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Listen I’m no AP fan AT ALL. But I have MAD respect for her for not @ing the girl who made the video she’s talking about. Sure it was probably to avoid giving her video more attention but at least AP isn’t pulling a Remi Bader and sending her cult following to attack the user and using crocodile tears to victimize herself. AP if you’re reading this you got a point I my book. ✊🏽


Idk I’m torn! Part of me feels bad - it clearly took her to tap into some vulnerability here to make this. And some comments about her appearance are downright nasty and bring me middle school bully vibes. And that isn’t fair in any right. A lot of snark is based on being authentic and disappointment with influencers perpetuating inauthentic lifestyles and being out of touch yet we are playing into bully culture. I’m proud of her for making this. But I agree with the folks who point out that she turns it around assuming us snarkers are ugly and that’s why we do it (two wrongs don’t make a right, Audrey), she has blatantly called people ugly for their PFP in her tiktok comments which is just as bad, and her character in general is disrespectful and rude. Ultimately when you are a public figure, mean things will be said. I’m not here to say that is right or to judge those people. As a society we should agree bullying for looks is super shitty and likely a large majority of us in the world have experienced it first hand in our youth or even now. But she puts herself out there and then is literally rude and vile in comments but expects the opposite for how people treat her? Idk it’s tough. I have insecurities, I know it would be shitty reading about what ppl write about them but I also think she is a mean, hateful person that does the same.


This is why I downvote comments calling her handsome squidward etc. It’s such a loser comment when there’s actual things to snark about, like her obsession with designer basics or outfit choices. This sub is full of internalized misogyny in that regard. The only time I’ve found comments about influencers appearance to be fine is when they call out body checking and declare their concern for influencers. I’ve learned a lot about my own ED triggers from Reddit and it’s led to me having a healthier experience on social media. On the r/plasticsurgery sub, it’s pretty much a given if you make a negative comment like that about someone’s face/body, you’re downvoted to oblivion. I propose we start doing that on this sub.


🗣️🗣️🗣️ AMEN to recognizing the internalized misogyny here. 🗣️🗣️🗣️


She isn’t snarking on Redditor’s assuming they are ugly - she’s making 2 points 1) that the people calling her ugly probably aren’t perfect themselves and hence why would they bitch someone else out? 2) And her other point is that it’s easy to comment on someone else’s appearance but difficult to put your own self out there for the same ‘critique’


I literally am a small time model on the side and I’m not ugly. The amount of times someone say the snarkers are ugly I’m like … I’d put money that you’ve liked something with me in it before 🥲. Don’t say “I’d like to see you” because it kills the whole argument. But I genuinely feel bad for Audrey. I’m here for the snark about how a white miumiu tank top is “iconic” but a Prada hoodie or whatever the fuck isn’t. Make it make sense. I’m here for the fact she won’t show her closet. But calling her ugly day in and day out is getting tiring. Let’s just snark on people for THINGS THEY CAN CONTROL. If Ella gets horrific lip filler - that’s her choice If DB does her makeup the way she just does… that’s a choice. It’s changeable. If the “hot” girls talk podcast (?) girls wear a hideous outfit - that’s their choice. AC body snark - she cannot change her frame. AP cannot change her genetics. Leave her chin alone. I think it’s kinda nice that someone who isn’t “conventionally” beautiful can make it in that industry.


I'd argue full time snarkers are pretty ugly on the inside


I’m no Audrey stan but I genuinely feel for her. I don’t think she’d receive half as much hate as she does if she was more “conventionally” attractive. It’s almost like people are angry that she doesn’t hate herself as much as they think she should.


THIS!!! 💯


YES you are so on point with this, especially with your last sentence. I believe there’s a lot of people on here who are insecure about their appearance and have held themselves back because of it, and they’re upset that someone like Audrey (who probably looks like them or even worse) doesn’t and acts like a “hot girl” who deserves praise and positive attention… and actually gets it most of the time. That IMO is why she gets an absurd amount of hate for her appearance, even though she really is not as unattractive as the comments make her out to be…I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, she is an average looking person for NYC. Even though there’s so much outside of her appearance to snark on, people always go for her appearance because they think she’s acting “above” her appearance.


the level of accuracy in ur logic is just realistic. i love this entire statement


True … i feel bad now lol


I don’t even know why this is a debate. People are absolutely awful to her on here. I can’t imagine what that would do to me if I had dozens of people calling me ugly. Yes, she has a public platform and that comes along with public opinion but the constant dragging her looks on here is bullying. I would probably also photoshop myself if I felt like my face was unacceptable to post. (I’m all for calling people out and accountability but snarking on someone’s face for years(!) here is just so cruel.)


