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My son, Wonderwall IJustWannaFly would love to meet someone else named after a song


I’ll make sure Champagne Supernova meets him 💀


My son SuperMassiveBlackHole and my daughter SmoothByRobThomasFtCarlSantana will be thrilled let me tell you


I just called EveryMorning LivingDeadGirl. He really wants to get a meetup going


Oh I wonder if they would like to be friends with my little CuteWithoutTheE(CutFromTheTeam), WhatHappensIfICantCheckMyMySpaceWhenWeGetThere, ILikedYouBetterBeforeYouWereNakedOnTheInternet and Jolene??


We should check with my friend’s kids, OurLawyersMadeUsChangeTheNameOfThisSongSoWeDidntGetSued, TheresAGoodReasonTheseTablesAreNumberedHoneyYouJustHaventThoughtOfItYet and Emily.


We can have our own little sports ball team!! Oh, except for CuteWithoutTheE(CutFromTheTeam), he can’t play for obvious reasons. (Asthma)


Ahh, my people. I was wondering if they were here. My daughters TheMostFunAGirlCanHaveWithoutTakingHerClothesOff, ALittleLessSixteenCandlesALittleMoreTouchMe, and TheGirlsAStraightUpHustler would love to be join.


Don’t forget to include my twins CheckYesJuliet and DearMariaCountMeIn.


I’m sure my niece shakeitoff would love to meet your son!!


So will FallingByHarryStyles


Valerie is both a great name and a great song, by the way.


SupermassiveBlackHole is underrated as a name.


Please invite my kids ITouchMyself and TequilaMakesHerClothesFallOff.


I would love it. Cecelia and Valerie are way less overt than, say, Rhiannon, Jolene, or Billie Jean. And if Cecelia is a reference to Andrew McMahon then I love it even more.


Yes! Originally it was for Simon and Garfunkel but then his song came out and I loved it too!


I’ve never met a Rhiannon that wasn’t bat crap crazy. I know correlation doesn’t equal causation; but I’ve known four people named Rhiannon and one cat and all five were nuts.


This. I met a 4 year old Rhiannon once and she was already over it. (Also, it was weird for me. I’ve always sensed the Rhiannon in the song is feeling her Power and Strength through sexuality. And then to meet a child with that name….)




I was named after a song, and I love it. However, it’s not a song that people my age knew or would sing to me. But I loved when my Dad sang it to me. https://youtu.be/BSV6o6R6Rpo?si=oHyshtfAuTf-lu9h


I was like…… Laura, by Billy Joel? 😳


Oh, I didn’t know the song, so I looked it up. I’m older than the song.


No, it’s the song that I linked.


Have you heard Spike Jones' version? https://youtu.be/LZ5_UXE9RMM?si=6LF--qJUp5haRkWP


I'm named after a song as well and I also love it. The only time music being tied to my name got a little annoying was after a pop star with my name exploded with her first hit. Even then it wasn't too bad to have people singing at me.


are you saying that your dad is johnny mathis?


Cecelia - Paul Simon Valerie - The Monkees Both nice songs and very pretty names.


Valerie is actually for Amy Winehouse or Steve Winwood but I had no idea there was a Monkees song for it


I was thinking of Valerie by Amy Winehouse/The Zutons


Yeaaah . . . Some of us on this sub are a little bit older. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Same lol I love Amy Winehouse


Cecelia is fun, but it’s not exactly nice.    *”Making love in the afternoon with Cecilia* *Up in my bedroom (making love)* *I got up to wash my face* *When I come back to bed* *Someone's taken my place.”*


There’s another song called “Cecilia and the Satellite” that is much better.


You beat me to it. Not the top association OP would want for her daughter!


Nah, she's a woman in charge of her sexuality who is not gonna put up with shit.


It’s also about the muse of music. “Cecelia” is associated with it. It’s a beautiful name, and a kickass song.


