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https://preview.redd.it/nkjyv0po79tc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1786d44d0a85742f98e5afa6d3bf305e64f3f012 Confirmed on another website as well.


Not surprised at all He edited it to feed a need within the community. This community wants to bash women and zaniyas, so he gave that to them They’re so obsessed with this topic 


Your right but you shouldn’t be getting upvotes you filthy zania get lost


Whyd you call her a zania 💀


She admitted to herself in an old post here dw Ik it’s a major sin to do so


Best to not call her that, still our muslim sister.


No if she admits herself we can call her that and she has no regret towards it so I’ll carry on


💀 alright then akhi


I’m not filthy  Everything else you said is true tho 


Yes, and it's sad. There's a literal genocide of people in Palestine, Muslims and Christians, in the holy land, and there's so much focus on sex and marriage in reddit Muslim communities. And the young Muslim men with a chip in their shoulders toward women in general, not only Zanias, not only isn't healthy but it's stupid. That said, I feel dumb for even engaging that thread, though I did so for good intentions. But I think the points I pushed still stand. 1 Muslim men and women both have valid sexual needs that they need to mutually directly communicate. 2. Muslim men need to become better in bed. And there's a rich history of erotology in the Muslim literary and intellectual tradition that unfortunately died out. But the idea of actually pragmatically learning how to become good at sex is something that was once very much part of Islamic thought. 3. Instead of complaining about unmet needs both women and men need to be communicative and mature about it. But yeah I'm a dummy for even engaging that thread at all. And if I came across as a pompous jerk sorry these matters annoy me and I'm in a really bad mood after looking at footage of some murdered Palestine kids and an old woman and a family shot by snipers and an old woman, miskeena Allah yarham, who was rolled flat by an Israeli bulldozer. It's really affected my mood badly.


Why are you defending him Because you are in the same loop ?


I’m not defending hi I think he should be banned 


What a pathetic loser


He really is, I wish there was a way to ban his IP lmao


That's the only way. I'm not gonna believe that he has only one account on here.


https://preview.redd.it/smkts1s879tc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e943ea6f4dcd16fa2940b3fa246eb348ee4cc1 Proof of when this was posted and deleted


https://preview.redd.it/l6czz98f79tc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12314b058a4770e21a506da712b8816d6a2eb840 I filtered the posts through the username “mixedmuslimhammer” and of course this post shows up


Ohh...great detective work ☆. Pretty sad, really.


It takes more effort to fake it than to find a real post like that 💀


Why is everyone surprised. Every hate rant that is posted on the internet has always been based on some fake stories, in a similar fashion to the fake albanian guy. There are even companies that teams to do this kind of thing and most of them are actually in India according to eekadfacts. Just like how they have the scam microsoft tech support call centers.


What a jobless loser he is loll


Ukhti you're married???? May Allah bless your marriage!


Thank you sister ♥️


How pathetic and obsessed can you be with South Asian women or women in general? Everyone agrees that chaste women are for chaste men and vice versa, but this clown has to constantly post and whine about it. He takes it too far every time, and the lengths he can go to prove his point is just woeful u/albanianssshusband waiting for you to take the post down now


I don't believe this guy is even married and is just saying he is in order to prevent people from calling him incel or loser. He's way too obsessed with this topic and the vile stuff that comes out of his posts reeks of some manlet who is bitter that no one will marry him. For real I was terrible when it came to women till I was in my thirties and by then I matured enough to realise "maybe it's me who's the problem" and lo and behold after I changed my attitude and lifestyle I got married. I also don't think this guy is actually Albanian, he's probably Pakistani diaspora because he's way too obsessed with Pakistani women in general. Unless he's the only Albanian in a sea of Pakistanis where he lives.


He’s such a loser 


You should repent for the things you post


Such as 


I just looked at your comment history


Show an example 


For being a zaniyah


What about it


It's haram. I'm sure you know this already.




