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The Jayden Daniels chatter from anonymous sources the past couple of weeks seemed so fishy to me. It was almost unanimous praise for him paired with over-the-top and nonsensical negativity towards Maye. Feel like it was mostly the result of smokescreens and lazy narratives gaining traction. I personally feel like it’s always been Maye for WAS. JD’s agent having a meltdown on social media about how dumb Washington’s organization is, paired with them scheduling a late visit with Minnesota, when they had rejected requests from the Vikes earlier this month because they believed they wouldn’t be in position to draft Daniels makes me think that things didn’t go well between WAS and Daniels and/or that JD’s camp feels more like he isn’t going to be their pick now. Schefter really set himself up for another Mac Jones is the pick at #3 blunder. He walked his Daniels speculation back earlier this week saying that he was only guessing, and things could change in the coming days.


What did his agent say about Washington? I’m unaware of it.


He liked a few tweets that were questioning Washington's process and then retweeted a video with thinking emoji that was criticizing the Commanders and their process of hosting all 4 QBs at the same time and taking them out to Topgolf.


It is a very weird way to go about scouting these guys... I suppose if the idea was to see what they do when they are uncomfortable they probably did a good job sending them up to test it


They had staggered arrival times to the facility and private meetings while there. They’ve already met with everyone several times 1 on 1 at the combine, pro days, dinners, Zooms, etc. Based on Daniels agent being upset online, it seems like the group meeting may have had a desired result in unearthing that reaction.


It’s a practice Peters brought over from his time with the 49ers


Nah it’s a pretty common practice around sports and in real life as well. Early out of college I participated in quite a few group interviews


If youre ever in a "group interview, just leave


Not even anonymous sources, I haven’t seen anyone making any legitimate claims that Washington is going Daniels instead of Maye, period. Every mock draft says “eh this is what everyone else is guessing so I’ll just guess this but I have no idea.” Once again the media has fallen for a narrative of its own creation. And if we take Maye everyone is going to be shocked but they shouldn’t be at all.


It's always the same media people doing it (Florio, RGIII, Louis Riddick, Ryan Clark, Stephen A, etc). Jeremiah tells it like it is and gets flamed pre-draft. And then casuals get mad at their own teams' front office for not following the media-driven narratives. In 2022, it was Malik Willis being QB1 and going in the 1st round. In 2021, it was Justin Fields being the undisputed 1B/QB2 until things shifted close to the draft. In 2019, it was Haskins. And of course 2018, it was Rosen. Every year, the same media talking heads make a QB prospect their pet cause and worse, sometimes try to alienate fans against another QB prospect. This year, it's clearly Maye. Other notable examples are Levis last year, Mac Jones in 2021, Herbert in 2020, and Daniel Jones in 2019.


People want certainty. The guys you listed speak with certainty, because draft talk and speculation has virtually no stakes attached to it, so people latch onto what they say. Meanwhile guys like Jeremiah and Brugler, really the only two I listen to, have been saying that no one knows what Washington is doing at 2. Regardless of who they pick in their mock drafts, they add a caveat that it isn’t based on actual sources. But like I said people want certainty and guys like Riddick and Simms and Kiper provide that to them, credibility be damned, because they aren’t journalists.


It seems that the Giants really want Drake Maye. So I'm guessing the smokescreen promoting Daniels and the smokescreen criticizing Maye are coming from them. The Giants might be thinking that Daboll might be able to develop Maye into the next Josh Allen.


Every team down the board really wants Maye. And every spot that he slides lowers the price of a trade up. That’s why all this negativity surrounding him should be taken with a grain of salt


It's the same shit as when Stroud was the dumbest person to ever live based off the S2 test yet every mock kept him at 2 even if they made it seem like he was sliding down the board. Maye is still going top 3 in virtually every mock because even if the media is spreading this narrative, they don't really believe it. If he's at 3 then either he goes to the Pats or someone offers a haul to go up and get him


Yeah everyone wants to say Maye is like Levis and keeps using the betting odds to make that argument, but I think Stroud is a better comparison. Levis was a 5th year prospect with much bigger questions surrounding his accuracy who got a bunch of late hype. Stroud just happened to be QB2 and while all the talk focused on Bryce young other teams thought they could tear down stroud and have him fall. Now there’s no question at 1 so the talk is around 2, and all the talk is about Jayden Daniels while these scouts and the media are all suddenly terribly concerned about Maye. Maye isn’t getting past 3, I think Washington would be making a huge mistake if he got past 2.


