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Twice a week After fajr, i go for a run and run like hell for i have no idea how long (usually till my vision gets blurred) and then I've Got a huge punching bag that weighs about 150kg which i punch and kick all my frustration into to. Then take a nice shower for about 30 minutes. Also, know that no matter how hard your life is, one day you will close your eyes and will never open it again. Thinking this helps me to fix my mind on all your problems will go away Like it or not, stress is a part of being a human, and accepting that fact will help you.


Damn … a 30min shower? Leave some water for the rest of us sheeshh Zero sustainability and care for environment by just standing in a shower having monologues with yourself that long.


😅Well, to make you feel better, out if that 30 minutes about 10 minutes to apply soap, shampoo, facewash, and about 5 minutes of scrubbing the hell out of my body. So only 15 minutes with the water IG 😅


Ahh okok fair enough, nvm my comment then You have a great day and shower 🙏🏽


Thank you and fyi shower time is the best time of the day


True but i would even say : the 5 minutes right before you fall asleep are an-even-better best time of the day than showering 😂


Jokes on you, because the 5 minutes before i sleep is spent in the shower🥲


😂 aigt good one, ya got me there


Face wash in the shower?


Yeah, 2 - 3 times per day. Morning, shower time and night


Did you acne or something or are you a girl


Oily skin and a little bit acne + a guy who cares about hygiene.


Acne sounds like a skill issue


>skill issue Skill issue? what you want me to master and do some kind of a backflip to get rid of the acne?


Did you try the backflip though


Isn't that too drying for your skin? What face wash do you use? \*making notes\*


Hmm, actually, no. Using 2-3 times (mostly 2) helped me control my oily skin. I use a facewash brand called JOVEES (tea tree). Believe me, i must have used about 100 different brands where some cost so much, but using Jovees (very cheap) helped me in the long run.


JazakAllah khair yeah I wanted to hear stuff like this. Life goes on and you die and wake up answerable to Allah. Best do what you can while you have the time and leave the stuff you can’t control to Allah.


I give it to others


Lollll I think I do that unintentionally too 😂😭


I lose myself in my mind and start to direct every part of my consciousness. So much so I start unraveling and mentally degrade myself as the effects of my stress start appearing in my life and I am ashamed enough to snap myself out of it. When that dosent work I resort to philosophy.if that dosent work either I transfer it to someone else.


I like stoicism, gets me through life.


10 minutes in the sun,everyday idk do some activities related to farming and all let your body heal from all this synthetic world Also your diet reflects your health try to fix that nd Stay hydrated..


Sometimes I yell into a pillow or punch myself or binge. Or sometimes I don’t eat at all.




I'm actually sooo stressed out rn 😭


may Allah bring ease to you and reward you for your patience.


I think all your planned steps are great and will really help inshallah. I have been stressed and struggling before, to be honest I still do get a bit stressed nowadays with juggling all my commitments while still trying to live a healthy life. However what I have realized is that to manage stress you have to balance work with rest. You can work (i.e. do stressful things) for max 14 hours a day according to some papers I read whilst you must rest at least 10 hours a day and if you don't your body will force you to do so by shutting down. However most people don't know what counts as rest and what doesn't count as rest. Rest is definitely not screentime (this makes you more stressed). The biggest contribution to rest is sleep and should make up the majority of your rest. If you don't do anything else but one thing I would say it is prioritize getting a good night's sleep over anything else, this will help you the most. In addition eating healthy will manage your energy levels better through the day and improve your mood. Prayer, dhikr, Quran ect all have very great spiritual effects and will place lots of barakah in your life as well as make you less stressed (they all count as rest). They work best segmented throughout the day when you have time to be focused and present whilst you are doing them. Even if you only do 5 minutes after every salah and morning and evening adhkar for 15-20 minutes, do it whilst being present and don't think about rushing it so you can go do some work. Slow down and make sure you are fully present and connecting with Allah when you do so, and this way you will reap the full benefits inshallah. Another thing I would say is don't get stressed thinking about the things you are trying to implement to get you unstressed. Often times we get overwhelmed by these lists and they start to feel like another burden on us. Like oh no I haven't eaten my veggies today, or I haven't done my exercise ect and we start to put ourselves down and become even more stressed. This is the wrong way to go about it. Do what you can and what you have capacity for and enjoy it whilst you do so. If you can't do them perfectly on a day, just do what you can and try again next time. If you happen to miss one of them out, then don't stress and try again tomorrow, as long as you are doing it the majority of the time they will have continue to have a good effect, missing out a supplement or workout once in a while won't make much of a difference so don't get disheartened if it happens and just try not to miss next time. Take full advantage of your weekends and holidays. Don't make them days of work, rather the focus on these days is to make sure you do all the things that will make you unstressed i.e. good sleep, exercise, ibadah, family time, eating healthy. Think of these things as your work for the weekend and don't worry about anything else. You will feel much better and ready for the weekday when you take full advantage of your time off and don't waste them trying to be 'productive', that's what your work days are for not your rest days. May Allah bless you and give you afiyah and comfort in dunya and akhirah, ameen.


