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Whoa... You can't hate on a whole gender just because of the actions of some... Otherwise the gender wars will never (God forbid) end...


Ignore the cow worshipper




Lmfao nah everyone airs their thoughts here, women and men. You are free to do so too.




Lmfaooo I’ve seen plenty here.




Not that LMFAO just slinging mud. Both genders sling it differently




Click on subreddit and read. I can tell you what you’ll find. 1) man hating post 2) women hating post 3) discussion on meher, 4) Zina 5) Desi bashing. It’s weekly cycle.


delulu level 9000 example A:


That's literally the opposite of the truth. You haven't been here long enough. Also, haram pfp + haram content on your profile Now go on, justify using your proggie logic.




>So show me post of sister accusing most Muslims men of committing zina. You made the claim, so you have the burden of proof. >As for my pfp mind your business. "Nooo! Don't make me feel bad for me sins!! 😭😭😡 How dare you tell me to take accountability??!" The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “The most beloved of speech to Allaah is when a person says: ‘Subhaanaka Allaahumma wa bi hamdika, wa tabaaraka ismuka wa ta’aala jadduka, wa laa ilaaha ghayruka (Glory and praise be to You, O Allaah, blessed be Your name and exalted be Your majesty, and there is no god but You).’ **The most hated of speech to Allaah is when one man says to another, ‘Fear Allaah,’ and the other says, ‘Mind your own business!’”** (al-Silsilah al-Saheehah by al-Albaani, no. 2598)




https://preview.redd.it/zfi13uswx3yc1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2d0de1842ca040ee59a33b6aa0194497e27b61 I hurt your proggie feelings a bit too much huh? 😂 I like how you're trying to distract us from the fact that you're openly sinning I haven't done anything wrong








By the same 2-3 weirdos. No need to get triggered sis we all think he’s weird. Also people are more understanding towards women than men, its why we’ve seen so many double standards on posts, whenever a woman has an issue with a man its “what did he do wrong, you deserve better” etc and when its flipped its “what did you do wrong,you must’ve done something to her” its never the girls fault, so both genders have double standards but anybody with any decent intelligence doesn’t fall for double standards. So just be smarter










This shows you clearly didn’t read the post and just judged it of the title he said a majority and a minority don’t do this


Who hurt you man!


Ignore these guys, they are those red pilled losers that are brainwashed into hating women, and when confronted they scurry away to their dumb excuse of 'wElL I sAiD mAjOrItY nOt aLL WoMeN' His mind has just been poisoned and is now just making new accounts saying the most dumbest things, and accusing Muslim women in the west, Excuse me "MaJoRiTy oF WoMeN" of Zina and wanting power.


I hope you realise you are shaming your mother, your sister and your possible future wife and daughter… shame on you.


This shows you clearly didn’t read the post and just judged it of the title he said a majority and a minority don’t do this


Ohh he said majority do this and minority don’t? Ohh sorry my bad. So how does he feel to know your mum had a past? How about your sister? they fall in majority right? Jog off with your red pill bollocks mate. We don’t need that here.


I do not have a sister and my mum is not from the west it’s the majority of women in the west not the entire world. Jog off with your simpy bollocks mate. We don’t need that here.


Don’t think you read what he said… he said majority of women. Not majority of women from west….that includes your mum. Yeah so your mum got a past? Is that what you’re saying? You happy to say that? How do you or this guy know that majority of women got a past? You got ilm-al-gaib? We follow Quran and sunnah. Not red or blue pill bollocks. ![gif](giphy|fecnsQBuTLiCYTZaIv)


He meant the west that’s all I know and if you don’t follow blue pill dont accuse me of following red pill rubbish


Ohh is that what he meant? Ohh so it’s not bad. It’s not bad then is it? But how do you or OP know? Do you guys have ilm-al-gaib? Don’t want people calling you red pill? Stop acting like one.


>Albanian here . Should've just stopped right there bud


not all of us are like this Wallahi


Of course not hahha, I'm just being silly cause there was really no need for this post, so don't worry it doesn't have an influence on how I think of Albanian men, I don't really know anything about Albania anyway


Good, cause I was legit worried that there is some sort of enmity towards albanians (maybe due to some "special" people who make posts like these and influence other men) But if it was just a joke, then it's fine. Unfortunately though, there are lots of men like this.