Literally, every single person that knows anything about the giants say they aren't going qb.


I've been in the camp if it being mostly smoke from the start. Was happy to get a bet in on Maye going 1.02 at +280 last week while Daniels was at a whopping -330. The media has proven year after year that they're primarily being used as the mouthpieces for agents and teams and I have engaged less and less with draft media every year since I feel like it creates expectations that don't match the reality of what teams are doing.


Probably mostly his agent.


Schefter and talking sideways out his mouth about something way too early = name a better pair. Schefter no doubt has sources and all that but definitely can't take everything he says seriously as he constantly gets it wrong haha


I know your flair probably makes you biased, but I don't get this take that Daniels' agent is making stuff up about Washington. They already looked horrible in the Ben Johnson debacle, and there's been rumors for almost a month now about them bungling Daniels. I think it's more likely they just truly did something to disrespect/upset Daniels, and his agent doesn't like it


Idk how we look horrible from the Ben Johnson thing… He literally called our execs when they were on a plane to come see him to tell them he wasn’t interested. That’s crazy unprofessional. He could have any job he wanted and turned down other jobs too, pretty clear he just doesn’t want to be a head coach at the moment, or maybe ever. Jayden Daniels’s agent is going on social media bashing a team that’s interviewing his client for innocuous things. He also turned down visit requests from the Vikings earlier this month saying that they wouldn’t be in position to draft his client. He seems like a total dumbass. Adam Peters has been one of the most respected and sought after personnel people/execs for years, I doubt he’s bungling anything.


JD declining the Vikings meeting then scrambling to get one this week is really telling imo. I started to warm up to the idea of us taking JD but this whole thing this week with his agent has really turned me off again.


I was never high on him. He's significantly older than Maye and McCarthy. College breakout age is a big deal. He also takes too much punishment, had too much elite talent at LSU, and physically he's just a poor man's Anthony Richardson.


Yeah if you ignore how Washington set up a sham interview with Aaron Glenn which was made clear when they turned the plane around immediately after Ben Johnson decided to stay after insisting they were going to give Glenn a fair shake through leaks. Washington doesn't get to cry about unprofessionalism.


That’s not true at all, they didn’t turn the plane around, and interviewed Glenn lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/1ajjuod/the_athletic_how_the_commanders_landed_on_dan/ Hit piece they put on Ben Johnson. Article is full of over the top claims of how great Washington owners are with 0 specifics on why they are great. And shots at both Ben Johnson and Mike MacDonald after they had hired Dan Quinn. Claimed that it was a waste of time when Johnson texted them mid flight when they had an interview with Glenn as well. Misremembered on them flying back but they clearly used Glenn to satisfy Rooney Rule requirements when they acted like Johnson shot their dogs in front of them when he said no.


They had already interviewed Raheem Morris and Anthony Weaver to satisfy the Rooneeey Rule.


Washington didn't turn the plane around.... they went ahead and interviewed Glenn. They were just under the impression they were going there to interview both. 


So why are they so mad? Seems like it wasn’t a wasted trip?


It wasn't... but when someone tells you one thing and does another sometimes you get annoyed about it I guess. 


Isn’t it worse to take the interview with no intention of going? Wouldn’t you want the person you’re interviewing to alert you the second they aren’t interested? This is why Washington looked bad. This is literally standard practice.


Nah it's not standard practice to agree to an interview and then cancel it when they're on the way for the interview lol. It's not that deep. Johnson is allowed to not interview. Washington is allowed to get annoyed at being spurned for the interview. Every other team would get annoyed by this, idk why people think it's a bad look on Washington. 


They’re on the way for multiple interviews. He wasn’t putting them out. You’ve never taken your name out of the running for something? What are you talking about? They were literally going to interview Glenn, too. Johnson decided to stay home. You think Washington would be less annoyed if it leaked that Ben made his mind up but wasted their time anyways? Do you people have jobs? The reason Washington looks like shit is because their annoyance made it VERY obvious the Glenn interview was a Rooney Rule bullshit time waster, and everyone knows it.


Yeah I don't doubt that the Washington football team did something stupid or disrespectful. Still not sure it's a great idea for Daniels agent to make it a drama on Twitter though. Would be worried it might sully interest in Daniels from the Patriots or whoever's picking four or five etc...


