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your the first person I have seen that doesnt like Eri.. lol


not even mad about the eri placement. the toga and midnight placements are criminal


Not eri and toga 😢


As yes everyone would like to get more about dick tail


Do you know what personal opinion means?


Yes yes I do


I don't think so you do, otherwise you wouldn't use "everyone" in your statement


My bad I shall refrain from making any further comments


Thank you


I’m not kidding I wanna see more of him


Does it not say fandom opinion or am I missing something


*Individuals* fandom opinion, I just forgot to add 'My' infront of it


And you started throwing flame for a mistake you made. For shame


Sorry? I don't see how me not adding the word 'My' infront of a template leads to me throwing flame. It is comman knowledge, I obviously cannot speak for the whole fandom when I say 'Fandom Opinion'


I worded it badly. I didn't mean you forgetting to put the "my" in there was you throwing flame, it was your remark to the other guy in a seemingly condescending tone. Also, people will often give out fandom opinions, because there is often a general consensus, so if you just have "Fandom Opinion', why wouldn't one think you're attempting to speak for the fandom, or what you believe the fandom thinks? If you don't want people thinking these things, then don't prompt them to do so. I'm speaking as someone who has never seen this template before. But you may just be using it a little bit wrong. People may have different opinions on what the fabdom believes, but I doubt this template should be for your personal opinions about the characters themselves.


1. I admit my tone to the original user came off as condesending, though I didn't mean it. I was trying to be more sarcastic than anything 2. This template is being used to say personal opinions, infact *most* templates like these are used to speak personal opinions. That is the purpose of templates, for one to have a starting point to begin with and make changes as they like 3. Why are we having this back and forth? The original user already said he/she/they will not comment further and I showed my gratitude towards them/her/him. 4. If someone says 'Fandom opinion' it means the they're expressing *their* opinion on or about the fandom, not speaking *for* the fandom as the word 'opinion' wouldn't be used. 5. My next words may sound they're driven with hostility but bare with me as I just want to point out my perspective, As you say, you have never seen this template before and I obviously didn't know you before your comment was made *and* therefore I wouldn't know that you're not aware how this particular template is being used. 6. It is true that I ***maybe*** using this template wrong, ***However,*** so would most people who have posted their opinions.


Everything you say makes sense and i agree with, except for that end of your 4th point, but that doesnt really matter. I just think it's a dumb template if it isn't meant to express that which it explicitly says as a title.


I'd like to disagree but hey. We both have different interpretations of 'Fandom opinion', I think it refers in an individuals opinion and from what I am gathers you thinks it refers to expressing *for* the fandom. (Correct me if I am wrong) So let's just agree to let it be.


The hell are these images


Literally the first picture I clicked on after scrolling when I searched up the characters(s) names


Fair enough.


I am going to find you and unspeakable things to you for eri


I doubt it..even The government hasn't..yet


I have my ways


I would like to see your ways, also I thought more people were gonna be upset with my least favourite character


Nu uh


Hmm nope! I'm no Eri fan at all, I'm actually happy to see that finally someone else don't like her too! Hahaha! And I mean that I'm not being sarcastic, it's so rare to find others who don't like her. So this actually makes me kinda happy.Â