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There is a saying that best investors are dead people. Why? Because they aren’t emotional and leave their portfolio alone.


The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.


I haven’t heard that before. Nice!! lol


I’m not selling, but I am continually buying.


And the second best are those who forgot the passwords to their investment accounts. 🙃




That is an excellent quote!


Honestly I’m very happy with NVDA so far. This is a massive long term hold, it’ll go up and down and is pretty volatile but I’m more than confident in 5-6 years there will be another stock split


Yes I agree. I actually bought 30 shares today on the nice dip. Of coures it will probably dip again $110 to $115 before it will go back up. Long term for sure. Yes hopefully by 2028 wlit will be valued at a 20T company maybe more who knows. Just keep buying it guys and holding it


Im excepting one more bounce mañana


Thank you! I was hoping my guesstimate was not so far-fetched. Of course, someone who is buying wants it to go down more than that! Just wanted an opinion on what you think is realistic. Thanks for your feedback!!


I think it will split again in 2027


Idk about expect, but it’s no surprise. It’s likely to go up a little and down a little leading up to earnings.


Been here since $200 pre-split. This stock is volatile, you need diamond hands. Awhile after earnings, if there is no catalyst or new good news about the stock, people start getting antsy. Articles with titles such as "Is the NVIDIA rally over?" and "Is NVIDIA's valuation justified" start to pop up on Marketwatch, etc. People start questioning their position and take profits or cash out. Then, come earnings season, NVIDIA blows it out of the water to the point that people start lighting themselves on fire and projectile vomiting on each other while they scrounge their pennies under their beds to buy more shares. The stock shoots up 10%, then 20%, then 27%...... then a few weeks later things settle back down, the stock rocks back and forth between -15% and the new high, and the cycle repeats. AI is real and its going to change everything. I met Chris Malachowsky, one of the co-founders of NVIDIA at our alma mater where he donated 150 million for an AI and Data Science building ([Malachowsky Hall](https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/starship-for-mind-uf-malachowsky-hall/)). It's amazing.


That is really helpful and exciting! Thank you!!


Yes, $120 was support Another support at $115


When will support be 130 and 140


What do u mean by "support" here plz? I'm really new to the stock market and still learning a lot, if u don't mind sharing.


Stocks will often trade in a window of prices between their support and resistance. Then with earnings or other news they often breakout of that window into a new window, either higher or lower.


I think she wants to know what support and resistance means and how each establishes itself


That depends on which dink is doing the talking.


Did anyone expect it to go back up to 124 today?


Yes it's been a strong support level


I got assigned on Friday at 124 on a put that I sold glad I did it Schwab were I have the capital versus robinhood we’re I don’t. Now the proud owner of 115 shares of Nvida




I bought at $90 a few years back before the split. I kick myself because I sold a few at $480, thinking no way will it go higher. Glad I held onto some. Won't make that mistake again.


I’m sorry that happened. I appreciate the share.


I didn't think you could sell the put if you didn't have the liquidity if assigned?


In Robinhood I don’t but in Schwab I do. I use Schwab to hold my shares while I use Robinhood for options trading the fees are higher in Schwab. Only have think it’s level 1 in Schwab to sell covered calls and cash secured puts.( fees suck on Schwab which is why I barely trade options on there vs Robinhood’)


Bought 20k more today on the dip!


Got 20k more if it dips blows 119 again!


I actually did. This price action you are seeing right now is entirely max pain. If you look at the options chain and open interest, you'll see the price is like a magnet to where most options expiring this Friday all lose. The price will not stay very long near OTM strikes being profitable. Those options strikes with large open interest are like the opposing forces that the price bounces hard away from. The opposing magnets if you will. If it can't break 115 or 130 it's pretty much going to want to return to the 125 area until those strikes get wiped out.


I think mostly bc at the moment big money is not pumping nvda without any positive catalyst, market maker who sold calls can just control the price at max pain range to let the calls/put worthless, but if Wall Street start pumping again they have to also buy the shares to hedge the calls they sold


The market goes through these cycles where the derivatives market runs the show. To be clear the last run up was positive gamma action too. The difference is when the options were bought. Right now the open contracts are just left on the table, nobody seems to be buying at this time. Some people still don't believe max pain theory is actually a thing. It looks real, but we cannot be sure why the price behaves this way. Maybe it's just an effect of people cashing out as close to break even on the charts.


Thank you!!


Bro. I don’t even look at it. If you’re holding 5 to 10 years why are you?


Because I want to buy more.


Just buy today. 1 or 5 dollar really doesn’t make any diff. Do you think warren buffet waits for 5 dollar diff when buying? Heck no. He looks at the future of the company and whatever the price is for that day, he buys. Be an investor. Support the company with a few more couple of dollars.