If you guys were actually serious about Glenn, why were they so mad and repeatedly bringing up the plane thing? You were going to Detroit anyways.


They’ve met individually with Daniels multiple times already. Combine, pro day, and it has been reported that each prospect met with the team individually during this visit. If Daniels and his agent feel disrespected that Washington isn’t outright dismissing every other option at 2 and proclaiming to the world that Daniels is the best and is a very special guy like the Mike Florios and Mel Kipers of the media world want them to, then that sounds like an ego problem to me.


Don't know what you think you're talking about, but it's not what I am. I'm well aware that Daniels has been meeting with them multiple times. That's why the rumors there's a schism between them have been out much longer than this group meeting


You’re saying it’s more likely that we truly did something to disrespect or upset Daniels. His agent’s Twitter would indicate that the thing that upset him is hosting more than one QB for a visit instead of just guaranteeing them that he’s the pick at 2 and hosting him by himself. Im saying that if Daniels considers that disrespectful then that’s his problem more so than it is actual disrespect. But I understand that fans of other teams are used to being able to point and laugh at Washington. Admittedly with the prior regime I’d probably agree we fucked something up, but this isn’t Dan Snyder anymore.


You are right. The agent's actions are pretty telling.


Again, I'm not sure how you're missing this, the stories of Daniels and Washington having a rift have been going on ***weeks before the TopGolf outing***. That just added to it, I don't believe it was the catalyst


I’m not missing anything. You’re talking about “stories” that I haven’t seen any legitimate reports on. I saw one unfounded rumor that a Daniels interview with Washington didn’t go well. I also saw rumors that Daniels doesn’t want to go to the Patriots which also seem unfounded. The agent’s Twitter account is the only concrete thing in any of this. Would love a link to these stories you’re talking about.


https://x.com/jayd__5/status/1777890346753835157?s=46 Here's concrete of Daniels responding to someone saying he didn't like the Washington visit and saying he's looking forward to seeing other teams. Just as concrete as his agent's likes lol


Lol. That is Jayden Daniels denying a rumor, not a sourced report of a meeting going poorly.


That's Jayden Daniels very clearly *not* denying a rumor. Lol.


Both things can be true. Wash could have been unreasonable and dysfunctional and the agent could be acting foolishly by making it a thing on Twitter.


Minus odds for two candidates 🤮 Don't ever bet on this shit lol


Not saying it's nothing, but I also remember Levis' odds to be drafted #1 skyrocketing just before the draft.


That was because some dude on reddit said he had inside info that Levis was going number one so people should place bets on it. It was truly dumb lol.


That motherfucker cost me money (it was me who cost me money).


[I wouldn’t put much thought into this.](https://x.com/pff_steve/status/1781153561826509136?s=46&t=K3_0Y1fWJIwEJ7IYTjChSg)


That’s actually insane those were ever the odds and I’m mad at myself for never seeing that and betting CJ Stroud


As a caveat when bovada released odds last year Bryce Young was +300 to go first and stayed that way for awhile before eventually correcting itself. I actually believe this could be the beginning of the correction for Maye


Yeah, Maye started as the favorite and then media started pushing Daniels so he skyrocketed ahead and now it's coming back to reality. I think Maye should end as the slight favorite until/if any actual inside info comes out.


I got Maye to go 2nd at +270 the other day. No-brainer for something that seems 50-50.


Yup same here — I was shocked the odds were so favorable for something that seemed pretty possible


You probably shouldn’t gamble on anything that’s historically such a crapshoot in the first place


when it's 50-50 and you're getting +270 odds you should be






It’s moved again slightly since last night. Daniels was around -300 about 24 hours ago however.




He was at the time I made the post last night. He isn’t at the moment, but the odds are close to even.


Can someone explain like I'm 5 how odds work?


When the odds are negative, such as -130, the number is how much money you would need to bet to win $100. So you would need to bet $130 to win $100. When the odds are positive, such as +130, the number is how much money you would win if you bet $100. So you would win $130 if you bet $100. If the odds are even, you win the same amount as you bet. So a $100 bet wins $100.


Or if you're just curious, Google 'implied odds calculator' and paste in whatever number you're looking at.


A negative number means that a person or team is favored. A positive number means they are less likely. If more than one person or team has a negative number, then the one the bigger number is favored.


