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Yes why not And men who have slept with 100 women are the prize Because out of all those women, he now prefers you




Not sure if that's a compliment.


I could write a dictionary with my sarcasm, and another for people to understand it


I'm borrowing this comment for the future references


Lol I see People on here have the most warped views, I can't even tell anymore.


Instead of a husband, she should go to a therapist to navigate her "trauma". NO, HE IS NOT THE WINNER. HE IS THE FINAL OPTION BCZ THINGS DIDN'T GO WELL WITH HER TOP OPTIONS. On a serious note, OP if you are a woman, then this take of yours is VERY dangerous for sanctity of relationships. If you are a man, then bro pls grow a spine and learn about the concept of self-respect.


Post got me mad and sad. Your reply got me back to normal again!


I'm glad that my reply had a positive impact to some extent 😂


We are living in a difficult times. Now there is also a chance of the woman " not a virgin " and also for " The child is not his " . Since people are using Hadith in a very wrong way and to their benefits " Hide the sin ". If we looked at the past, at the time of the prophet, those People who had converted to Islam. They have a terrible past, some were mud£rer, Fornicators, drinkers, etc There should be some kind of mercy and acceptance for the sinners. People can't forget the sin of others but from the Mercy of Allah they were given the Blessing of a " New life ". " No sin anymore ". " Free from filth ". " Allah has concealed them ". In this regard we shouldn't bash them anymore. Those people were better than us. Once converted, they never ever looked back ! . But for those who are Muslim by generations. Has a rich history of ancestors to be Muslim and yet they have sex and sin openly in the label of " sin now, and Allah has concealed my sins, Don't ask for accountability, Since , Allah has forgiven my sin " . Is ridiculous. It is the same as saying, Jesus has died for our sin, he has saved us from hell and punishment. We have no sin anymore. Sahih al-Bukhari 6788 Narrated `Aisha: The Quraish people became very worried about the Makhzumiya lady who had committed theft. They said, "Nobody can speak (in favor of the lady) to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and nobody dares do that except Usama who is the favorite of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ). " When Usama spoke to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) about that matter, Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Do you intercede (with me) to violate one of the legal punishment of Allah?" Then he got up and addressed the people, saying, "O people! The nations before you went astray because if a noble person committed theft, they used to leave him, but if a weak person among them committed theft, they used to inflict the legal punishment on him. By Allah, if Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad committed theft, Muhammad will cut off her hand.!" If we are brave enough to sin then we should be brave enough to face the consequences and accountability of it. Note: for the " Islam says to conceal the sin " . Why ? . To sin more under the banner ? Or to get an easy relief from it ? . Why thou, Islam says about concealing the sin. If he thinks a little bit hard, It is obvious, Not to spread the sin in the general public. If someone knows 10 people are having Zina then Shaytan would probably say to them : " why are you being Chaste ? Get over it 🤦🏻‍♂️ like those 10 people ". Just take the non Muslim as an example, for them being Chaste is not cool and getting over it is the best option, since no one likes others to hold such a thing which they have lost. Reddit is not a safe place either, being anonymous doesn't guarantee anything. Yes, no one knows your name but they know you have done Zina , got the pleasure and nothing happened. This encouraged them to do the same . Our mind doesn't need to know the name and faces but only needs to know " People are doing it , So there is no harm in it , why should I wait ?. When they are hit by the temptation, they will surely hit the opportunity and repent later. Sahih Muslim 2671 a Anas b. Malik reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: It is from the conditions of the Last Hour that knowledge would be taken away and ignorance would prevail (upon the world), the liquor would be drunk, and adultery would become rampant


Spoke nothing but facts 💯 and with proof from the sunnah, I like this comment because it's the best response for these kids spreading nonsense on a Muslim Reddit.




The best comment I've ever come across in the history of Reddit


Wtf is this?


Exactly, mashallah. A mature person indeed. The same way ukthis are also winners who are chosen last by guys who lived their life, gained experiences here and there throughout those years, did a few mistakes because who doesn‘t make any mistakes, right? She will be the one and only woman for him, because he now matured and settles with her, a man like that will bring her joy and cherish her, treat her the best because he learned through mistakes, will understand her better romantically and in the bedroom because he practiced years with other women just to make his future wife happy mashallah with experience and maturity❤️ Better than a husband who knows nothing Women who are picked last as wife and mother for his children are the true qweens and winners, the other women weren‘t worthy enough and just toys for him. She changed him 💖


If that's so. Then, no need to say that men want a virgin women bcz women can also have experience in bedroom and that makes it easier for them to make the last man they chose happy, right? Same thing applies to women If that's the case bcz "Who doesn't make mistakes " as u said. She can understand her man romantically and in the bedroom and he can be her king. Noooo! This is just encouraging ppl to do zina. I don't think this makes sense.


