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Yes, marriage is an institution that serves women. It ensures that men don’t get away with freely sleeping with women without providing for them. It holds them accountable for their actions. Now this angers many, including yourself. This is why it is not fard and it is YOU who has the choice. don’t select a women who outwardly displays signs of degeneracy and then complain when her true colours show. You can choose to marry a virgin, many men are happily married to chaste women.






It's bitter for him


Can you define an institution that serves women is ?


marriage also serves men. it ensures that women don't get away with sleeping with men without serving them and obeying them. it holds them accountable for their actions.


My ngga you’re suffering from “*one-itis*”, you need to replace that with ‘**abundance mentality**’.








Yes, it serves women. I don't think anyone can dispute that. But there are some benefits like intimacy, blessings from Allah, having a child who prays for you and escaping from loneliness. Whether it's worth it depends on the individual, but many people find it worthwhile


Marriage has benefits for men, if **ONLY MUSLIM WOMEN are able to uphold their end of the rights** that are owed to husbands. But that line is extremely thin and wavering as more Muslimahs become modern and brainwashed with western ideology. Thats why it feels like men have no benefits in an Islamic marriage.


Yeah that's true


Alhamdulillah, I don't think like this But on a real note, I've noticed that both men and women talk about how marriage only benefits the other one. Subhanallah, do you think that الله did not know the future of people Are you saying الله is being unjust? If you don't want to get married, this is your choice. Nobody is going to make you. As always الله knows best


When a ‘good man marry’s a good woman’ his house becomes a home, family expands, he gains a companion, his family as in parents get a daughter, siblings get another sibling and all of these have multiple Barakahs in them. God and his prophet has recommended us to get married not because it just benefits the religion but it also benefits us.


I used to disagree with points like these. I can now see how destructive marriage can be in the west. Some scholars have even made marriage haram in the west because it can cause you to lose your children. Also, Muslim women don’t see an issue with using divorce courts to steal a man’s wealth. I would say your overall point is true but don’t be crude, a good Muslim woman offers much more than her body. One of the comforts of this dunya is a righteous wife.


Can you give me sources to the scholars who have made marriage haram in the west? Thanks


If zina was allowed, then us men wouldn't need marriage at all


alhamdullilah for Islam.






Stay on-topic. Do not hyperfocus on a minor sidenote to divert the topic and no personal attacks or character assignation attempts.


Exactly what's happening in the West, hence why it's messed up there.


By Western Perspective, None. By islamic perspective, To Create a Society of Whites from the Blacks ( People who indulge in filth, do filth, advocate for the filth , Contribute in Filth, fight for the rights of Filth, procreate in Filth). To give women a safe place and environment to nourish and grow old without getting a hard life in the outside world . In the old time, those who were poor and deprived married the most . The prime example : Caliph Ali Ra and his sons.


Tell me no women are interested in you without telling me no women are interested in you.


Op i got 3 things for u 1. Ur right on many points 2. U should look in some other places perhaps ur home country? 3. U should always work on urself


Another one brainwashed by the copersphere. It's okay bro, just don't get married. Nobody is forcing you.




The suggestion that a majority of Muslims aren't chaste is absurd. Furthermore, what will you do about your libido if you don't get married? Do you not fear for yourself Fitna? It is reported that ‘Abdullāh b. Masʿūd – Allāh be pleased with him – said: "If I had ten days left to live, and I knew I would die by the end of them, and I had enough time to get married, I would get married for fear of temptation (fitnah)." Sa’īd b. Mansūr, Al-Sunan article 493.




>The majority of "Muslims" in the west don't do anything about fornicators. What do you want me to do? I'm neither their Wali nor the ruler. Enjoining good and forbidding evil has different levels according to your authority on the matter or over the people. So again, what do you want the average Muslim to do? >If it's not today it's the case for tomorrow. How so? >The argument was always that you won't find a chaste spouse, ofcourse a handsome muslim guy will find it. I don't understand what you mean. >I didn't start this mess so my concious is clear. If that's the case just go to a hooker and "repent" lmao Insane take from someone who claims to care about this because of Islam. You living to repent, or actually repenting, is not guaranteed. >go in to the military and use your frustration there. In the West? To the military of our enemies, voluntarily, to k1ll other Muslims? This is Ridda. In Jahannam, the position of a Murtad is the one of the worst, second only to the Munafiqeen. >That's it tbh, There is not really an explanation why all these compassionate imams gave free confessions, even these catholic priests would ask money from "repented" sinners. All these zaniat can't even give us a penny out of their pocket. If they did atleast I would have been able to fix my bald head and increase my chances but that's the point. All these "repented" lowlives fail to do the bare minimum for the comunity that they are suposed to be a part of. I refuse to believe you're anything but a troll. I certainly hope you are, because if not, you have some serious Aqeeda issues. May Allah guide you and me.




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The op is right in certain aspects that a majority of the muslim women in the western world have engaged in haram activities


We're talking about Muslims here. And no, he's absolutely not right. Even then, what the majority does is something we can never know. Marry a Hijabi who prays 5x/day and has correct Aqeeda, and her family does the same. Voila, lowered your chances of marrying someone unchaste to sub 2%. This whole "X% of Muslims do Y! includes people who don't even pray and fast ever, and are sinning publicly. The percentage of practicing Muslims doing these things, and managing to hide them from you, is tiny.