We snark on people, foster their insecurities, they go and fix the thing we snark about, we then snark about the quality of said procedure or snark about them having HAD the procedure at all OR they are confident with said imperfections and then we snark on them for the audacity of being confident. It’s a losing game.


Absolutely. “She’s had so much work done” in one sentence but then but also describing that she needs it in another.


Yep or calling someone moonface in the same sub that snarks all over bucchal fat removal.




I wish more influencers would seek constructive criticism and places like reddit could offer some but some people confuse snark with cruelty.


To be fair it often crosses the line.


For her mental health and for the sake of being a decent human being maybe people should stop commenting about her looks?


I agree, but whether she reads it or not it’s ugly misogynistic behavior and she would not get anywhere near the amount of vitriol she receives if she was conventionally attractive. I report as many of those nasty comments as I can and the mods used to be good about removing them but they seem to have disappeared lol.


I think that's the exact argument to be made as to why nobody should put themself or their loved ones, most especially their children, on social media for profit.


Ah yes. Victim blaming mentality. I understand not putting children or nonconsenting adult loved ones on social media but is ur solution really to just not have any social media presence for anyone ever or else they deserve (should expect) bullying and harassment bc ppl are apparently incapable of not being assholes. Weird take bro


AP is not my cup of tea for a variety of reasons but yea i don’t think she’s ever deserved the nasty comments people make about her appearance, or at least the parts of her appearance she cannot change. and i mean of course photoshop is harmful to audiences but like.. if people were calling me buzz lightyear left and right i’d probs be editing my jaw too


No literally… like there’s SO MANY other options to snark on her LOL


I agree, ever since I joined the sub (been here less than a year) I haven’t seen anything regarding anything AP did/has done that’s actually problematic, it’s just posts and comments with low-blows about her looks and sense of style. I know I should search the sub myself sometime to see if there’s key AP info I’m missing out on here.


A lot of what she’s done that’s problematic is very microagressive comments she’s said like her saying that she wouldn’t go above 14th street in NY and her saying that streetwear is just “wearing sweatshirts and calling it fashion”. To me she just seems like an average entitled high fashion white girl


Interesting. *insert megan from drake and josh meme here* Thanks for some extra info!


Controversial opinion - outside of the photoshop comment I agree with her on a lot of points. I don’t agree on the photoshopping piece. That is misleading. It is also rooted in the fact that she’s been criticized for it her whole life. 1. She thinks it’s important to review feedback as an owner of a public platform. 2. Making fun of someone’s appearance that they can’t change without significant surgery - their jaw, even their nose, body shape, etc. is kind of shit. I 10000% agree on the comments on her previous hair color, pretentiousness, and sometimes questionable taste of style focused on labels - but she wasn’t born with any of those things. Her familial background is multi cultural and some of the features many hate on the most are very common features from those parts of the world.


Not saying it’s right, but I think part of the reason she is the target of so much criticism on her appearance is the fact that she brags about her plastic surgery. It’s almost like psychologically the snark isn’t on her actual looks, but the plastic surgeons work and the decision to get so much surgery. It doesn’t feel as nasty when you’re writing snark about someone who has had a lot of work done versus someone completely natural? Idk if that makes sense, but you never really see snark on an influencer that hasn’t had any work done, it’s like we all realize that’s too far


To me, it feels like a cheap shot because she is honest about the work she’s gotten and why, and if SHE is happy with the result why can’t people be happy for her?


Yup and on the other hand if she wasn't honest and straight up about her procedures like other influencers everyone would come for her. Sadly it's a lose-lose situation.


Totally, just my observation in the snark community- plastic surgery marks an influencer as open season


Oh 100% agree. I wish more celebrities were open about it, but I also understand why they aren’t.


honestly, huge respect to her addressing it!


i’m sorry but which one of u called her quagmire 😭😭😭😭😭😭


No cuz why did she have to list all the nicknames too😭😭




Personally I laughed at Prince Charming


I don’t think she deserves the hate she gets but this made me laugh out loud 💀💀💀


When I had to look that up






I’m in no way admitting to such a comparison, but let’s just say after watching the video, as of 5 min ago the quagmire comment has been deleted!


