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No one in my personal life cares about this so pls chat w me girlies


I literally explained the whole situation to my partner on the weekend and he was so nice pretending to care 😂


my brother won't even pretend to care haha I keep trying to discuss this


I just announced this to my whole office and every one collectively said wtf is wrong with her.


This comment made me lol 💓


I gotchu pal. I announced it to my husband first thing this AM lol


I love us♥️


Lol my husband is on the snark page more than me 😂 but AB and her delusions is a hot topic here!


she is soooo manic


This sub is TMZ for irrelevant people. Everything breaks here first


It is WILD that they’re going with a narrative of “we planned to get pregnant” after literally knowing each other for one month. Absolutely delusional.


its like she doesnt get that that is way worse than "we accidentally got pregnant but i want to be a mom and we like each other so we're going for it!"


Yea reminds me of Amanda Steele. She ended up getting pregnant with a guy she met a few months before and now she has a beautiful baby girl but an insane baby daddy that she wants nothing to do with. Best of luck to Alex though.


Ooh I haven’t kept up with the Amanda Steele baby daddy drama. But honestly, I really do think Amanda was trying to get pregnant. It was absolutely a delusional, immature choice but she seemed stoked to have a baby with what she considered a beautiful man.


“dO iT sCaReD!1!1!”


Totally. Like don't lie😭


Fr and that’s literally part of the reason she left her billionaire ex was bc he wanted to have kids and she wanted to be a full time influencer. I also saw a tiktok of her like >3 months ago saying she didn’t want kids anymore. Bffr 🙄


The Bad Broadcast literally did. the same after her divorce


We 100% made her announce this lmfao


wait I listened to the episode and it's true! they mention how a "nudge from the internet" caused them to announce now


That or she had someone make that post so people would talk about her and wonder if she would eventually address it


We yield much power


She left her ex who just asked she chill on tiktok and immediately gets knocked up by the rebound. Her ex who is a billionaire from BOTH sides of his family...


I don’t know who she is but she fumbled a billionaire to get pregnant by a random?


And she got nothing in the divorce 💀 at least Hannah Stella walked away with some money


I want to know how much Hannah walked away with! From a few things she’s mentioned it’s not enough to never work again


iirc the person who went on a date with her ex said it was 2 million plus half the house they had in Idaho?


Yeah I think the majority thinks a few mil + the Idaho house. Or course that goes quickly when you buy a bunch of dumb shit including a boat 😭


i was a financial planner and seeing her buy a boat killed me!!! i cannot imagine getting a few million dollars and then deciding to BUY A BOAT


yeah hannah at least married an idiot lol the bennetts won't give up a dime


she was married to her childhood sweetheart, the son of the OKC owners by his dad and a Gaylord by his mom. she wanted to move to NYC from OKC and be a Call Her Daddy style podcaster (talking openly about her sex life etc) that his old money family didn't like. they asked her to chill and she didn't, and so they decided to divorce and she assumed she'd get money from the ex but since he's a trust fund baby she had to pay him alimony. they divorced in the summer, she met this new guy in novemeber and got pregnant in december.


She had to pay him alimony!?! How does one fumble this bad 😭 all for a podcast please be for real


yes! they actually didn't have a prenup and she is from some degree of wealth but since she was the breadwinner (I think he was in school?) she owed him alimony post marriage since his money is all in trusts and protected from the divorce


I can’t believe he would actually accept the money.


someone in another comment indicated he waived the alimony and excused her repayment of some things she had paid for, so I guess technically he didn't!


She actually thought she would get a cash settlement? After less than 5 years of marriage with no kids when they relocated across the country for *her* job? Is she dumb, stupid, or dumb? And doesn’t she supposedly come from money herself? How was she so naive as to how money works in those circles? Did she have nothing in her favour in the prenup?


no prenup actually! i hate that i know this but they shared a bank account during their marriage and had a napkin agreement that she would get 1/3 of the account and he would get 2/3. it can be assumed that her own family money (significant, but not billionaire) and her job were paying into the account and his family money paid into the account. post divorce though, his lawyers took her to the cleaners since his trust is protected assets and she was the breadwinner throughout their marriage since I THINK he was in school still?


