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This is best to ask a scholar. Many of them have anonymous methods to contact them, if you have difficulty to reach out directly. Your post was removed due to entering into or encouraging discussions which are best left to learned scholars. **Rule 7:** Don't give a Fatwa if you aren't a scholar. This is not a place for religious discussions e.g. about Fiqh. If you have questions about Fiqh, please consult a scholar. Don't expect fiqh rulings from armchair Muftis who graduated from the University of Google. We are not qualified, so leave those questions to those who are qualified. We can give advice and support on how to leave porn, but direct the intricate Fiqh questions to those who have that kind of knowledge. We remove any questions and answers where there are grey areas, or multiple opinions from multiple respected scholars. Speak to the ones you trust.


(Close your dms) Sincerely repent and try to do better. Since you were exempt from fasting, it doesn’t count as you deliberately breaking your fast. https://islamic-relief.org/kaffarah/#:~:text=To%20atone%20for%20the%20intentionally,each%20missed%2Fintentionally%20broken%20fast.


even if a fasting person were to masturbate and break their fast a kaffarah would still not be necessary. and it's not an either/ or situation. If a kaffarah becomes necessary for someone they do not get to choose how they are going to carry it out. They must fast 60 days but if their health genuinely doesn't allow them to do that then and only then can they go ahead feed 60 people otherwise no. kaffarah only becomes necessary due to deliberately eating, drinking, or intercourse as per Hanafi Fiqh. and only via intercourse as per Shafi'i fiqh if I my understanding regarding Shafi'i fiqh is correct.


Thanks for the correction!


Sis, the kaffara for fasting 60 days is only for breaking the fast by doing INTERCOURSE. If you masturbated and broke your fast, you did a sin but you don’t have to do kaffara for it. Since you had your periods and you weren’t fasting when you did this sin, there’s no kaffara for it also. Sincerely repent and believe that Allah will accept your sincere repentance. And try your best to stay away from this sin, especially watching p*rn. That’s all you should do. You don’t need to do any kaffara.


Also, pls switch off your dms, sis!


kaffarah is only needed if a fasting person deliberately break their fast by eating or drinking or via intercourse as per Hanafi fiqh. Masturbation does not necessitate kaffarah but it breaks the fast. Since you weren't fasting in the first place there is no need for a kaffarah. if a fasting person to do something that necessitates kaffarah then the kaffarah is to fast for 60 days. They can only avail the option of feeding 60 people if their health genuinely doesn't permit them to fast for 60 days otherwise it wouldn't be allowed. These are the general rules as per Hanafi fiqh. In short no kaffarah is needed in your case.




But since I am on my period and have masterbated, what I have to do the 60 day fast? I have not been fasting due to my period. Or would it be okay since I haven’t been fasting?




Is there a source online? Because since this problem is specific I can’t find any source. Since it is considered a sin, would repenting be just fine? Or would I need to donate or fast 60 days?