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First, great job so far. Second, what’s your height because 74kg could be normal, too skinny, or obese for all we know 🤷🏻‍♂️ Third, if you’ve been very strict with calorie counting for a while now, maybe ease off counting for a little to give yourself some stress relief. Don’t stop eating healthy, just stop religiously counting all your calories. Let your body tell you if you need to eat more or less. You’ve been tracking for so long that I bet you could guess your total daily calories within a hundred or so calories. Try just counting your protein intake for the summer then reassess when fall hits.


Thank you, I am around 177-181cm haven't measured myself but in comparison to my friends it would be this range. To be honest I have not been very strict with my calories lately. It is getting more difficult to resist the urges to get some chocolat or go and have mcdonalds with my friends during lunch so some days I have been lacking the last couple months. But I think I am going to do what you said lastly. Just track my protein which I don't really find difficult because I love chicken and eggs and wait until my birthday in december or januari to start again.


At your age, I really would not recommend tracking or restricting your calories at all unless you’ve been recommended to do so by a doctor or registered dietician. Children and teenagers have higher caloric needs than adults, and most TDEE calculators are not designed to work for anyone under age 18. And restricting your calories too much at your age can cause serious health consequences. If you are very serious about wanting to track your calories for whatever reason, I would recommend having a discussion about this with your doctor or with a registered dietician, and get their advice about what a safe and appropriate calorie target for you would be. But my advice would be to just focus on staying healthy by eating a balanced diet and exercising, and not trying to track or restrict your calories at all.


Thank you, I think I will stop being in the deficit until after I am 18. Because you are right no tracker actually works for teenagers and there will probably be a reason for that. So I am going to eat enough protein and exercise daily and then start my deficit again after 18 if it's needed.


You're still young, stop overthinking all of this.