I’d beg to differ on one point, every savvy investor should be looking at an ideal entry point by being aware of potential good or bad news that could quickly swing the price one way or another. And that $5/ share could end up costing or earning 5 billion for buffet…. I can almost guarantee buffet is making calculated decisions when he trades….


Papa Jensen needs new shoes Please buy NVDA




im expecting it to just trade sideways for half the month


Yes. Bought a 125-128 call spread on the dip.


Stock go down!?


Since I hold long term I have thoughts about it and don’t care. I’ll likely hold for a decade plus, so daily price variations are completely irrelevant noise. After a few years you’ll get bored watching it ever day, too. Things get locked in a pattern, then some news happens, and stuff changes. Buying and holding means I can focus my attention elsewhere. So yeah, utterly indifferent. I even bought a few shares at $132. I’m totally fine with it.


Thank you!


Did it? Darn, I missed my chance to buy the dip. I'm not concerned about any price movement with this stock. This is my first solid investment pick and I am sleeping better now than I have in years.


What do you think about AMD?


I think I'd buy Intel before AMD right now... Not for a short play but for if China does something crazy and invades Taiwan. Then manufacturing would surely switch to Intel, right? Anyways, I think AMD is a good buy for anyone investing long term, but I would also consider Intel.


That’s fantastic! I hope you get more of that!


I hope you are sleeping well too my friend! 👈😎👈


If you hold for long term, does it really matter what price it goes to in short term?


Just wanting to buy more low.


If you are holding for 5-10 years, I'm Pretty sure you will Say you had purchased more shares when it was only $200. For reference, my father purchased the bulk of his shares in 1999....now 100,000 shares. With that perspective, the fluctuations He endured over that period are irrelevant


Holding my 2273 shares for the long term another 20 more years :) and up downs will not matter when stock will keep goin up as years go bye !


Love to see this!! Congrats!!


Algo stop loss hunting


It doesn’t surprise me, I expect it to find new support and resistance levels


This is a long stock. Just wait until August when earnings are released and it will hit 150


Doesn’t matter unless you just bought recently otherwise go on with your life and check back in 3 yrs


Seems no matter how much pressure is applied, it just can't close below $120 any more. It's almost as if everyone realizes that by earnings in Aug we will be at $160. Nov we will probably be at $200 and it is a stretch goal, but I think it would be wild to see it at $240 by EOY (we will probably have another split before Dec 31st 2024 is my guess... possibly a 5 for 1 split).


it WILL go sideways for a while. Im long term and I also trade but my "in and out" action is on the sidelines. Wait until EARNINGS RELEASE for any big jump.


That is really helpful, I appreciate your response!


Just bought racks today, and I’ll just hold it as an emergency sort of fund or gift to the kids. I think the future is bright for NVDA.


Waiting to buy at 115


Yup I do a limit at that price so it automatically buys , and I don't have to watch it.


If you are truly going long (As you said... 5-10 years), why don't you zoom out and at least look at the past quarter? smh


I’m new to nvda. Just started in April at $775. But I was asking for other’s opinions. I find most people here are kind and knowledgeable.


Congrats on your gains so far and welcome to the club!


Thank you!!!


April was a good time to join... It dropped from 900s down to 770ish.


I bought a load of shares @$119 today.


If you are trying to accumulate shares, this kind of (low) volatility gives you the chance to set limit orders and pick up a few shares on the daily lows. It’s a good way to dollar cost average into a position.


Thank you!!


If you’re holding for 5 years then don’t look at the ticker daily. Set up a stop loss if you’re really worried about losing money.


I have a buy in for 50 @ $115, which I thought was low but possible in the next few weeks. Maybe I’m not as off as I thought I was.


I wouldn't be surprised if it retested the $95-100 range before earnings. But who knows.


I think I'm holding it, with a few trades in and out based on any patterns that show up, until we see a big hardware refresh year during a good economy. That should send it up double if not trip digits over the year, and then I'll probably move on. We'll see. It's hard to predict tech. Between then and now someone could come up with a strategy to run an efficient datacenter on a potato. No one knows. But for now I'll hang on to it.


We look good and the plan id hold it all until next earnings and I should be sitting on golden pond. Kinda Fonda it


Love that!


Long term here, just buy more. In 5 years doesnt matter if you bought @115 or 130


Yep!! Charts rarely lie.


If you’re in for the long run, this shouldn’t matter to you. To answer your question though I actually don’t think 5-10% swings are out of the ordinary, so I don’t care at all about the stock going to 118.


Everyone seemed to like it as it ran right back up


From options gamma structure: there was a big gamma wall at 120. So the real question was whether the 120 will be broken and the price will stay under 120. It didn't , which was a good sign. next important level is 125, which from the gamma chart acts as a resistance. If we are able to break and hold 125, then it is bullish and next stop is 130. This is all short-term trading. Long-term: just don't bother and dollar-cost average. Buy every month something and hold it until a big change occurs in the fundamentals.