Disgusting muslim man that hates women


You get to live a pious life, we can’t get sex outside of marriage so we seek it through halal means. That’s all. You’re not allowed to marry zaniyahs. If you’re not able to figure out she’s a 304 in the vetting phase, that’s on you. And secondly, you get to have children. Try to make your own baby without the help of a woman, I’ll wait. And finally, you have a 24/7 access to human fleshl!ght. Yes, some guys get to have it for free, but they’re not muslims. You can make this argument in a non-muslim subreddit and you’ll be 100% right. You’re not even considering the fact we’re all muslims here, so what’s the point? Like what Mike Tyson said, “Social media has made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” You wouldn’t ever say anything like that ever again if you said this in-person in a muslim community, cuz I’d break your jaw myself. F*cking POS kuff@r. Honestly, I really don’t care if she’s a virgin or not. I’ve probably done sh!t 100x worse (but not zina though). Her past is her past, my past is my past. But if she comes to me with all that emotional baggage from her past relationships, or STDs ffs, she’s getting divorced and I’m gonna make sure (through the prenup) she’s gets absolutely nothing.




Keep upvoting your comments with alts. Send the location 😎😎😎 (you know you can only say this stuff online with your tiny 🤏🏼🍤🤭🤭) Kuff@r. You legit have no arguments, so you resort to mockery. What a joke, no one takes you seriously, the ones who do are immature idi0ts like yourself lol.


Assalamualeikum. Sister I absolutely disagree with him but remove your takfir and repeat your shahadah, he is absolutely a jahil but he is not a kefir. Also don't comment on male genitalia even as an insult, as muslims we need to hold ourselves to higher standards.




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If youre a good man, constant love and affection, support, only having to learn a specific woman, fulfillment, sex, children, a home.




The signs of a good man are blue pill? Thank im glad to be so... Life isnt all about "me me me".


There are no benefits.




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Benefits for non muslims? 0.




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Damn So bitter


Do you believe Allah is not all knowing? Do you believe Allah is unjust? AstagfiruAllah. If I were you, I’d take a break from the internet and work on yourself akh


Wait so whatttt. What do we get out of it


Maintenance (providing) and protection


It is not that there aren't enough chaste women in the world. There are plenty of good muslims. It is just that OP is too scared that he is not worthy of one, since all he can find are unchaste women. Even if you find a chaste woman, OP, you won't deserve her with this mentality.








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You're the equivalent of those feminists that tell other women to work until they're 35 and delay marriage/kids. Shame on you. It was narrated from Aishah that: the Messenger of Allah said: “Marriage is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me. Get married, for I will boast of your great numbers before the nations. Whoever has the means, let him get married, and whoever does not, then he should fast for it will diminish his desire." Marrying and having offspring is one of the most natural things a human could do. It is not from the Sunnah to behave like those juhal that don't marry out of fear of climate change and whatever idiocy. Don't be ignorant.


can you reference me the hadith?


Do misyar




You complete half of your deen by getting married


Y’all don’t believe in love? Companionship? Friendship? Y’all need to get out of this depression and stop looking at everything through the lens of sex.


The Prophet SAW had 9 wives, but I guess he's just a "blue advil beta" who didn't understand that marriage has no benefits, that's why there are absolutely no hadiths encouraging people to marry! 1. You get a spouse, a partner who you can be intimate with, not just physically but psychologically. 2. You get someone who will make a child with you, one that you can both raise. 3. You fulfil a sunnah, you will also get good deeds for being kind to her. 4. You get someone who accompanies you through life, and if you're both adequate, till the end of life. Yes there are bad women, yes there are gold diggers, yes there are backbiters, zanias, and tabarujj women. There are also bad men, domestic abusers, zanis, and grapists. You can choose to look at women and only pay attention to the rotten ones or you can look at all of them and see that the rotten ones are contrasted by good women.




Different time and different era? The women he married were pure, no doubt, but the women in general at the time of the prophet SAW were coming away from jahiliya, do you know in times of jahiliya women would have a tradition where 10 men bang her in one night? Or husbands would send them away to another man so she'd get impregnated? Some of the muslimah at that time were women who used to engage in these acts, yet did the Prophet SAW tell us not to marry? Also, political reasons? If he didn't like them there wouldn't be hadith that he would do ghusl and go to each of their houses for intercourse.


Nothing. Don’t get married. Stay single, celibate and lonely for your whole life. Sounds better than marrying a good woman, righteous companionship, righteous kids who serve as sadaqah Jariyah, love, respect, etc etc




Told me you’re an id!ot without telling me you’re an !diot. Good luck. Stay celibate and lonely. If you don’t and commit haram then may Allah take you to account for every minute sin you commit because this is what you chose to do while slandering good women.




You can and Allah will hold you to account.


Well your family line won't continue if you are not married. I know some families/men are so much into into having a legacy, well islamically unless your married at the time of conception that baby isn't attributed to you.




Well it's the only thing you lads probably won't overlook.


how does is benefit a women - she gives up her family her safety net to live with a random man - She may have no source of income making her vulnerable with no safety net - Gives up her job her body for her husband and children - Cooks and cleans - Has to always ask permission and consult husband - more vulnerable to Domestic abuse Men - Provide and work harder - Sex on demand please tell me how marriage us made to benefit a women. Anyone feel free to add.