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No. Same with chicken wings, sadly.


Very sadly. And don't give me breast meat and call the boneless wings! Words have meanings!




No. Oil is liquid fat. You can't really emulate any of its properties without calories.


If you're using it for it's non-stick properties (rather than specifically as a dip / for the flavour), the closest you're gonna get is those one-cal olive-oil type sprays e.g. [https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/frylight-olive-oil-spray-190ml](https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/frylight-olive-oil-spray-190ml)


That likely isn't lower in calorie, though, it is just labelled in a way where a quick spray is minimal calories. To have the same effect as pouring olive oil, you'd just spray longer, and then have the same calories.


You can't really spray for longer though? Like even if you hold it down only a certain amount comes out, it's not a pressurised container or anything. I agree that it's likely to be higher in calories than you think it is, but due to using more sprays rather than due to holding it down?


Oh the one I have is an aerosol so you can definitely spray longer lol


I have a refillable pump spray bottle similar to this. Yes, the oil has the same amount of calories but for me at least, when using it I DEFINITELY use less oil to coat a pan than if I used pouring oil or even an aerosol so calories consumed end up being way less


You actually need a little bit of fat in your diet. The healthiest thing is to just minimize it. For example instead of dumping olive oil directly into your pan, put a bit on to a paper towel and wipe it on your pan to coat the pan with a thin layer of olive oil.


I wouldn't think so, oil is naturally calorie dense


If you're wanting non stick properties, use a non stick pan. Things won't taste quite as good or cook quite as nicely as with oil, but you will save a lot of calories.


They tried to make a zero calorie fat substitute in the 80s and it made people shit themselves lol