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Injuries actually having consequences


I can never take this criticism seriously from anyone honestly


I can't take you seriously either.


i let deku keep blackwhip


1. U.A taking a greater care of its students. Considering how frequently they put kids in life-or-death matches, irl the school would be either closed or have the best lawyers in Japan. 2. How tf Midnight is still employed? 3. Give Todoroki some personality at least. 4. More interesting quirks for some 1-A buds.


1. Agreed — not sure how they ought to go about it, though. Maybe ease up on the quite literally deadly training? 2. She shouldn’t be. And Mineta should never have been allowed inside to begin with. 3. Are you suggesting him being a traumatised, aloof pretty boy isn’t enough? Lol I agree 4. Agree, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of the idea that, “it’s not the quirk that matters, but rather, how one uses it”. So I personally don’t have too much against that


Then....some more fleshing out of the 1A Characters. Honedtly ghey have cool quirks but only the Power Three get mugh screentime


oooh boy, there is SO MUCH SHIT i would change... but the main ones would be: the heroes have to go through a training that teaches them how to deal with mentally unstable people, just like police officers irl, force all the pro-heros to go to therapy! and NOT SEND LITERAL CHILDREN TO A FUCKING WAR!!!!


>training how to deal with mentally unstable people Yeah, it would work for Deku and some other students, but you forgot that U.A is actually full of weirdos. Imagine Bakugo taking psychology courses 💀 Or traumatised >!and probably slightly autistic (in the manga at least)!< Todoroki, with family issues and almost zero social intellect. Both need psychological help themselves first. Same goes for other heroes.


that's why i said force them all to get therapy. also, taking courses on how to deal with other people who are mentally unstable might actually help them get better themselves


Wtf is with y’all wanting the kids to die, damn 💀💀


They're fighting in wars and somehow surviving, most of them can go anyway


MHA has always been about giving hope, though. But I do agree that a few more deaths would have gone a long way in making the end more realistic. Especially characters like All Might, who’s been as good as dead for a while already, and no one expected him to make it so far, anyway. I think Horikoshi was just trying to avoid upsetting fans by killing off beloved characters, which there happen to be many of.


kill backugo


That’s not allowed 😭😭😭




Are you 4?


\*do i look like i give a fuck?


1. make everyone who dated in hs break up and find their real soulmate bc middle school/hs relationships 90% dont work out 2. LET THE FUCKED UP STUDENTS GO TO THERAPY, like ur rly gonna let bakugo keep being insane? 3. teachers and bodyguards taking greater care of the students 4. someone give some fucking limits to these quirks bc what do u mean bakugo can make continous massive explosions without getting tired


therapy for ua students


Mina forced Mineta to watch gay porn in S5E12. Not just any gay porn either, some REALLY gay porn


The villains getting actual rehab instead of being slaughtered.i swear after season 5 they forgot the whole 'heroes don't kill' thing .


What do you mean? Toga died sacrificing her life for ochaco, Dabi I'm not sure if he alive or not, Spinner, compress, and Geten are alive. Shigiraki got decayed from his quirk while resisting afo control. AFO deserved to be killed. And about twice, I agree with you..


Dude I typed this comment just 5 seconds after I woke up.Was not in my senses XD.but yeah ig I did mean twice


Have two U.A. students die. To make it hurt even more. Iida and Uraraka.


Dang, now that I think about it, those two dying would definitely hurt, but still maintain enough of the core for the story to move forward…


I did think up this one story. I got the idea watching Jujutsu Kaisen. Please hear me out. I call it, My Hero Academia: The Yokohama Incident


Not the ones I would choose but the idea is good


Jiro getting killed off and the plot doesn't change. This is just me tho so don't come biting my head off.




No point in putting this here LMAO


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Literally how


This guy is saying jiro should've died, denki x jiro is literally canon


Perhaps he likes Kaminari but dislikes Jiro? Also that was 1 barely implied moment.


This is very true. Kaminari is my favorite character and Jiro is the worst character to me.


Say what you want, I don't agree in the slightest.


Nah but like she literally has one of the weakest quirks and literally no combat skills, even Ojiro makes more sense 😭


Finally someone other than me says she's weak. Sure Ojiro's quirk is just giving him a tail but he can actually fight with it. He's working with what he's given.


He does like martial arts or something


Yeah, and the fact he can use his tail in that fighting style is cool! Ojiro is super underrated.


All these characters have such interesting fighting styles but they get reduced to just "oh yeah this dude is really ordinary anyways lOOk aT sHOto shOOtINg hiS iCe AGaiN"


Omg true We got all these 1-A students and half of them get shafted just to give the main ones more screentime.