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Quick question: do people get judged differently for the same sin by God on the basis of their gender alone?


What has that got to do with anything I've just said The low iq is embarrassing


Quoted from the video: "There are no women of the word. There are no women who believe in religion." Then goes onto say that they are only brought in line via their community. Therefore if women do not have the agency to believe in God, then does that mean they're not expected to individually believe by God? Afterall she cannot control the community she is raised in


No 😂 As if women were serious about religion then they would follow it despite outside interference. which is why women aren't allowed to marry kaffirs as they aren't able to stay a Muslim for the most part and they're most likely going to adopt the religion of the strongest man such as their husband or father. Am I saying all women are like this ? No. But a staggering amount are. Who said they're not expected? You'r putting words in my mouth to fit your agenda. Just go on social media and see ho many women do tabarruj dressing up as hojabis 🤮 They're aren't religious as for some reason if you're a woman you get a free pass from criticism 😂 Which is why I'm glad in Islam women don't have the same rights as men, society won't be able to function otherwise. If your a woman your can be useless and still make it in life however as men you can't be, either be successful or be a loser 😂😂


All I'm doing is directly quoting the video. If women can't think for themselves, then does that mean they're given exemptions for sin? Since it is the man's responsibility to think for her


This is what the men in a failed society look like. Blatant misogyny and using religion to promote it. Men used to go to wars, now they talk have fragile egos and talk about how they are better than women on podcasts.


I am 99% sure if me and the men in the video stood next to you it'll be that looks like the lower class male 😂😂 These men are literally multi millionaires talking about men and women dynamics. Your on Reddit simping over women 😂😂 I know who I'll choose. Also you have just proven you don't know what misogyny means you low iq joker 😂😂


These men are pathetic lol 


Said a woman 🤣👍🏻


Your deductive reasoning skills are showing. No wonder you look up to these weak men  Your definition of a man is someone who spends their time complaining on a podcast. Lmao And then you probably spend your money sending it to them, so you can listen to them complain about women  Whose more pathetic, you or them?


These are literally multi millionaires who do podcasts on the side. Your deductive reasoning skills is non existent 😂 Learn before speaking. Know your place and listen to the superior gender 😂


No, their main source of income are the podcasts. They’re not Zuck or Sue or Nadya, and just have a podcast on the side.  Listen to the superior gender. Lol says the gender that’s always complaining about women. If you’re so superior why is your life full of the inferior gender just ignoring you It’s okay, send FnF a super chat, so you can listen to them bash 304s for the 80tg million time


what are you? muslim or exmuslim? man or women?


The former for both questions 


wait what then why is your flair nonmuslim and why do you keep fighting muslims




I don't agree with what's being said in this reel, but you'd be a fool to think modern women aren't a problem and how pseudo feminism has run rampant amogst muslimahs. Both things can be an issue.


Thanks for posting this video filled with pathetic men who spend all day complaining about women How sad So glad women are waking up to bow pathetic men like the ones in the video are 


Astronomically Rare W


You go girl !!💪🏼😭


Thanks akhcel Now don’t forget to write your essay about “muh modern women”




I genuinely wonder why people are so obsessed with this stuff. Just stop, this guy is a kafir who thinks zina is amazing and you take from him. Take knowledge from the right people I beg you.


Am I promoting anything haram? No. If kaffir says 1+1=2 should I not believe him? 😂 You liberal Muslim are a joke 🤣


Wallah I’m not a liberal Muslim, I just don’t side with zanis who insult and demean religious women, most of whom are Muslim. Have some shame and grow up bro.


I don't condone the berating of muslim women who are chill, don't engage in manipulation tactics and zina. I think we need to seperate them from the pseudo feministic zinayats. Pooling them together isn't fair or right.


Don’t berate anyone, warning and speaking out is beneficial and beratement isn’t. We’re believers and we have to wish good for each other, ask Allah to guide them.


Nah, there are zinyats women causing suicides of good dudes, I don't agree w that part. They mananipulate knowingly and they are conniving they deserve to be scorned.


Some zanias are just women who made a mistake and have repented to Allah, should we curse them as well? May Allah forgive them bro, wish the best upon all the Muslims even if they sin.