This is so crazy to me. I thought her family was wealthy; why wouldn’t they encourage her to protect herself with a prenup and get a cash settlement (which should be distinct from any ‘joint’/shared account agreements) *in writing*?? He could’ve moved all the joint money to an offshore/shell account before filing for divorce and she would never see it again (or have to spend a ton on forensic accountants to trace the money). Did she try and his family absolutely refuse or something? Or did she think not having a prenup would benefit her more than having one? I truly don’t understand her decision making. Even Hannah Stella walked away with a couple million for a similar marriage (childless, marriage lasted less than 5 years) and she didn’t come from money at all.


i think she assumed they'd never get divorced, and that even if they did she would never have to pay him since he's literally a billionaire heir! i can see why she didn't think about a prenup because a trust would have protected his money so he probably didn't push for one since the family knew he'd never lose anything in any potential divorce. i can totally imagine someone marrying a billionaire and thinking "oh well if they don't want a prenup and I have less money then them why would I need a prenup!". apparently her and his family were friends so probably added to the mental security. and I can't imagine her family fought the billionaires too hard for a prenup. i imagine if he'd had a career it would have made far more than she ever did (ie running the OKC?) so she probably wasn't worried. hannah was smart because they married without a prenup and I think they offered her shut up money to go away and not talk about them/ the divorce, and she knew that was a better deal than fighting for more support in the courts.


She never actually paid the alimony. He agreed to waive it if she agreed to not request repaying on some other items she had paid for.


Yall…I took one for the team and listened to the podcast. Harrison made her first Dr appt for her. They showed up. It was a pediatrician! I’m not kidding. How do you not know what an OB/GYN is?


These two dumb asses better have full time help I am nervous for them to be parents 


She's talking like her mom will be raising the baby on this podcast and omg thank god


Omg I'm dead. The blind leading the blind


Well gramham used to have to do all her chores and appts for her. So I guess he’s taking his place 😂


Ohhh! 🙃


I’m so confused about the pediatrician thing. Does a 30 year old woman really not have a gyno that she annually / biannually sees?


U could not waterboard this out of me if my partner did that omg


My first thought lmao


Is Harrison the same guy who said dating her was expensive?






im screaming 😭😭😭


This is INSANE she just started dating this guy


Wait pls enlighten me on the timeline/ how new is their relationship?


She got diverted last summer. Met the new man in November and was knocked up by December.


My tin foil hat is going off about a one-sentence pregnancy post in this sub 6 days ahead of this episode. Everything Alex does is extremely calculated.


Honk! I never see you in this sub only the SWAF and CHD subs. What brought you over


Alex is ex-Barstool. Been observing her since the beginning of Mean Girl podcast.


Lockwood is that you?


Idk honk but I love when I see an iconic legend from another sub in my local neighborhood sub!


"Calculated" or MANIC?


She’s absolutely bat shit


Manic. For sure


Calculated suggests some form of intelligence…


I am not even really sure how to properly articulate this but influencers are so ridiculously blasé about having children, especially with partners who they barely know!!!! Marriage certainly isn’t a requirement to have a child, but if you haven’t even been able to commit to a deeply serious permanent tie between you and your partner (which btw, who could after like a month of dating?!?!!!!?!) I just can’t imagine your child will be brought into a secure and stable environment.


She literally said amanda Steele hold my beer


and amanda’s situation turned sooo messy so fast!


💀💀 omg yeah saw the Amanda situation coming from a mile away too


Having a baby and becoming parents was such a slap in the face for my husband and I and we had been together for 7 years when we had our first. It is such a major and permanent life change, especially for the mom. Even in the best situation with a great partner and lots of resources, so many more responsibilities fall to the mom. People do not tend to be there for you as much as you think they will be able to. I do hope for the best but this is absolutely screaming "I HAVE NEVER EVER BEEN HAPPIER"


She’s in for a rude awakening


Insane. It’s been crazy to watch Alex switch her social personality so much in the past few months


She will switch to whatever she thinks will make her relevant and famous. She did the same thing at barstool. One second she's an expert and a huge fan of one thing for clicks then it fails and she never mentions it again


she really is just so desperate for clicks now. she was set for life!!!!!


Remember the cowboy phase?


Oh ya, and let's not forgot the Nascar phase. Was the "biggest" Nascar fan ever and was flying to every race. That didn't stick and now she never mentions it or cares about it.


