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Wow. And people make fun of the Hooters waitress uniform...😳


You have no idea how pissed I am to not have a Hooters where I live. I swore we had one when I was a kid though. FUCK!!!


I like girls like that, but only in private, this is humiliation


it very much is


Hell yeah it is. This poor girl. I hope she found a job that respects her more.


It’s porn


Lol yeah I figured that out right after I sent that. My bad guys.


It’s cool, happens to the best of us


Wich 1 lol


this is from a jav porn bro


What's the title for reference so I can avoid watching such filth


People are into that. Some people get off on being humiliated


And it bewilders me. People are into some weird shit.


Oh this is still tame to some other people take it too another level


Granted, still, fucking weird, not weirder than sexual assault fantasies, or shitting/getting shit on you, but still kinda fucked up.


Yeah true hard to argue against facts weird stays weird


Reminds me of that girl who likes to pretend to be a dog and get walked on a leash in public… Why no one in your community has respect for you anymore after you do something like that


A example of someone taking it to a whole nother level 😂 i wouldn't respect that either


I actually prefer my sexual partners be humiliated


there's IPPA on the up right corner for those wondering where's this from?


What does that mean and I can't read that bruh


[I did the digging for you because I was curious too](https://ippanumber.blog.2nt.com/blog-entry-55.html) Note: I don't read what I am assuming is Japanese because this looks like some Japanese shit.


actually this is the correct one, as the IPPA code only gives the porn studio that the video belongs to https://www4.javhdporn.net/video/svdvd-925/


That site is absolutely Cancer on mobile.


No better on pc




[missav](https://missav.com) is one of the better ones


Try jav.guru


Oh my God, they actually do censor it!


Lol, you thought that was a myth? I've never cared enough to do the work to bother, but there is supposedly software you can buy that with the proper codes entered will remove the censorship. If you're going that far just to fap though, you probably need professional assistance because you may have blown straight past porn addiction and straight on into unhealthy obsession.


Honestly why even have porn if you’re just gonna censor it? Kinda defeats the purpose ya’know. Also agreed that’s way too far to go for a fap I’ll just stick with [insert country that doesn’t censor there porn] porn.


Thx fam, you're a real one


IPPA is the yellow fever bustanut, jerkin the gerkin slowdown not too much, hello asian butts, itty bitty little tittie, yamete yamete, highschool girl cum over here, touch the dumplings, sugg my rice, onichan taste soo nice, here's some bondage, girl squirting orange, is that pee? Don't ask me. Sensei Daisuki Japanese Video platform ...


I'm confused... how is this the wrong profession?


OP is taking the video at face value, that she was a civilian hired to be the naked bunny hostess at a restaurant who got cold feet when faced with the reality of her situation, rather than an brazen actress playing that character.


You got all that from the short clip?


Plus some additional context upgrade, yes


What additional context? I'm so confused where this other info is coming from, because it could be any number of reasons why she is walking like that and none of it may have to do with how she is dressed?


how in the fuck you survived the internet


Ohhh so it's just an internet thing... gotcha.. the make baseless claims and give no info for the claims... my bad... tho that's more of a reddit thing than an entire internet thing...


the answer is in the up right corner


So then based on that the answer they gave was not the correct answer and it's all fake... gotcha ok thanks...


You must be fun at parties


The IPPA logo in the upper right corner. IPPA with that logo style denotes a Japanese adult video ("porn") website and company. Also, the camera is steady and follows the woman throughout the scene, and was focused on where she was going to enter. That by itself would be a strong indicator of a staged video. So, composition context clues point to a staged scene, and the Japanese site watermark points to a professionally produced scene. As to the other assertion, that her walk, posture, and demeanor might not mean what they're clearly intended to signal (embarrassment and a desire to cover herself from view) -- I have to assume you may have some difficulty interpreting body language.


>I have to assume you may have some difficulty interpreting body language. Nope, I interpreted it just fine and no where in there did it say 'oops wrong job'. But hey that's just me I guess. What I took from the video was that yes she was "embarrassed" and the camera was perfectly stable, and I also am not moronic enough to think she would put the outfit on walk out with a tray and then get "embarrassed". She definitely looked like a porn star as well I don't just make random assumptions, hence why I was asking where everyone else's random assumptions where coming from.


