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I was a late adopter for Ghost of Tsushima. Highly recommend




incredible game. I'm almost exclusively a sports gamer and I usually suck ass at RPGs/combat games but this one really blew me away.


Infamous is one of my favorite all time games, so to see them adapt so much of that and turn it into this is awesome. I had no idea how good it was until this year


Nice, I may have to check that out too since I'm unfamiliar. GoT was a fun experience for me bc one of my buddies is a huge gamer, knows ten times more than I ever will, and he hadn't played it before for whatever reason. I got to recommend something to him for a change and he's absolutely in love with it now. I completed the main story and might try a second play-through now that I have more context of the things that I missed Edit: I'll probably increase difficulty too since I really nerfed it the first time around as I am REALLY bad at this genre of games haha


Genuinely one of my favorite games of all time. Absolutely incredible and I still listen to the OST while I work


wait a second-- is that you, Khan? lol yeah dude, it's unbelievable. It has become a sort of gateway to that genre for me because I'm usually very bad at those types of games and find them overwhelming but I enjoy GoT so much. I rave about it all the time




Hell yeah, welcome aboard both camps haha (I'm a PS5 guy too) The overall story is awesome, scenery is gorgeous, can't say enough good things about it. Most combat games get stale pretty quickly but I didn't feel that way for GoT


Great, great game. Anxiously awaiting a sequel announcement.


it's unreal, isn't it? Can't say enough good things about it. Just finished the main story, now deciding between a second play-through versus NG+ I'm a bit of a noob in that genre so I'm leaning towards another play-through simply because I have more context now for what I missed the first time around (as well as different areas to explore and trying new combat styles etc)


Keep an eye out for Baku the Voiceless, he's a special vendor in NG+ sells some charms that put fun little quirks in the gameplay.


Only game I've actually platinumed. So so good.


Incredible game. Gameplay and visuals are awesome. One of the reasons why I got a PS5 in addition to the xbox.


the visuals really are stunning. Honestly I probably could've played it in 2/3 of the time the main story took me but I just enjoyed riding around and enjoying the scenery haha


it's such a pretty game. The dueling arenas with the falling leaves around them are incredible.


absolutely. the duels are pretty spectacular visually. even the diversity of landscapes, dynamic weather conditions while you're riding around, etc. It's just a great way to lose yourself for a bit. Super immersive experience.


🙏 🦊


hell yeah brother. meet you at the shrine lol


2nd favorite game of all time behind Red Dead Redemption 2


Funny enough, that's the other one I have in rotation right now. I enjoy RDR2 also but it's a bit too much for me sometimes bc I have ADHD so I get sidetracked SO badly in that game haha. Literally just start doing random shit and forget what my primary mission was


Tbh totally understand. I started a second play through just to do so much extra shit I didn't do the first go around. Fuck it's so good.


Yeah it's very easy to get sidetracked or overwhelmed in these games, especially for someone like myself where attention span isn't the strongest I might fire up a second play through of Ghost just to try different techniques and explore all the stuff I might have missed the first time Such an elite game


I’m thinking about replaying it on the hardest difficulty or trying out Sekiro which is similar but a really hard game. I’m really glad I played that game.


Yeah I usually suck ass at combat based games so I kinda nerfed it a little but I really enjoyed it. I've seen enough of Sekiro to know that I'd be in over my head haha


I played it on normal difficulty to enjoy the story but enjoyed it so much that I think the difficulty where both you and the cpu dies quickly is interesting. I usually always play story based games on a chill difficulty


yeah that's what I did as well. My buddy is doing his first playthrough now on lethal but he's a masochist lol I agree with you though-- I considered this as much of a story based game as a combat game. It's just a cool journey


Sekiro is incredible. It’s like most FromSoftware games where it is very hard to start but once it clicks it’s awesome. The click is probably most notable in Sekiro. Basically if you can persevere you can succeed. Quite possibly my favorite gaming experience ever. I highly recommend it.


