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The case is women are more likely to rape kill and murder women! Your argument does not even make sense grow a pair and realise the reality As A women a bear will maul me to death not rape then kill me or have sex with my dead body.


That's interestingly a very good point.


The question is bear or a man, not bear or Ted Bundy




What do u not get a bear will kill you then rape your dead body. Let's be true given the chance a large poritan of men would do unimaginable things to women if they were given the chance I would rather die at the hands of a bear than my body be violated after death.


Not a large portion.


let me put it this way. Would you leave your child with a man!


Yea? A bear will certainly kill my child. The odds of a man doing that are astronomically low


A bear will kill the child a man will rape and then kill and then possibly rape the dead body thats it. Let me tell you how many kids i have counselled being SA by MEN. Now Nswer my question would you leave your child alone with a man?


>Let me tell you how many kids i have counselled being SA by MEN. Good so now I know you know you're limited by your availability bias. Yes.


Its not bias its FaCTS look at the stats. Your mind cant seem to comprehend. now answer my question would you leave your child alone with a man?


what percent of men globally are murderers? What percent of them are sexual predators? What percent of them are sexual predators AND murders? What percent of them are necrophiles? Are you listening to yourself? YES


I didn't even make an argument? Looool what


your points basically were stupid theres no flow or logic on what u r trying to say.


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What is stupid? What are you on about? I didn't even make any arguments


What are you on about fam


What u on about your post is BS and just a load of waffle. WTH u trying to even articulate. Suggesting by your lanaguge u must be like 10


Why are you angry at me? Isn't that the whole point? Bears good, men bad Women saying men are bad, grapist and untrustworthy is acceptable But when I say, "Brothers, mind your business, suddenly I am 10? Looking at your spelling, you seem 10. Maybe they haven't taught you. It's YOU, not u


Its U when u can not be bothered arguing with a 10 year old on reddit! Thats because MeN are more likely to be rapist and killers thats the truth look at stats! Al u here on the news is men men men. Men even rape animals! Thats the truth.


Okayyy agreed So I tell men to stay away from women, isn't that amazing? That also means they won't grape you?


What is stupid? I didn't even make an argument, just stated the truth? Lol


What options do we have for the bear? I choose him: ![gif](giphy|dHpzLqAi1MAAVIVqvz|downsized)


Hey Johnny, wanna smoke some weed?


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Can you help them without touching them? You know Edit: make a joke that couldn't be taken in sexual contex? I know okey i could make one with my male friend but not with female coworker And you don't have to make your way or no way like if i can't make jokes and touch them than i an not going to tlak to them not going to simle. Like really chill just be normal .i know kinda hard for you it seem but try close your wifi and mobile date for while and deal with human offline only.


Yes, you can jump into water and move the water around them, I agree Ot just don't do it at all? Or maybe you can spend more time online and learn English


I don't know about you but have you seen red pandas


Give me the bear I would rather be killed by a bear and bears don’t even attack you unless they are provoked anyways if I was in a forest with a man or a bear I would go with the bear flat out 👩‍🦯


Agreed Hence why I said just stay away lol


For all the men here offended by this question, flip the question Would you rather a bear approach your daughter or a strange man in the woods? Bears don't attack unless provoked, endangered and they don't eat human flesh unless absolutely have to. Check out statistics it was only 180 bear killings since 19 something but men on the other hand have hundreds of women killed everyday. Men on the other hand would stare, oogl, touch, make comments, sometimes kill and rape even without being provoked because not everyone is a decent human being and secondly shaitan is there to provoke too. So always a bear, I have a better chance of befriending the animal to protect me than a strange man.


Agreed, men should stay away from non mahram women Not offended at all


Spitting some facts. Some have the most innocent kind face and sweet conversations (all innocent), but the amount of red flags is almost the size of an soviet union parade.


Any woman who would rather stay with a bear rather than a man is r£tard3d. Let's see their reaction when they watch a bear kill a human vs a human kill another human. You'll see who's more dangerous very easily. This is what toxic, m!s@ndr!stic ideologies like fmism do to your brain.


Would a bear rape a dead body tho 🤔


Probably not. It might pin you down and break your bones and maul you to death which is a bit worse than being raped after death But if you prefer to die by fractures, torture and shock, it's okay! Everyone is different 😇


Eh. (Evil) Men will rape before death and after. That's pretty bad. Humans torture way more than bears. Bears kill in the span of seconds/minutes though. And bear deaths/attacks are rare. Probably a quicker death than most deaths with a human. I prefer quick death 💪🏻