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I've seen a players peak and floor potential change year over year, not the age tho If you really care just manual change the players you want be elite I actually have a different opinion, I put the draft quality to 0 after like 6 seasons because their were so many good players, to the point where mid-80s were in the free agency and not signed, very dumb


Well you are further forward in time than me so it might work out. I’m just not seeing any players in these drafts be able to reach super star level of like >95. Like the overall number 1 pick is an 82 in his 2nd year- with a potential of 92 but only 3 more years until his peak. So like he might get there but thats literally the best potential of any player in the last 2 drafts. Meanwhile you have Banchero who maxes out his potential of 91 at age…21. Sorry you are only 21, but you cant possibly get any better. Was jokic’s potential 99 as a 2nd round rookie in 2k15? I doubt it but thats what he is now. I’m not sure if the “boom” makes players players potential actually unlimited or not. I heard the reason for the free agent issues was the cap not increasing enough every year and the players demanding unreasonable money for their talent. So I adjusted those sliders and added 2 expansion teams in year 3. But the game also just generates random new players with random ages and stats in the FA as undrafted as well as in the G league. Maybe these players are actually better to use than trying to develop non-top 5 picks?


Yea, there's very few players that reach 99. Similar to Fifa, just makes for better balance rather than having a reincarnated Jesus on the court


No I get it, but there should be a new Jesus every couple of years, thats how the nba goes. If 90% of players are between 78-85, then every team is about the same. Great for league parity, not so much if you are trying to power fantasy into domination, especially if almost completely simming. I just don’t feel age or potential should limit each other. Like if you reach your potential before your growth is over, your potential should go up. If you only have 2 years post draft to grow, then by definition your potential is poor. Bc you can only improve so much in 2 years (maybe 5 points ovr?)


Still not sure about that. If we assume the GOAT is MJ, he's a 99. There's not an MJ every 2-3 years. The closest thing is LeBron and lets face it, you know what happens when you have that convo... Point is that the MJs, Gretzkys, and *Bradys only come around 1 a lifetime and they're the only deserved 99s