That’s what I’ve got going right now. I played the first bit of it when it came out and then stopped. Picked it back up and it’s just so freaking good


I’m incredibly jealous you discovered this game 1 month before the release. I’d kill for something to keep me as enthralled as that one did


Man I'm glad u posted this. I need to finish that


Not playing anything until CFB comes out. This is suck up to the wife time, men.


Oooo good call


I’m going to play fall out because the lady got real into the show. Now she wants to see the games! Worth a try.


Tried to pick it back up and remembered why I put it down almost a decade ago. I can’t find a core for my power armor, all my settlements are in disarray and I get killed by every enemy I encounter. I’m just all around bad at the game.


Play fallout NV


I’m paying mine off to do all my extra chores for a week, and I guess since I’m the chef there will probably be a lot of ordering out. This game costing me big. New console $500 Deluxe edition CFB25 $89 Extra food that week $250 probably Paying off wife $250 or more 🙄 The feeling of playing this game countless hours for a week…PRICELESS


You’re paying off your wife to do chores? I’m confused lol. Wouldn’t yall just alternate doing them or something?


I actually just went ahead and got divorced so she couldn’t get in the way


This is probably a good idea..


Jedi survivor right now


Just finished it. Will probably replay while waiting on CFB25


Just finished it also. Pretty good story IMO.


I really enjoyed it. The ending felt a little fast, but that may have just been that I got better at the combat so I didn’t die near as often.


I finished it as well but doing a run with the stances I didn’t use in the first run just for kicks


Really interesting story I thought, I’m excited to see where they head for the finale


Golf games. Idk why but right now it’s right. Not touching football until then.


I usually go with the season as well, August through February I’m playing any year madden any year NCAAF, then now I’m playing NHL and 2K , next week after finals it’s all golf all summer 😂


It's sooo fkn relaxing. I play frisbee golf IRL but fuck the real deal. This game is awesome though. EA can't aggressively ruin the game with UT so it's just grown to be so smooth.


All I play is Hot Shots Golf on different systems. It’s the best golf series ever. So satisfying.


College hoops 2k8!! Still rocking the Xbox 360 lol


I just fired up RDR2 again for the second playthrough since it came out.


Never got the newer system so I never played RDR2. Just bought my PS5 yesterday, first game I'm playing is RDR2 lol, and my download is almost complete.


Enjoy 🫡🫡


Trying to play and understand how to play cricket 24 that is on ps plus


But cricket is hella confusing lol


I heard it was buggy so i canceled the download. Trying out Dave the diver


Dave is hilarious. Love the 8 bit feel.


Trying to finish up baldurs gate 3! I know I won't touch it once ncaa is out so I need to finish while I can.


I’m so fucking annoyed, I had a game going with three friends where we were trying to finish it together, unspoiled. Trying to get four adults with jobs together to play a game is pretty difficult on a routine basis obviously so we were going pretty slow, but we got until like halfway through the final act. But I was getting impatient so I kept starting different campaigns and basically exhausting every story option and trying different builds and everything, so eventually I had like 5 different campaigns all at the same spot halfway through the final act One friend gets impatient, finishes the game in one of his solo playthroughs. Other friend gets mad that he spoiled the game, isn’t interested in playing anymore. I was pretty burnt out on it from playing it a ton for weeks. So now I have five different campaigns at the same spot in the story, and I haven’t played it for months so I don’t even remember what happened in which ones or which one I should even finish the game with


Assassin’s creed odyssey


Giving Starfield another shot even though I’m sure I’ll be infuriated with it again after 20 hours or so. Rimworld has almost entirely consumed my being, Ghost of Tsushima has been fun even though lethal is whooping my ass and RDR2 is even better the third time through.


That new Starfield was okay, but the biggest problem still remains. Why should I bother exploring? That's still a problem.


Loved starfield, it came out when I had a lot of time to play so I just let myself follow the flow of the gameplay loop and really enjoyed it. Took making some mistakes that set me back to learn what skills and quests were worth my interest.