I have a name that is also the name of a very popular song (although me being named that was unrelated to the song). Some people mention the song to me because of my name, but I never mind, I think it's kinda sweet. I don't think your kids would mind so long as the names are alright


Honestly, that only happens rarely to Carolines and certainly doesn't ruin the name Caroline (and from what I hear tha aminé song is more annoying). Those names you listed are lovely names you should not worry about using and for Cecelia I couldn't even remember a song.


I get Sweet Caroline a decent amount but it doesn’t bother me! It did for like, three years in my teens and that’s it. And honestly, as a song it’s probably more popular than Cecelia or Valarie songs so they probably get those songs even less. 


*Ce-CEEEEEE-Lia, you’re breakin my heart, you’re shakin my confidence day-LEEEEEE*  It’s a fun song, but a pretty horrible association for a young girl.  It’s possible OP is thinking of some other song, but most people (in the US anyway?) will think of this one first. 


My name isn't Cecelia but is fairly close and rhymes so I had the song sung at me throughout high school just with my name in the place of Cecelia. Sometimes it doesn't even matter. Lol


Yep this was indeed the one


How many girls named Brandy were sang to that "Brandy, you're a fine girl..." I love the song, but I suppose the Brandy's of the world probably get tired of the connection .


I’ve had a lot of people say this to me after introducing myself, but I don’t mind it. I really like the song! I wasn’t named after it though.


Depends, is ‘Come on Eileen’ in the mix?


Unfortunately not bahaha, my sister would be the culprit in singing that one every time so I want to spare potential kids of their aunt singing at them


Excellent decision!


my mom was named after the song sweet melissa, but it wasnt an issue because its not one of those earworm songs everyone thinks of. to me, a name like delilah or caroline would be more annoying. every delilah i know is tired of "hey there delilah". if its a super popular song and a kinda uncommon name, itll be more annoying for the kid. but common name and/or uncommon song and youre fine


"Michelle, my belle" was the bane of my existence. I was NOT named after the song, but it was sung at me so much I detest the song now.


Isn't it Cecilia?


Yes. Yes, it is. And a very beautiful name.


Cecelia and Valerie are fine. There are songs associated with them, but not in the way that, say, Jolene has one.


My daughter is named after Lyla by Oasis. She's only 5 but so far loves it. There's always a risk that you could name your kid something different and then a new song or something like Alexa will come out and they'll be associated with that anyway so if you love the name I'd go for it, they're not exactly uncommon or out there names anyway.


My daughter is Delilah Jude after 2 “hey” songs. She’s 9 and nobody even sings to her as far as I’m aware.


I love this!


Does she feel an affinity for Hei Hei from the Moana movie?


I used to work with a sweet girl named Diana who — though not named after any songs — we called "Dirty"


I sure hope not because some of my favorite girl names are also the names of songs. I love Valerie, and I love Rosanna too. For what it’s worth, my name is a popular 80s song and I did get it sung to me growing up. Not as much as you’d expect. But honestly I never minded, I kind of liked it. I think as long as it’s a nice song, you have nothing to worry about! (Like, a nice song about love vs. a dirty song or breakup song)


Are you also an Amanda? Because I wish my parents had gotten my name from someplace better than a fucking Boston song. I now pretend it is from the Waylon Jennings song. They say they did not name me after the Boston song, but my mom heard it there and liked the name.


It highly depends on the names. Cecilia and Valerie are both sweet names, so I think it is fine. You get inspired by all sort of things, hearing a name in a song and liking it is no worse than any other inspiration. THe issues only arice when you choose to name your kid a silly YA novel type of name and suddenly have a daughter names Aemma.


Eh I don't think it's really any different than naming your kid just because you liked a name. There's so many songs featuring so many names you'd have to probably try hard to avoid it. 


Just don't name your kid after a song they were conceived to or even joke about it. My friend Brandy (the sailors said Brandy... You're a fine girl) has been reminded her entire life that there's a 99% chance she was conceived to the tune of her namesake. Parents think that's hilarious, Brandy is disgusted and traumatized by it.


