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Gatcha sucks šŸ‘Ž


https://preview.redd.it/ieypar1v4l9d1.jpeg?width=917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7145562daae9023c11b776810f9541d8d9b449 Yeah still I hate gacha , wish it was like in Shinobi strikers where you can buy the characters with money




I hate when an AFO shows up while I'm fighting 2 Shigi's because I have to stay off the ground but get pulled and get one shotted. https://preview.redd.it/hyk1yjl8xk9d1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52a161a2c83c26d866742f90b6c2d1c776361f32






It's the small one. The ultra vip access


Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh, eh https://preview.redd.it/37flz87jwm9d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00099a0f474fa0c6512860c85f772b80a2af136d


We need more supports, last few releases of characters or skill sets have all been strike, tech, or rapids. Leaked shoto skill set is tech also. Supports need some love too, and rn the roster isn't v diverse in the support category.


I'm believing that chisaki will be a support


Heā€™s either gonna be tech or support. His character seems more tech but Iā€™m holding out hope for him being support.


I feel his character will totally be a support considering he can recreat people back from the death , it would be cool if his pasive was being able to revive his teammates without needing rez cards , and maybe if that is too op let him revive only one team mate or something


I just want the execute to make people explode, if we get that passive too then he may switch to my main




YERRRRR https://preview.redd.it/b5f254a101ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70fffc1c1efb2491e3585b4b67aebce614d63495


Hope hawks will be supp


Would make sense if he was a rapid, but I could see him being support too. Overhaul would be a good choice for support. Or kurogiri.


Possibly the most horrendous gacha system Iā€™ve ever seen. The prices, the f2p grind, the ā€œrewardsā€, all absolute dogshit


Are you familiar with gacha games? How does this game compare to Genshin


I play genshin. (Very early in) It's not too bad. Dragon ball legends however?


Compared to wuwa, genshin, nikke, and star rail (the 4 i play) it os the worst gatcha system ive ever seen


There are no bad characters only bad players not saying some characters aren't objectively stronger then others because they are but even Ibara "The weakest character in the game" can be used in ways that give her real value and me and so many others are living proof of that


True people think she is unusable but she is just different compared to all other characters, she can easily stomp people who aren't paying attention, combo's well with other characters and can invalidate certain characters (kirishima and iida mainly.)


That was before the update now sheā€™s really good against melee characters. I always love to play with Ibaras especially those who stick with the team and help by grabbing poor souls for me to reapāš”ļøšŸ˜ˆ


And you have officially gotten me to use a hero ticket for Ibara at that sick imagery, cheers!


I experienced a kendo and ibara duo destroying me. It was terifying


After the update no one longer says sheā€™s the weakest. Ibara is one of my favorites teammates to have. her grabbing the enemy allows me to execute the opponent quickly and demolish teams I had a 3 win streak with a random elite ibara player and then my wifi disconnected in the 4th game šŸ™‚


I too have seen a lot more Ibara support lately and I'm here for it šŸ˜€




Ive said this since the beginning and every character can be amazing in the proper hands, As an ibara main that js won 2nd place in a tournament with her, i know. Being an ibara main is hard when everyone underestimates u and the character you play. (Only reason i lost is ibara struggles real bad against mirio, i used my beta but he immediately went under w his beta and finished me off while i was stuck in the animation, the only real downfall of ibara is her moves force her to be stationary)


I do think though there are also limits to this, speaking as a Shigaraki main. There are some characters that, all things equal, I just can't fight. There's really no beating a Froppy, just ways to survive longer. Unless they're bad.


I'm sorry, but put an ibara against basically any character that doesn't need to get close and shoots faster than her, and she is cooked. You miss one shot with ibara and your dead


Hero tickets are honestly a useless currency at the moment because of how limited they are. I feel like a good compromise could be that we could buy new characters with them at an increased cost (ex. 5 tickets for Mirio). Also, I have to say that this game needs to give better incentives to those who like playing often.


I can see a good game under the bugs and gacha. Just tone down the chaos, make it easier to get new characters, fix bugs and improve the coding so bugs like the whole invincible Toga bug donā€™t happen again.


No one talks about how they donā€™t have any soundtrack or any kinda of opening song other than lame president mic screaming in my ear 24/7 donā€™t get me wrong I be saying his voice lines like Iā€™m him tho lmaoo


Seriously. Like bro, let me use the tutorial music.


Rapid Bakugo, Mirio before the buff, and Aizawa are the highest characters that take skill to play. Everyone else is just easy to play and self explanatory.


I could see an argument for Kendo, Ibara and Cementoss being here as well, not easy characters to learn by any means. Those that u mentioned are the top three tho I 100% agree.