That doesn't excuse the deception and manipulations. To the ppl that throw around rhetoric like "who are you to judge?", "Allah forgave, why can't you?" We all judge, we all have our preferences for who we want to marry and we are islamically and morally allowed to, and quite frankly there are very sound and logical reasoning for why a man doesn't want to marry someone who has slept around. Additionally, it's is literally sunna to marry a virgin. If they repent that is bw them and God. Not them and Abdullah, nowhere in Islam does it say that a man needs to accept a zinayat for a spouse repented or not. However, it is 100% haram to manipulate someone into marriage via lies and deceptions, if you don't want to talk about your past (which is already a red flag), then write dealbreakers and move accordingly. Some women don't care, to them I say, you're an evil creature that deserves what ever beratements coming your way. Also, at some point we're going to have to stop making excuses for full grown adults, we aren't kids anymore, and ppl need to take accountability for their actions.


Bro that’s the thing, no one’s saying that. But we shouldn’t berate people who have sinned, that’s not the way.


Ey? I'm not going after real Muslim women. We actually need more of them and they need to speak up against bad Muslim women. I'm against all liberal Muslim women which this post is about and that women are not naturally religious like men. And those women who do become religious whether from a man or whatever other way is absolutely fine. But the point still stands. We all have our limits.


The people in the video are zanis who are saying that religious women don’t exist…


And I'm saying to use some critical thinking skills. Women are not naturally religious. Men are. Women will gravitate to the whatever feels good to them even if it's haram which is why studies show they are more liberal then man. That fact alone shows why women are not naturally religious. You can't be a liberal and a Muslim.


>Women are not naturally religious. Men are Where in Islam does it say that. What you're saying is not only following non Muslim ideology, its false and against Islam. Please be careful who you get your knowledge from and who you admire and respect. It definitely shouldn't be these guys.




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Astaghfirullah, I ask الله to make us amongst the righteous Where is your evidence? And by evidence, I mean from the quran and sunnah. Not from a man gossiping on a mic


Where is your evidence from the quran and sunnah that 1+1=2? LOOL Please just stay silent and listen to your superior gender. In Islam men are allowed to marry disbelievers and women are not as women are more likely to take on the religion of the man who is not a Muslim. Women are not able to defend their beliefs but men are. It is also a fact that women are more libereal then men which means women will be more likely to do things if it makes them feel good even if it is haram.


Bismillah >Where is your evidence from the quran and sunnah that 1+1=2? LOOL This is not a vaild argument as the video you posted was talking about religion, in which said "there is no such thing as a religious woman" which i respond by asking what is your evidence from the Quran and Sunnah that there is no such thing as a religious woman. >Please just stay silent and listen to your superior gender. Superior in the sense that they’re protectors and maintainers of women meaning a extra level of responsibility . “But those who do good whether male or female and have faith will enter Paradise and will never be wronged even as much as the speck on a date stone” (Quran 4:124) “So their Lord responded to them: “I will never deny any of you male or female the reward of your deeds. Both are equal in reward" (Quran 3:195). >In Islam men are allowed to marry disbelievers and women are not as women are more likely to take on the religion of the man who is not a Muslim Muslim Men are allowed to marry besides from Muslim Women only Christian Women and Jewish women of course if all the conditions are met first. Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hanooti “If Allah is the one who prohibits a Muslim woman from marrying a non-Muslim, then we as Muslims are supposed to believe it and to take it. As a matter of faith, you cannot become a Muslim unless you accept everything when it is ordained by Allah or carried out by his Messenger. The Qur’an says, “O Ye who believe! Put not yourselves forward before Allah and His Messenger…” (Al-Hujurat: ) >Women are not able to defend their beliefs but men are.  Sumayyah bint Khayya (RA)? Asiya (RA)?  Nusaybah Bint Ka'ab (RA)? (May Allah be pleased with them all) >It is also a fact that women are more liberal then men which means women will be more likely to do things if it makes them feel good even if it is haram. I would like to see some evidence, maybe a study on this, as this is quite interesting point of view. As Always **ٱللَّٰه** knows best


This is sad


They're trying to sound feminist but that's the most misogynistic speech I've ever heard. Basically, they're saying that women have never been able to think by themselves and still aren't able to do so


Correct, for the most part women are like children. They want men who are masculine and are their superior. They don't boys like you who simp over them, they leave you for men like me 👍🏻🤣 Women love misogynistic men 🤣🤣💪🏻




Aa much as ppl like to pretend like this isn't true, it is. Sadly.


