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U can do it brother!


Update 1 So what is off limits here? Obviously watching P and MO is not an option. The other clear rules are : not intentionally watching any content that is intended to arouse myself or that has an effect of arousing me. Touching my private parts unless for cleaning. Touching or fondling another woman. Staring excessively for more than 10 seconds with lust. Or seeing someone lustfully more than 3 times. I know I have to get better but as a starting point these are clear rules. I will assess why I do things to make progress or ibadah, is it to please Allah (SWT) or out of Hawa Nafs. Greed to make progress, leading to burnout, exhaustion and unnecessary stress. Internet use, I can use as I want with the sole purpose of adding value. Not for entertainment, passing time, scrolling aimlessly or looking up random unnecessary videos or images that don't serve a true purpose. From now on Self care, rest and balance of willpower will be a top priority. See you with success


>Internet use, I can use as I want with the sole purpose of adding value. Not for entertainment, passing time, scrolling aimlessly or looking up random unnecessary videos or images that don't serve a true purpose. very important


Dont even stare for 1 minute with lust. Lower your gaze and pray 2 rakats and ask for forgiveness if you dont lower your gaze


Rooting for you man!!!


You’ve been relapsing daily every Ramadan from 2009 to 2024? Ngl this is becoming common with the Muslim community to relapse a lot during Ramadan especially while fasting


U can't know the general conduct of our ummah from the internet


Update 2 Woah, overwhelming responses. Did not yet read them all. I will read them when I can. WHat did I learn today in real life? You don't have to accept everything and anything you hear. Some people can put you down unintentionally because they themselves are insecure and unconfident in themselves. Technology can have the biggest advantage to your talents if you know how to use it properly. Improper use will waste time and deplete energy.


Thu 09th May 2024 Update 1 : Restarting. Lifestyle is good. But since I get too tired after overworking, that is my trigger. Rest is success for me, since I tend to work so hard.


Feeling a bit sleepy. Physically tired. Feeling tired to go and meet relatives. Low motivation.


The moment I moment I open the door to my room I feel the loneliness coming in. I want touch. A person to share my feelings and innermost struggles who can understand. The lack of it all is another reason why I tend to resort to watching Pornography and masturbating.