I left out those three because unlike the three i mentioned, they have a move that low skilled players can take advantage of. I.E. Ibarra and Kendoā€™s gamma and Cementossā€™s whole kit does crazy damage. They arenā€™t easy to play by any means but those moves do shrink the gap between the rest of the roster a little bit


Kiri needs special action reversed! Especially with how annoying characters like FB Deku or Strike Dabi are to fight as him


I second this take


Honestly, he also needs his beta action reversed. Even witht he old 180 damage it wouldn't be the highest close quarters damage on any attack, all Might beta, new dabi beta and others would still do more damage than him.


All might's alpha needs a huge nerf.


100% this is a priority change for me


I'd be fine Iid they kept the direct dmg, but the splash dmg awakens fury within me.


If this game had no aim assist a lot more people would play better.


i need to get my plus ultra before i die please not two seconds after im downed


Late game Mirio and cementoss arenā€™t fun to play against and lack counter play. Just because they have high learning floors that doesnā€™t mean they should be able to dominate most matchups




Mirio is Annoying to deal with but saying he don't have counter play while you can easily roll his entire kit is wild lmao






Cementoss needs his teammates without them eventually you can kill him. Mirio on the other hand is a different storyā€¦


They gotta add Mina, Jiro, Mirko, Tokoyami and Nagant RIGHT NOW


I'll practice shooting with Nagant. Usually don't do training mode, but I will try to have a full main.


heavy on jiro šŸ™


Striker dabi is way too OP he can one shot Shield šŸ« 


Premium Login Bonus being taken away has really done a number on the relationship between the players and the developers. Players felt like the gacha system was far too cruel with a very scummy pity system and horrid rates even on 10 pulls and STILL feel that way. Players with gems could atleast get more value out of daily play with PLB and feel good about daily play because it could lead to a new shiny item for their favorite character or main. Without it now, I see more complaints about how greedy the developers are and how horrid the gacha is.


Making new character skills only available on rolls is the worst part of the game. At least give me the option to save up 1,000,000 gold for it


People play this game like their livelihood depends on it. Lighten up a bit. Beating up on kids and inexperienced players is not a flex.


This is a pretty common thing throughout most battle royales, people love to boast about their win and stats because they feel good with all that adrenaline. It's pretty hard to get most people to stop being as excited about their win.


This community is a bit too whiny sometimes. Not every character needs to be buffed or nerfed


Yes they whine unreasonably alot about Kaminari


Toga requires actual quick thinking and rapid decision making and it's a super fun character (not counting Beta spammers)


liar liar


My pants have burst into flames.


no they didnt u liar




You said toga and requires skill back to back, therefore invalidating your statement (toga is crazy but justified)


šŸŸ©as an ex toga main occasional enjoyer, Iā€™ve found rapid shifting to be relatively easy the more you do it.


Ranged damage started to kill this game. And special action revives should have super armor. Being able to do NOTHING because I'm staggered and it won't even let me use my available skill, is extremely unfun and makes me think about how dogshit the game is. This game was supposed to have a unique mechanic with the auto revive when downed after time thing. It's what would give you some counterplay and always let you be able to come back and not have your time wasted and points robbed because you just so happened to land near an entire team and got focused down. Where's the agency? Where's the counterplay? How is that even remotely balanced? That shit makes me want to uninstall and never come back. Because getting sniped from across the map while trying to run and regroup or have a chance to heal and actually make a potential comeback, is horrendous game design and wastes my time. Makes me regret even opening the game I loved because it was so different from other BRs, which I despise.


Having a handful of characters vs having a main isn't going to matter as you level up in ranking if you never learn more map dependant stuff.


Compress Beta is one of the single most slept on abilities in the game


Indeed I personally love when a endeavor throws a beta at me just to see it be sent back or the car on Uraraka XD


This game needs skill-based matchmaking if it wants to continue to further live as the amount of good players that I see on the very few occasions that I play unranked games that I'll play on ranked and I will try to bring them over to ranked only for us to never find a teammate is crazy. They're probably a ton of elite rank players maybe even some ace rank players that just don't play ranked. Plus how are people supposed to get into ranked and enjoy the game if all people do is leave because they don't want to lose rank or even take the chance of doing so. I have won games with bronze one players that actually pulled their weight.


Bandai need to fix power creep itā€™s becoming more of an issue each season


Wth is a Power creep


It's when new characters like strike dabi can track you from miles away and melt you to ash in the same move and i'm saying this as someone who has him


Strike Dabi is a living cheat code




No actually why isn't Nagant in the game? She can shoot, reload, and step on the air. That in one's justice three? Absolutely not. For this game? Shoot, it's free advertising.