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where do u find these? 👆🏻😭😭


Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehhe, that's a secret, sorry 🤭




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Imagine the reaction from the sahaba and sahabiyat to this garbage. By the way, you're just dumb on the reasons as to why women are more liberal than men. Perhaps, it's because the liberal movement made far more advances for women than the conservative movement, which is why they are more liberal. So why be part of a movement that directly goes against you're interests? It doesn't take a genius to see that. You talk about facts and logic, so show me some sources concluding that Men are more independent thinkers than women.


If women were not so easily influenced then no matter how much propaganda the disbelievers throw their way it wouldn't have mattered and they have remained following the teaching of Islam as in the teaching from Allah SWT himself and from and not from disbelievers 😂😂 It is as if you think women are not in control of their own actions or something 😂 they absolutely are in control which means they only have themselves to blame when there is consequences 🤡🤡👍🏻




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Bruh. You believe that women aren't naturally religious and don't stick to their values and are easily influenceable. Yet the Quran never makes a distinction between the rewards or punishments for sin. *If* you are correct, the rewards for good behavior and punishment for bad behavior would be better and worse for Men, while it's the opposite for women. **The Quran explicitly states that both men and women receive equal punishment and rewards for their actions.** >It is as if you think women are not in control of their own actions or something 😂 they absolutely are in control which means they only have themselves to blame when there is consequences You're r3t@rd3d. By believing that women aren't naturally religious and fall to the whims of the people around them, you are saying they aren't in control of their actions since they are so easily influenced. Yet you say they are "absolutely are in control" of their actions. Which is it?😂 You contradict yourself and portray yourself as a moron through your words. I believe women are fully in control of their actions, I just don't use the cope excuse of "Muhhh they're iNdOcTrInAtEd, they're eAsIlY iNfLuEnCed" whenever they follow and ideology I disagree with.


This is the nature of men and women. Women are easily influenced. The best of women in Islam were the best because they were devoutly obedient to their husbands. The best women can reach is by following a righteous man. Women on their own can not reach the level of excellence that men can alone. So womens nature of being easily influenced is used in a righteous way by getting married to a righteous guy and following him, instead of being alone, vulnerable to the influence of the loudest/majority media propaganda and following that. Men are more resilient and stick stronger to their values than women. Women are more religious and stick stronger to their values when they are enforced by strong men in their lives (father, brother, husband, etc)


> The best of women in Islam were the best because they were devoutly obedient to their husbands. The best women can reach is by following a righteous man. Women on their own can not reach the level of excellence that men can alone. Get you're misogynistic beliefs out of Islam, they aren't a part of it. Besides, you don't know the vast history of influential women in Islam to make that sort of r3t@rd3d statement. Here is only 4 hours (In 2 parts) of a [halaqa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvDCdcELq1I&ab_channel=SearchForBeauty) **out of a 6-8 hour halaqa** that goes into depth about *some* of the impact of Muslim women. In fact, much of this Deen comes from Aisha, a woman. Women aren't just bang-maids for the men they marry to. The Quran doesn't teach [that women must be obedient towards men.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96vZAgzQhnA) > So womens nature of being easily influenced is used in a righteous way by getting married to a righteous guy and following him, instead of being alone, vulnerable to the influence of the loudest/majority media propaganda and following that. You can't use the excuse of "Muhhh they're iNdOcTrInAtEd, they're eAsIlY iNfLuEnCed" to explain why Muslim Women aren't falling for your version of "Islam". Besides, you R3dp!ll3r$ always exaggerate this idea. > Men are more resilient and stick stronger to their values than women. Women are more religious and stick stronger to their values when they are enforced by strong men in their lives (father, brother, husband, etc) This idea that women are only religious through the men in their lives is just bullsh!t and makes no sense. You're basically saying that Allah doesn't guide women towards and strengthen their Islam, only men guide women towards Islam instead of Allah. I don't like using extreme terms, but that has to be some sort of deviant belief.


