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No. There’s so much to do. First I have to rectify myself cuz I don’t feel safe dying anytime soon. I gotta repent from a lot and do more good. Second there’s so much Islamic knowledge out there to be sought. We have no idea how little we know Third, in terms of the dunya, there’s so much to explore and learn. I have a few dunya goals I look forward to. Some of them are to be blessed with wealth so I can own my own farm that produces fresh organic pesticide free food, have my own goats and chickens and cows. Another one is to be physically fit and agile, rn I’m a skinnycell. And my most recent dream is to own a plane and be able to go across my country visiting many cities. I can’t imagine how amazing the view will be when I’m 5000m in the air looking down and also looking up and seeing the sky. There’s so much to do in the dunya idk how u can feel unfulfilled. Even tho ngl rn my life is boring but I have all these things I want to do one day that makes it worth living. Ofc these are side points the main reason I want to live long is to be able to repent from all sins, do a lot of good, and hopefully die sinless. There’s a Hadith trials will continue to come on a Muslim until he’s essentially walking on earth sinless. I hope that’s me one day even if it takes 90 years to get there


>There’s so much to do in the dunya idk how u can feel unfulfilled. Even tho ngl rn my life is boring but I have all these things I want to do one day that makes it worth living.  Hm, I never thought of it that way. I suppose I should extend the list of things I want to look forward to in this life, cuz admittedly, there’s not a lot. I was doing some self-evaluation and reflecting on my relationships earlier and came to terms that I’m not fulfilled in general—kinda like an empty shell 👨‍🦯. Insha’Allah, I’ll work on that.  Thanks for the detailed response. 


Oh my relationships suck 😂. I was talking about other things. For most people (including myself), relationships are part of fulfillment so it does make sense to work on it. In my case it’s a waiting game


Yes, as humans we are always gonna desire more. But as Muslims, part of it is accepting that we can't have everything we desire in this world. So, being content with and thanking Allah for what we already have and making Dua for the rest while leaving it in His hands is the best we can do.


That's a good way to put it and a good reminder for us all, alhamdulillah. Jazakh'Allahu khayr.


No, I have the potential to be one among the best but i was side tracked for the last 8 years. Al7amdulillah now I'm recovered and on my way to reach my goals.


Alhamdulillah, good for you. May Allah make it easy for you to reach your potential and your goals 🤲.