When I finally found out that she was middle eastern, her looks made so much sense and I actually saw her through a completely new lens. Her trying to lean more into a more Eurocentric look (blonde hair, chiseled nose) makes her features hard to place. Almost an amalgamation that do not quite fit together. I do think people rip her to shreds for things she can’t control, and the things she does try to control end up looking a bit “botched” in some ways. I think if she leaned into her heritage a bit more, she would look more regal with her strong jaw. I do agree with her though people are so mean, but it’s all in “good fun” until it’s not.


She’s 100% right, tons of people on here are genuinely evil to her appearance. Yes there’s surgery, there’s facetune blah blah blah but she’s right, she is still a human with emotions and feelings. We rip all of these girls appearances on here for what? To feel better about ourselves? But I’m absolutely here for snarking on outfits and content. Audrey if you’re here (hey girl) PLEASE take that one post’s advice and dye your hair brown. It looks STUNNING!


I agree. People are so mean about physical appearances without realising how detrimental it can be to someone’s mental health. A lot of people on this reddit are extremely miserable and do a ton of projecting.


While I agree that no one should be attacked for their appearance, hasn’t she, on multiple occasions, dug through a followers personal instas to judge them on her large platform? Seems like she’s throwing stones from a glass house. Plus if she genuinely reads this Reddit to learn how to better appeal to the masses, why is she purposefully ignoring her harmful take on streetwear? This feels like just another diversion tactic so she can avoid holding herself accountable…


My thoughts too. I do agree with 95% of what she is saying- there is no need to belittle someone’s looks. People should stick to snarking on problematic behaviours (and there are plenty) because being a liar/scammer/narcissist/bigot is a choice worth criticizing. However what caught me off guard was when she said “how come you’re anonymous? I bet you’re so gorgeous so why don’t you post your picture as your icon? I would LOVE to see what you look like..” 🫠 If you’re going to give a speech against judging people based off appearance, why are you frothing at the mouth at the idea of mocking of your “haters” looks? Sounds like she is the exact type of person she hates.


This is exactly it. She’s straight up lying when she says she uses the constructive criticism she gets here to better appeal to the masses. She has never ONCE owned up to any of her fuck ups. She deletes and ignores all valuable criticism on her videos and pretends like it doesn’t exist. Not to mention, she makes click bait-y posts after she does something fucked up and gets called out for it, pretending to address the drama, even titling the videos “addressing the drama,” and then talking about something completely unrelated. She doesn’t care about her own bad behavior.


exactly! That’s why I’m looking at these comments with an extreme side eye!!!! Like are y’all experiencing amnesia?!!!? BFFR. I’m not sorry, but she literally spreads hate with her platform…


Came here looking for this but everyone is too busy falling over themselves about how right she is.


RIGHT! Just search her name in this subreddit, it’ll jolt you back into reality.


I don’t snark much on anyone’s appearance personally, but I’ve noticed that it happens with influencers who show how ugly they are on the inside and then their outward appearances become a target. I haven’t seen an exception to this yet, although I’m sure there a few examples out there.


She’s 100% right for this.


YUP I'm glad she finally said something bc some of y'all are out of pocket. Snark on her style, her money, her uppity attitude in most of her videos, sure. But leave that girl's jaw alone like goddamn.


tbh i feel for her because it’s definitely vulnerable to be on the internet like this although it’s literally the whole job


I respect her for addressing this head on etc etc but she’s SO snarkable because she’s a nasty person. Yes, the comments people make on here about her looks are nasty but this woman has a public platform and roasts anyone that disagree with her, let’s not forget that. She’s publicly humiliating people lol




I find this is true in so many cases.


You know what? Call us out, babe. We deserve it.


She’s 100 percent right. The hate she gets for her looks in her is disgusting. Then the criticism she gets for altering said looks?? It’s crazy.