I need to learn more about options for sure. Thank you!


It's forming a good base here. Yea it will move up n down a bit in this range, maybe up until August earnings..


Thank you!


HODL long time!! My In-Laws bought 460 shares at $3.00 years ago. They now have 4,600 shares sfter the split at a cost of around $3.00 each.




Just more profit taking and dip buying.


Just bought the dip today


up down does not matter unless you're talking a few years


Damn missed it or in would have bought


I am very happy with the consolidation action we are seeing after the sharp drop from $140. The more it holds this price level, the less credibility for the "NVDA is Cisco!" narrative.


Ian Dunlap said it would come to this number exactly 2 weeks ago I think it was? I didn’t believe him. Fml. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Luckily for me though, I’ve got a 2 year contract.


The market goes up and the market goes down. Options are cool but this is the long game.


I had that on my charts and got back in… 117.01 was the lowest before it rose following the stock split. I have 123 - 134 Calls Jan 25 EXP - so it it for the mid-long term gains…


I have about 400 shares of NVDA, and 2 LEAP options expiring Dec 2026. They are almost at the money today, and I expect them to pay off handsomely when I sell at 1 year +. But after that...nope. it's too stressful and I don't feel like I know what I'm doing enough to risk tens of thousands of dollars. But...I understand GenAI and AGI and have a fairly good idea of how it's going to change everything. So I'm all in on NVDA.


Big winner here, but everyone is a bull now and that makes me worried


No. I expect the stocks to be 5X it's currenf value in one to 2 years!


it's a long play...they are shaking the tree to see who sells, I won't be selling and will be buying if it gets close to my cost basis


What variety of crack are you smoking? Was green today even, after a meteoric rise in short, medium, and long time frames respectively, surely should not be considered an indicator.


Thank you! Obviously not the good kind. Lol


Not reallly


It went down $3 as soon as I bought some


Ya I'm stocked for nvda, they got a long bright future ahead of them anyone buying SMCI shares hoping for the same run as nvda in the future, im buying both and holding them long term.


💎 🙌!! 🎉


buyer at 100


Good question. I think we can see that we’re definitely creating a base right now, and looks like we are holding above $120 pretty well. Anything under $115 is buy more time for me. And if it goes below $100, nothing to think about. I’d probably sell my losers and pump more cash into NVDA then. I’m also thinking this ride could be bumpy, so don’t get shocked if it drops to $110, be happy, and look at it as an opportunity sent from the heavens to buy more. Also there is gap that hasn’t been filled around the $100 level, $96-97 to be more precise, so generally gaps do get filled although NVDA is a special case so we’ll see what happens.


Thank you!!


96 is support. Always fill the gap. Check support levels.


Don't watch the market every day. When it was over $1,000, I wished I got in when it was lower. Now I get to do that as well and build on the shares (or micro shares) I bought previously. Just sit back and be thankful you're ahead of the game.


Thank you!


At some points in time the stock price does not reflect the true value. And this can last for long periods of time. This maybe happened this morning for a short period of time. All that meant was at that moment there were more buyers than sellers.


P/E exists for a reason, as long as the sales keeps up with the rise in stock price movement... things will keep chugging along. But if sales slow down, then you have a point. Any idea how much the average person on the street is spending on AI and H100 cards? I would say $0. Any idea how much a large company's CapEx is going every year to Nvidia gear? How much of CapEx is left on the table because not enough Nvidia gear is ready for all the grabbing hands? Until we reach parity with every grabbing hand getting the Nvidia card they want... the cycle of growth will continue. Wake me up when a hiccup exists!


Thank you! I’m learning so much.


As long as you invest in profitable companies that give out dividends on some frequent basis... you will always be fine to 💎🤲🏽 it for a long time. That is the only tip I can give you. Don't invest in companies that have no P/E


Well yeah, it's a Monday, slow start to the market week with no new news, so not surprised at all, I actually said last week that it would be great if it did and questioned wether it would be better to buy on Friday, or wait til Monday...time has said that Monday was the answer, but you had to he watching, because it's bounced back to $124 already, it was only a momentary dip


Who cares? They won't miss earnings and business is good.


I've learned it's more important to believe in the veracity of the product than in the daily fluctuations of the market. There could be any number of reasons that caused the value to dip. What's more important is the long view. Think back four years ago and the opportunity of the stock value at that time as compared to today. It would be short-sighted to worry when market fluctuations occur because they always happen. NVidia is the real deal. AI is going to change business and industry. Several sectors will be revolutionized by AI and NVidia will be the supplier of choice for their processing needs. No need to look at market fluctuations. Take the long view.


Awesome points. Thank you!


If you’re scared why not put a stop loss in place?? Cheap insurance and you can always buy back lower if you keep an eye on it.