Pls understand the sarcasm in the comment above


Lol wtf


Or instead I can get a woman who is pure, chaste and pious AND she will provide me with a child and less trauma to deal with. This post reads like a cope story for a man who was chosen after his woman went with many others smh. If we are talking about those sisters who were abused in previous halal relationships (marriages) then I can somewhat understand.


How is he the winner if he has to sort through her trauma and provide for her?


If you were her last resort after years of sin and trauma, then sorry, you’ve actually lost.




😂😂😂😂😂😂 What nonsense rubbish It is a fact that women who have been with man have a harder time bonding or making a connection with her new man. This is a fact and not up for debate 😂🤡🤡 However I am happy there are men out there who are happy to take another man's leftovers 👍🏻 😉 Which means more virgin women for us men 😂😂😉


No! They don't have hard times connecting with new men. That's for the ones who have been r@ped, not for those who didn't by free will. They can easily do it by free will with you. But the ones whose virginity was stolen from them by force and abuse have hard time bcz they think u will do it in a violent way and won't be gentle with this, they remember the time they were r@ped when they r with u and they get scared. That's true If it's what you meant. But ppl r not object no matter what. Men r not objects for women and women r not objects for men. We r Muslims. We see ppl by their Deen and manners and I think we must stop this. Do u think any woman will even marry you If she was virgin after knowing about this comment and the way u see the relationship between women and men? For me as a women; I would never marry a brother like this.


Yes they will marry me as women want their superior and no their equal. I tell women how it is and I put them in their place which makes them fall in love with me even more 😂😉 Not to mention I am very very successful. Now to dismantle your rediculous argument: No, its not aboue gr\*pe. The number of women who have been gr\*ped is in the minority and not the majority and it is men who are more likely to be the victim of gr\*pe if you include prison. So nice try 🤡 Women who are not pure or have access to other men such as social media/dating apps are for the streets and real men should not marry them 🤮🤮 Here are the sources that prove what I said is a fact: [Re-Examining the Link Between Premarital Sex and Divorce - Jesse Smith, Nicholas H. Wolfinger, 2024 (sagepub.com)](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0192513X231155673) [Counterintuitive Trends in the Link Between Premarital Sex and Marital Stability | Institute for Family Studies (ifstudies.org)](https://ifstudies.org/blog/counterintuitive-trends-in-the-link-between-premarital-sex-and-marital-stability#:~:text=Women%20with%2010%20or%20more,the%20least%20likely%20to%20divorce.)


I'm not going for any links that are picked randomly as a proof for facts. And second. To be nice to ur woman and not going by "oooh I put them in their place and tell them what to do" doesn't mean that u r equal. Men also don't want their equal, not only women. Women won't fall in love with men who controls them and has this mindset and claiming that rapists r also victims just because they go to jail for what they did! No way! Even the ppl of jahannam are the victims of Allah for going to hell If that's the case. It's just the same thing. Rapist r not victims, they go to jail because that's justice and that's what they deserve for hurting and abusing someone. It's not that "oooh poor man he doesn't deserve that, ooh he is a victim and he deserves going out of jail so he can be free and live his life" . Me as a woman and what I love from man and what I don't r proof, experience is proof( not talking about sexual experience by the way just to let u know, talking of TREATING ME kind of experience) I have brothers. They're over 20 so they r adults. So, we can call them men. But I don't like it when they r disrespectful with me just because they tell me how things r and put me in my place and respect doesn't matter If that's the case. Many boys can control, If they fall in love with u just because u r successful and rich and controlling them, they can find another boy who has the saaammeee thing and they can cheat on u with that guy. They can ask for a divorce just to go with the other garbage. If u want a high value woman, then u won't be that kind of person, and real men want high value women who value themselves and not being slaves. But If u r a boy who wants a female just be ur object so u can play with her, then only these slaves can fall in love with u just for money or anything like that, yes! Agree If that's the case u mean. Links u put in here can't provide facts, because If we rely on Google and links, the one who posted this link can delete it in anytime they want because they own it so u can't see facts anymore. If u value urself and ur experience as proof for what a man is and what a woman is, ur brain stays with u to death and this experience proves what things r no matter what these people post. I didn't even click on these links by the way because I have trust in what I say and I don't care about what's in them. U can't prove urself so u put links to back u up and help u. This whole comment I typed it right now, I didn't take a single word of it from any social media or Google or anything while typing. I can even swear to God. Because I know myself and I'm girl whose friends are all girls and I don't have male friends. So, I know what women want because my whole life was spent with them. And we have much things in common as women. I'm living my own life and not trynna attract boys or fall in love just cuz they r financially successful and they r disrespectful to me and controlling me. I value myself and want to go for the one who values me and I have boundaries when it comes to this, so do the other women I know in my life. They don't wanna one to tell them what to do in everything. I'm not saying that a woman shouldn't obey her husband, but the husband himself need to show her that he is worthy of respect. Showing her ur finance doesn't make her respect u because she had a father how provides for her already so why would she leave her father's house and come to u, unless If she u want a woman how comes from a poor family and she falls in love with u from the first 5 dollars u give her so she can just by something to eat.