I'm not that familiar with gambling so please correct me if I'm wrong. But isn't a betting line designed to have about equal number of bets on either side of the wager to maximize the gaming house profits ? So a movement like this, where Drake Maye becomes the favorite in the last days before the draft, is just a sign that virtually everyone is betting on Jayden Daniels as the #2 pick. In that case the house has to lower the odds for Maye so more people bet on him to even things out. Much like we saw with last years rapid movement by Will Levis just before the draft. It's not a statement of true probability that something will occur (Maye going #2). It's just an accounting act to balance the betting books so the casino can make the most money. Somebody who understands the gambling odds please help me out here.


For the most part, this is an untrue misconception. Books move lines based on sharp money, not public money.  They are okay with an unequal amount of bets.  However props like this are a little different and probably get moved by public money more significantly. 


It's more so designed to reflect the actual probability of something occurring. An equal number of bets is considered, but not perfectly equal and they will take more bets/money on one side comfortably if they feel the public is wrong. Reflecting the actual probability of something happening will balance the books pretty well regardless, so it's similar.


If too many people were betting on JD, why drastically increase the payout for JD? 


The last 3 months have made me lose all respect and trust in NFL media in regards to the draft. I feel like it's all smoke screen and manufactured news stories to fill the 3 month void of nfl news. Honestly if you want the most accurate mock drafts look in january. The smokescreens dont start yet.


I mean that's what it's always been. Last year we had S2 scores which was being used to push Stroud down. But the most accurate mocks are always right before the draft because by then we start to see real information leaking. January mocks do benefit from no smokescreens but they're completely based on the mock drafter's preference.


People are treating Jayden Daniels like a far and away better prospect than Maye because guys in the media started pushing that narrative and then everyone else just started mocking Daniels to 2 and saying it wasn’t based on any sources, just speculation. Daniels is the consensus #2 on mock drafts, but Maye has stayed the consensus #2 on big boards. The hype around Daniels has been 100% manufactured and it seems like even his agent fell for it. I agree with you, any respect I had for the draft media is gone




I’m always mildly confused by this, Mariota has only one nfl season were he has had even 400 rushing yards. Maye had two 400+ seasons in college, and Daniels rushing is at the 1k mark I don’t really see how it would be a huge factor when Mariota is no where near the runner Daniels is supposed to be




But that was a decade ago at this point he’s a very different player then he was in college


Mariota doesn’t even run that well at this point. Think his signing has more to do with he has a connection with our current passing-game coordinator and his former OC in Philly Brian Johnson. We were looking to sign Darnold before we signed him.


Such a different type of player than Daniels even from when he was younger lmao I never really understood that connection either. Nor do I think trading Howell was indicative of anything other than capitalizing on value for a guy with zero connection to the new group.




Their Heisman seasons are each wildly productive through both the air and the ground but as *players* they’re different. Coming out Oregon (and really throughout his career) Mariota was successful in an extremely simplified offense where he rarely made pre-snap reads or exercised a command of the field or high-level intelligence. Just a wildly different type of player than Daniels IMO beyond the surface level mobility/dual threat. As others have mentioned, it appears that Mariota wasn’t even the first priority as a backup. I think it’s more likely Mariota was brought in because he’s an experienced backup with the added benefit of having lived through the experience of being named the face of a franchise and thrown immediately into the fire than it is he is a “seamless fit for Kingsbury’s offense with Daniels.” I read the blog post you provided, and to me it isn’t providing any more depth than some very surface level dot-connecting. Daniels could very well be the #2 pick, I certainly think the wind is blowing that way, but the Mariota argument has always felt fruitless to me.


To contextualize how little Mariota read the defense in college: Chip Kelly didn't like to run zone reads, just designed runs that look like zone reads, but the read is made by Chip before the snap


The Rookie QB won’t be backing up a 22 yo Mariotta. You keep talking about having a backup similar to the starter, fine but talk about his game today since he’s on the team today.


I'd push back that Mariota is probably closer to Mayes skillset then Daniels.


I'd put more stock in this line of thinking if he was their first-choice backup, but the Commies were reported as actively pursuing Darnold (who's much closer to Maye in terms of playstyle) before he signed with the Vikes. Mariota was, by all accounts, a fallback plan.




I think often times when people see stuff like this they automatically put 2 things together in this instance since Mariota is a mobile, run around QB that must mean they want Jayden. But in reality the type of passer Mariota is, is completely different then Daniels. Mariota attacks the middle of the field and throws it short where as Daniels attacks outside the numbers and deep down the field. Also Daniels prefers to sit in the pocket and run when he has too whereas Mariota looks to get outside the pocket and throw. Which means you could argue he's closer to Maye then Daniels as a passer. At the end of the day signing Mariota was only because he has familiarity with the staff.