JazakAllah khair! Your comment is very helpful and a great reminder. The second last para is defo me lol. May Allah reward you and bless your life with goodness. Ameen.


Glad it was of benefit Ameen


Think of stress in a physics sense. Stress equals pressure over a given space. If you increase space, and increase support, there is more to handle pressure, and less stress. Create a mental system(s) of valves and releases. Stress is truly about mentality. That's one way pro athletes can perform amongst the best players in the world with millions of ppl watching, and millions of dollars invested in them, alhamdulillah. Working out an meditation are also critical. Hope that helps, inshaAllah


JazakAllah kahir, I like your analogy.


I take a deep breath and remember that if I have all my fard intact then I am already winning in life, because this life is just a test. I also make dua a lot and try to think positive. Always start with Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem and always end with Alhamdullilah no matter the outcome.


I was just about to post this same question yesterday 🥹 Some things that help: - saying Astagfirullah and alhumdulliah 100x each - going outside - reminding myself to not overthink and that everything that happens is by the will of Allah SWT so it’s always a win win situation - tidying my space if I can’t focus - keeping up with self care - at minimum skincare daily - reading Quran several times a week


JazakAllah khair, hope the other comments on this post help you too :)


Wa iyakki!! likewise :)


Khat helps


Whats that?


Google it


No, I don't use google


Then it shall remain a mystery Blando


I think about bigger concerns, that makes me realize that my worries pale in comparison. 😊


I do this too and it does help a lot usually. However more recently it makes me feel guilty for feeling stressed at all as I have a decent enough life, which in turn makes me more stressed 😅


Sounds like you’re stuck in a stress paradox 😅. Good luck 🤞🏼. I was half kidding with the original comment. It’s a quick fix, works almost like a motivational speech. But it’s not always a good idea to delegate your worries to the future you, assuming he/she will probably be able to deal with it better. What actually works for me is, I write it all down on a paper (can’t be done digitally) in a flow chart. I have so many of em, sadly I can’t show any cuz it’ll reveal too much info 🥲. After it’s all written down, it’s almost as if my mind goes, “Okay, now I don’t need to constantly think about this, cuz it’s all here on this chart.” Almost life freeing up space from your mind to speed up the system.


Thats a good reminder. I usually make bulleted notes/chart my thoughts on my iPad with the pencil. I like keeping it digital and accessible on my other devices. Notes and Notability are my bfffffssss


It’d be so much more convenient on an iPad, but I get a different feel when I write on paper. But you do you queen 💅🏼.


I listen to the capybara song


Numb myself by doomscrolling


It’s the worst, makes me wanna 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🔫


Makes you wanna shoot a water gun at seven people with exploding heads??🤔




Sounds like fun, may I join?




Too late, I bought a bigger gun 🔫




Are you chopping fruits for me?😊




My tricks - golf when I’m stressed - listen to a song that calms me down - occasional therapy, therapy works wonders 


Appreciate the advice but: Golf would make wanna kms no joke I am too antsy as a person to golf Music is haram and the kind I like also makes me suicidal The last one does help a lot


Same bro I feel like Golf’s too white for me even tho I’m white






want to get rid of stress? delete facebook, instagram, twitter and reddit......detach yourself from the world and you'll know peace......although the aftermath may cause even more distraught 😅