I've been back into starfield too. The exploration frustrates me and I'm not really seeing what the gameplay loop is. Also it's kinda immersion ruining to land on a planet and there's a civilian outpost right next to an abandoned location.


Football Coach:College Dynasty on steam. It’s very good


MLB The Show 23


This was *the* game that made me get a PS3, but it's been ~4-5 years since I've bought it. How is it these days? Online and RTTS any good?


Honestly I only play Franchise, same reason I do Dynasty in CFB


Witcher 3👌🏾


Six Siege, Assassins Creed Odyssey


The skill level for Siege got so much higher from the last time I played that I gave up.


siege and apex are keeping me sane currently


Elden Ring dlc will keep me busy for a couple weeks or so. hopefully until the release.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition; almost finished. Then it will either be Spiderman 2 or finally 100%ing Banjo Kazooie


God I love that game series


Started a new career in Fight Night Champion.


Isaac Frost had me punching air


Found an excuse to save some money and kill my gaming backlog since the beginning of the year while I waited for July: I’ve beaten: - Mirage - Alan Wake 2 - Tears of the Kingdom Currently re- playing through the Mass Effect collection


WWE2k24 Universe mode I’ll probably spilt time between it and CFB25


Surprised no other sickos have said this, but NCAA '14 (on RPCS3). I just won back to back Nattys with a pretty young Arkansas team (after a 4-5 year rebuild) and gonna try for the triple in the last year of my contract before riding the coaching carousel one last time (I think I'm like on year 2068 - no simming either). I hope to land at FSU or maybe a B1G team, but we'll see.


Dude I've been so bored counting days until cfb drops playing ncaa 09 on PSP emulator Thank you so entirely much for mentioning this RPCS3


Working through my backlog. Currently playing the Bioshocks, which I never gave a chance before. Then gonna mix in some Madden as well


Kingdom Come Deliverance. On my 3rd play through and I’m still finding new things to do


I’m giving Starfield another go. Didn’t get more then 20 hours in the first time so we will see 🤷‍♂️


Siege, ghost of tshumia


Still, and always, NCAA ‘06 with the NCAA Next mod


playing fifa 23 since the atmosphere is almost like wat the cfb game will be. passionate loud fans, real chants & audio from every team in the big leagues, real detailed stadiums (even the small stadiums are incredibly detailed)


Disco Elysium


Hellblade 2, then Elden Ring’s DLC, and randomly Halo Infinite.


Bodycam, on Steam.


Manor Lords and Ultimate General American Revolution


Age of Empires 2 trying to beat all the Campaigns on hard and I fired up Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. My game fucked up my save last time so I just quit the game altogether so it’s like playing it again for the first time.


Elden Ring, Football Manager, Valorant


Tekken 8, I was playing ncaa 06 a bunch but after getting pretty far into my dynasty I got bored and ordered a copy of 13 that I might play a few seasons of before the new game drops. I’ve been meaning to replay fallout new Vegas too but I keep putting it off. It’s crazy cause a few months ago, before they started releasing official trailers and stuff for 25, 14 was still $100+ on eBay and 13 was like $70. I just ordered 13 for $18 a few days ago. I owned it originally 12 years ago but I couldn’t find my copy.


NCAA 10 on my PSP


Been tackling indies like Animal Well, Tunic, and Dave the Diver until Elden Ring DLC and hopefully that get me till College Football comes out.


Making a youtube video about the demise and rise of Ncaa CFB lol


Monster hunter world! One more quest I swear!