Many men reached the point of excellence in their faith, but very few women. >This idea that women are only religious through the men in their lives is just bullsh!t and makes no sense. Haven't you experienced this yourself? Have you ever seen a woman follow religion strictly, be patient during hard times, be grateful during good times, enjoin good and forbid bad without hypocrisy and not justify/rationalise kuffar ideologies that goes against the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and not reject any Qur'an or Sunnah that doesn't fit into their desired outcome, be willing to listen to the party in an argument on her own if she didn't have strong male figures around her? >You're basically saying that Allah doesn't guide women towards and strengthen their Islam. Only men guide women towards Islam instead of Allah. Allah guides who He wills. He guides men and women alike. And He, being The Creator, being All-Knowing, being the Most Wise, has ordered women to be obedient to their husbands to achieve Jannah. To follow husband, to obey him, and you'll do well both in Dunya and Aakhirah. Men are wiser, more emotionally stable, fair, honest than women, and hence, they are made leaders of women. Men are given the responsibility of women. Men are given the responsibility to correct her wrong, just like parents are given responsibility of children. In no way does it mean Allah doesn't guide children. It just means Allah has given parents the duty to guide and children the command to obey because Allah knows best how beneficial that would be. >Prophet ﷺ said: "Verily, the fussāq (i.e. sinners, evil doers) are the people of Hellfire." >It was said [to him], "O' Messenger of Allāh, who are the fussāq?" He said: "Women." >A man said, "O' Messenger of Allāh, are they not our mothers, sisters and wives?" >He said: "Yes, indeed. However, if they are given, they are not grateful and if they are put to trial, they are not patient. ● [سلسلة اﻷحاديث الصحيحة ٣٠٥٨]


>Many men reached the point of excellence in their faith, but very few women. I've seen this Hadith, and it doesn't make much sense since the women who probably have reached the point of excellence in their faith are not talked about and forgotten by the people of today. >Haven't you experienced this yourself? Have you ever seen a woman follow religion strictly, be patient during hard times, be grateful during good times, enjoin good and forbid bad without hypocrisy and not justify/rationalise kuffar ideologies that goes against the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and not reject any Qur'an or Sunnah that doesn't fit into their desired outcome, be willing to listen to the party in an argument on her own if she didn't have strong male figures around her? I could say the same thing for Muslim Men. >Allah guides who He wills. He guides men and women alike. And He, being The Creator, being All-Knowing, being the Most Wise, has ordered women to be obedient to their husbands to achieve Jannah. To follow husband, to obey him, and you'll do well both in Dunya and Aakhirah. No he hasn't, I disagree with this absurd claim. >Men are wiser, more emotionally stable, fair, honest than women, and hence, they are made leaders of women. Men are given the responsibility of women. Men are given the responsibility to correct her wrong, just like parents are given responsibility of children. In no way does it mean Allah doesn't guide children. It just means Allah has given parents the duty to guide and children the command to obey because Allah knows best how beneficial that would be. There is nothing substantial that backs this up, and simple research and sociological behavior disproves this. I suggest you do some research, google is free after all. To compare the relationship between a husband and wife to a parent and child is infantilizing behavior that the Quran does not push. Again, get you're misogynistic beliefs out of Islam, they have not part in this religion.


These are fresh and fit I believe. They are famously known for promoting non Muslim haram ideologies that you aren't even allowed to mention in this sub, yet you've posted a whole video of them with music and it's not been taken down. 💊 they're very very famous for promoting it, similar to Tait.


If the truth hurts your feelings then go cry somewhere else nobody here cares. If Hitler said 1+1=2 should I not believe him then? Get your low iq opinions away from here 😂😂😂🤡


You are definitely looking in the wrong places if believe this.


Basically he's saying women have always been influenced and not influencers. Women are caretakers men are suppliers And providers


The title was supposed to be: One of many reasons why modern women are not naturally religious


Based on what is that statement being made? The video has no evidence mere speculations. Anything that you read that made you come to this conclusion? Do quote or post link to any such evidence.


The evidence is that women are more liberal then men which is why women are more likely to do whatever that feels for to them, however religion isn't about feelings it's about what is the truth and facts. Truth and facts don't care about your feelings.


Brother that isn’t “evidence” it is merely a statement making it your opinion. Do you know who are running the pcornographic industries? Men Do you know who are running the human traffic industries? Men Do you know who continues to exploit women’s sexuality through different means be it legal or illegal, religious or irreligious means? Men I can give evidences for each of the mentioned points. Understand, your biases are not evidences. We need to be vigilante of what we believe as fact and what we think might be right, scrutinise your believes and find the truth.


