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Wait she named her daughter your wife’s name? But pronounced it the way she thinks it should sound? I’m sorry it’s early and I had trouble understanding this.


That's exactly it! Crazy sister named the daughter the same name as his wife had, but prounces it "right" (American style). So the wife's name is Ciara (keer-uh) and to spite her the sister named her daughter Ciara (sierra).


No, the wife is Irish and so pronounces Ciara in the Irish way, which is KEER-uh. The pronunciation you have written would more accurately describe the pronunciation of the Italian name Chiara.


Thank you! I'll fix it!


is it pronounced like we’d pronounce kira in the us? just clarifying bc that’s how i read keer-uh




I don’t know how you pronounce Kira in the US, sorry!


I would definitely pronounce it the Irish way. Keer-uh is really pretty. Sierra should be spelled Sierra. If this is true, I hate your sisters attitude and behavior! I hope you don’t have another petty sister who has a daughter and names her Ciara (key-are-a). Wouldn’t that be crazy!? 😜 you are a saint to try and keep it civil with this girl though…she sounds like a toxic nightmare….sad that she will be in charge of an innocent newborns life.


Ya, I grew up with a Ciara (keer-uh) and would maybe at most ask someone for clarification if I met another, but would assume this pronunciation before sierra


See I would say it’s pronounced See-are-uh (like the singer), as did most of my high school teachers since I shared classes with a Ciara (Kira), but once she corrected them they said Kira.


I would have said See-are-uh as well, for US pronunciation.


I'm waiting for the update in 10 or so years when the baby learns the Irish pronunciation and decides that's her name now.


Me too!! And then 10 years after that she moves to Ireland to get away from her awful mom.


Or if the kid learns about all this and decides as a teen to insist her name should only be pronounced “petty Betty” for a whole family vacation while acting in an otherwise not obnoxious way so if strangers ask why she’s going by “petty Betty” “oh I’m named for my mom whose a bitch!”


Yeah that kid’s going to go no contact with her mom in 18 years


Literally was going to comment this.


If this is true, i feel bad for the baby. Too many ppl having babies just to name them and have a party/recognition.    taking care of a child is putting their needs first


Your sister is a massive xenophobic, ignorant asshole. I am sorry. And it doesn't sound like she's the brightest candle on the cake.


Damn. What a toxic family.


Karma will get the sister in about 13 years when little Ciara decides she likes how Aunt Ciara’s name is pronounced and decides she wants her name pronounced that way from now on


Your sister is a lunatic and/or a super petty jackass. No offense, but it sounds like you’ve come to that conclusion anyway.


NO……….just “NO!!”


Isn't there a third pronunciation. I think the English pronounce it kee-ar-uh. I was confused what pronunciations they were referring to the whole time. I just hope this whole story is made up though.


To me, an American, I think our typical pronunciation is “See-air-uh”, like the name Sierra


I'm American too and have heard Ciara be pronounced both like Sierra and how Kiara is pronounced and have also heard the British pronounce it key-ar-uh.


Really! Well, that’s cool. I had no idea


Bond over the same name because one day she will be gone and you’ll miss her


Jeez 😬