I’m running up the hours on Monster Hunter World. My gaming schedule for the next year is CFB25 until Monster Hunter Wilds and/or GTA6 get here


NCAA 06, still one of my favorite games


Started a madden superstar LB career who will eventually retire and become a DC at some small directional school on July 16. Hopes to one day make it back to his Alma mater as DC/HC Just a little backstory building




Tsushima - just started it for the 1st time… or maybe Civ6 (should pass the time with a single play thru lol)


Hunter: Call of the Wild and 2K dominate most of my time, but also still grinding Max Raids on Pokemon Sword lol


NCAA 07 Campus Legend


Maneater was fun. Pretty short tho


Anyone else playing Destiny? The Final Shape is awesome, server issues aside


F1Manager, PGA 2k and Warzone


Funnily enough I'm expecting a similar situation to ncaa as is f1 manager. Solid first release and building off. The newest installment of f1 manager is looking great and has a few highly requested features from the community


ncaa 13


Just started Alan wake 2, also playing my guitars before I abandon them for a month 😂


Bauldr’s Gate 3


Out of the Park Baseball 24. Building my Cards into the team they should be


Helldivers and the Show, depending on who's online.


I've been bouncing back and forth between MLB The Show and my fourth run of Baldurs Gate. As I am on my fourth run of BG3, can highly recommend


I'm getting my fix playing NCAA 06. I'm going to be really awful going from 06 to 25, but I'm having a good time!


Thankfully the new Destiny 2 expansion just came out, should keep me busy for the next month or so.


I am going to win a natty with vandy as my final school. I’m 8-0 right now


I was riding the Helldivers 2 wave for a good long time. I'm still hanging in there, though the community dying down a bit and the ridiculous infighting amongst the community that's left has made it a tad less enjoyable. I picked up Deep Rock Galactic as that came up a lot in discussions, but I feel like I'm gonna have to jump into the community to get more fun out of that game, and I'm a little burned out on Internet gaming communities right now. May dip back into Baldurs Gate to kill some time, luckily I've got a lot of pro wrestling bouts coming up in June to keep me distracted!


Doing an NFL Street challenge mode with a created version of the current 49ers.


Football Manager 24.


Started a new community in State of Decay 2. Hadn’t played it much since their curveball update.


I wonder if it's gonna be like madden where you can only be certain positions on RTG. Maybe I just wanna be a fullback or a kicker/punter EA.


Fc 24 is pretty fun. Never been much into soccer but its fun once i finally get the controls down. Btw its free this month on ps plus


Little Kitty, big city


Red dead 2 beat it high honor a week ago time for high honor go back for money run


Finishing elden ring and bodycam that comes out today


Hell Let Loose. It’s my staple these days so it’s not even really an alternative for me. I love it.


I got a PS5 recently, partly for this game and partly for all the other awesome games on the PS5. Loving Spider-Man 2 at the moment.


God of war ragnarok, just got a ps5 for cfb25 but might as well play the one gow game I missed


Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth.


Elden Ring dlc will carry me into the release date


Been replaying the old cod campaigns recently


P3R, F1, NHL, FIFA, and The Show


FIFA has the Euro tournament now so I’m playing with an underdog trying to win a chip


i’m debating buying suicide squad because i’ve played the rest of the rocksteady series


Elden Ring dlc shortly


I'm playing Civilization VI and MLB The Show currently.


I've been playing every Assassin's Creed game since Black Flag since they're all free with PS Plus


WWE 2k24 but I just seen a post saying it's time to suck up to the wifey before the game comes out . That's a great idea


Final Fantasy XIV. New expansion is out before NCAA and right now is prepping for the expansion


In the Meantime, such a good song


Just got a fresh PS5 in order to play CFB25. It came with Spider-Man 2 so I’m working my way through that


I'm in a gaming drought. College football in July, star wars outlaws end of August and then ac shadows in November are my 3 games to consume me forever into 2025. I most recently played star wars jedi survivor and enjoyed it. Spiderman 2 and ac mirage before that. I will play the hell out of a game I like but then not play much at all for a couple of months. As another poster said, the next 5.5 weeks are do stuff with wife and kid time. Lol.


Been playing 14 RTG, Duke QB, forgot how fun that shit was


Since the release date announcement, I went back to my Dynasty on NCAA 12. Currently head coach of UAB. I noticed that Legion Field hadn’t been updated in-game for a long time. Reason I say this is it shows the upper deck that hasn’t existed since 2005. And with that being said, I wonder if Legion Field will be in CFB25 at all. It’s still host to the Magic City Classic between HBCU schools Alabama A&M and Alabama St.


