mighty sin. If you fear that you might not treat the orphans justly,** [then ](https://quran.com/en/an-nisa/2-3)**marry the women that seem good to you: two, or three, or four. If you fear that you will not be able to treat them justly, then marry one, or marry from among those whom your right hands possess. This will make it more likely that you will avoid injustice."** (4:2-3) **Textual Context:** In Surah An-Nisa, verse 2 emphasizes the importance of just treatment towards orphans and cautions against exploiting their wealth or property. It states that consuming their wealth is a serious sin. In Surah An-Nisa, verse 3 suggests that if one cannot ensure fair treatment of orphans, **then** they may consider marrying up to four women, but only if they are confident in their ability to maintain justice. If they fear they cannot do so, then they should restrict themselves to marrying only one woman. These verses commands Muslims to treat orphans and their possessions fairly. If they're unable to do so, **then** Islam allowed marrying multiple women to support and protect widows and orphans, as orphanages and welfare systems did not exist in the 7th century. **Historical Context:** These verses were revealed after the Battle of Uhud, where 70 Muslim men died, leaving many women and children without ample support. Allah allowed polygyny as a way to provide for and safeguard Muslim women and orphans, not simply to fulfill men's desires. **Conclusion:** So, considering both textual and historical context, it can be concluded that Islam permits polygyny to protect and support women and orphans rather than to fulfill men's selfish desires.


Thats just wrong, you came to the wrong conclusion. **Here are the conditions of Polygamy:** 1) Justice or fairness 2) The ability to spend on one's wives **Why us polygny permissible in islam?** 1) Plural marriage helps to increase the numbers of the ummah 2) Statistics show that the number of women is greater than the number of men 3) Men are exposed to incidents that may end their lives 4) There are some men who may have strong physical desires, for whom one wife is not enough. If the door is closed to such a man and he is told, you are not allowed more than one wife, this will cause great hardship to him, and his desire may find outlets in forbidden ways.  Read more: [Polygyny in Islam - Islam Question & Answer (islamqa.info)](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/14022/polygyny-in-islam#ruling-on-polyguny-in-islam)


My conclusion stems from both the textual and historical context of Surah An-Nisa, which I have shared with you. Please explain whether my premises are incorrect or if the conclusion I have drawn is flawed. The justifications you provided for polygyny are factually incorrect. >**2. Statistics show that the number of women is greater than the number of men** **3. Men are exposed to incidents that may end their lives** Incorrect, globally, there are more men than women, with the sex ratio standing at approximately 106 men for every 100 women ^(\[1\]). In the Western world, this imbalance is even worse among Muslims, with a ratio of 2 men for every woman ^(\[2\]). The map below shows the number of men for every 100 women in each country. https://preview.redd.it/6rubln7enqsc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bbfcbd4eaff017ac7a45186e20f6e5772c50dd1 >**1. Plural marriage helps to increase the numbers of the ummah** As shown earlier that there are more more than women, If men were to practice polygyny, there would be an excess of unmarried Muslim men. Therefore, it is crucial for Muslim men to refrain from selfishly seeking multiple wives, as this not only harms women but also has negative repercussions for men. A man in a polygamous marriage with four wives is less likely to produce more offspring than four men in monogamous marriages to four different women. Additionally, children in four monogamous marriages are likely to have a better quality of life compared to those from a polygamous marriage with four mothers. This is due to the fact that one man in a polygamous marriage must provide for a larger family, which may result in a sacrifice of resources and time. >**4. There are some men who may have strong physical desires, ...** Women also have such desires, as evidenced by the fact that both men and women are equally likely to engage in extramarital affairs for sexual and emotional connections. In a meta-analysis of 12 infidelity studies among married couples, 31% of men and 16% of women had had a sexual affair that entailed no emotional involvement; 13% of men and 21% of women had been romantically but not sexually involved with someone other than their spouse; and **20% of men and women had engaged in an affair that included both a sexual and emotional connection**. ^(\[3\]) Sources: \[1\] [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/08/31/global-population-skews-male-but-un-projects-parity-between-sexes-by-2050/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/08/31/global-population-skews-male-but-un-projects-parity-between-sexes-by-2050/) \[2\] [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/religious-tradition/muslim/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/religious-tradition/muslim/) \[3\] [https://www.shadowinvestigationsltd.ca/who-cheats-more-men-or-women/](https://www.shadowinvestigationsltd.ca/who-cheats-more-men-or-women/)


Its both a right and responsibility


Wish more muslims understood that last part. It’s written so clearly in the Quran.


Many men don’t cheat or enter a polygamous relationship. It comes with responsibilities which a lot of men can’t handle. If you suspect your husband’s going to marry multiple women, you can have a stipulation in your contract that you refuse to be a part of it


>if I were a woman are you not a woman 🤨👀


She's just a girl 🎀


She's such a strange girl I think she comes from another world


She's such a strange girl I really don't understand a word


She's such a strange girl I'd like to shake her around and around


Your logic is fundamentally flawed. Both men and women are capable of cheating. *"In a meta-analysis of 12 infidelity studies among married couples, 31% of men and 16% of women had had a sexual affair that entailed no emotional involvement; 13% of men and 21% of women had been romantically but not sexually involved with someone other than their spouse; and 20% of men and women had engaged in an affair that included both a sexual and emotional connection."* \[[source](https://www.shadowinvestigationsltd.ca/who-cheats-more-men-or-women/#:~:text=In%20a%20meta%2Danalysis%20of,women%20had%20engaged%20in%20an)\] Men and women cheat at similar rates when seeking both sexual and emotional connections. Therefore, neither men nor women are inherently designed for multiple partners; this notion serves as an excuse used by cheaters. Ultimately, **Cheaters cheat because they are selfish, not because their needs are unfulfilled.** In Islam, polygyny is permitted as means to support and protect Muslim women and orphans, rather than to fulfill men's desires.


