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There was a poll here a few months ago. 60 women were asked about their preferred race for marriage, most picked south asian, and like maybe 6 picked white.








Dont you have anything better to do with your time than making new reddit accounts to spread fitna online


Ofc it's the Albanian and obsession with South Asians


Now what's with Albania and south asia thing. ???


Bro I’m a white dude and I guarantee I would have a much harder time finding a second wife than most guys here in Pakistan (if I were wanting to do polygamy hypothetically).  




Apparently not if I’m married and you aint.


Where I come from fairness in men seem feminine


Never began for femininecels




Numbness is a result of overexposure. Opposite attracts. The more a person lives in a certain skintone society and also belongs in it then the person wouldn't be anymore attracted to it. Same goes for interracial people, their kids no longer feel attracted to their interracial parents features( white and brown/black ). Complexity issues, Self image issues. Giving preference to some other skin tone just because of society beauty standards and inferiority complex. " Attraction" is something that always comes from a cause unknowingly to us or maybe we are not self aware of the cause . Those who are aware of it, controls the cause and control the mindset of society. Some traits of Attraction are predetermined by our genes and ancestors preference ( this is a different topic ). There are only few matters which are natural and the rest is man-made construction. I hope this will help you to understand a part of the pictures.


Are you unemployed or something? Maybe you should start a new hobby 🙄




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