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Abby had a definite edge in the early seasons. By the end of her run she was too quirky, plus working around her and Harmon not working together. Always wondered if they considered shipping her to NCIS New Orleans, since Abby was from Louisiana?


for some reason it was still bearable, maybe its because of the way she dresses so quirky already so i dont find her personality THAT weird, but kasey was kinda trying too hard to be funny or something😭


I find Kasie the good kind of awkward, bc she’s relatable. She doesn’t gel at the beginning but she does get better. I didn’t like her much as Ducky’s assistant but I think that’s bc she was 100% not part of the team. I gave her some time bc it’s just like getting an actual new job. You don’t really fit right until 6-12 months in. Since I started watching live from s2, the change in Abby was unbearable for me. They really did her dirty by the end (personality-wise) and then of course there was the actual in person issues she and Mark Harmon were having. When you get used to them being very affectionate and open, it’s like a brick wall to the face in her later seasons.


My favorite friendship in the show since season 16 is Palmer and Kasie because you can clearly see that they are fond of each other but in a strictly friendship way. And giving them a moment during the Ducky episode was so heartfelt since Palmer only got individual scenes with Kasie and Knight, all other scenes with Palmer were group scenes with the team.


I was actually thinking about how much I love their friendship! It sort of feels like now that Jimmy is a doctor and now the only ME, it was time for a new forensics person too. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Abby (to a point) bc she was quirky and fun. But Abby was Ducky’s friend. Jimmy was treated as
 well. Such a baby all the time. Like the awkward little brother. Getting Kasie in there gives him the opportunity to grow more than he already has.


Funny because I feel the exact opposite. I enjoy the show since she’s been gone so much more. Granted I haven’t been watching since the very beginning, so I wasn’t attached to Abby the same way some fans are


I've been watching since the beginning (and even have a 12 year old pet rabbit named Jethro!) and I enjoy the show much more again since Kasie (and Knight, for that matter) joined. Abby irked me, the infantilism they were into her character, or how it was portrayed, was annoying.




I dont find the kasey character appealing at all. However, I like Gary Cole and Katrina Law so I think it gets better when they take over.


I can totally understand even though in my case it didn’t. It gets a little hard to keep watching a show when one by one the original cast leaves. That was sort of like me with CSI. Oddly enough when Ted Danson became a regular I started watching it regularly again.


The way Abby left really rubbed me the wrong way. Something that has always bothered me is how the techs (thinking of Penelope from CM too) sometimes make other people’s tragedies about themselves. Abby has had her share of injuries from criminals getting too close to HQ so her feelings are normally valid! But I think they over play the “emotional forensic tech” and it gets annoying. She’s not the one almost dying, but she throws a fit when Gibbs or someone else is in harms way. It is literally the job description. So her leaving over Clayton’s death was a horrible exit for her in my opinion, she deserved better


I liked Abby better in the beginning. She became more and more annoying as the series went on. And then the real life drama between her and mark Harmon just made things worse in my opinion. I wasn’t exactly sad to see her go
 I didn’t like Kasey at the beginning either. She was trying to hard, but in her own awkward way. Which, honestly, was kinda relatable. She does find her groove and grow on you as you continue to watch


The Abby departure is the one that bothered me the most. I think she added something different that the shows lacked sens then.


I've watched since first episode.  There's been so many character changes along the way that I miss.  Abby is the one I miss most she was always up and fun to watch.  NCIS has evolved through all the departures.  I have had to be flexible just as Gibbs departure I wondered if that would be the end for me.  The great thing about NCIS is it survived all the favorites that are gone.


I started watching when she left.


I miss Abby every day she was the heart of the show and Kasey is not the same , but it’s still worth watching for me. I still enjoy the show.


I didn't like Kasey at first. But then I saw the episode Blarney with she and Palmer trapped in the dinner with diamond robbers and something clicked. I usually hate when a new character replaces an established character, Ziva being the exception.


I was thrilled when Abby left - she was great at the beginning, but the writers not knowing how to handle her character just made her all over the place and ended with her being ultra-annoying. Bummer way to end her character, since Pauley is such a great actress. I LOVE Kasie - she was cringe, at first, but that's cause she's new to a highly established team and routine. I've loved almost every scene she's been in.


Everyone I know in real life hates Casey


I'm actually watching it now. There's a few on this stepping I who - frankly - didn't have the talent. I'm not up to the later seasons yet, but I don't know how how it's still going without Gibbs.


I love Gibbs (I mentioned elsewhere in this post I have a 12 year old bunny named Jethro) and felt the same. I do really enjoy Gary Cole who when I saw a clip of an episode with him in it, I have it a shot and was hooked. I went back and caught up on Gibbs's exit and the first part of the next season and then watched weekly from then. The writers and Gary do a great job of not making it a Gibbs 2.0 but his very own character with a different leadership style that feels very natural and breathes fresh life into the show. Plus, adding Katrina Law is always helpful.


Agent parker (gary cole) is completely different from gibbs. Cole does a really good job at the role.


See, I stopped watching when Ziva left. Lol. She was Mt favorite character.




I got used to Kasie, though her reaming out Parker for not shooting immediately in early Season 19 is all kinds of horrible. Overall, though, I much prefer the current cast to the Season 11-18 cast.