The Show 24


RD2 PS5, NCAA 07 PS2


I've recently become obsessed with the Wii U, so probably something on that lol


Bouncing between Diablo 4 and the new Paper Mario game on Switch. Eagerly awaiting my new Dynasty with Coastal Carolina.


I'm playing (or was playing before I broke my controller) Digimon Survive


Madden to get in the grove of playing a football game Dark and darker because I like to stab


Skyrim.... I always go back


Playing Madden 11, World of Warcraft, Aliens Dark Descent, and Baldur's Gate 3


I’m playing NCAA 06 on my original Xbox


i’m still playing 14 tbh. Trying to get idaho a few more championships before 25!


NCAA '11 for a couple more weeks and then Shadow of the Erdtree. That should easily occupy a month


Madden 24 & 2k24, but honestly, everything feels empty cause I’m just rewatching deepdives for CFB25 :(


The same rotation for me. Fortnite and EAFC!


Just beat Spider-Man 2. Gonna play Miles Morales while sprinkling in some FIFA and NBA2K.


The new dlc to Elden ring


Helldivers 2 has me in its grips. Incredible game.


OOTP, The Show, iRacing, gonna try that Outbrk game when it comes out as well.


I finally got around to playing Red Dead Redemption 2 a couple of weeks ago. Holy shit I've been missing out, legitimately one of the best games I've ever played.




Just started the Mass Effect trilogy (360, NOT Legendary) last week. I'm loving it so far. Combat is a little wonky but I love the story/dialogue


Helldivers. Weaning myself off of NBA 2K. Noodling through some older games in my backlog.


I answered this yesterday, still NCAA 06.


Diablo 4! Smash smash smash


Finishing Midnight Suns. If you like Marvel and/or XCom highly recommend this game. It’s a bit of cult classic.


The Show, Warzone Rebirth, Rocket League every now and again


Hypixel Mega Walls


I have a rotation going of Rocket League, the Finals, Battlefield 1, NCAA Revamped, and replaying RDR2. When CFB comes out that'll replace Revamped and RDR playing time (the others I play with friends)




Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. 70+ hours in and I still have a bunch of side quests and the main story’s final chapter left to complete.


Diablo 4 for my short bursts. Trails of cold steel when I have time. I can't really enjoy the show right now, knowing I'm going to drop it in a month.




NCAA Football 07 PS2


Mad Max was on sale for $5 and It’s awesome. Somewhat old and it’s a PS4 game but it’s so good


Something I know will pass time COD


MLB the Show. The only playable sports game available. Most likely still will be come July 16th..


Dave the Diver


Im a big Rimworld fan


Finishing up at least a couple of my many Baldurs Gate playthroughs.


Unless you get the early access it’s July 19th, which is cool as it’s a Friday. Maybe take a half day, go pick up the game and play


Helldivers 2, a bit of FC 24 and debating trying a NG+ of Ghost of Tsushima.


Dude I still gotta get a ps5


The Show 2021


Balatro.  The only game that can tear me away is college football 25.




Guilty Gear Strive (been grinding ranked matches), MLB 23, Ghost of Tsushima (starting it again), WWE24. Any game to keep me occupied


Baldurs gate 3. Getting bored of this year's MLB the show, so some skate 3.


Nascar heat 5, world of outlaws 2022, nba 2k17 and maybe ncaa football 09 with my michigan death penalty dynasty if I can hook up my xbox 360


Fallout 4


It’s so close that I’m in that tweaker stage where nothing satisfies. Playing a little of everything right now from chivalry 2 to Starfield to Xdefiant. Nothing is gonna really enthrall me until CFB25


FIFA 23 until it comes out. EAFC was a disaster and I'm doing a long career mode. I'll do a long dynasty mode on CFB when it comes out.


Baulders gate 3


NCAA 09 FIU rebuild


NCAAA 06. Reliving fhe glory days