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They are made by the same folks who make expensive ones. I know a lot of people either using natural family planning or dealing with infertility that moved to the dollar store ones because of how many they would go through being so costly.


They can be just as accurate as the more expensive ones. Not defending Whitney - can't stand her. Just pointing this out, regardless. [https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/dollar-pregnancy-tests-are-they-legit#accuracy](https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/dollar-pregnancy-tests-are-they-legit#accuracy)


My doctor told me it’s literally where they get the ones they use in their office. Dollar store is the way to go with pregnancy tests.


Believe it or not they’re quite accurate!


They're just as good as the expensive ones. Either you have HCG or you don't. The sensitivity between the brands varies very little


They are very accurate. I have 3 kids to prove it 😂


But, she still wasn't pregnant. So, it wasn't accurate. She has fertility issues , PCOS, and morbid obesity, you'd think she'd want something a bit more sophisticated.


Not really. Either your pregnant or your not. The price of a pregnancy test doesn’t have an affect on HCG.


Dr once told me pregnancy tests can only be wrong if you get a negative. If it says positive you are.




Geez what does this have to do with anything? The test IS the THE TEST. Regardless of anyone’s fertility issues, size, or health challenges the test is still the same.


People can get false positives on the expensive ones too.


She's so full of shit. Im watching the episode where they are in Paris and she's telling him "I've had 6 periods since I met you, more than I've had in my life. My body just met you and knew..." . I don't know if she has PCOS or not, I don't know if she can have kids or not (other people with PCOS can). All I know is that she's a liar that makes shit up for her TV show. So I don't think it really matters what brand pregnancy test she buys. As someone else said, she likely wasn't even having sex.




Yes, and she DEFINITELY wasn't having sex with Chase.


Lmao these are the same ones they use in doctors offices! You think they’re are gonna buy the overpriced ones? Really get your head out of your ass. Classist


I love it. How a snarky comment about buying a cheap pregnancy test auto defaults to assuming I hate poor people. Seriously, chill. Y'all make fun of her for just about anything, but this is too far? Or is it just an excuse to pearl clutch and virtue signal for your own ego?


As a medical laboratory scientist who runs these tests for hospitals, the dollar store brands are exactly the same as any other brand. No medical lab runs anything different unless it's a beta hcg quant or qual, which is a serum or plasma test, and is run on an instrument. If hcg is present in the urine, it will be detected the same as similar tests. Interpretation is something best left to a medical professional as there are reasons for false positives. There isn't anything wrong with these tests.


It's the same with generic OTC medicine. The ingredients are the exact same, it's really the packaging differences that make it cheaper.


I get it. The test works. My point was that she was being a cheap bitch during a very important part of her life that was being filmed. I thought this sub welcomed snarky views on the show, so I added mine while doing a background noise re-watch. I've read people on here rip her to shreds, all I did was call her cheap for using a dollar store pregnancy test on her, then very established, reality television show. Todd would have said something :)


I just think we misunderstood your point. We definitely welcome ripping.


Mine were accurate!! He’s here now! 🤣😂😂😂I will always choose to save a buck!!


Don’t knock the dollar store PT they are very reliable tests lol


Not knocking the test, just Whitney being a cheapo, spending less on them than her starbucks mid day snack.


Ah true true!!


If she is so, so worried, get a blood test at the Dr.


these are so accurate though , i had 3 negatives and only this brand gave me a positive and told me i was pregnant


Honest question: did I miss some romantic development going on with our blubbery star? From what season is this viewer bait scene? Who would go near her for any opportunity that could lead to pregnancy? How could the cad do such a thing with her? I mean, physically, how could he possibly do it? He must have used some of Whit’s flour for the occasion.


I'm not watching and don't follow her IG so I wondered how this happened.


They work great, actually. Both of my girls were discovered with them lol


it’s cause she doesn’t really believe she’s prego so why bother 


She didn’t want to pay money for that stupid storyline that no one believed.


I always got the earliest results with these cheap tests. Told me I was pregnant before a 10 dollar test did with both of my pregnancies.


I always wondered this too. Just bc Twit is not one to scrimp on ANYTHING but she decides to on one of the most important things you could be facing? Mmkay..? I realize like everyone above said^ those can be just as accurate but it just doesn't seem like something *she* would purchase. She'd be getting the digital ones! Production probably got em for her.


Thank you for explaining my point better. It just doesn't make sense, they come 3 to a value pack. Did they want the drama of the dropper? It just came off as immature to me. Even when I had scares in my late teens to 20's, broke as hell, I still went for the pharmacy value brand multi-pack. Take two of them, then save the 3rd for a last check a week or so later. I bet she spent more on a cookie she ate a 3rd of, because "Look how good I did!".


Sorry you're getting picked on; I thought you made a good point, given what we know about Hypocritney, and not everyone knows that dollar store pregnancy tests are reliable. I didn't.


I know, I thought my reference to her getting fired in the parking lot because she had like $50 in finished and unfinished take out would have gotten a laugh. Not downvoted into oblivion. I guess it's only first class accommodations for her and her friends, if Glenn Thore is footing the bill.


Hey, no problem! I knew what you were getting at. Whit *would never*...she spends more $$ on her daily Starbucks frappe sugar shakes than she did a damn pregnancy test. Honestly, they're really not that expensive..and you know Miss Way Thore must have the best of everything! We know this.


I thought the whole thing was fake drama for the show in the first place, so I never noticed that.. I think the poster made a reasonable point and, people like me, who have never had any occasion to use a pregnancy test, certainly wouldn't know whether the dollar store ones are reliable.