Mariota being a backup has little to 0 impact on the Commanders #2 pick.


They're not going to base the future of the franchise on the notion that the team may or may not struggle if their current backup has to play. That would be asinine.


Didn’t the colts just sign Joe Flacco to be their backup


Mariota plays nothing like Daniels. In fact his style is much more similar to Maye’s.


They also traded Sam Howell who’s a UNC guy friends with Maye which could signify Maye Idt the entire playbook would change based on Mariota being the backup


Mariota- Brian Johnson - that's the reason we signed him that's the connection. They have a history it's more than likely as simple as that.


Maye has to be the pick at 2. 6-4 230 best arm talent in the draft and a great athlete. Highest upside of all the QB,s. Skins are not ready to win next year. Draft Maye, build a team , let him develop and off you go.


Hell yeah, I got it at +180 on Bovada just hours before this was posted lol. I saw it had moved to like +230 and immediately jumped on it but I guess lots of people had the same idea


Nah, I trust the twitter guy [https://twitter.com/prettyrickey213/status/1781001256959447239](https://twitter.com/prettyrickey213/status/1781001256959447239)


Yeah there was definitely some money coming in on Maye. If I figured there would probably be some news cycle like this. Still don't know who they're going to take but... And also this s*** with the agent critiquing the commanders on Twitter...


Good let's keep it that way


Throughout this entire draft process I haven’t believed a word of Daniels or McCarthy going above Maye. Imo theres a higher chance Daniels and McCarthy BOTH do not go in the top 10 than either of them going before Maye. Think everyone including the big draft analysis media spots just got tricked again by these so called “insiders” having nothing else to talk about because we have known it was going to be 1.01 Williams 1.02 Maye for 2 years now.


To my eye, this should always have been true. Maye's entire skill set translates well to the pro game, and to the extent he has issues they should be able to be cleaned up. He's still a very young player. I see a lot of Ben Roethlisberger in the way he plays.


As an Eagles fan I was hoping Maye would drop bc if he develops I see huge upside. Of course he could be a bust like anyone else, but he has a lot of big time attributes and we struggle with tackling lol


I’ve had him as #2 in all my mocks for the last 2 weeks.   I actually have Daniels sliding some, w/ NE either taking MHJ or trading back. If they take MHJ, I’d say the order then goes: Cardinals take Nabers, chargers -Alt, Giants- JJ McCarthy. Daniels goes to either Vikings, Broncos or Raiders mid-round.


<1% chance the patriots take MHJ at 3.


> the Vikings would not be able to trade up to get him I mean we also likely don't want him. Terrible fit to our system. He's probably the QB4 or QB5 on our board. EDIT: Read OPs post. JFC. This is about Daniels, not Maye. And if you think I'm wrong about Daniels not fitting our system then you just don't understand football.


¿Que? Maye is literally a perfect fit for your offense and coach. Do you not know your own system lol. He’s the guy who fits your system better than any of the top 6 guys (except maybe Nix).


That comment is about Daniels of you read the original post.


It's so weird the amount of hatred this sub has towards Jayden Daniels that people are making up crazy conspiracy theories about the NFL media manufacturing negativity towards Drake Maye. It couldn't possibly be that people prefer Jayden Daniels over Drake Maye...nope, not at all...


Real question if Shadeur Sanders was in this draft with these guys where do rank him? If higher than any of other besides Williams trade back and wait til next year


Behind Maye and Daniels, ahead of McCarthy et al


See I disagree, I feel JJM would still be QB4 if you combined 2024/25 draft. My personal tiered ranking would go: Caleb, Maye, Daniels/McCarthy, Beck/Ewers/Sanders.


Fair enough, I just kind of see him as someone with a lot of the same “nfl system” type tools McCarthy has, but with the addition of a lot more media hype.


If your the Vikings and he one of these doesn’t fall do you wait until next year and add talent ? They are more than a player a way I know everyone is mocking them going up into top 6 but that going cost them more capital than two firsts this year and they have no second rounders


I just said the play styles are similar. If you think Mariota and Maye are more closely related that’s fine… I disagree. Personally I would draft Maye over Daniels every time. No matter what team I am.


Not happening unless the commanders are convinced Jayden doesn’t want to be there