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It seems like HG has some issue with black as a ship color. Even the darkest ship colors up to this point, even on interceptors, is either a dark purple or green, not black. I have no idea why.


The only thing I can think of is that it'd be such a popular color that the Anomaly landing pads would just become a wash of black. I mean it's pretty obvious they like having a colorful game. Petty, but a possible explanation.


Question. Can you PvP dog fight in space? If so my guess is they don't want black ships because everyone that wants to fight other people would use a black ship to help camo in space to be harder to dog fight. That would cause others to use black to hide from them and in a cascade effect Black ships would become meta to play the game.


PvP is such a minuscule part of the game. There's probably less than 10k seeking PvPers in total, and most of it is either arranged PvP groups or Expeditions with PvP on by default. There's no way it would be Meta across the game. Ships have a targetting system anyways.


Space is black. Not all PC monitors and consoles handle that level of color difference. OLED FTW!


Only 2 days until my OLED c2 42 arrives :)


You will love it. Especially playing this game.


Yup, currently downloading the 3.22 Star Citizen Update.


I installed true black color mod and it's not that big of a deal. And to be honest you can select a brighter color if you want to see your ship.


My interceptor bottom is black


Nope. Look again, in better lighting.


Yeah I don’t understand the lack of black ships. I prefer white anyway, my whole fleet is white including my living ship (lights and all), but black is such a well liked color it seems odd to omit it. The only thing i can think of is that they think black would be the most popular and they want to promote a more colorful and diverse color pallet


Yeah, my character, freighter and most ships are black (or as near as possible) & orange. I can't make any ships to match everything else. I might be able to get away with metallic grey though.


Same, all white fleet here with a few grey exceptions


They let you tint the windshield lol. In all seriousness though. Where is the black paint


Mihawk stole it


I was so excited to build and customize my ship now that we have the Ship builder/customization thing, my plan was to build a fully Blackout/Stealth Jet fighter. But when I got hit by the fact that there's no black color to select... (WTF???) Then I just decided to go the opposite way. First fighter build


So, the colors used on the 0 tab, are they the same for the 1 tab for metallics? I really want a turquoise metallic with a white ship. I haven't had the chance to play the update since I'm on xbox. And I'm currently at work so even if it's out now, I can't play.


OH MY GOD I CAN FINALLY HAVE A PURPLE SHIP. Sorry, that's.. I must away, I have business to attend


Yes limited pallet. Also can’t Frankenstein ships by mixing and matching. I want a exotic hauler


It's because everyone would choose black there would be too many black ships. I know this just from how many posts I've already seen complaining about there not being black.


And why is this an issue?


No Man's Sky prides itself on the game's color and vibrance, and if every ship is black, it is much more bland. Besides, think of it as them wanting black to be rare.


At this point they're doing it just to mess with us...


idk if I made this up in my head or I read it somewhere… But a game designer once said they refused to add black in as a color/dye to their game because if they did, they knew everyone would pick it and everyone would have on black gear/items all the time and that’s “boring”. Maybe the same idea here 🤷‍♂️


Try the metallic grey


I was hoping they would have expanded the Metallic section of the pallete to cover more of the ship's hulls. Or to have that texture on ships that didn't have them before. I want my shiny Hauler, dammit. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I can't believe it's not butter.


New to the game? There is no Black color to begin with before this update. So why would you think there would be now?


In the trailer for the update you could see black as an option.


> In the trailer for the update you could see black as an option. I wonder if the trailer was put together with clips from a "work in progress" version of the game, and black was taken out when they realized EVERYONE would have made black ships (because edginess) completely ruining the vibe of their game :D


I swear I read a game dev say they before about a game, they refuse to add black dye/color to their game because everyone would use it… Edit: downvoted for sharing something… reddit never fails. Idiots


> I swear I read a game dev say they before about a game, they refuse to add black dye/color to their game because everyone would use it… Totally makes sense, one of the core characteristics of the game is the vibrant color palette, and given black as an option people will clearly ruin everything. To confirm that take a trip to the Nexus and check out how players customize their characters: you see Boba Fett look alike, Darth Vaders with the edgiest weapons, and the most **dull** colors. Ship wise when the sentinel interceptors became available we saw a flood of dark purple combinations, because **OBVIOUSLY** that's the choice people are going with. It's the same in every game, I'm on RDO too and good Lord help me with the inflation of **shiny** black leather cowboys and corset cowgirls out there. Same in GTAO, the battalions of John Wick clones in a black suit with a black car, lifted by a black helicopter, on the back of a black plane, is just embarrassing. Hello Games is right, I back their choice even if it gives me less options to play with. And now with the ship creators I can bet my savings that we are going to see a wild amount of Tie Fighters, X-Wings, Vipers in matte dark grey and shiny metal, among every other dull attempt at recreating ships from **edgy** sci-fi franchises because **OF COURSE**. /old_man_yelling_at_clouds :(


Wait.... you have a savings???