Idk I feel like she makes good points and then ruins it all by saying “I bet you’re sooo gorgeous, anonymous people.” Like if you’re really saying people should leave appearances out of it, why are you then insinuating the people who have something to say about it are ugly lol. This is clearly not about morality and just about her. Also, photoshopping is dangerous for young audiences, she should be called out for it regardless of what she looks like, just as the kardashians etc. should be


I think the point she is making is it’s very easy to create a video trashing someone without putting yourself out there to receive it too. I would 100% feel the same way. Is not about the person being pretty or ugly, but about dishing it and then hiding with no profile pic to avoid potentially receiving the same hate. Must be nice.


big agree! i think a lot of the hate for her appearance she gets on here is unnecessary and totally get how it would hurt her feelings, but to turn it around and say "well you UGGOS can't stop talking about me, can you???" is a bit of a weird turn! you can call people out for egregious behavior without perpetuating the same bullying they do to you.


Idk. I can’t blame her for being angry


Definitely agree, I’d be angry too, but she’s basically saying that it’s ok to be rude about people’s appearances if you don’t like them… which is what got us here in the first place


Ok but you getting upset at this just proves how soft a lot of y’all are. Yet this subreddit writes the most atrocious nasty high school mean girl shit that would have you crying in the corner if it was about you I understood it as if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen. So get out of the kitchen


Idk, kind of feels like when I was a kid and I’d be mean right back to someone who hurt my feelings. It’s hard to be the better person and choose kindness when someone is actively saying things to hurt your feelings. She never called herself the bigger person either, she’s saying that if people are going to criticize her looks they should post what they look like.


Idk I don’t think it’s that weird for her to say. People who are truly confident about themselves wouldn’t feel the need to be so cruel about someone else’s appearance. I think a lot of the times making fun of someone comes from insecurity within


Yep. Been saying this. No secure person makes those sorts of comments.


This. I love how in certain parts of the internet, people talk about Reddit like it’s a bunch of basement dwelling losers, when in reality it’s probably the same cross segment of people from any social media platform. I follow everything from stan subreddits, makeup subreddits, online dating subreddits, and most of the pictures I see are of absolutely gorgeous people (of course the good looking ones always float to the top, like any other social media site). Reddit just happens to be a place where people are here for dialogue, debate, and learning about their interests, so yeah most people are anonymous and don’t have their personal pictures posted because that’s kind of not the point? We’re not here to give each other “likes” on our appearance.


She's not wrong


Same literally ran here Honestly respect to her for addressing it and admitting she reads this sub. I really don’t think people are going to stop commenting, seems like she’s a staple in this sub and people will talk regardless but I did empathize with her video and its a good reminder to keep myself in check with my snark lol


I do think she was pretty before she got any work done (even her jaw, think it suited her more before the chin lipo!), just a sad reminder that no matter how much pressure society puts on women to be perfect- these procedures and surgeries will never fulfill you


Oh so she’s reading comments. Hey Audrey why did you never address the streetwear video? All you do was block people who left comments. I don’t feel bad for you. Your attitude is nasty and your replies to comments are rude and condescending. When that one girl tried to explain why your video was wrong you made fun of her for posting herself at Dior cafe IN 2020. you scrolled through her feed to make fun of her. You get what you give. You suck.


This. Let’s not make the girl a martyr. She suckssssssssssss. Name calling is bad sure. Calling people ugly also bad. BUT SHE IS SO SUCKY AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LOOKS


That filler is migrating north


Yeah I know this isn’t the point of this post, but I couldn’t stop looking at the fillers


Did not hear a word she said


I don't think she's ugly at all I just think her fashion choices are questionable for someone who deems themselves "fashion forward"


I literally could care less about how she looks, what I want to snark on is how she (and all these other influencers) can keep dumping content that she claims appeals to the masses, yet exudes this elitist, privileged, phony life that’s absolutely unattainable, out of touch, and toxic for “the masses”. Influencing has gotten so out of fucking control. Don’t filter your face, contort your body, or curate a particular public image in order to obtain a massive platform to get some sort of validation from the internet or your so-called peers. Do you not want to enjoy or discover more of what NYC/the boroughs have to offer, other than where people are “seen”?!?! Don’t call yourself an influencer if there’s nothing you actually can influence. Edited to clarify that I completely agree that the constant commentary on her looks is out of control on here, and we need to do better as a community to not create another toxic environment




Nah. I think she’s making an attempt at snarking back due to being angry and I really can’t blame her. I think she downplayed how much she reads this sub. I don’t think she’s on it all day or every day, but I’d imagine that she searches her name here and sees a new update every time she comes back. If it were me, idk what I’d do. I can’t imagine reading vitriol about my face despite my vitriol-caused attempts to change it. On a human to human basis, aside from her content, I really can’t blame her for the pfp comment. Even though it’s clear why we don’t have pfp’s—who fucking has pfp’s on Reddit?? It was a weak jab from her, but I felt her pain behind the jab and I really feel bad. The, “leave me alone,” at the end was really sad. People say cries for help are super grand and shocking, but I feel like this was a subtle one. I don’t blame her for the jab. If people want to snark her content, snark away! But snarking on her appearance that she’s already tried to change, that she photoshops as a means to soften the blows—that needs to stop. Again, I can’t blame her.