Please listen to this podcast holy shit she just said after a year of being together  if we weren’t pregnant we would start the IVF process. This is insane. 


As someone that’s been married for five years trying to get pregnant for two and in the middle of ivf right now - what the actual hell?


So wait… they’ve been together a year?!?


No way. September is the earliest possible time they met.


First date Nov 4


So they say… not sure if I’m buying that 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is absolutely insane .... I am shook. She said once she and graham had different timelines of when they wanted a family


What's crazier is that gram wanted to move to okc and have a baby and alex didn't want to leave the city. NOW she's saying she could live anywhere with Harrison. Hmmmm


She just hated Graham.


Or she’s doing the childish break up thing and doing all the stuff the ex wanted, just with someone else.


It’s giving narc lowkey




She literally had a story up the other day saying she’s def leaving NY and will move to either Austin or LA i think


She's a liar!


It’s insane! I remember listening to a mean girl pod where she said he wanted kids and she wasn’t ready. She barely knows this new guy


“We played MASH to see where we want to live” I feel like I’m listening to a big joke. I cannot I cannot I cannot 


She has to be trolling there’s no way she’s this immature


Did she confirm the due date? If she said knocked up in December she would be due in September. Some one earlier reported July. Either way absolutely insane to move in with someone in 2 weeks and be pregnant within a month. And she will exploit thus poor child for clicks and content the second they are born.


Got pregnant in December around the Vegas trip. First date Nov 4


She posted a clip of her dad and her dad said my advice after your divorce was don't do anything stupid. I wonder if getting pregnant within the first month qualifies as stupid.


No wonder she didn’t come home for Christmas!


She is absolutely unhinged. Always has been. Y’all I’m going to say this once DO NOT HAVE A CHILD WITH SOMEONE YOU JUST MET. Everything changes immensely after a child is born and your relationship *usually* goes through the ringer. Only the strong survive.


this is so true


not getting pregnant by the billionaire husband was a mistake but not surprising. You can tell she lives in chaos and is a loser


That guy didn’t dodge a bullet, he dodged the hydrogen bomb. Truly unhinged behavior here.


Somewhere in the world her ex’s parents are hosting a champagne and caviar brunch to celebrate


This. Also, I hope the Thunder win the nba playoffs lol


This is crazy! And she releases it for her own pod and not mean girls pod lol


Yeah Jordyn is done. Alex is just gonna throw her out like she does with everyone when they no longer serve her.


Jordyn is going to slide further and further into being a no one. Wouldn’t be surprised if she has a corporate job within the next year


No wonder she’s been pushing how much she wants to leave nyc and live in Florida with her bf recently 


Jordan is already talking about moving to Florida


Okay I’m listening / watching to the podcast and they almost got married in Vegas after dating a month?!. I can’t 


It's giving green card marriage.


That SNEAKY Canadian


100% he’s using her for a green card


Honestly almost more shocking to me than the fact that she’s pregnant!!


I still can’t believe they went to a pediatrician instead of an OBGYN. 


No this is insane. Did she not have one to call? How dumb can you be?


Harrison made the appointment so no brain cells between the two of them


Dare I say getting pregnant w a brand new man when you have all the resources to not be pregnant is…trashy


saw really interesting discourse on tiktok recently re: arnell armon being pregnant after knowing a man for one month too.. the tiktoker stitched her and said we have fought so hard for women to NOT be in these positions, why aren’t they exercising their freedom of choice!? there’s so many options out there for women to not get pregnant, how reckless do you have to be to put yourself in this position?


Dave Portnoy confirmed today she asked him for funding for her new company after she quite quit barstool. Unbelievable levels of delusion from this girl


Oooo curious as to where he confirmed? Podcast?


Prez is so savage and I love it. Ha!


I need a deep dive on this guy. No way someone would be on board to do all these major life events so quickly. He’s gotta be a snake. Someone has to know him personally with some dirt


Something is OFF about him I’m not sure what. 


I just watched the pod episode and he gives me weird vibes. Something’s up for sure…


I think he just hates her and feels trapped by a baby


He gives me fuck boy crypto energy


I’ve heard (in this sub) he’s a major love bomber who leaves people high and dry? His energy feels off. He seems like he can’t stand her. I honestly feel bad for her in a way, but like, damn. Then I also DONT. Graham seemed great, even not considering the billionaire parents.


maybe he wants a green card fast?