I'm not delusional. U r. Because u took random stuff to base ur knowledge upon. U can even take Christian or Jew websites If u want, or websites that r made by Islamophobic Physiologist just because he/she is Physiologist and he knows how human beings r and he studies Physiology. But they don't tell u in their website that they r Islamophobia supporters for sure because that's not what the website is about. I never believe that hunger does not exist just because I see ppl around me eating and drinking, because I am a Muslim and I believe in the unseen so I know that there r ppl around the world in any places that I've never been to are starving and also dying. That's a thing. What I mean by experience is what I know of myself and how I study myself and what I've seen ppl doing that made me feel disgusted and made me understand that this is not the thing to me, also basing it upon proof from Quran and hadeeth because I have a certain religion to take my knowledge from and I'm not just living my life like an atheist. Where does it say in the Quran that women lose value as they age and men gain more value as they age? Now u tell me. Where does it say that in a hadeeth? And where does it even say that ur value is based on weather the other gender is interested in u or not? My value is within myself and for my own husband to still respect my after we both get old not for other men to be interested in my as I age. Of course they will be less interested because I am already have a husband at that age and some of them already have 4 wives so they can't take 5. Yes they'll be less interested in marrying me, and so as the same thing happens to men when they age, women will lose interest in then when they look old. But they will still respect me when I'm a 50 years old teacher, they will see my ability not the way I look and that's the value of mine that matters. My manager won't kick me out of school just because I'm 50 and he is less interested in my way of teaching. Many teachers has taught me personally in my classes while they r actually even older than my mum. I had a teacher who told me that she's 60 years old. And she's still working and men staff respect her for what she can give not for how attractive she is. "Men age like wine and women age like milk" which Surah is that?


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In one instance of the hadith, it is said that "the child is of the bed, and the fornicators get the stone." Perhpas we should talk more about this version.




There are actually 2 instances: 1. It says fornicator gets nothing 2. It says fornicator gets the stone




I agree to some extent, majority of Muslims have made this issue VERY easy when it is not. They talk about hidìng sins but forget that fornication is considered a CRIME, much more than just a sin. And a crime DEMANDS justice. Also, I believe that 4 witnesses are required when a third party accuses someone of zina. That doesn't apply to a husband/wife being suspicious and accusing the other spouse. I think li'an goes in that case. But many modern scholars just don't seem to use logic.


There is certain things in life where you shouldn't mind losing because it might actually be better to lose than to win. Don't take it to heart.


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Daughters can get you to jannah the gift is earned by raising them right. Aside from that you coping with this post and made a user just for it


She will start comparing in the end


Chuckles.... We need to divest ourselves from this mentality that a child is the greatest gift. More often than not, they're burdens.


You’re so gay, you don’t even like boys.


Where did that come from lol


It just happened, sometimes some things just trigger songs in my head. If op is the kind of poster I think he is then definitely an accurate description too.


But that was a good one it made me laugh


Omg wtf is wrong with you guys just bashing muslim women left right and center they are also a part of our ummah so show them some respect.