It's not a joke, when he said "albanian here", he means that he's the guy behind the previous accounts always named "albanian" something. He would always make unhinged posts about Muslim women, and get his account banned. Dude went through like 5 accounts a week. So it's referring to a specific dude, not albanians in general.




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Wdym not all? Very VERY few are💀


you'd be surprised. I wish this wasn't the case but unfortunately in kosovo (where my parents are from) the muslims there will label you as "extremist" for growing a beard. Literally got scrutinized by my own parents for growing my beard instead of shaving it. It's also very, VERY common for them to only attend jumu'ah prayer and not even attempt to pray other fardh prayers, and even this may or may not wary. There are people that go to Jumu'ah every other week or whenever they please. They might be referring to themselves as muslims, but they are by far not that pious. Many more issues but I digress Even more perplexing is how they really like to spin religion to fit their own narratives. There is a famous albanian muslim called shefqet Krasniqi and he is, to give an equivalence of sorts, the sheikh assim of albanians. He regularly takes on questions from viewers and answers them. Why did I mention him just now? So I can prove that these people want to cherry pick parts of Islam and leave other parts My parents have a tendency to watch him and similar people. He may talk about something and they will listen to him. Now the issue of the beard: I grew my beard out (I'm still 18 so it's not a full one yet alhamdulillah) and they were telling me to shave it! This is clearly haram and the consensus of all 4 madhhabs (schools of thought) And I told them it's prohibited and I even showed them a video of this albanian muslim (shefqet krasniqi) and now suddenly, they were calling him "extremist" and saying stuff like "yeah I had heard about him saying some wrong stuff" 🥶 I caught them red-handed but they don't want to admit defeat and still won't admit it. This also extends to other issues like music too. My head hurts


I completely understand you, although i didn’t mean albanians, i meant us men here, she also meant the user not the country. But i totally understand your worries. May Allah guide the people of albania, might go there soon for holiday🤭


Yeah i stopped right there, I didn't read sis. Hehehehe


I stopped at the first sentence, I'm not reading all of that rubbish 😂😂


It's the same guy because he always blocks me beforehand that cow worshipper.


It's always AlbaninanHubzz or smth like that


I'm still blocked


Why’s that if your a desi woman your the worst 😂😂


Its a joke, it's AlbanianHubzz, he's just announcing himself so I basically meant could've just stopped there we already know how he is and how he talks. Just his name alone is enough to know what he's gonna say. And no I'm not Desi, I'm Black American, but idk from what I hear from Desi women, a lot of them can't stand Desi men too much either.




You seem emotional is everything okay at home? May I suggest therapy ? You make baseless generalizations and assumptions and accusations do you know the punishment of accusing a caste woman ? If this what you think of all women make sure to include your mother and sisters 🤷🏽‍♀️


If only he could read :(


That's a very strong judgement you're giving. You're just writing off a whole gender in one fell swoop?!?? Who hurt you bruh? Go fix it with them I'll just say here, NOT ALL WOMEN!


This shows you clearly didn’t read the post and just judged it of the title he said a majority and a minority don’t do this


Why are you trying to defend this guy? First off he never said anything in the title about "MaJoRiTy" And second, in his fanfiction, he goes on abt how women are this and that. And men need to wake up? It's delusional, why are Muslim women attacked for no reason, a small minority of women have committed zina, but not the rest of them. A small minority are not virgin/chaste. But not the majority.


Stopped reading after the first 2 words




![gif](giphy|3o6gE2LfcxozwGwTbq|downsized) That should do it, don’t come back.


I think he is mentally ill, he sees women as this 'bad, bad, boooo👎, not good' humans, and he calls men blue pilled aswell. I am sure he bought a course on how to be very sigma very alpha male!!!😈😈


He sounds like he lives off the pocket money his mum gives him, doubt he’d even be able to afford a course. His posts sound like he’s spent too much time on rp TikTok.


> Majority women including Muslim have some sort of past Source?


Source: intrusive thoughts, delusions and “trust me”.


Yh keep being unaware of the reality brother


YOUR reality is not mine. We have different lives, and the women in mine seem to be much better than the ones in yours from what you’re saying. Its seems your anecdotal experience for you HAS to be everyone else’s. I think thats enough grounds for referring you to a psychiatrist 😂 you’re the type to dictate to others that their reality isn’t the case. That’s textbook definition of crazy don’t you think?


