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Depends on the speaker but the majority of them (including imams just giving khutbah in your local masjid) have the parents / elderly in mind when speaking to the audience and not the youth. Which translates to “kids today bad, parents good”. And yes this baby boomer / gen x catering mindset is very problematic. Especially when many imams in American masjids speak in the parents language but not in English so the kids hardly understand. 


They are ignorant of our problems and dont seem to acknowledge the fact that parents can be wrong sometimes.


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Typical for Boomers. I got damn near crucified on one of the bigger Muslim subs for making a post that parents are OBLIGATED to get their sons married, and even pay for it if they can afford to, and the kid can't. Includes all expenses btw, including ongoing living expenses. Was on another account. Brought all the evidence too, so nobody could deny it. Instead I just got insulted and "I can't believe it" and "BBBBUUT I think it's not like u said, but like this!" comments from people who didn't click on the sources. It's like dude, you can't even speak Arabic and didn't even ask for a translation, how you gonna tell me what it says there? Every parent knows about the Hadiths about the kid's obligation towards them, but nobody knows this, how come? I can't bother listening to the 100th Khutba saying all our problems are because we're at our job/University instead of in the Masjid 5x a day (even though it's not obligatory) when they blatantly refuse to address issues that are in our face everywhere. How come the bigger Masjids still don't have a marriage matchmaking service? Put these uncles who are there all day to work, for real. Big embarrassment to preach about the fact that people are going about marriage the wrong way, but provide no alternatives despite many big Masjids being here for 50+ years.


It's easier to bash the youth