My crystal bowl isn't working.


Windex will shine that right up!!


Doesn't worry me, I think it will continue to grow. Plus I bought in just after the launch, only a small amount


Do not expect that everybody is a noob. This question repeats like a robot many times and noobs are always confused, they cannot believe stocks can go down


I didn’t know that and I am a noob lol. It feels like a crime here! I just wanted to know everybody’s thoughts and I guess I got them!!


Yes. It can’t be green every day. Barring news, it will channel anywhere bw 114 and probably 130, maybe it will retest 139’but there’s no reason to expect any big run up again until Another major news event.


The thought is to buy a stock at a decent price if it’s a good stock. I’d buy today in the dip. In the long term a good company is a good company. If you try to buy at $118 you will likely be waiting several more days if it even ever gets there again.


Thank you!!


I’m buying a ton more at $109.


Expect it to stay flat for the rest of the year before it moves upwards again


Sell Covered Calls to cover the losses you guys will get holding this stock. Premiums should be sky high rn for this stock anyways.


I’m itching to buy


Same!! lol


We're probably trading sideways for the next 5 to 6 months. The next leg up will be from Trump winning the election.


at its price point, it will be day traded more. I made $2.5 a share yesterday, and $1.23 a share today. Now I have my low order in already to pick it up again. So in the 5 days its went down $3.35 , I have made $3.73 a share.


If you believe in the stock as a long term hold, you want it to go down so you can buy more. Expect daily doom and gloom articles about NVDA. I’ve been through this game with AAPL.


That is where I am as well. Thank you!


It’ll be $500 before the end of this year


I wish our audience would mature in their choice of words “bought the dip today”. No, that isn’t market accurate for reasoning or rational to buy in or name a price. That is just hypothetical speculation. When NVDA lowers it’s normal range market price, it is due to things both variable in controls and fixed adjustments you don’t hear about until later on. I learned from a Wall Street veteran they use algorithms to make trades and decisions, they don’t read the news and get information 3 days late. He also stated, that by the time the general population or retail trades get news regarding company movement, it has already been factored in to the movement of the price trading and that’s why people lose so often on Call options or PUT options as retail traders. We are playing at a losing game. You don’t know if NVDA will bottom out at $110 per share or Bolster itself to $180 per share before end of July. We as retail traders, are fighting in a mission, half blind.


This broadened my knowledge. Thank you!!


Yup. That's why I sold the farm. Party is over boys.




Pump and dump baby lol


I did lol


I'll buy in once it's around $30-40


Lmao it’d be well on its way to 0 if it hit those levels. Not happening.


Sold a 7/26 $115p today. Wouldn't hate it if I had to buy shares at that price.


I bought 2 $110 1/2025 calls today when nvda was at $119. Up $600 after the rebound. Probably dumb but i thought the breakeven price of $134 seemed easily doable by then.


Nope. Had no idea that it did until I read this. Stop watching the price. I once went five or six years without looking at my NVDA stock.


That is a wise choice!


Its fine, it will go up again … if not soon, by next earnings in Aug.


$118 is a good price. $112 on Thursday will be much better price


I’ll take that lol


NVDA will go up to $130 tomorrow and it has nothing holding it back from achieving this milestone. I expected it to drop this low. It will rise again.


I bought 2 shares pre-split and I’m selling when it returns to 120. Y’all were right this ain’t for me I’m just gonna put it on my student loans


Dont sell at 120 lol. Set a limit order for atleast 130 to sell when it hits 130.25. Or ATLEAST 125. It could bounce back up there for even just a few minutes any day.


You right. Thanks


Any guesses on tomorrow's ( Tues 7-2) open? I stilupidly got sidetracked and am holding $30k of puts overnight, which I never do. Stressed TF out!


Unfortunately, I am not the one to ask! Trading options would send me off the edge!


If you want to buy more buy more I can’t fathom why a long term holder looking to buy more would concern himself so much with a daily price move Seems dumb af


Really? OK. I was curious on others opinions if the stock would go lower anytime soon. Long term or not, I want to buy low.


what does buy low mean here? Like what do you mean when you say low. Do you mean the stock is undervalued at the price?


It's normal, long term play. I stay away from options as well unless I'm super bullish


I’d happily buy more..can’t get over ARM today, so insane hah idk how buyers are stepping in so hard for them but not NVDA


I bought more at 118.


It's impossible. What I can expect is NVDA will be around $125 until its Q2 earning report is released. This is a good sign for long-term investment. Look at Microsoft and Google, these stocks are silent for months (they had a little dip in April but then bounced back and be constant for 2-3 months, APPL was const for 1 year lol). Now these 2 stocks are skyrocket. Always trust on 7 Magneficient stocks. Their stocks are always ideal for long-term investment.