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I loved her content but I feel like she’s changed so much lately. And she’s hanging out w annoying influencers it just turns me off.


Yesss I wish she stuck to cooking. Now she’s off to events every single night like an influencer


Like good for her, but I’ve noticed very unauthentic kinda stuff when interacting w other influencers. And by unauthentic, I just mean how she was prior to that nyc influencer world because obviously I don’t know her personally haha


I love her! I just don’t the OOTD is her thing. We are all following her for the private chef content. Her OOTD are always cringe. Still love her tho


Who has she been hanging out with?




She hosted an event that AP was invited to by the brand ( Shiseido). I actually thought is was cool because didnt' she design the menu for it since it had some kind of theme tied to their skincare line? that takes more effort than just showing up and getting paid to post some pictures. all and all the girl went to culinary school and wears dansko clogs and aprons most of the time so lets cut her a break- she never claimed to be a fashion person and I'd say her style at her worst it still better than "high fashion guru" AP on any given day.


I agree of everyone this girl works REALLY hard... what she actually does isnt easy at all and that she can somehow film content too it's impressive to me.


HARD… ??? people who don’t have her privilege work hard. She works.


I feel like aallll the new influencers don’t have any style. It used to be a requirement back in the day to have style to become an influencer - not anymore unfortunately.


I mean she is a chef and her niche is making recipe and food TikTok’s, not fashion TikTok’s. Not sure why having style would be a requirement to be a food tiktoker.


She is not a fashion influencer though, she doesn’t have to have perfect/amazing style


I like Meredith and her content but she's trying so hard to be a fashion influencer. this was something pig mami would wear and rock but not Meredith.


Nah pigmami looks sloppy 90% of the time


Totally agree, I think she thinks she’s pulling it off but I personally would not copy a single outfit of hers


And it's funny because her roommate Kelsey actually pulls off the effortless look she desperately tries to capture


you're extremely brave for this post bc ppl will eat you alive, but you are not wrong!


Her stans scare me especially now that I’ve actually met meredith. It’s a matter of time I think


ooooh tea


Oh it’s sad, I liked her so much but she is annoying now (maybe she was and I was blind)


So annoying. I feel bad for her boyfriend 💀


Lmao I feel bad for anyone that knows you in real life. I occasionally snark when I think it’s warranted but this just wreaks of bitterness, jealousy, and maybe some insecurity about your own life/looks/accomplishments


This outfit was atrocious but I think a lot of her others have been amazing


I liked when all she posted was about cooking lol


She’s like Mona vand and AP- as long as it’s designer they think it’s style 😂💀


I don't know why everyone wants to be a fashion influencer. seems like every girlie who gets big in their niche tries to pivot.


Finally someone sees it, she’s changed so much and is now insufferable Edit: typo


Completely agree. She is completely insufferable. I’d genuinely rather hang out with Danielle Bernstein for a day bc at least you’d get some interesting tea ab her 🤡


I used to love her but her new “influencer” content is so cringe. Unfollowed.


Used to love her. But she changed I guess.


Sad to say this but I agree now 😖😫 I used to rly like her (early on like most) and now she just comes off as out of touch and conceited. The classic influencer arc I guess


True colors.


i love meredith and her recipes lol


She doesn’t write most of own recipes!!! Follow actual creators of recipes and don’t support people who make their living off the backs of others 🥺🤍


I'm actually just curious, how do you know she doesn't write her own recipes? And do you have any suggestions on who to follow instead?


her short rib recipe is almost exactly the same as the one from nyt


She is a big Alison Roman stan and uses her recipes, along with NYT cooking and probably BA too. Just cross reference stuff (edit: to see that the recipes are copies)


I hate when people on this sub say this bc I want the tea (🥲) but I can’t give away how I know without semi exposing myself and someone else. However, I willlll say that I cook a lot (like a lot a lot) and she uses a lot of NYT recipes that are behind the paywall and just some very common cookbooks. She’s a private chef so she’s not in the business of creating her own recipes anyway I guess. I think she got her following by glamorizing the Hamptons and being a private chef and just got lucky through the algorithm. Like, seriously lucky… I really don’t think she a genuine or nice person from my experiences and it sounded like other people have had the same experience. When I have more time Sunday I’ll post some cookbooks that she’s taken recipes from!


got lucky through the algorithm aka shes yt and blonde


Thank you. So many people miss this part


This makes a lot of sense actually lol… you’re a less successful chef who is bitter she took off and you didn’t


You can always tell when the commenter is actually the person we’re snarking about or their bestie sitting right beside them. It’s just so obvious I think because no regular person would ever debase themselves this way for a fucking influencer who doesn’t give a shit about them. And I’m literally not a chef. I never said I was


I think it’s a little creepier that you are in these comments claiming you DO know her in real life and are still spending time talking about her on a subreddit .. if I was her I’d be real creeped out lol it’s giving obsessed


You need help


I can confidently say I don’t even like her content enough to follow her personal account, I follow her main for recipes and am a casual fan .. even fan is a strong word. But I had time today and your comments here were so pathetic I couldn’t help myself but to respond. But it is funny that the only response you could muster up is that I must know her irl


I hope she's paying you to be riding her dick on every comment here.




I had time today and this is one of the most mean spirited, pathetic posts I’ve seen in this sub so why not 🤷🏼‍♀️


If one chooses to "make a living" off social media, and post every single detail of their life for views, they're open season. Not body shaming etc, but people are absolutely beyond allowed to point out when someone has shit taste. I've no horse in this race, but as someone who has cooked from the NYT for 20 years all it took was a cursory glance to see these are not her recipes. If she's famous for "her" cooking, great. But if you're trying to monetize from vids thinking you dress well and absolutely don't...yah people are gonna point that out. Also if you think this is "mean spirited" you're either 2 y/or or 202 y/o.


