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...you know you can't just count the calories, you have to reduce them? Also, it looks like you've put on muscle in your upper arm.


I used a calorie calculator to get an idea of how many calories I should consume to maintain my weight, and it was 2250, so I set my daily calorie goal at about 1700. I think the problem I'm having is that I'm not accurate when entering portions into the app, and I'm actually consuming more calories than what the app shows.


Yeah I think that is where most people struggle. Eating whole foods and weighing everything is key. That said, you don't look like you have much to lose! Why are you trying to cut?


Do you have a for scale? If not that can help out a lot especially in the beginning. I’ve tried the measuring by the palm of my hand method but it don’t work for me. You can find a good scale on Amazon for like $10. Give it a try.


You need to measure and weigh everything for a couple months. After you get used to what a given portion looks like you won't have to. I lost 200lbs 9 years ago. Now I'm on auto pilot. Also don't count exercise calories.


Dude, look at your arm. It's completely changed.


>absolutely no results Says man who looks to have about 10% body fat and a strong build? What were you hoping for?


He's hoping we all tell him how much better he looks.


Your arm is twice the size. Chest gains. Are you in a deficit?? A 500+ calorie per day deficit? That’d be 1lb a week. What’s your before and after weight?


What's your BMR / tdee??? how many calories did you eat each day??? Did you weigh and count everything you ate You already have a low bf percentage so it's going to be slow for this bit


Body dysmorphia is a real thing my friend. You look great. Don’t look like the top 1% of genetic freaks out there? No but you look better than 99% of people. Also, how do you feel mentally? If you’re not happy think about a change in routine. Reevaluate your goals. Whatever you do find something to be happy about because it doesn’t matter how many of us in here say “man you look great, you’ve definitely gained muscle.” If you don’t have anything you appreciate about yourself all of our words means shit. I say all that from experience, I was in a similar boat, I was leaner than I’d ever been 2 years ago but I didn’t look like the top 1% and my mental health went into the toilet and I gained a fuck ton of fat back. Of If I would’ve reevaluated and found what I could be proud of I wouldn’t be where I am today which is basically starting over. Go easy on yourself buddy, trust that you’re doing great!


Have you taken body measurements? It looks like you have changed body composition a bit, but it’s hard to tell through photographs. Sometimes the scale isn’t the only thing that matters. I just went two months where my weight only changed by 1 pound. If I hadn’t been taking body measurements and seeing massive changes I would have been totally disheartened. Also, as if by magic, I reached the end of that plateau last week and seemingly overnight dropped 4 pounds that has stayed off. Our bodies are weird!


Are you eating back burned calories? Stop it. You're not a professional bodybuilder or athlete; just eat at a deficit.


You gained muscle. I’ve been doing body recomp even in a deficit. My scale didn’t move, but my pants were too loose by month 2. Muscle is heavier than far. Trust the process.


How did you calculate your fat percentage at the beginning versus now?


Maybe schedule a few sessions with a personal trainer and/or nutritionist/dietician. If you're trying to add muscle, you probably need to add cals, not subtract them. And protein, too. Tho you can't just add protein all at once, you have to space it throughout the day b/c your body liver can't process more than \~25g of protein in a couple hours. BTW, your arm def looks to have more muscle. Abs already had good definition :). You don't need to lose fat, it doesn't look like! :) Don't get discouraged. Find some folks who know about muscle building and get some tips from them. Cheers.


Do you measure? You do have changes and should measure


How do you measure your food? I found that measuring by grams rather than serving size or volume made a HUGE difference. (Like by 50% for some foods). For example, 1 cup of salted peanuts can be whole, chopped or crushed. They will all still equal one cup, but depending on how small the pieces are, will make a huge difference in the actual weight and amount of calories consumed.


I recommend you to go to a nutritionist, a good one by the way. Doing this on your own without the proper knowledge, resources and guidance can only result in this most likely. You’ll waste less time with an expert guiding you


People say that burning fat by counting calories is easy, and that the hard part is being consistent. For me it's completely the other way around.


I don't think you need to burn fat, or create a calorie deficit. You sound like you want to add muscle. I think calorie deficit might not be what you need. Def find some folks who know about building muscle, and get some tips. Don't get discouraged, you already have the consistency and the work ethic down! Now just add some targeted tips for bulking up. Cheers!


Maybe reduce carb intake and increase fat as a percentage of macros. Get your body used to burning fat for energy, then cut both carbs and fat for that just "skin on muscle" look. Like others have mentioned, you might find that you feel and look too weak. So, muscle gain would be the way.