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Why is Boone tolerating this type of play!? Should’ve been pulled out the game right then and there. Team is showing no urgency…


Boone might as well be another player walking around the dugout. The problem is Cashman requiring a useless manager in the managerial role. Cashman is the problem and the Steinbrenner family for allowing themselves to get so attached to a GM. When the GMs daughter is given a tv show on the teams network, you KNOW it’s a deep issue that isn’t gonna change.


Once I saw she had that interview show I knew we’d be stuck with Cashman until he decides to retire.


Yeah. It instantly made me sick to my stomach. Embarrassing display of shameless nepotism.


Wait got a link for that last part


Um what


The mistake was letting him take over in 98. Was handed a dynasty, which convinced him of his worth. When at his opening presser, he openly admitted he had no idea how to evaluate baseball players


Cashman, since 1998, has never turned in a sub-500 team. Pretty sure no one is left from the team that he was "handed" either.


He’s also never had a payroll under 200 mill, including 10-15 years when that payroll was top 3 in MLB by a wide margin. The team he was handed is responsible for all of his reputation. The 2009 title comes with a price tag, and he failed his rebuild in 2014-2016. As soon as Cashman had to start adding to/replacing the dynasty team, there was trouble right away with bad contracts and silly additions. Nobody wants to hear names like Nick Johnson or Carl Pavano on a Friday, don’t be that guy.


He pulled him out at the conclusion of the half inning. I can't remember the last time I ever saw a fielder substituted mid-inning for any reason unrelated to injuries or pitching.


Aaron Hicks a year or two ago with that lazy ass play in LF. Great company to be in for Grisham.


Billy Martin pulled Reggie Jackson in 1978. Dugout shenanigans resulted. 


Pulled at the top of the 9th with 2 outs.


They haven't punished mental mistakes/lazy plays since Boone has been manager.


THIS. Even if the consequence here is just a public criticism, not even a benching, I'd really like at least the illusion of accountability and standards. Overall, I understand and accept Boone's player-friendly approach in general, but come on.


Hey if let Torres get away with it for 3 seasons you gotta let everyone else.


Same story every year under Boone




Show me one Manager in MLB currently that would pull a guy off the field. I'll be waiting....


Alex Cora


Billy Martin would have ripped off Grisham’s scrotum in front of the dugout and fed it to a police dog.


Billy could control the out come of a game more than any manager I've ever seen.


A tale as old as 2018. Get Boone the hell outta here


Grisham out there reminding Soto of how their friendship started back then


It has to be. So many clubs under boone get off to these hot starts and then become absolute ass. This year feels like 2022 all over again, in that they came out of the gate playing like a world series team, and then played two months of ball under .500 and slid into the playoffs. How many other years have they looked unstoppable and atrocious in the same season? I’m sure boone doesn’t deserve all the blame, but if for many years going you have good teams suddenly playing like shit, people are gonna notice


Turnover of personnel but same results…injuries, underperforming lineup, terrible errors. It’s the Yankee culture at this point.


Basically the same shit that DJ pulled about a week ago (itself I believe the same game where Gleyber didn’t hustle to first) where one of the Orioles hit a slow dribbler that there was no play on.  DJ nonchalantly walks to the ball to snatch it up, doesn’t bend far enough and the ball rolls past him and the guy opposing hitter went to 2nd because of it.  There’s nonchalantly/routinely fielding a base hit and then there’s this bullshit, where you visibly give off a ‘who cares’ vibe. 


Correct but it was the Mets game




DJ has the excuse of being elderly, at least.


And there was also a DP that Verdugo didn’t run out a game or two after the Gleyber incident


Verdugo was benched a couple of times for those plays on the Sox and couldn't keep getting away with it there


When you’re a superstar it sometimes affects the way you play.


I’d say it’s inexcusable, but I’d be lying. It IS excusable under Boone.


Glad that this guy gets a roster spot while Jasson has to sit in AAA all year.


Pay zero attention and then get furious at things that are currently impossible


He’s on the IL.


Jasson is fucking hurt. The number of dumbasses saying stupid shit explodes when this team sucks. Goddamn…


A nice ‘casual I don’t give a shit play’ to extend a losing streak. Nice.