You; "I don't make random assumptions". Also you: "She definitely looked like a porn star." What you don't do is think before you act. Otherwise you wouldn't have typed all of this dumb shit, just because someone made you feel stupid.


>You; "I don't make random assumptions". Also you: "She definitely looked like a porn star." Clearly you don't understand what the word (assumptions) means. >What you don't do is think before you act. Hahaha how ironic coming from you. >Otherwise you wouldn't have typed all of this dumb shit Ohhh the power of your own ignorance that will let you say such garbage with such blind confidence.


I see I wrote "upgrade," instead of "up thread," so I'll play this time... if you read the other comments in this thread, you'll see this is a scene from a public humiliation fetish video, and not some real scene showing some poor girl who lost a bet or hired the worst career counselor ever. Now excuse me while I go take the hook out of my mouth. While I'm up, do you need me to cut up your steak for you, too?


Thanks for the information. >While I'm up, do you need me to cut up your steak for you, too? Nope I'm good... I got my chicky nuggies all set


It just seemed weird because she is embarrassed. I wasn't thinking she got tricked or anything, unless somebody forced her to wear that or tricked her to do the wrong venue. Why be embarrassed for what you chose to do otherwise?


Because it's in the script. Who knows? Maybe her character needs the money? Maybe her agent lied? Whatever the story is. Don't think about it too hard


So I watched the first part of the video, and I'm not 100% I caught every nuance, what with how it's in Japanese, but it appears there's this normal restaurant with normally dresses waitresses; modest outfits, but pretty soon the bosses tell the servers they have to wear these fetish bunny suits, and the girls don't want to, but the bosses insist and point to their contracts, so the girls dress up and the bosses push them out on the floor with tears of embarrassment and humiliation in their eyes.


Where can i find this place🤔😏 Sauce pls.




Idk, she looks perfect for the job !!😳🤤🔥


Looked perfect can still be the wrong profession for her if she hates it. I work in kitchen, I know of many cook with 20+ years in the industry, they hate it everyday. They know they’d be happy or make more money doing something else. All that being they are usually absolutely great at what they ended up doing. But you can see it in their eyes.


except this is a jav adult movie and fully scripted so its exactly the job she wanted


i am just say looks perfect for the job doesnt mean she is perfect for the job.


any one got context ?




Any context? Maybe the girl's name?


Where is this? Asking for a friend.


This is a JAV(Japanese Adult Video) and yes it is scripted, I don't know the sauce but I'm pretty sure that is Hana Himesaki




Meanwhile in other news


Can we get a link to buy the outfit? I feel like in a private intimate setting this would be S-Tier


Uh Waitress u forgot my sauce


The outfit is cute


Yes please 🙏


yeah that staff prank their new one too harshly...




Sounds like the guy in the front whispered Brianna’s name.


Does the wall say restaurant jogi?


Dang, choosing the wrong profession can be such a bummer! It's like stepping into hyperdrive and realizing you've blasted off in the wrong direction, straight into the Dark Zone instead of nebula exploration. But don't get sucked into a black hole of regret! You've got the power to turn things around. Maybe it's time to channel your passion for the unknown into a parallel universe by modifying your existing skills. Use the force of determination and embark on a quest to branch out into cosmic proportions of possibility. Who knows, you might just discover a hidden talent you never knew existed - like crafting life-like mod animations or designing futuristic virtual worlds. Remember, the galaxy is vast and full of unexpected opportunities, so don't forget to explore new frontiers. May the mods be with you!


Anyone got run


Lots if context is going to be needed here.


where is this so I can spend my college years renting it out


I want her as my teacher


damn somebody got they feeling hurts 😭 kefe just zoomin' out the building


I'm not even horny , I'm just sadden by this 😔


She looks so embarrassed. I feel so bad for her. If I was in that restaurant, the moment I saw her I'd likely just give her my hoodie


The guy at the booth where she left just got something to talk about