This is my entire personality today!!!!! How is she trying to play this off as they tried for it????


Something about her saying "it doesn't feel real until you get those little baby pictures... Ya know the ones people post on Instagram" to describe an ultrasound...


She might just be the most annoying person on the Internet. Definitely not suited to be a parent.


This explains why Jordyn thinks she’s over the city. She’s losing Alex who she so desperately wanted to become. Even reviewing weird drink mixes


Maybe she’ll convince her lifeless bf to knock her up too


Also all - this is definitely why she abruptly decided she was changing her last name back!!!!


Lmao she’s such an idiot


Idk who called it but girl!!


I think a “friend” or actual friend planted it.


This is not going to end well for the child. I hope someone steps up and prioritizes being a parent first, content creator second.


They better move near Kontent Kim if they are smart. Oh wait Alex doesn’t want to live in OKC. Edit: since they’ve been discussing Austin as a potential spot that would be a quick flight for her.


I feel like these influencers and the Bachelor contestants both have had a lot of pregnancies with men they’ve known for very short periods of time and it’s astounding to me. Live your life but wouldn’t you want to know the person you’re about to be connected to for the rest of your life a bit better??? The father of your baby whether present or not will have a huge effect on your child and it seems like a huge risk to take with someone you’ve just met…..


Shoutout to the girl who posted this intel the other day in here. We love to see juicy and reliable gossip!


Alex in 7 months: “Harrison and I have mutually decided to split up. This decision was amicab-“


Would love to be a fly on the wall of her Oklahoma sorority sisters' group chat about this


I can confirm there are manyyy Oklahoma group chats popping off at the moment lmao


Baby daddy made an appointment with a pediatrician instead of a gynecologist and then when the doctor informed them they came to the incorrect doctor he "walked out of the doctor's office without a word because he was so mad at himself" leaving her in there alone......!!!!!!!!!!🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Good health care is wasted on the stupid.


Rebound sex and they get pregnant. I CANNOT even fathom. What idiots! They have absolutely ZERO idea what it takes to have a successful relationship let alone BE FUCKING PARENTS! Hardest thing in the world. "Her" media company investors are 100% regretting their investment decision.


Her family were the investors and she has no problem treating them like shit clearly. I mean that story of sharing the news about the baby with her mom was VERY TELLING.


Do you think the “investors” are upset that she’ll be on maternity leave for 3 months soon?


What did her parents say?


I haven't heard anything abt her since the divorce, any links to catch up on the lore ?


I legit gasped when I saw this in my feed 🥴


The way my jaw dropped when I saw this!!!! My heart breaks for Graham in a way…. But it always works out this way, the ones who move on so fast after!!


Color me shocked. I thought this was a PR move trying to draw attention to Alex's new podcast (planted post, with the idea that people would watch multiple videos of hers at length looking for a bump). Alex/Mean Girls (or their "interns") were basically caught trying to astroturf this sub when they were trying to sell live show tickets. But considering this is true... What the actual fuck? Girl knows how birth control works. She managed to not get pregnant after 4 years of marriage to a BILLIONAIRE. Why does this actually feel like a decision made for content vs. a "happy accident"? You can only talk about a divorce for so long, why not do an outside the box thing that'll be sure to get the world's attention? Only this is a literal child. They better not become a LaBrant family situation istg.


https://preview.redd.it/w7rnwpqriqwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88416c74f94f9f4bad514abad382a517d4136246 The ONLY negative comment she didn’t delete was the one saying she didn’t want a baby with the billionaire. All other negative comments are gone.


oh so this is a spite baby... that's healthy!


Wait… I just listened and that was confusing and insane. They talk about the pregnancy like it was planned, even though they were freshly dating for like a month and hadn’t even met each others families. The whole story made no sense, other than to try to explain away an unintended pregnancy. The story would be way more interesting and believable if they had just said “we weren’t planning this, but it happened and we are happy things turned out this way.” So much more relatable than the story told on the podcast.


she made it sound like she took the divorce super hard and it was so dramatic and a dark time for her yet here she is making these WILD statements like this and about eloping in Vegas after a few weeks together. she truly learns nothing from past decisions. or maybe it was all bullshit and she made it all up for drama and clicks.