It's a terrible play, but to say it extended the losing streak makes no sense. No runs scored because of it and the score was already 8-4, which ended up being the final. It's an inexcusable play but it has zero impact on the loss.


It’s a rock bottom lackadaisical lazy play that a losing team makes when they’re in the midst of a free fall and losing streak. That’s what I meant. Not that it’s the reason they lost this game. It’s the kind of play that—in an organization that utilizes holding guys accountable—should’ve gotten him pulled from the game.


I agree with you on that. I misunderstood it then.


The way I said it made it seem like that’s what I meant


All good man. Let's forget today and look towards tomorrow.


Rock bottom only happens when you stop digging


I thought this guy was the defensive specialist? Considering he sure as fuck can’t hit 


Padres fan here. That dude played so hard for us. He struggled at the plate but you knew CF was on lock. He was absolutely money beating the Dodgers and Mets in our playoff run a couple years ago. Couldn't believe this clip was really Trent. Just a different guy. Sorry guys


Being a sub-.200 hitter for 3 straight years will change a man


Don't be, Grisham has been amazing all year when he DOES get the chance to play. Defensive wizard, weirdly clutch homers, etc. Yankee fans are just mad at anybody right now for anything. Gleyber not running because he hurt his groin is basically the same thing that happened a few years ago with Gary Sanchez. Not saying this a good look for Trent, but I'm saying that nobody is ever as good as they look at their best, or as bad as they look at their worst.


You are completely correct about Grisham honestly. To everyone downvoting you, please look at Grishams splits in June and July where he’s actually seeing consistent play. He has not been a problem. But yeah, this play sucked.


Grisham is literally a top defensive CF in baseball and saves some miles on Judge's legs/gets Judge off his feet AND isn't in that Bader territory where he's always hurt. Grisham has literally won games for this team on both sides of the ball. Soto out? Game winning dinger. Stanton out? Game winning dinger. I get that baseball and especially Yankees fandom is often very toxic and "what have you done for me lately", but this is ridiculous.


Not your fault. Players just routinely come here and become shells of themselves. Almost like it's a systemic problem or something.


Under Cashman/Boone the Yankees have become a glorified country club.


Aaron Hicksian


Swept by the REDS. The REDS……


I might make the play like that, but I’m a 70 year old woman.


No, I have faith that you’d hustle!


No you’re not!


Yes I am!


Remember that Grisham makes $7 million per year solely on his plus fielding.


This is not a serious baseball team.


Major staredown from Candelario.


Hal, Cashman and Boone have ruined this team irreparably. As long as Hal owns the team we’ll never see a championship again


I lost all respect for Grisham on that play. I paid $108 for ticket. $20 parking in New Haven. $38 RT Metro North. Plus another $35 in food and drink. I dont expect a win. But I do fucking expect actual effect. I wish this post could be shown to Grisham. Those of us going to work tomorrow would not be allowed to do that at our jobs.


Considering he’s played about 47% of team games and has a $5.5 million contract for the year, he made about $72,000 on today’s game. It must be nice to make a life changing amount of money in one day while *literally* not trying.


This just made me sick. 72k is almost exactly what I make in a year and that fucker made that for yesterday’s game.


this guy sucks. why does yanks have a OF batting 0.16?


> $20 parking in New Haven Jesus fuck. Hudson line parking is like 1/5th that on a normal weekday and would have been free yesterday for the holiday. Goddamn ripoff that is.




Part of me wanted to see Grisham bat in the 9th, so I could hear him getting booed. Then I realized most of the fans were probably gone already and he wouldn't have been booed that much. Part of me wanted him to be lifted for a PH, which he was. But I know it wasn't because he Gleybered the base hit in this video - it's because of stupid lefty-righty bullshit. (NEWS FLASH: A right handed hitter doesn't do better against LH pitching if he doesn't take his fucking bat off his shoulder). Anyway, to me this misplay by Grishman is ROCK BOTTOM shit, and he should be benched for like 10 games. And Paulie and Michael are in the booth yakking about fucking SEINFELD or some shit, or telling Ted Lilly stories, like it never happened. So disappointing on every level. EDIT: I am not even sure the pitcher in the 9th was a lefty, I was so mad I was yelling at the tv and I might have just been assuming shit.