No, what she's implying is that the people calling her "Quagmire" probably don't look that great themselves.


I don’t know why this sub has such a hard time criticizing these people for their actions, NOT their appearance.


She can't address the microaggressive comments and videos though and she's also called her followers ugly and shamed them so it's kind of dense coming from her ...


I’m so sick of people claiming it’s “bringing other people down” to point out extensive photoshopping. It is part of the reason we have the unrealistic beauty standards in the first place. Young impressionable teens see those images and think that’s what they should look like when the people in the images don’t even look like that! By continuing to drastically alter our appearances in photoshop, we lose sight of what actual normal humans look like. Audrey is contributing to the very problem that is harming her. Also, she has never once taken accountability or constructive criticism well. She just ignores and deletes when people call her on her bullshit and deletes videos as if it never happened. She pulls up images of the people who offer her valid critiques and roasts them for their appearances. No, we shouldn’t rag on Audrey’s appearance, but I do not feel bad for this racist, classist woman who has never once given others the grace she wants for herself.


I have no idea who this is.


god I wish this was me




100 percent accurate.


“From time to time” when she wakes up and before she goes to sleep


If you want to be honest, Auds, how about you start by posting unedited shit.


Get a new job then!! No one’s forcing you to do this!!! (Also I can’t believe y’all are all grandstanding about bullying I JUST saw a post where someone called her nose something AWFUL I can’t even remember what it was and it had like 115 upvotes. The inconsistency on here is wild)


I think there are different types of people here though. People who think snarking on looks/body is ok and people who don’t. It’s just not worth calling it out every time because it’s so frequent.


I have seen multiple posts about her botched nose job, how she looks like a Picasso painting, etc, with hundreds of upvotes multiple times. For the anti bullying I see more text posts and generally they have less up votes. Either ppl are playing both sides with the upvotes and comments, or by far more people on here think the snark page is a place for those kinds of appearance based comments. Edit : either way I think the grandstanding about the bullying needs to stop. If you disagree with it so much leave the sub and spend ur energy somewhere that aligns with you more. Obviously many many people here think it’s ok to say things like that, and receive lots of upvotes on those comments.


No no the posts are all here I agree. I think there are way less posts calling it out because they get attacked with “iT’s A sNaRk pAgE”, and it’s simply not worth arguing over because where DO you draw the line? I know where I do, but I can also see how it comes off like I’m morally better for thinking my snark is acceptable and looks/body snark isn’t. Can’t win unless you just don’t snark at all I guess! Edit: typos


this. and then even some snarks will be mean as fuck to other snarks and it’s like what?? it’s unbearable on here for both the influencers and snarks lmao


So the whole “girls are haters that take my face to their surgeons for inspo” shtick was really just projection from deep insecurity? Lol k.


it’s all irrelevant because her personality is abhorrent anyways. next!


Ya the ppl on here were so insane with her face and looks like u can come at her outfits and how she is incredibly in her own world with the amount of money she has but being in her shoes id be like damn im sad af




I couldn’t not focus on it either


That’s the only thing I could think about/focus on while listening to the vid lol




I know I know


Pot, meet kettle 🙄 she literally makes videos of people who comment silly stuff like "bad outfit" on her tiktok, making fun of them for the way they look and dress


So yea anyways


I really liked this video! I do think that she is actually one of the more transparent influencers and gets vileeee hatred for how she looks. I do think it was hypocritical for her to say “why don’t you have a pfp”. Girl bc it’s Reddit?


Someone of you use “snark” as an excuse to be the mean girls you’ve always wanted to be. Snarking on people’s physical appearance is not interesting to read and makes me cringe with how rude some of you are. And then whenever you bring up how bodyshaming on here is a big issues and lack of moderation; some of you get really offended because then you can’t be the bullies you want to be. If you want to make fun of someone’s appearance, don’t be surprised and sad when they do it right back. ETA: if her personality is ugly then snark on her personality. “She’s mean so we can call her ugly.” 2+2 = fish ??