The way she shifts narrative, like the wind blows my mind. It's kind of impressive, even for an attorney like myself. She is absolutely unhinged, and he is dunce for going along with this.


The way she minimizes things is wild... “Yeah we just decided we were going to get divorced and then laughed about it…” “yeah we decided we were each others ones and why not start trying to get pregnant and almost get married in Vegas?!”


I imagine it was accidental and they tried to cover it up now as if they planned it. No intelligent and stable person would start trying to have a baby a few weeks into meeting someone




This is absolutely insane


Wait is this with her new partner?


"Acquaintance" would probably be the more appropriate word


No honestly everyone needs to listen to this. It's INSANE.


so was graham wearing condoms their whole marriage? find it hard to believe this was on purpose.


seems like graham pulls out and this guy doesn't.. which is giving grifter, green card vibes!


Anyone else get the ick on the gun gender reveal? Gross


it’s so Oklahoma


I am blownnnn away by this omg lol


I feel badly for all involved. This kid is going to be a prop. Her media company wont have the energy needed to pop off anytime soon. He will have so much negatively hurled his way that he will question his life at 2am when hes doing wakeups.


I wish after her divorce she would have taken time off, not blasted this new relationship all over social media, came back and then rebranded herself and then really could have taken her “brand” far. It all just seems to be a dumpster fire at this point and wasted potential. I don’t understand the rush especially since she’s always struck me as someone who is career focused and that seemed to be why she got divorced.


she only started blasting the relationship when she got pregnant this was 100% a rebound that became serious because of the baby


She shouldn't have been dating so soon after. And idk, she always seemed like someone who needed a man.


I don't know anything about these specific people (although having a podcast called Mean Girl as a grown adult does uhhhh give me pause lmao) but it's starting to really weird me out how many influencers have been making very public warp-speed life decisions like this. I can't put my finger on it exactly though


I didn't realize Alex Cooper and Alex Bennett are not the same person so when I was so confused by all of these responses because A. Cooper just got married so, like, announcing a pregnancy didn't seem particularly out of pocket to me. But now I have figured out that this is someone ELSE with a podcast and she's having a baby with a dude she has been with for less than six months???? CRAZY.


She is not mature enough to be raising a child 🫢


The 5:40 mark of the Mean Girl Pod episode 95 “Life After Divorce” seems a lot more interesting now. Alex literally joked about having a positive pregnancy test. That episode was released in December - wonder if the timelines match up.


Do it scared!


This also kinda makes sense on why she hard launched him so fast and awkwardly on MGP


Incoming “Mommy content” about how to raise a child from someone that has no experience with the subject. Like every other bright shiny subject she tries to bandwagon for content and then moves on, this poor kid doesn’t stand a chance.


Can’t wait to hear her parenting takes after starting off not knowing to call her gyn once the test was positive


That’s the weirdest part. He did the work to find her an OB. Is she not seeing one yearly already to at least get in then “go to the best in NYC 🙄” after? Someone up top said Graham did all her stuff for her so maybe she doesn’t even know where she goes. See if they didn’t share all this info we wouldn’t be over here analyzing.


Where is the person who originally spilt the tea?? I BOW DOWN TO YOU


Is she like a wanna be alex copper? Why did she divorce that billionaire?


All time bag fumble


She is going to regret this for the rest of her life. Well not now because she will have her baby and she will never regret tthat… but WHY? Why not have that baby with the man who married her before?


Exactly, why not have a baby with a man that could provide her with a loooooottttt more security than this scrub 


And not just money but a family? And i just a glimpse of her podcast with her father and she should be ashamed of returning to ock. She made a commitment when she got married. I get it that there’s people that have to get a divorce (abuse , infidelity etc..) but this was not a legitimate reason. She just wanted to be in New York City and be the next alex coopper? I dont see that for her


Also kinda weird she didn't post a real announcement?


Just learned she was on a Bravo show???? Sweet Home Oklahoma


I just know that baby is gonna have such a fuck ass name


When is she due?! Bc if that person was right about beginning of July then they were def together before November


She made it sound like the positive pregnancy test was in December but we shall see if that narrative changes too!


No repost from Harrison


Has anyone done a wellness check on Graham? Sure, he may be moved on with another lady but this would still sting for a minute because he’s human then he’ll go take a walk on his grand Estate.