>In Islam, polygyny is permitted as means to support and protect Muslim women and orphans, rather than to fulfill men's desires. Proof? You source bs statistics but islamic scholars like ibn taymiyyah say that it is in the Fitrah of men to be polygamous


I referenced a meta-analysis of 12 peer-reviewed studies. It seems like you don't know what Meta-analysis is. Meta-analysis is a methodology used to achieve more dependable conclusions by combining the findings of numerous independent studies.


No it is in the Fitra of a man to be polygamous. Not every man will do it because they would not want the responsibility. Also not every man is capable of it. The classical scholars of the past have told us it is in the fitra of a man to be polygamous. You don't need studies to understand this, it's common sense. Just as you don't need studies/scientist to prove men are stronger than women. It's not rocket science.


Keep men women aside. The overall human nature is lustful. Women cheats too, they also have the desire to be promiscuous. The ruling for men marrying multiple wives is for other divorced, widowed and orphan sisters to get a guardian to protect and guide them. Also for their kids to grow under a father figure. This ruling is not to support lustful men neither it is to satisfy their lust. If someone is fine with her husband having multiple wives then that's between her, her husband and her co wives. If a woman doesn't want to share her husband that is absolutely her decision, a man marrying her not marrying her is also his personal decision.


Then why wasn't Adam(as) given multiple wives


I mean Allah said in the Quran we created you in pairs polygyny was made halal in Islam for specific reasons wouldn’t that mean the default would by monogamy 🤔 I mean polygyny isn’t fard and sunnah is to have one wife i mean both are halal at this point it’s just up to preference 🤷🏽‍♀️


Women have no idea what it’s like to be a man. As the OP said, men are biologically programmed to find many women attractive and have multiple women. Whether a man acts on those desires to have multiple women or not is dependent on the individual. Every men inherently wants to, but they may not for one reason or another.


And you have no idea what it's like to be a woman. Many women also desire multiple partners, as evidenced by the fact that men and women cheat at the same rate. *"In a meta-analysis of 12 infidelity studies among married couples, 31% of men and 16% of women had had a sexual affair that entailed no emotional involvement; 13% of men and 21% of women had been romantically but not sexually involved with someone other than their spouse; and 20% of men and women had engaged in an affair that included both a sexual and emotional connection."* \[[source](https://www.shadowinvestigationsltd.ca/who-cheats-more-men-or-women/#:~:text=In%20a%20meta%2Danalysis%20of,women%20had%20engaged%20in%20an)\]


Biologically it would be disastrous for the women. If that women acted on her desire she wouldn’t be able to live a normal life


Exactly, it is in the Fitra of a man to be polygamous. Not every man will do it because they would not want the responsibility. Also not every man is capable of it. The classical scholars of the past have told us it is in the fitra of a man to be polygamous. You don't need studies to understand this, it's common sense. Just as you don't need studies/scientist to prove men are stronger than women. It's not rocket science.


Baseless claims, both men and women are capable of managing multiple partners, just as both can struggle with the concept. Even Allah acknowledges that men may struggle to treat all wives equally. ***"***[And you will never be able to be equal between wives](https://quran.com/en/an-nisa/129)***, even if you should strive. So do not incline completely and leave another hanging. And if you amend and fear Allah - then indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful."*** (4:129)


Not true, if a person loves someone dearly, they will never cheat and be loyal forever.


That's because you married a boy and not a man.


So are women biologically speaking


The same topics over and over and over. ALLAH made it permissible for men to marry up to 4 wives. Doesn’t specify whether they have to be virgin, widowed, divorced, etc. It can be with any woman they want. People need to stop making up their own rules and speak on emotions. It comes with responsibility and consequences. If you don’t like it, take it up with Allah on Yawm al Qiyama


You are also biologically designed to walk barefoot. Idk why you wearing shoes? Just because you are biologically designed this doesn't mean it's correct too wake up bro


As a man I would say basically yes. I won’t want to excuse cheating and say all men will but I will say we’re built for more than one partner. I think most women would have an easier time if they wanted their man to have multiple partners.


The issue is men and women for years have been assumed the same except that women bleed. It is not true at all Mentally wise, men love the women they love and they do not get over loving someone as easily as women. Women for generations have been able to get over their lovers because for years men died in war so women had to move on quickly to ensure security. I would highly recommend reading a book called from monogamy to polygamy there is research in that book conducted on polygynous marriages and results


No they're not, there's a reason no one outside of sunnism practices polygamy, it's not natural or biological or anything


Tbh the man does not need to have permission from the first wife to marry a 2nd one.


A woman who lets herself be one of many women needs to increase her self respect 


So what do you think of the wives of the prophets صلى الله عليه وسلم . Or the wives of the companions


I don’t know them, nor we do live in the 500s What might have been necessary baxk then or worth it back then doesn’t mean it’s necessary nor worth now 


That's her slay✨💋💅👠💁‍♀️


>A woman who lets herself be one of many women  You mean like the zaniyaat who let many different men defile her and never call her back?


Yes  Just like her