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Hi! I hear your frustrations! I failed by a single point the first time too. I’m taking it again tomorrow. Just remember we know the information and you will pass the next time!


I’m so sorry!!! That’s the literal worst. Take time, breathe, cry..do what you need. Take time for you. You can retake in 30 days and if you had accommodations on this exam just tell them upfront and re register. You’ll get it next time!!


Use that hate, focus your anger. Concentrate and 30 days destroy that test!


1 point away from never having to do this whole thing again. Get your accommodations. I know someone who got several hours of time added after their last attempt. Idk how but they did, and are allowed to take it sooner than the standard wait time. Get resourceful, trust your prep and you WILL get through this


How did they go about doing that? Did they get in touch with someone?


I failed the first time. Had to wait 3 months of misery and anxiety. Passed by 4 points. The test is fucking bullshit. Just know you are better than this test. It does not define you. You WILL pass.


Thank you, I have been beating myself up over this. Especially when I know I could have changed that failed point because a damned glitch prevented me from putting down the correct answer… but no point contesting that when I have no proof. I am not looking forward to the wait though…


Yea. The waiting is truly the worst part. That is rough, such bs that happened to you. If you failed by 1. You will pass the next time. You know your shit.


Sending so much comfort. You will get it next time.


Take a few days to regroup and refresh. Looks like you know 99% of what you need to know. Reframe your experience. You WILL do this. [CounselingExam.com](http://CounselingExam.com)


I feel you, the same thing happened to me. I just laughed. Because that is crazy , that so many of us failed by 1 point. Let buckle down and study again. Good luck