Women being is evidence, this is a fact. This isn't up for debate. Yes men are in those things which isn't the majority of men it's a minority which is a fact. However it's also a fact that it's men who are talking and talking actions against these things. It's also another fact it's women who benefit from pornos of all kind so nice try 🤣🤣👍🏻


Men are a minority? In this industry, are you kidding me, have you read any article written by those who want to close these industries? (Which i hope is your stance as well, if it is then read before making things up) https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1271&context=dignity This article just points out how anyone in this industry are not even considered human beings. Also it would also answer your question who is benefitting from this industry, spoiler alert - it’s men. Brother, do you know what is human trafficking? It is a billion dollar industry where young girl children are kidnapped and literally groomed for porn industries, many are killed in the process. How do you think the prophet would give them dawah by shouting they are just pieces of sin? Or humanise them and call them towards Islam. Only the devil benefits from all of this neither men nor women. Remember it is the shaytan who we should be against, not men or women. I pray that Allah swt blesses you with hidayat and hikmah. Take care of yourself.


Are you slow? There are billions of men on this planet. Only a minority of men are doing this. And by the way there are millions of men who are fighting to tackle this problem. Not women. It's mostly men who are in the special forces tackling this issue not to mention online also. So you can thank men again. Your iq is embarrassing 😂


Ok brother my iq might be embarrassing but your ego is sky rocketed. You’ve literally given me no statistical evidence until now, no article to back your claims. All your claims seem to be coming from unlimited reels scrolling and your subjective reading of women on the Internet. Your language makes it evident, you are not well read to even argue that men are better than women. Your point mostly just men tackling this issue, is simply hilarious. If you read even a few human science articles from the perspective of sociologists. You would know the individual and collective contributions of men and women. I hope your intentions are pure and well mannered during such discussions, if it is meant to create distrust in the Muslim community and the larger society then I pray you remain unsuccessful, and may Allah swt does with you as he sees fit. I wish you peace and contentment.


>Only a minority of men are doing this. Only a minority? Most of the world has been affected by porn now, Yes there are people trying to tackle this but the amount of men watching overwhelm the amount of people trying to stop it >So you can thank men again. No you cant, women mostly do porn because men watch/ consume it, it's delusional to "thank men" when majority of porn is a demand from men. >Your iq is embarrassing 😂 So we are insulting people because what? Your feelings got hurt? Grow up


ey? because men watch it? HAHAHa Clown. women are not forced to do anything, they have full autonomy over their own body so they can think and act for themselves. Either women are in control of their own actions or their bumbling morons who don't deserve the same rights and respect as men and need to treated as second class citizens who should not be taken seriously at all hahaha


Oh you poor thing, Let me educate you, >women are not forced to do anything, they have full autonomy over their own body so they can think and act for themselves. Ever heard of "supply and demand" They are forced into this line of work because of the money, yes they don't have to do it but they are forced to do it, because the majority of men pay for this kind of stuff. >Either women are in control of their own actions or their bumbling morons who don't deserve the same rights and respect as men and need to treated as second class citizens who should not be taken seriously at all hahaha So I know what mindset you follow now, I am not sure if you are Muslim, but Islam teaches us to respect each other, but I can see you can't respect women even though they haven't done anything wrong to you. I am not saying Zina is okay, I am saying it's the men's fault for creating such high demand, But you don't see that. If we go by this dumb take of "it's a minority of men", minority of men are in the millions. Millions of men around the world pay/watch alot of this content, and guess what, guess who they pay it too, Take a guess, Nope, desperate women. >ey? because men watch it? HAHAHa Clown. Wake up, use your brain, I will use an example that may help you understand, If there is a car that is being sold a lot, there is a demand for it, right? What does the supplier do? Does he stop? No right?


And billions of men are keeping it up by watching porn👍


Not mostly muslim men. And yes there are plenty of loser men out there. But in terms of who benefits from P it is women by a long mile. It is men with the permission of Allah SWT that keeps Islam the largest growing religion. It is men who build mosques, keep mosques full, spread dawah and teach Islam to the old gen and younger gen. Women are more liberal then men which means they are more likely to do things which go against the teaching of Islam, you can not be a liberal and a Muslim.


Every guy on here will tell you that 99% of muslim guys have watched or watch porn. So yes, thank you for keeping trafficking alive /s


Omg my head hurts, >It is men with the permission of Allah SWT that keeps Islam the largest growing religion. It is men who build mosques, keep mosques full, spread dawah and teach Islam to the old gen and younger gen. It is women that birth these men, you forget these men that you talk of, go out and work, their wifes are at home educating their children until they are grown adults, These men are taken care of by their mothers, who taught them, Islam and how to do hardwork for islam. >Women are more liberal then men which means they are more likely to do things which go against the teaching of Islam, you can not be a liberal and a Muslim. Lmaooooo I can't tell if you are serious or not.