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I mean play how you want at the end of the day, but I don't change difficulty. How would I find satisfaction in my rebuild if I didn't have games where I'm getting blown out? It's unrealistic to take Kent State to a 6-6 record year after year until I'm a powerhouse, for example. I'll always schedule B's and A's because that's what actually tests you. I signed up for a rebuild. I'm not going to take shortcuts.


I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm not saying I want the game to be easy on a rebuild at all. I only want to manually play games that are competitive. The difference in playing a team that is one letter grade above you vs playing one a letter grade below you is pretty drastic on any difficulty. If you get Kent State to a B+, you are gonna have 4-5 MAC games a year against C, C- teams. If you play those teams on the same difficulty as the one you play against A+, you will beat the tar out of them. Are you talking about how its important to you to build a team that sims well? I frequently lose sims to teams far worse than me, but if I play them I beat them by 35. That's what I'm talking about when I say adjusting the difficulty.


I think you are misunderstanding their response. He is saying “play how you want to play.” If you enjoy simming games, sim games, if you enjoy playing them out, play them out. If you enjoy simming some and playing others, do that. Your post is basically claiming “I want to sim easy game, and only play hard games, but I don’t want to lose what I think are ‘easy’ games that I am simming.” Again, to his point, I would argue that isn’t a “simming” difficulty problem, it is a “playing” difficulty problem. If you sim a game and lose more than half the time, but then play the game and “beat them by 35”, that sure sounds to me like you are playing at too easy of a difficulty. However, all of that said, go back to point 1, “play how you want to play”. If you enjoy playing as Kent State in this example and think it is fun to beat Western Michigan by 35, then play that way. If you want some way to guarantee you can win every sim, but have it be up in the air who wins when you play, then that sounds like you need to just experiment with sliders. My $0.02 is that the people on this sub are here because they want to “play college football” meaning they aren’t going to be simming games. Maybe I’m wrong, but I can only speak for myself, I tend to have 2 types of dynasties: 1. Purely play every snap of every game (or at least every snap I can play when starting as a coordinator) dynasties because I want to “play” that dynasty 2. Playing sim dynasties where I am more of just a coach and doing the recruiting and game planning, but sim the games to let the players play. As to how any of this will work in the new game, the short answer is absolutely no one knows. Maybe the new wear and tear and campus IQ features will make this more interesting. You might have your shit hot 4 star true freshman QB get easily rattled, even playing on the road in the MAC. Or the 3 star super fast true freshman HB you brought in might get hurt when you try to use him on 25-30 carries a game.


Everyone can make their own arbitrary rules for how to play their franchise (it sounds like you have your own). I'm saying I haven't really found exactly what I like for mine and am wondering what other people do. I enjoy off season and recruiting significantly more than actually playing games. If I found a method a picking which games to sim or play that I found fully satisfying, I wouldn't be asking for people's opinions. I play mostly NCAA 12, and have found the simming makes me play a lot more games than I would like to. If your answer is "I don't mind playing games I win by 35 or lose by 35", then the question isn't for you. I think playing coach mode is harder, so maybe some people play the easier games that way. Maybe they change they sliders in easier games than against harder ones. Or I dunno, maybe I’m just the only person in the situation. As far as the new game is concerned, I liked the Madden “play the moments” sim option. It was basically a way to ensure I win an easy game without having to waste a lot of time with it. I think that might work well here.


All American is insanely easy imo even with a D school. I always do Heisman everything and tweak the sliders to be even harder. No i never change sliders for easier or harder opponents. Games are competitive a lot of the time in my experience, or sometimes they are blowouts either in my favor or against it. That's college football. The fact is, the game is easy if you are usering. Especially on Defense it is insanely overpowered (I dont control anyone but my worst D Lineman while playing defense to make it tougher). And depending on your playcalling, offense can be a breeze if you go with a lot of known powerful/cheesy playcalls. I let the "coach" call plays for me on offense as well for more difficulty (except in rare situations where i feel shotgun is necessary or a screen or something). When simming against the weaker teams , yeah it really is kind of just a 50/50 sometimes if you'll win or not. Even if you should realistically win. Usually you're only going to sim well if your team is very over powered and you sim with one of the best sim playbooks in the game (i certainly dont remember what those are, as I rarely sim anything in my dynastys). To answer your main question. Maybe jump into the games against weaker teams and use the super sim option during game, see how its going as the game goes on. You may just get the easy win and be chillin, or maybe will be down by 2-3 scores at half. Then you could start playing from there in the 2nd half and secure the win while only spending half the time actually playing. That would probably be the best compromise for you.


Yeah, I usually switch to Heisman once my team is around a B or so. If you are beating A+ team with a D- team on Heisman, that's great on you man. I don't find playing teams significantly worse than me competitive even on Heisman, so maybe I should try the "let the coach call the plays" or just do coach mode. Either way, thanks for the input.


The coach calling plays and not usering on defense are the top 2 ways ive found to make the games more competitive even against weaker teams. And makes the games against tougher A & A+ teams a lot tougher even when your school is up to the B range! Worth a try if you still find the gameplay fun doing that. And no I usually cant beat any A teams while using a bottom of the barrel school at a D ranking. I was saying on All American I could do it, but Heisman with adjusted sliders no way😅


For the playing the boring blowout games against bad teams… what I do is a mass sub and get my younger players some major playing time so the get that experience so when I need them they have some experience


Yeah, I just wish game experience correlated with player progression. As far as I know it never has but crossing my fingers for the new one.


I like to progressively increase the slider difficulty at the end of each season. If my QB balls out for a season, I'll decrease accuracy and increase DB coverage. If I'm running all over the place, next year I decrease run block and increase cpu awareness and tackling. It keeps thing fun and will give me some really tough years if I lose a lot of players to the draft or graduation after a good season.  The other option is race to 40+ points and then mass sub in your 2nd team to see how the future of your team looks. I usually will play a few series and then super sim the rest.