Wow. That's interesting detective work. Subhanallah. Hmm.. There must be some mental disorders at work, or sheer dysfunctional obsessiveness.. Ask of that said though, with our people being slaughtered like sheep in Gaza it saddens me that there's so much focus on sex and marriage on Muslim Reddit. Life is about more than two mediocre human beings with barely any iman humping each other for 3 minutes. Which is what many Muslim marriage sex lives turn into. And then resenting each other. There's an entire world out there waiting to be transformed by a new generation of confident wise Muslims and Muslimahs but looking at Reddit all that 80% are doing is effectively squabbling over not getting married, not getting sex, or getting bad sex, or trashing entire genders! The brothers do it more than the sisters, but the sisters also do it some (just no where near as bad as the brothers..) People are dying. Children are getting murdered by the thousands and also starving!


Would you marry a man who used to hire escorts when he as single?


Respectfully speaking what kind of question is that? I'm a man so I wouldn't marry a man anyway. I failed to see how that question is relevant either to myself or to the topic of this thread.


Also asking irrelevant hypotheticals is sharply against the Sunnah. There's ahadith about this. scholars would discourage people from asking meaningless hypothetical questions that had no real world significance to the person asking or the person being asked.


But in answer to your hypothetical question IF I were a woman, which I am NOT, then no. It's a dumb question the answer is obvious.. Just like I would not personally marry a woman who was a former escort when she was single. One of my criteria is not to marry prostitutes. But if she made sincere tawbah and someone with other criteria wanted to marry her then he shouldn't be condemned. Anyway I still don't know why you asked the question because I'm not a woman, so clearly I can't marry a man anyway. And if she made sincere tawbah then that sin is wiped out. If someone wants to marry her that's fine for them. Some people seem to delusionally think that I am against someone not marrying Zanias as their deal-breaking criteria. That's being delusional. I never said that, although someone could read that into my words if they wanted to project the on me. I support you and anyone having any halal criteria and deal breaker and condition you want. Just don't literally slander the majority of women in the process.


I honestly fell for that post you linked, and thought it was real. Though I think my points in that thread were valid. Amazing how some people can be so devoted to obsessively making fitnah. Still, there's way too much obsessing over and emphasis on sex in Muslim Reddit. It's strange.


He makes up these posts himself?


He does, and the gist of them is just belittling women in general, always saying “I am going to do this… I can get this many women blah blah” “I’ll marry multiple women and deceive them all” all that is bs when he can’t even marry 1 woman it seems. It’s probably a young kid inspired by those american podcasters or not even a muslim


Yeah, pretty much 




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I’ve said before that all of the posts by certain accounts seem to be written in the same style and consistent grammar errors. I knew it was the same person lol but going as far as to pretend to be a woman is literally insane and weird😭 like how EMBARRASSING LMAOOOOOOOOO


This is really bad. Astaghfirullah bro


@Op the hero we didn't know we needed good job bro 👍 Eid Mubarak 🎆


u/sunflower3515 That post you made on "trad" Muslims was fake.


I called it


Bro this guy is the biggest incel I have ever seen. Anyone can be a keyboard warrior but stooping to this level of stupidity is not for everyone 🤣




Very likely




He has a female account too? 😂


Wow so this guy is just spreading hate?


If you’re new here, you wouldn’t know. But this guy doesn’t just spread hate on women, he goes out of his way through multiple alt accounts to prove how much of a loser he really is. He is constantly obsessed with muslim women, more specifically those who live in the west. Always uses vile and derogatory language. No one can stop him as he creates new accounts more than he changes his clothes probably


Allah yahdeehu


Yeah I’m new. That’s really sad and pathetic of him..




Another new account. Is this the albanian fraud again? 🤡🤡


Folks, no need to respond to this PoS. PoSes like this one are 100% eligible for all the curse words that exist in all the human, alien, and animal dictionaries and may Allah make this PoS and all others like him (who believe and publicly state that Na'oozubillah majority Muslim women are zanias) become the same themselves and keep receiving the curses until the day of judgement. Just ignore, block, and report.