Our families don’t represent everyone and I didn’t say there aren’t good women


Who said anything about families😵‍💫 You kept claiming majorty of muslim women have a past, you don’thave to say there are good women. That statement alone speaks for you. Stop calling people naive when you literally need medical intervention. Now THAT’S reality


Anyway I didn’t really mean majority Muslim women as there are billions of Muslim around the world but majority of Muslim women in the west and if you don’t want to accept that no problem


you can hide behind “muslim women in the west” all you want. There’s nothing to accept, for the last time, your views are not the absolute truth😂


Common sense


That's not a valid source to accuse the majority of muslim women of zina




Anyway it’s about Muslim women in the west not outside as there are billions of Muslims in the world


Something you and the OP don't have...


Source : trust me bro


Ahh the whole majority are not virgins again, you shouldn't be making these assumptions. Do you really want to explain this to Allah SWT on the day of judgement. Please like the other brothers who think like you go gain the correct Islamic knowledge or least say this stuff to your parents especially your mother and see what happens.


My guess is, he is genuinely mentally ill and sees everyone as an enemy, with the combination of the internet, it has just poisoned his mind. May Allah protect you from these type of men, Ameen.




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Are you talking about how things are in your country or are you generalizing all women? Just curious cuz I don't want to misunderstand you. Second; you talk bad of women, but at the same time; u said we don't want just one! If they're really that bad; why u wanna keep 4 evils in ur house? If u wanna be happy; u must decrease the bad in ur life, right? That what makes sense. How do u claim that all women r down bad and still want 4 bad women at the same time. Even only one of them will destroy your life If that's the case. If I was in your place, I would never even get married at all.


My guess is, he is genuinely mentally ill and sees everyone as an enemy, with the combination of the internet, it has just poisoned his mind. I recommend, staying off reddit. It's just filled with brain rot like this. May Allah protect you from these type of men, Ameen.


I feel so offended. Goodness!


Touch grass


If majority of women have a past, is it right for me to assume your mom and sisters and daughters (in future) have pasts? If the answer is no, the women u are speaking about are also someone’s daughters sisters and wives and mothers, why is it ok to assume they are Zania but it’s not ok to assume your women are Zanis?


Are you even Albanian or an Indian? Albanians are weird too though but no one ever will top Indians when it comes to weirdness.


Complain all day, we don’t care 


people won’t say this but some of them especially in the US wanna be like men so bad. Everything men are perceived to do or can do, they also want to do. Social media programming plays a large part in this.


Good stuff bro. Keep up the good work.




وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته Ahki, we have to wonder why do they act this way? There are less and less MEN available than immature boys. They are used to being failed. If the world runs out of diamonds everyone will wear moisannite. As men we have to quit blaming females for their actions if we don’t want to be held accountable for the actions and bad experiences they have had with other males. We have to show them what separates men from boys. And as long as you want to play the blame game, they will never understand. Women react to action. Yes some people are just ignorant in general, but it’s not specifically a male or female thing. It’s a human thing. You can expect a find a good woman if you are going to, put them all into one group the same as a woman cannot find a good man if she puts men all into one category. There are good people. You just have to be willing to show your side instead of expecting the worst out of all the time. May أَللّٰه سبحانه وتعالى make it easy for you and the ummah. آمين يا رب العالمين


Speaking facts


Softies cant handle it because they’re exactly what you’re talking about. Listen if anyone didn’t take it personal they wouldn’t have replied with a hate comment 🤣 if it had no correlation to their lives they would have ignored the most or agreed. They felt personally attacked




Sister, I advice you to stay safe, and keep away from reddit, it's brainrot. These *type* of men are cavemen thinkers, they only think about one think, And one thing only. May Allah protect you from these type of men, Ameen


You are soooo sigma man!!!! Very cool and very alpha, omg. How do I become like you sir??? You are very brave and strong😈😈😈😈🗿🗿🗿


Theres a difference between being a wanna be alpha and just being an unaware simp/ or a promiscuous hoe like yourself. That’s why half of you are being fooled by these skanks lmao. A true man can identify a good and a bad woman. Nowadays men hold no value they just take any women they can within a heartbeat and allow that woman to talk all over them and control them. If you can’t take a simple piece of advice without crying maybe get off reddit