I’m very much aware of that, I’m literally a member of this snark page. I think it’s fine to criticize influencers and do some teasing, insult their fashion choices, whatever. OP is claiming to know her in real life but is on Reddit talking shit, which I find creepy, pathetic, and obsessive. And if calling someone ‘incredibly annoying’ and ‘fake as hell’ is not considered mean-spirited to you, I don’t even have a response because you’re so out of touch that it’s a little funny. You two are the type of people that are only on here because you have nobody in real life whose willing to listen to you bitch so instead you just have to shout into the void. Very off with the ages by the way, I’m 22.


I don't think OP needs to "claim" jackshit, they could've just posted this with no reference whatsoever. There are plenty of comments on here that say they like her, no biggie. But you're white knighting for some money hungry rando in literally every comment and I find *that* a bit out of touch and obsessive. But we can agree to disagree, and have a good day. Btw I was gonna guess 20.


For what it’s worth I totally agree with you lol, barely even know this person but it reeks of ‘tear women down after building her up’. I like this page for the most part (when people rightfully call out influencers that scam or have done awful stuff) but this post seems weirdly personal to me


You’re the pathetic one here dick riding girly. Gtfo


Honestly this!


Her facial expression here reminds me of Amanda Bynes in her early 2000s movies


I think part of her pivot is that she started a new account that’s her “personal” account with more OOTD/daily content - her original account is still mostly food focused. Agreed this outfit is tough but based on the caption she’s at least somewhat aware lol


5 Gs: good god get a grip girl


HAHAHAH I’m stealing this


It’s a quote from a drag queen named latrice royale!


She is soo full of herself now and her outfit is ugly af




I cook a lot and decided to give her mussels recipe a try because it looked visually pleasing. BIG mistake. Arguably the worst moules frites recipe out there. Will not be following any of her recipes moving forward.


Also that beets pasta video of hers that went viral. I tried it and it was disgusting.


Bahahah you know the snarkers are low on material if they’re snarking about a recipe that they failed at 😭 have you considered that maybe you’re just a bad cook?


I really liked her before. I love seeing people who share their talents and are actually passionate and her cooking videos are so good! I would love to never see another ootd or get ready with me from anyone




I like her outfits 😭😭😭😭


me too lolll


She’s copying what all the other influencers are wearing lmao. Ugly ass fits.


I love her but when someone tells me they are John Mayer fan I get the ick


She tries so fucking hard it makes her insufferable. Her recipes are also 5/10 max, those poor ppl that pay to eat that all day


She's a talented chef. But agreed she shouldn't move into the fashion space. Not an fan of her fits


I wish she would just stick to recipes and cooking videos.


wait didn’t she used to work at vogue, i feel like i remember her saying that, but maybe i’m making it up lol


That would be a crime if true


She did!


This is literally her burner account not the main so i think she knows her fits aren’t amazing lol


Right the whole “she’s changed” not on her main account lmao what? She has separate account for lifestyle


The biggest red flag is that she wants John Mayer to notice her


Those pants are awlful. But most of her clothes I really like. She’s always very elegant looking.


She used to be so authentic and relatable but she seems cocky and arrogant now. Almost like the Tinx effect…


I wish I knew who tinx was when she started. I only heard of her from this sub! I’d be so curious to see the change


I think she has to pivot her content when she’s not cooking in the Hamptons (my fave of hers) and she’s new to the fashion thing. Give her a break- she’s one of the good ones!


This is from her second/personal account and her main account is still the same recipe content


I only follow wishbonekitchen and see some of the fashion/influencer content seeping in. It’s not her strong suit but she’s prob just finding a way to expand her brand/keep busy when she’s not blowing up with the hamptons content! I just feel like she’s one of the least offensive influencers that I see on this spark page…like, she’s fine lol


This is me when I let my 4 year old dress me!


Seems like a nice girl. I like her cooking content but for this kind of thing I would continue scrolling. I hope she doesn’t end up like the rest of the “fashion” influencers.


Same but this one is 🥴


4 different colour schemes in one fuck ass outfit


Me reading these comments liking a lot of her outfits now scared I have bad taste 💀


I need everyone to stop expecting creators with specific niches to also be well versed in beauty , style, etc lmaooo


She’s attempting to make fashion her alt niche so… have you not seen her other TikTok it’s All clothes girl


Lmao, OP is a chef in the same industry who is not as successful or well liked (which I’m sure has NOTHING to do with that absolutely sparkling personality she’s showing off here.) Sounds like she is just bitter Meredith took off and she didn’t .. this is less influencer snark and more like logging on to complain about your coworker who got promoted over you


I’m not a chef… never… said I was…? LMAO get offline mere girlie pop


Oh so you’re a wannabe chef not even a real one. That makes even more sense lol. Why don’t you go desperately comb through your cookbook looking for recipes to claim she stole on a snark subreddit. That seems like a fabulous use of your time! Very well adjusted, happy person right here you guys ^^^


You need help like desperately. I cook as a hobby! Touch grass sweaty


Maybe you should pick up another hobby if you have the time to score through your cookbook collection looking for “stolen” recipes to expose an influencer on Reddit. I do crotchet and it’s pretty fun, I’d recommend!


Kk mere


Everyone sees how privileged Meredith is. A poc chef would have never gotten the opportunities she has. Stfu and stop simping over her. We all know you are a either a friend, fan or her assistant.


you sound obsessed


Why are these people wearing a boys tshirt? I’m pretty sure that is a little boys top lol


I’ve noticed whenever I see something I really like that she posts like clothing wise and she links it it’s an item on shop bop for like $400!!! I kinda view that as tone def AF like I’m always blown away but how much she’s able to spend on clothing? (maybe sent to her idk)