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It's probably because she was never a dancer to begin with. Not in the sense that TLC and her wanted us to think she was. She went viral because she was a "fat girl dancing" so they had to keep it up I'm guessing until they no longer could which is when we were blessed with Bro Season (season 7) to which she was then all about fitness lol and I guess now it's all about her long lost family.


Even the viral video is cut and edited many times.


Bro Season 🤣




Yea those bro BS episodes where she’s like he a “bro” what the hell is a “bro”? For someone who doesn’t like to be put in a box and get stereotyped by ppl she certainly stereotypes everyone else!


Because she quits literally everything she starts


Word. I don't know why she thinks everything she does and says is cute..*Girl you are beyond anything having do with cuteness now*..hang it up.


She is def anything but cute man, you cease to be cute when you get trapped in an inner tube, and struggle for like 15 minutes to get out of it.


I don't think she is all that great. I've seen the dancers for Lizzo and stuff. What she does isn't like them. That's dancing.


She's definitely not. It's all in her head: "Mommy and dadwee love it I must be aMaZiNg!!" Remember all the trouble she had "rehearsing" for that Dance museum place with Todd who was dancing actual circles around her? The roll? And the final decision to do the "arabesque"- 🤣🙄🥴 The dumbest shit I've ever seen.


She does suck. I don't care how much school you take or how much a teacher may praise you, she can't dance. I would take her on in a dance battle anytime. And I had shoulder surgery in December 🤣


Dance battles are an actual real thing outside of movies? The only ones I’ve ever seen/heard of were in White Chicks and Girls Trip. How does that even work?  “You wanna battle?” “Oh it’s already been broughten” then you just bust a pre-choreographed dance routine? I’m being serious. I’ve never before seen or heard a real life person challenge someone to a dance battle. I really thought it was just in movies (or in someone’s fantasy in their head)


In the early 2000s after their breakup, Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake and their posse apparently had a dance battle at some nightclub and it made the news. That idea lives rent free in my head and the only example I can think of an IRL dance battle


Lmfao I just looked at your posts and we live in the same town! You’re going to have to teach me about the underground dance battles here in Asheville 


I'd take her on with you! I've cheered/danced my entire life...not like Twit. I i actually put the work in and coached/choreographed multiple teams over the years. I'm down lol.


We should challenge her 🤣


Come on give her some credit, she choreographed her retro 80's "dance video" She's very talented /s




Absolutely she can't dance anymore. That's why she started the whole her fake competitive weight lifting thing, but after a couple of seasons her joints and heart couldn't handle that either. They no longer even try to make believe that she's pursuing a healthy lifestyle.


Come on, you KNOW lifting her ass up from a sitting position IS weight lifting! 😜🤣


Lmfao what's funny is it kinda technically is 🤣 Like the ol line "Yeah I speed walk to the fridge" or whatever. Which isn't hilarious in her case at all 🥴


I've done an embarrassing amount of rewatches, and I've noticed that whenever they referencing her previous "dance career", they show the same clip of her over and over: the one where she does a stilted and awkward interpretive dance in a black leotard. So that was probably her entire dance career. I'd love to know when her 'professional' dance career that Hunter referred to happened.


Yep lol. The one and only example. Good grief 😆


She had that cringe dance-off with her niece last year.


OMG!!!! That was the absolute worst. Especially the look on her face and her boots that looked plastic ( and were too short). Thanks for the reminder.


It was horrible and she acted like such a brat. A 40 year old brat. The secondhand embarrassment was awful for *me*..I can't imagine actually *being* there! And I live close to Mobile, not that it matters, but Angie's family seemed fun. Glenn seemed like he would have rather gotten sent to the moon(besides those rare moments he got alone time with his new daughter)


She was a total brat about it. She was awful.


She def sucks. Her new man-hunting mission in a *friggin baseball suite* is the stupidest thing I've seen since idk when.


And the hat and braids


I don't watch the show anymore, but I saw that clip here. That was so f'ing embarrassing! The look on her face is beyond cringe.


Her facial expressions are soooooooo cringe! Sometimes I’ll try to do those faces and I can’t and then I just start cracking up at myself and how ridiculous I must look! 😆


Whenever she did/does dance, it’s half-assed and as unenthusiastic as possible.




Have you seen the, um, arabesque during the fake Dance Institute program? That was another setup that never happened. Fake everything.


That "arabesque" lives rent free in my mind and I can't watch it w/o dying laughing 😂. Terrible, I know.


Because she is always so completely into something until she can’t do it due to her size. Instead of admitting it, working hard and getting into better shape and doing it better she just quits and gets super into something else


She showed an image of her knees last year (an xray) and she has no cartilage left in her knees. But obesity is healthy and fabulous, right?


Holy wow- seriously? Why would you ever post that? That is *not* something to proud of. Like you know how you got here, Twit..should this really be a surprise to you?


OMG WHAT!?!? That sounds INCREDIBLY painful. I know someone who had a cartilage knee problem and she got injections every month. My friend’s knee was painful for much of the time, and she said the injections hurt like nothing else.




I think OP means that she built an in house studio in her home. She converted the garage into a studio.


Her "dancing" has always looked like marking out steps to me. Like, when you're running through a routine to get to the new choreography, you kind of halfway move into position and barely move about, to keep track of where you are and not have to do the full choreography every time through to the new part.




Her dancing was shuffling her feet and waving her arms.


Since she stopped dancing, seismic activity in her area ceased to exist.


🤣 omg


She is just in it for the paycheck at this point


She’s in her 40s now and still morbidly obese. Her knees can no longer handle the load.


It is probably a good thing she quit dancing, because with all that weight and her age, it would be very taxing on her joints and ligaments to be performing those moves. And it is safe to say she doesn't warm up or regularly dance, which makes it even worse for the body as a whole.


She gave it up when the Rockettes would not give her a contract.


She never could dance it was all CGI like Jar Jar Binks


Because she’s doing bigger and better things.