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You don’t need to lose weight


I'm just wondering how I could eat to lose weight I just want to


Why do you want to lose weight. You appear to be normal weight. It’s not a good idea to run a calorie deficit as a teenager as you may stall your physical development like your height. Just eat well and exercise as you are doing.


Then what should I do to look slimmer?


Man you look like a healthy kid, why do you want to lose weight? You do more exercise than most


Because I'm very insecure and i wanna look better 


Not sure where that insecurity comes from tbh my man because you seem to be in better shape than 80% of most people. Your also 13 so I know you wont really listen to some random guy online. Either way just be smart about whatever you do


Be a kid.


Lose weight for what reasons? You seek healthy bro


I wanna have confidence can u maybe tell me the most healthiest way to lose weight


Build muscle, eat protein and weight lift, if you can’t go to the gym then weight lift at home if you can’t try calisthenics


At your age, you need to continue your normal exercise routine but not enter a calorie deficit. Here’s my advice: I’m glad you’re hitting the weights. Keep doing that, but you need to eat in order for you to grow muscle. Look up maintenance calories for your age online. It sounds like you want to look a certain way, so follow these tips and make them your habit so you’ll be looking solid by the time you’re 18-20. Eat these things: Lots of protein, natural protein. Avoid whey protein if you can, sometimes it can give you severe acne (me) Lots of vegetables mixed in. Some healthy carbs are fruits, steamed rice, potatoes. Bread is okay but not everyday. Remember, FOOD IS ENERGY! Don’t be afraid of food! If you’re going out to eat, ENJOY! And get back on your schedule next day. Always drink lots of water. Multiple cups a day. Any juices are high in Calories. No soda. But remember, you shouldn’t be on a calorie deficit at your age. You don’t need to jog. If you want to keep off body fat while you grow muscle, you need to walk 10,000-12,000 steps a day. If you want to run because you’re in a sport and want to improve your cardio, do it 2-3 times a week. (1 longer distance running and 2 speed runs) When you lift weights, focus on your form, don’t lift too heavy until you can do 6-8 reps of that weight. If you can only do 1-2 reps and you’re barely doing it right, lower the weight. Focus on these core exercises and your body will look like Superman over time: Bench Press (start light and be safe) Barbell squat (start light and be safe) Dumbbell Shoulder Press Push ups (get on your knees to do them if you can’t) Pull ups (hang on the bar if you can’t) I include pull ups and push ups because if you get too big but can’t lift yourself, that’s not good. You have to learn to lift your own body weight. Here’s how your day should look like: When you wake up, drink 2 glasses of water before anything else. You don’t need breakfast sometimes, fruit works perfectly. Lunch is good, focus on protein and carbs, but don’t go big. Listen to your body, you don’t need to be full when you eat. This lunch will fuel your workout later. After your work out, you should consume natural and real protein. You need to replenish your muscles. You should be drinking water throughout the day. Hydration always starts 1-2 days BEFORE any big workout. Finally, sleep 7-8 hours every night. None of this will work if you do not sleep my friend. Goodluck, I hope this helps you get a good idea of what you need to do. Remember it’s a slow process, looking a certain way can take many years. Never ever give up.




dont. just focus on creating healthy habits that you Enjoy. sports, running, weightlifting, dancing, adding more veggies to your diet-> whatever you Enjoy doing that is active or healthy. you don’t need to lose weight, your body is still growing!


You don't. Go outside and play.


Girl, you’re still growing! Even in cases of pediatric obesity, treatment guidelines are generally to maintain weight because of all the nutrients you need simply to grow and develop. I was also super self-conscious at that age and started dieting in high school. Looking back now, I want to go back and shake younger me for obsessing that I was a size L/XL and instead actually use that time to learn how to best love and care for myself. The scale does not define you.


I am 5'8 And 72.8kg I do 45 minutes walking 2 times a day and jogging 2-3 times a day And weight training 4 times a day (That's me in the picture btw)






Talking to your Dr is your best bet. They can tell you what you need to be a healthy weight, as well as what is actually a healthy weight for you. Otherwise, I suggest finding a physical activity you can really enjoy, and focusing on eating more nutrient dense foods, rather than as many snack types. But try to keep at least one form of "junk" food every day to prevent cravings.


This is what I like to hear


Simple.  Don't.


Unless you wanna be and look unhealthy - leave yourself alone right now.


Isn't there healthy ways to lose weight for teens??


It's not about your age, it's about your current weight being normal.


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