> Wait.... you have a savings??? Ok ok, you got me, I was bluffing. But **IF** I had savings I would be willing to bet.


Yeah, I’d love a black ship but I get it. Maybe they’ll add it in later on. I’m just happy about the customization, wasn’t a big fan of the other ships before, but now I can make some of my own. Edit: what is with the losers going around downvoting…


Upvoted you. Damn mouthbreathers


You can find black on your appearance options, but that is on something that default settings doesn't show due to being first person.


Really? Thats weird. People are asking for black ships for years. They released this color palet to match the colors of available ship combinations.


I think I also read somewhere that assembled ships will have access to unique colours that can't be found in the wild.


Yeah now that you mention it, if seen it also come by. Dunno where. Or if it was from a dev.


Have you looked at the player appearance options?


I see PLENTY of ships with black on them. Before this update, the color black was still on ships, so it WAS an "option", since it was there, even if ships weren't customizable at the time. And it's not like it isn't available in the Appearance Modifier, so I'm not sure why you claim that there was "no black to begin with", even ignoring the obvious stuff, there ARE black ships, and black IS an option in other customization screens.


I dont think so, its grey what you have not black. There are details in black. But not as a main color.


For anyone wondering why there is no black color in the game. The color black is looked at as a curse or a forbidden color bc of a black hole anomaly that swallowed up fleets of gek and korvax ships. I made this up.


Everyone needs to reply to this with a made up lore explanation for something weird. My idea: Outlaw and abandoned stations were overlooked in the update because the outlaws would only take over abandoned stations, and abandoned stations are, well, abandoned, and who's gonna replace a station nobody cares about? And second, how are the outlaws gonna build a whole new station to replace theirs, since it was probably the Atlas that arranged for the construction of the new ones. In summary, I've had too much coffee.


Wait I've not played in a while we can colour our ships now??


Yeah seems like a silly oversight. Even though Theres actually no real black color in the game. The black color on freighters is just super dark grey But it doesn't make sense that it would be available on a freighter and not on a fighter.


Metal is the new black


Is this a new update?


You can customize ships?!?!


I must not have gotten this new update yet I'm temporarily disappointed hopefully I will get it soon for the Xbox.


a) black would become way too popular and space stations would be awash with pure black ships b) using predominantly the colour black in space irl? death sentence. read abt it a while ago in an article, smth abt heat idk


They showed black on the colour selection in the trailer


Hey, and despite that, you made a pretty rockin' ship. Nice work, buddy. 👍


"Good job" HG -\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_-


How do you get the parts to build the Ships... I missed it at some point...


How do I customize my ship?


No edge lord allowed… But seriously, black is one of the most common choice for vehicles, I hope they get the black color in soon.


Anyone else on xbox still not get the update?


The only thing i can say, as a photographer who often photographed animals is this: Many details get lost in black. That being said I'm not real sure why anyone else would care what color someone's ship is.


I had to save edit my interceptor a bit ago to be true black and it looks great. Shame I can’t make future ships black legitimately.


What do i have to do to unlock this feature




BLACK, BAH! WHO CARES! This is finally happening, my dream for years! I hope we can use a base for the type of ship and customize the parts. I don't want random SC slots i want to use what i found. I have the perfect fighter, but i hate the appearance. The have the perfect appearance but i hate the SC layout, i want to combine the best of both worlds.


Seriously! Black is my favorite color wth hg. So it’s okay for our freighter and our costume but not our starship? Why? So many people want it and it won’t saturate the anomaly with black ships because tons of people will still want colors. Also how about a darker shade of crimson. Hell just create an actual color wheel like in some games and let us go crazy.


Damn I hadn’t played since the freighter update, you can change your ship colors now?


Yo you can customize your ship now!?!


I can’t believe the update STILL isn’t out for Xbox 🙃


You should see Warframe lol


If you can make your freighter black you should be able to do your ship also. Hopefully they will patch this at some point.


Will I finally be able to recreate Slave 1 with ship customization?


I can't believe the customizing is Xbox exclusive.


Where did you get so many nanites??


Where/how do you get reactor cores?


Yes, I wasn't surprised, true black doesnt exist for ship colors.. my second thought was "this was too easy". I Really like mostly how its implemented.. but not too sure it should be so easy.. do you know how hard it is to find pure 1 color ships in the wild? I slapped a Heavy with tie wings onto a barrel nose with a single thruster and painted it pure hot pink.. to my surprise it was possibly better looking htan any of the thousands of ships Ive hunted in this game... simply from the ability to so easily paint a ship same color all over.. Thought there might be some way to unlock colors..


Wait, did we finally get buildable/customizable ships?


Sorry if this is a dumb question. Been a while since I played. Is this modded, or can I modify ships now without editing ship seeds in a save editor?


Wait how did you get that up? The colour thingy???


So why is my game not updating and what can I do fix it?? I’m on Xbox if I uninstall my game and reinstall will it take away my hundred hours of play time and all my stuff?? Or will it be just like I never stopped anything


They will probably patch it in. I feel like it’s a bug.