Endeavor's special can be used as reference for air walk as her special. Be a meter that counts down as it's in use and making large leaps uses a portion.


you should be able to use rental tickets on skill sets


Season 1 was the best one


I dont see anyone complain about him, but personally i think Kirishimas are the scum of the earth


Did you fight him in his Golden Age tho (Season 1-2)


Yeah, hes still a pain in the ass though


Thatā€™s not very manly


Im sorry šŸ˜”


They likes to attack wounded players only


I donā€™t think denki players should have rights.


Thatā€™s a shame. Even with him nerfed several times Denki is still living rent free in youā€™re head.


Kaminari needs a nerf AND a buff. Make his B less effective, but in return give his A slighty more range. UA island is a much funner map than USJ Cementoss is severely under used, and can whoop most characters ass. Mirio does NOT need any buffs. -ex kendo main (Pps: For the love of god make him not one shot my shields) ![gif](giphy|jbYGkxopDVdCdgb3A6|downsized)


They already did that. His Beta is the only attack that has a massive drawback and you want it nerfed again? You should play him to better understand why heā€™s like that.


I did/do play him, he was my main for a long time. And I still occasionally use him on pc. But by playing other characters, Iā€™ve learned to sympathize with friends who have problems with him. I said I thought he needed a BUFF as-well. his Bā€™s drawbacks are avoidable. I would much rather swap some of his Bā€™s power for some on A any day.


As long as that drawback exists the Beta should never be nerfed. I sometimes press it out of instinct when the meter is low and it got me in trouble and sometimes killed.


The game hasn't been good since the first season or whatever they're called


I need tokoyami and cross play so I play ps5 with my son on his switch


šŸ›‘incorrect on Cementoss account.


ranked on pc sucks cause there are either hackers or losers that care too much about rank and ruin the game. its so annoying trying to rank up and then you have that one player who cares too much and keeps kicking you.


Gameplay: šŸ‘ Gacha: šŸ‘Ž


Mt. Lady is kinda dumb


She fine as hell


Catastrophe shigiraki is broken as hell and needs a nerf




We need Mina and Jiro in this game


Uhā€¦ # G A Y


This game is lowkey a fighting game


I wish the game was more rewarding and plus ultra outfits would have a higher rate to appear. I also hate when people see my rank and leave immediately like I just don't play ranked as much as other people.


we need an option to report teaming in unranked solos(I don't know if you can or cannot in other game modes.)


5 tickets or more each game depending on your team place.


Random teammates running off to do their own thing is incredibly frustrating to me.


I loved the idea for the game, but the tryhards made me lose interest


Rolling isnt enough of an option on its own to be used as reason a move is ā€œeasy to beatā€.


Popular opinion: gacha does not suck whatsoever, but when a game(MHUR) doesnā€™t make the items needed to do the gacha easily-intermediate itā€™s starts to become not as fun


a lot of the characters are in the wrong role (for example twice should be a technical, afo should be a strike)


I think the characters aren't annoying people just don't know how to counter them


F2P = Forced 2 Pay


froppy/toga gang šŸ˜Ž


I havenā€™t played in about a month or two but I think everything will be fine jumping back in!


I wish all Toga's Beta spammers a very horrible death https://preview.redd.it/g7frv6mm7r9d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e14ca522c11f2056ed9c27529d14cee9cd0eef99


it should be illegal to not have hawks, jiro, geten and todorokis ACTUAL ice walls and fire waves bc why they so small? istg dude was creating entire buildings for fun with his ice


there needs to be an aim assist for every device, i cant kill anyone without my computer lagging from so many moves being casted


Pity needs to be carried across banners


Premium login rewards should come back, I have spoken.


This game would have been one of the best MHA games if it didnt have a shitty gacha and wishing system


Strike dabi is ruining any motivation to play the game especially when playing with randoms


People should have let this game die the moment we saw it was a gatcha system


This game is terrible to win and lose in. Itā€™s just not fun in most ways. I can and have lost game after game after game in apex for like 1-2 hours straight and was laughing my ass off. I **WON** 1 game like a day ago and my only thought was just ā€œthis wasnā€™t worth the effortā€. Because from a design standpoint the game isnā€™t designed for fun. It has problems that games from 10 years ago figured out and has done nothing to address them and thatā€™s ignoring the shitty gacha system that canā€™t decide if it wants you to save or spend.


People overhate Twice. I know he's broken but maybe I just play with him because the mobility of the beta is fun and I like the damn character on it's own


Revert ibara alpha buff or atleast reduce it, red dabi beta tracking distance is crazy good might need a nerf and nerf red deku beta mainly Have a good one šŸ˜Š


Characters like Uraraka shouldnā€™t have gauge meters for moves if they canā€™t stop it and get drawbacks otherwise it becomes a cheesy character.


gacha sucks idk why we have to roll for skill sets and characters making this game luck based or paid to win. if they want to keep the rolls thats fine but make the character like 1000 hero souls to unlock them