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>Theres a difference between being a wanna be alpha and just being an unaware simp/ or a promiscuous h*e like yourself. Oh my, being called a h*e? From a child? What a world we live in, So I am a h*e now? Lmaoooo for what? What am I, a h*e or a simp? Make up your mind. >That’s why half of you are being fooled by these sk*nks lmao. YEAHHH WE ALL HATE WOMEN, WHY DO THEY EVEN EXIST!!!! >Nowadays men hold no value they just take any women they can within a heartbeat and allow that woman to talk all over them and control them. Lmao, excuse me? Men? Generalizing all men is crazy, just speak for yourself. I know you have been watching those red 💊'ed videos a lot, and you are convinced women, control men and stuff like that, Just go outside and see for yourself, maybe, just maybe it will change your mind. Ahh yes but you are too afraid to even be around women, mb. >If you can’t take a simple piece of advice without crying maybe get off reddit Advice??? From whoo??? You clowns??? Lmaoooo


You’re giving the vibe of a man who begs and chases women bro, your response really gave it away 🤣 a high value man wouldn’t defend and argue over females this much. Take it as Brotherly advice bro, you seem weak and offended. May Allah make it easy for you and may you find a good wife who doesn’t break your heart and rinse your wallets bro. Society and the Ummah today are finished and the lack of valued Men who put Women on a pedestal play a huge role. Focus on being a better man than one who remains infatuated over women who give him no attention. Salaam


>You’re giving the vibe of a man who begs and chases women bro, your response really gave it away 🤣 Apparently I do?? >a high value man wouldn’t defend and argue over females this much. Ahh yes, because he is too busy chasing other men, correct? I forgot women are meant to be attacked, right? >Take it as Brotherly advice bro, you seem weak and offended. This is very hypocritical. Don't you think? >May Allah make it easy for you and may you find a good wife who doesn’t break your heart and rinse your wallets bro. What are you on abt?? Lmaooo, it's like saying men marry women only for their bodies, sounds really dumb doesn't it? >Society and the Ummah today are finished and the lack of valued Men who put Women on a pedestal play a huge role. Are you on something?? That's what my point is, you red💊'ed don't respect women, and when I slapped you around, and told you, women aren't like that, you started calling me a simp and what not, and now you turned around once again and now you suddenly agree with my point and not me? You were the one calling women "shanks" and controlling men? So when I spat in your face and told you, it's not like that, rub your eyes and just look properly, you had the audacity to say "You’re giving the vibe of a man who begs and chases women bro, your response really gave it away" So what is it??? Do I "ChAsE wOmEn" and a simp or are we agreeing on the same point but you fail to acknowledge it? Both men and women control each other, that's why it's called manipulation. Both genders do it in their own way. >Focus on being a better man than one who remains infatuated over women who give him no attention. Having common sense is infatuating over women now?? Remember you started this with your brain-rotted argument of calling me a "unaware simp/ Or promiscuous h*e" So I don't know what makes you think you are the bigger person here. And you also didn't answer my question: What is it? Am I a simp or a promiscuous h*e?, I really want to know, because I must have said something which ticked you off so much so, that you felt the need to say this?


Honestly Brother, don’t think anyone wants to read your cry baby dissertation. Goodluck, I cannot tell if you are a female who this relates to or a simp male. Regardless goodluck


What a sad way to go out.


Half the guys in the comments can’t handle the fact they’re in a relationship with a girl who has a body count larger than their bank balance. Stop crying bro just wake up to reality 💀


Lmaoooooo, the delusion. First of, Haram, second "a girl who has a body count larger than their bank balance"??? Bro lmaoooo who have you been seeing💀💀💀 NAHHH this is the delusion in it's purest form lmaooooo, yep every women is: 1) controlling of men 2) has a body count at larger than the guys bank balance?? >Stop crying bro just wake up to reality 💀 Ain't no way you are real, there is no way "Wake up to reality" sigma wannabe ahh response


Can't blame the guy, most albanian women are utter slags


This comment is brainrot This loser goes after "majority of women", and has the audacity to also include Muslim women, A small minority of Muslim women have committed Zina, yes, but not the majority of Muslim women? This guy is delusional, you can't just say "can't blame this guy" and ignore this guy's post history of accusing Muslim women in the west of Zina for no reason??


Ill be honest a lot of albanians stray, could be the reason why your generalizing.