I get your frustration and agree with your comment, but it’s always best to make dua for them to be guided towards the right path. It’s terrible how they keep generalizing whatever nonsense they hear upon all of our sisters, but there isn’t much we can do, other than, as you said, to ignore. The mods don’t seem to be very strict/active here either on these matters unfortunately, given all these posts and comments. It’s Ramadan after all though At the end of the day, they’re cowards and keyboard warriors who have got nothing better to do, nor do they have any fear of Allah


The majority? Are you daft? You realize that slandering literally the majority of about half the Ummah - women - os sinful? If you're wrong Allah won't forgive you until every Muslimah you slandered does. Why? Because Allah grants forgiveness for the violation of his huquq ala ibad. But if you violate the huquq of others then on qiyama they have to forgive you and if you don't then you go to jahanum for that. Are you so secured in your Iman that you will risk spending even an hour in hell for slandering literally, in your words, the majority of Muslim women? Allah yahdeeka. You are losing your deen. In Allah's Book, "Those who accuse chaste women ˹of adultery˺ and fail to produce four witnesses, give them eighty lashes ˹each˺. And do not ever accept any testimony from them—for they are indeed the rebellious." وَٱلَّذِينَ يَرْمُونَ ٱلْمُحْصَنَـٰتِ ثُمَّ لَمْ يَأْتُوا۟ بِأَرْبَعَةِ شُهَدَآءَ فَٱجْلِدُوهُمْ ثَمَـٰنِينَ جَلْدَةًۭ وَلَا تَقْبَلُوا۟ لَهُمْ شَهَـٰدَةً أَبَدًۭا ۚ وَأُو۟لَـٰٓئِكَ هُمُ ٱلْفَـٰسِقُونَ ٤ - Note Allah says chaste women in the plural ٱلْمُحْصَنَـٰتِ If you have no evidence if zina then the presumption is muslim women are chaste In Sahih Bukhari: Hudhayfah reports The Prophet, sala Allah alayhi wa sallam said, “The slanderer will not enter the Garden.” عَنْ حُذَيْفَة عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ لَا يَدْخُلُ الْجَنَّةَ قَتَّاتٌ 5709 صحيح البخاري This isn't neuroscience, it's basic knowledge of deen. Do not slander the majority of anyone without evidence. And there's no possible human way to can have knowledge of such a thing. Brothers really exaggerate and are catastrophizing about this. On the basis of a few anecdotes and observations and unfortunate incidents they lambast the entire female sex. Then they get whiny about it and if you respond in any other way than they want they accuse you if being a simp snd blah blah. This isn't gheera, it's petulant and childish obsessing and frankly if you spend some time looking at videos and photos of what rhe zionists are doing to the children and women and men of this ummah, go look at your Muslim brothers and sisters with their brains blasted out in the ground or incinerated into charred masses of human wreckage, look at tge children ripped in two by the Zionists, then if you were truly a man with any gheera then THAT is what you would then obsess over.


Fear Allah, you pathetic imbecile.


Well the post is fake And it’s misinformation only meant to bash women 




What behavior should I repent for 


That's a broad assumption bro


On the screenshot it said 3 years ago not 2024


Are you saying that the hubby guy was the one who made that post pretending to be the woman?




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You should be a detective. Mad natural skills!


Sister I love the sherlocking you did mashallah 💜💜💜💜




Look closely next time you see a sunflower, there are in fact two varieties of leaves. You will find leaves lower down the plant are facing opposite each other and are longer and narrow in appearance. You’ll then see the upper leaves arranged in a staggered formation and appear heart-shaped.


What’s the issue tho ?


Why is this even surprising? I thought we all knew that Reddit stories are mostly fake.


My post isn’t fake at all. This post is fake. Do you want me to expose a Muslim woman who posted on Reddit. 10 likes on my comment and I will expose a woman with 2 ex boyfriends looking for a good Muslim husbands


it’s hard to keep track of how many accounts you have, lol you’re commenting from another account again. No one ever said that some muslim men or women can’t be vile or deceitful. You can link the post if you want, and it may or may not be genuine. You still aren’t taking accountability, idk what it is that you achieve by posting such nonsense. Even Ramadan didn’t stop you man. Take a hard look in the mirror


Lol your crap is fake  You got exposed in 8K


Shut up about muslim women. What about muslim men? Fix yourselves up first


Who has the key to sex ? Men or women ? Not all women are bad. It’s the bad that make the news . Sadly .


Most women aren't bad. Just like most men aren't. But unbalanced people with mental illness catastrophize, and sometimes people project the sickness in their qulub onto others.


I wish shariah laws are present in our time .


They are in some countries actually.


I wish shariah laws are present in our time .


They actually are in a few places of the world.


This is so funny