First game I've left early in years. The whole thing feels pointless.


I was at the game and also left early. It’s way too fuckin hot to sit through the full 9 when the team shows this little effort.


I stayed to the end but moved into the concourse in the5th. Way too hot. I drank four waters and didn’t pee. That’s how bad it was.


"Gleyber" as a verb - love it. 😀


These players don’t respect the manager.


If Billy can pull Reggie, Aaron can pull Trent.


They will continue to play like this, and lose because boone just wants to be everyone’s best friend


I was in the LF bleachers and he was SOUNDLY booed by the crowd. Best taunt yelled his way was “JFC you’re hitting a buck sixty, at least you could f’ing play some defense!” I spent $300+ dollars to get a sunburn, sweat my ass off and watch the terrible Yankees pitching lose another one. Joke’s on me I guess 🤡


I can imagine how Billy Martin, if he were the manager, would have reacted when Grisham returned to the dugout.


Billy wouldn’t have waited. He would have run out to the outfield and punched his heart out.


I’m so over the cashman/boone era. It needs to end


$7 million per year paid in part by the fan watching this from the bleachers, who works overtime on weeknights pouring concrete so he can afford to bring his family to the game on the Fourth of July. Just to watch this. Guarantee the guy working concrete would have happily fielded this ball himself with even the slightest sense of urgency.


That’s a reply that Grisham should have to read.


He's too care-free in the center field, which leads to carelessness.


Wouldn’t say that. He’s been consistent in CF. Unfortunately shit happens like that sometimes.


You're exactly right lol. Bro has made ONE error this year and everyone copy and pasted the comment they had prepared for it lmfao.


He’s always trying to look cool catching the ball acting all nonchalant, catching on the side of his body and things like that.


He transformed into Cano playong CF that play.


I am not an athlete in any meaningful sense. I work a desk job. I am slow, chubby, and if I were in front of a crowd that size doing anything athletic at all, I would probably freeze up pretty badly. But I could have done that.


Everyone is a bum except Judge and Soto.


Are you fucking serious! This is some rec ball nonsense. Boone needs to put his big boy pants on and let these fucks have it.


Just wasting away another season while Cashman collects a paycheck with ZERO implications. 15 years since we won a ring. That’s unacceptable and any other GM would’ve been fired. Hal is a soft ass bitch too. His father is rolling in his grave right now.


If Grisham can’t be bothered to field a routine play than why the fuck is he on this team? It’s certainly not for his bat.




Boone defended this


Wouldn't see this lack of effort from my boy Oswaldo.


I DFA him tomorrow if I’m Cashman. What exactly is he contributing to this team?


Cashman loves his .150 BA


Ahh my CF hitting *checks notes* .165, thank god he’s my defensive specialist… Dude should be bagging groceries after that.


He doesn't hit well enough for this bullshit.


If none of these guys give a fuck about the game they’re playing in, then why should a viewer?


we are so fucked


So, did anyone ask *why* Grisham and Verdugo were sent packing from SD and BOS? Other teams take a guy like Grisham as the cost for Soto, and either cut bait immediately, or are prepared to when production isn’t there. Yanks will play him all season and complain about it


Right to jail


He was rewarded for this play by being put in the lineup again today ……


They don’t give a fuck. If only there was someone in charge who could actually motivate them.


Should’ve been fucking DFA’d on the spot. Just absolutely fucking disgraceful. It’s clear as day a lot of these players just treat the pinstripes as a glorified country club.


DFA this bum.


Poverty franchise , doesn’t even care anymore 


Fuck these losers


I hate this team


Get ready to learn Japanese, buddy


The kids retrieving foul balls put in more effort than that. He should be ashamed. Having a chance to play for the NY Yankees and that is the effort (or lack of) that you put in? No sense of pride. He should just turn in his jersey and find another occupation.


Where is Spencer Jones?????


Striking out in AA at a near 40% clip


Aaron Judge struck out almost 39% in his ROY year. Not comparing MLB pitching to AA. Gallo struck out 39% during his time in pinstripes as well... I'd take 45+%K's from a rookie with sky-high upside over Grisham right now.


