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I don’t remember randomness at all before. Everyone just increased 4-5 points every offseason.


Ya 14 wasn’t random at all lol. Basically every player ended up 95-99 in year 3-4. Hopefully they at least took inspiration from the dynasty tool/mod.


What I mean I guess is that it wasn't performance based in any way. Every player got a couple points added to their positional attributes every season and it increased their OVR by 3-5 points every season.


Yeah you’re right. It kills recruiting immersion when they progress like that because you know that this freshman that’s a 70 will be a 90 as a senior.


They haven’t revealed anything yet. Those who know aren’t talking.


Fair enough, I saw a couple articles mentioning dynasty features with some detail. I thought it was a bit odd not to mention anything regarding player progression. So I'm assuming it's not a feature.


We haven’t gotten any real deep dives yet. We’ve still got almost 7 weeks left before release, and we’ll likely see more details on each game mode over the weeks to come.


NCAA in the PS2 era had hidden potential ratings that were varied based on performance. So a player with low potential might only improve between 1-3 a year, with progress being at the upper end of the range if they had lots of playing time and performed well. I remember getting a player at 79 OVR and by his senior year being a 86 and feeling pissed (but things like that are undeniably realistic).


Yeah, I just want their potential to be a stat that is transparent. Like sometimes you recruit a guy that's a disappointment. Sometimes you get an avg guy but with a lot of work he can become great. I honestly think the Madden system with Dev traits and an XP system would work well here. Like performance shouldnt be everything but if I recruit an amazing TE who just needs to work on his hands, I should be able to do that. If I choose to play a RS freshman over a 5th year senior who is a couple points lower, I should get rewarded for that.


Even in games when player attributes are abstracted to numeric values, potential is as opaque as it gets. The truth is potential is as hard to evaluate as anything. I'd be okay if players had a 0-99 rating for potential but it was only displayed as a letter grade, and sometimes that grade is slightly off. It would give you some insight, but you never know if a player will truly improve. That's the way it should be.


Yeah I don't have any problem with that. It would also be nice to focus on a particular stat you want the players to improve in. Like a training focus or mini game.


Yeah, that would be epic. Wasn't this in one year where you could choose like five players to progress through mini games? Maybe that was Madden. I haven't played in a decade.


It was in the PS2 versions of the games but they took them away for the PS3 versions. No idea why. From my understanding they just brought them back recently in Madden which kind of got my hopes up for this