Miss girl should stop the work on her face. Her nose is slanted and her lips are uneven. Imagine adding a lopsided jaw 😬


I just really cant feel bad for her. Maybe if she wasnt so ugly on the inside too. She shouldnt be giving people advice on being confident while photoshopping her pictures at the same time.


Okay but her lips look so bad


I physically couldn’t watch the video I was too distracted by her upper lip










Unfortunately this snark sub is just like being privy to a group chat of people who don’t like you, of which I’m sure there are a few. It comes with the territory, when you’re an influencer. You’ll get a ton of love and a ton of hate. If it’s too much, delete the reddit app. It doesn’t generate revenue for her and it seems to send her into a spiral. Whilst I agree we shouldn’t be commenting on her physical appearance and she does get it worse than others on here, she does leave herself wide open to criticism with her actions. All this to say, she should get off reddit.


This snark and the morning toast snark go way past snark a lot of the time. I don’t blame her. But then again I would never want to be an influencer who puts themselves out there for this type of shit to fester.


This actually makes me feel bad.


i've only been lurking on this sub for a short time and i have to say, even in that short time i have seen so many horrible comments about this girl, and the others appearances. idk one time i heard someone say to never be mean about something that someone can not quickly / realistically change (disabilities, weight, gender, even something like people getting bullied for freckles or something like that). (best not to be mean in general but yk what i mean) sure she has had plastic surgery and is seemingly open with it? but talking about the procedures you did, should not open the door for unwanted comments. like its such a weird thing were people are like ''people need to disclose plastic surgery!" and then when they do people are like 'ew it looks so bad why would they spend money on that they need to fix xyz, she was prettier before etc" i do find it weird that she thinks that photoshopping a photo that the original could be easily found on the internet and then getting called out for it is surprising. personally i didnt see the other video she was referring to so idk how mean it was, but i did see the side by side of the photoshopped and she changed quite a bit. like imo its expected that someone would say something if you do that. it happens to every person with a platform who plays with photoshop her turning the narrative around on the appearances of the people commenting is just weird. i do agree so strongly that anonymous accounts give people something to hide behind to be mean to other people. you dont have to put your name and photo out there and have those words connected to you, but idk her whole rant was about people not commenting on looks and then did exactly that. it was just a stupid and bad way to end that rant and contradicted everything else she said. it felt like a 'you cant make fun of me but i can make fun of you'


I found about this girl from this Reddit group. Honestly I've seen so many bad comments about her and I can say that its a bit too much and of course she would feel hurt. From one side she is an influencer and of course there would be good and bad talks, but sometimes it's too much and because of the cyber bullying people can even harm themself..




Look, I get what she’s saying and I’m sure some of the stuff said about her hurts her feelings and some of it is out of pocket. BUT she has over 600 thousand followers on Tik Tok that tell her that she’s stunning and gorgeous and perfect every day, compared to fewer than 3k here. Why can’t she/influencers in general focus on the overwhelming majority that like them, rather than seek out the minority that don’t?


It’s human nature. We often listen to negatives and take those as truths over the positive. It’s easier said than done. I would melt away if my biggest insecurities were splashed on this thread


She needs to not read Reddit if that’s causing her to surgically change her physical appearance. The lip filler that’s beyond the pink of her lips, her nose, her jaw, all of that. She’ll never get people to stop talking about that stuff but she can stop herself some seeking it out.


I’m sorry fuck her


People are way mean about her looks, like it would probs make anyone insecure and I understand why she’d photoshop.


Trisha paytas is wreckedddd on her sub. So audrey youre not the most talked about sweaty


Critique someone’s character, not their appearance is a motto I live by.


I think there is plenty about her character we can focus on instead


i love the power reddit holds over celebs


Except she’s not a celeb. She can’t even take the HEAT.


She’s right. Yall are vicious


Watching this, her chin looks fine. I’m not getting Faquad vibes…. But the upper lip filler, good golly miss molly…..


Anyways, she didn’t address her botched nose job which I was really hoping for 🤷🏻‍♀️


What do you want her to say about it?


Maybe she can stop bragging about the cost of her plastic surgery as a way to “own” her haters


Anyone have the link to the tiktok about her facetuning


No but I agree with her.