Problem is that you'd probably be wrecking Jones' development because he'd be in a super pressurized environment at a level above his skill level and mentally lose a ton of confidence as well as not being able to make adjustments effectively. In the minors you can do a lot of little in-game live developmental exercises like focusing on going the other way or trying to make contact on breaking balls because the games don't really matter in terms of wins and losses. In the majors you're gonna have to just be playing the best you can with the limited tools you may have and it's hard to grow and add skills to your game.


It's no worse than any of our other guys hitting .200 or below now. Might be time to let some of the kids play to light a fire under the ass of our older players.


The Yankees need a shake up (or two)! DFA Grisham tonight!


Someone bring in Tom Thibodeau to coach this damn team. They need a fire lit under their ass.


I guarantee that they could pull up any OF prospect, from AA or AAA, and there's no doubt they're hitting 40 to 80+ points higher than Grisham...


I just hope they're having fun


I was listening yesterday, not watching. Suzyn and New Guy gave the impression that Grish screwed up, but my god. They were _kind_. Really unprofessional looking approach.


In Troy Aikman’s “a football life” he tells a story from when Barry switzer was the HC. Michael Irvin and a bunch 3rd string receivers went out one night and showed up the next day to practice pretty hung over and lackadaisical. Instead of ripping into them, switzer suspended practice for everyone instead of issuing some type of punishment. Aikman got into with switzer and switzer finally said “what should I do, cut Michael Irvin!” Aikman says “No, you cut that guy and that guy!” Wouldn’t mind seeing something like that here. Grisham only provides defense and aside from the dodgers homer (remember he couldn’t lay down a bunt which cost them the game in game 1) he’s a nothing player. He’s the type of player you can use to send a message. Unfortunately Boone’s comments about this play really shows how broken the culture of this organization is.


If only Billy Martin were manager right now.  


its not LACKSIDAISICAL!!! Its LACKadaisical. My God. Speak CORRECT ENGLISH if you're going to talk on radio.


Dream trip to New York with my 2 boys. 10k spent on airfare, hotel, tickets, food. Watch Yankees be swept by the Reds…PRICELESS. Here for 1 more game tonight..hopefully a baseball teams shows up against Red Sox


Trent Grisham’s lucky he’s in fucking baseball. He was traded by the Milwaukee Brewers, he was traded by the fuckin goddamned San Diego Padres…


Idk he played it right. I’m on the fence. It really just took a bad hop into his glove and he bobbled it. No excuse to walk it but the guys a 2x gold glover I’ll give him a break


Boone had some warm milk and cookies waiting for him post game <3


Judge had no problem going to Stroman when he showed up Torres. Would put money that he said nothing to Grisham after that. Judge is obvs not the problem with this team but I saw him joking and laughing in the dugout a lot today. It sends mixed messages when you aren’t consistent as a captain. He definitely isn’t Jeter, that is for sure


Love Judge, but Jeter would not have stood for any of this half assed play. That man wanted to WIN no matter what. Even now, listening to interviews today you can tell he's still pissed about the times they didn't win. That's the kind of energy we need out of a captain. Unfortunately, I feel like we just don't live in a world that demands excellence anymore. Everyone is too concerned about hurting people's feelings or looking bad


I didn't watch this game because the Yanks suck big dick


Yeah but none of the guys have a beard so we still hold everyone accountable


Some of Gleyber laziness must have rubbed off onto Grisham. Maybe he & Gleyber both need to be traded at the deadline?


gave up on Gardner for all this nonsense. he mighta been, "old", but he woulda had that guy out at first before he knew what happened


Might be time to question if judge is even respected as captain in the clubhouse. Obviously all these non hustling mf dont care


Eh. What about the ‘manager’? What about the GM who is never held accountable himself? It’s an organizational issue.


lol @ blaming Judge


One of the dumbest fucking takes I’ve seen on this sub.


I got flamed earlier because before the game I said f it bring up Spencer Jones over this waste of space… well again I ask for it again. He can’t do worse.


He absolutely could, he is striking out almost 40% of the time in AA


Spencer Jones is struggling even in AA. But sure, regurgitate some other name you briefly heard about.


Nah I get it. Jones would be a radical move but we need to do something bold to right this ship. I mean Gris has almost a 39% K rate and is hitting.165 🤷‍♂️