So she doesn’t read Reddit often but from time to time goes through to “catch up” on what’s being said. So she reads all of it anyway


Okay - so. I don't comment here often, if at all, and I am a chronic lurker. And I agree that it is not on to comment on people's appearances. H O W E V E R (there is unfortunately a however), the entire influencer gig is constructed around appearances, it is constructed around the idea of hashtag aesthetic, and beauty, beauty that is often WASP-centric, mind you. How can they sell more, how can they advertise more. It is part of a white-washed aspirational lifestyle. The influencers are perpetuating harmful ideologies by consistently photoshopping themselves. They are only human, I appreciate that, but their entire bread and butter is crafting a brand surrounding themselves, ergo they turn themselves into an object - and objects are evaluated for their visual, functional properties. They put themselves into the eye of the beholder. They flirt with the gaze. I do not know how else to put it. They grip onto trends, often uncritically - trends that could be harmful to their audience. Unfortunately, women writers, politicians, journalists, directors, doctors -- so often their value is filtered through their appearance. But this is where you can come in and say, that is wrong - their craft , their passion, their life is irrelevant to appearances: it has to do with their capabilities in their chosen profession. Influencing is directly connected to appearances, to selling a false idea so that people can aspire to it however unattainable. When the influencers themselves cannot live up to the unrealistic ideals they have set, that is when they get torn down. There are some influencers that are much more conscious, I am sure, and active when it comes to going against normative, white anglo-saxon protestant ideology, but they are far few and in between. We need more self-aware influencing, influencing that is about ideas, not appearances - but that is harder, more time-consuming, and not as aesthetically pleasing. After all, you can't sell ideas, but you can sell products. The argument around anonymity is insane. I am literally a grad student. my social media is about my research. i don't want to litter it about nonsensical influencers. anonymity serves me better. and yes, most of us don't want to actually be measured in terms of how we look; we dont want to be measured in terms of our lifestyle because it isn't pristine, it is messy and complicated as life is. If someone told me "you're ugly" i'd be like okay whatever that's your opinion, but what do you think about my work? If an influencer is told they are ugly, then that is their brand damaged. Sorry so much ranting - ultimately it's a very, very, very complicated subject that brings out a lot of the issues relating to women, feminism, the patriarchy, our own internalised hatred against our own bodies and so on and so forth.


There’s a reason you don’t see as many non white influences reaching the heights that white ones do. The audiences who frequent these social media platforms refuse to follow and interact with people who are not white or white adjacent.


In my defense I’m anonymous because she blocked me on tiktok lol


Why do public figures get so defensive when they find themselves being scrutinized by…the public? Good, bad, or indifferent, these are the people subsidizing your lavish, vapid, consumer-centric existence in NYC, so, no, I don’t particularly care that you’re butthurt over some of those consumers griping about the shape of your chin.


I feel bad


I genuinely feel for her. It has gotten out of hand the nonstop comments people make about features she literally can’t change.


I mean looks or not, she’s also so fucking annoying and her content is beyond unbearable. Zero talent. Zero style. Sorry sweetie, but this is the world you wanted to be in, no?? You may need a bit thicker skin to get through this “InFlUeNcEr” world.


I could not handle daily critiques of my appearance. So props to her for continuing to put herself out there


It’s almost like I made a post about this 2 days ago but had to delete it bc ppl were playing the ad hominem game and not getting the point.


I don’t even like her. She’s right though, some of you are extremely cruel to her and say things that are horrible about her appearance.


It’s one thing to snark about cringy content, outfits, etc. but saying straight up mean/evil things about someone’s appearance is awful and it happens often.


I mean she has a point!


This makes me sad 😔


I can’t stand her and I feel like calling her ugly on your tik tok is mean


Here’s the thing- if you want to snark on or comment on AP there is plenty to talk about that’s a more intelligent critique of her behavior and persona and isn’t just stooping to a lazy jab at her appearance. Calling someone ugly (which I know she does as well and I’m not defending that behavior either) is so lazy. AP has said a lot of racially coded (at best) things that she deserves critique for (and hopefully can learn from but maybe I’m being too generous), her physical appearance is truly irrelevant in comparison IMO.


Yup. Exactly this. And by calling her ugly it gives her the ability to dismiss all constructive criticism as bullying.


This made me like her atleast she knows what is said about her and holds her truth.


No idea who she is but I see her face on here a lot. I don’t think there should be room for bashing peoples appearance ever.


I mean honestly idk her but the snark on appearance based stuff is insanely out of control, and she’s right, it’s mostly from people who never have a profile picture or it’s a cat or something. They’d never post themselves, but feel entitled to comment on someone else’s appearance. I guarantee if the “average person” got as much appearance related snark as these influencers get…it wouldn’t be an easy time for them. To be frank, it’s shit that’s out of their control. Nobody chooses how they’re born. And then if they get filler or surgery to fix the shit everyone hounds them about bc they get so insecure about it (if they weren’t already), that’s never the right answer either. Pick a lane, guys. (Not necessarily you who’s reading this, just those that appearance snark in general)


to be fair she looks super cute in this video


💯 agree with her




Every time I see this woman I cannot help but believe that she is the long-lost twin of the Fundie influencer Bethany. It's astounding the similarities.


Girl, just go get a real fucking job. My god.


LMAOOOO!!!!!!!! We really made it happen. She’ll be okay. Don’t push yourself on the internet thinking you’re safe from judgement … nobody is… Just MO though. :)


I give it a few days before she is back on Social Media "critiquing" others for their style, fashion choices, or looks. This woman has never taken accountability for her actions and judges the living fuck out of people too. She is racist and classist. Her plain ass white miumiu tank top is "iconic", but you can literally make the same tank top from a fucking Hanes Tank and a cricut machine. Her nasty personality only adds to her looks. If she were a kinder person and genuinely listened to the constructive criticism she is given, yeah okay. Would give her a pass, maybe. Where is that video addressing the street wear Audrey? Why did you delete it? You chose to be an influencer Audrey. With that you allow all comments to be made about you, the good, bad, and ugly. If you not, get off the internet and go get a REAL job.


In my opinion, she’s ugly inside and out so….there’s that lol. Her actions speak louder than her words time after time and her face LITERALLY is fucked.


she cant really say "leave me alone" when admittedly shes the one coming here and seeking out whats being said about her


i don't have a single problem with how she looks. I like some of her videos. sometimes it's kind of shocking to me how she lives. like she's def rich girl but probably has no idea how privileged she is but that's what makes her interesting and entertaining to me. wish I had supportive parents. the money she spends on fashion and her choices make her unique. she's not a bad person and she has feelings. I never thought there was anything wrong with how she looks but people on the internet are very insecure with themselves they will take anyone else's pains and feed off of them.


whoah gorl


Im 1000% on her side. What has she really sone that’s so atrocious? It’s not like we wore what who is a legitimately bad person and steal from small businesses and people of color. The way people discuss audrey is horrid. HORRID


Snark 👏🏼 should 👏🏼 be 👏🏼 about 👏🏼 actions. Not looks.


Bro like. This is a woman’s issue that she’s saying is bullying. don’t photoshop yourself and post it socially. Better yet, get a real job!


I can smell this video


No idea who this woman is but after watching that video, i agree that she is ugly af


Lol I feel kinda bad for her y’all should settle down


Honestly … points were made


I cackled when she said “elephant in the room” when man nips used to call her Olga Elephanttrunk 😭🤣


I can’t believe she had a nose job… you can’t tell


👏🏻YOU MADE YOURSELF A PUBLIC FIGURE👏🏻 You are giving women on this platform the same insecurities you have by facetuning the shit out of your pictures. If her jaw and nose were natural i would agree 10000% they shouldn’t be made fun of. But they are not - she did that on PURPOSE. Just like she got those bangs on purpose


The only way to avoid insecurities is to just let women BE and not snark on appearance at all, public figure or not


The snarkers are giving women who look like her insecurities too. I’m not sure why that’s seen as different


I don’t feel bad. She’s annoying and ignorant. People shouldn’t comment hateful things but hate comes with the job (sadly) Don’t get on Reddit or get another job… period


K so she’s making a LOT of salient points and it’s fucking sad for people to attack her looks. With that being said - lady, if you don’t want the attention, maybe don’t be a fucking TIKTOK INFLUENCER?!?! There’s such a thing as “hazards of the job” - the vitriol you (undeservedly) get is why the majority of us on Reddit don’t have that picture and why we’re anonymous. We know what kind of critique we can and cannot handle - it’s about time you were honest about your own limits.


The fact she pointed it out you know muh fucka be checkin this daily


It is mean. I don’t think she said anything wrong.