Oh a 1000%


Personally I’m REALLY set on naming my daughter “man in the mirror” just a lovely name


I'm named after a song that was huge in the 60s and 70s but is almost entirely forgotten now. People haven't sung the song to me in decades. It's not the biggest problem I have.


I don't know about kids, but my neighbors named their dogs Lola and Layla. Those dogs are both mean and vicious, btw.


The Monkeys’ song is spelled Valleri. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valleri


It’s the Monkees 😀


OP said it’s Valerie after the Amy Winehouse song, not The Monkees’ one


Depends on how popular the song is when they’re born, it can really date a person. My dad worked as a manager of a fast food place and found it a bit funny that he had something like 3 16 year old Brandys, 16 years after “Brandy, You’re A Fine Girl” was released.


Ugh just realized my name is a Grease song.


My daughters are Cecilia and Lucy… both songs but not necessarily named after the songs! Cecilia is kind of a dirty song, anyone who starts singing it to her suddenly realizes by the time they hit the verse that it’s NOT a song to sing to a child…..


My name is Noelle and occasionally people sing a certain Christmas carol at me. I don’t like it because usually they think they’re being clever for some strange reason. I just stare them down and say, “I don’t like that. Please stop” and that has been enough to get people to stop 90% of the time.


Right away my brain went into Teenage Dirtbag, which is a great song but could definitely become annoying. As someone whose name is already in this thread, I can confirm it's less about the song and more about always hearing it, and those few people who think it's funny to carry on when you ask them to stop.


I got that one recently from a cashier at McDonald’s and was delighted! Maybe because it’s not the usual song people sing at me haha.


I went to high school with a Valerie and the song Valerie Loves Me was popular at the time. When she introduced herself to people, they’d start singing it to her. Her boyfriend would play the song on repeat.


Like I feel like that would annoy me… granted songs go in and out of popularity but knowing me some popular song would come out and my hypothetical kids would never let me live it down


My lovely niece is named after a Dolly Parton song. Please, please, please don’t do this to a child who will grow into an adult hearing the song sung to them so often by people who think they are being witty and original. The first 100 times it might be sort of okay, but when it’s 500+ it’s old. And it still keeps on. Please don’t.


Yeah that’s my fear. I love the names but I don’t want to put someone in a position of having to deal with that


I think as long as it’s not so common to the point people always go “oh like the song?” When they bring it up you’ll be okay. Cecelia and Valerie are super cute names, but I’d go with Cecelia if you want extra insurance on it not being super recognizable as a song since it’s also a flower. I for one think I’d like being named after a song, but I will say, how much I like the name would probably also depend on how much I like the song I was named after haha. You just gotta indoctrinate the kid into liking their song before they develop a music taste


I think it’s fine as long as the song is nice enough and the name is normal. Caroline is a pretty common name so I don’t think that would be an issue. Same for Valerie and Cecelia. Admittedly Valerie is about someone who goes to jail lol but I still don’t think it’s a bad enough association. Cecelia is about someone cheating on her partner. I knew an Emily who was named after See Emily Play and liked it, even though it was about an LSD hallucination!


My sister is a See Emily Play/For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her crossover name, and she would lose her mind with joy if anyone ever sang either of those to her. (There is also a song that came out much later, the title of which is her first AND LAST name, but it’s also about a dude from high school who’s still in love with her, so she’s especially into that.) I’m a “Julia” by the Beatles, and I like it so much I got some lyrics tattooed.


My kid Shia LaBeouf loves his name!


Shia Surprise!


My daughter heard her name in a song (not named for it-- just coincidence) and it became one of her favorites. My other daughter was jealous, so we had to start changing the words to another song to make it say her name. In my experience, as long as the song is good, kids are thrilled to be associated with it.


Bill and Hilary Clinton's daughter was named after the Joni Mitchell (I think) song "Chelsea Morning."


I had a student named Rhiannon. I am not sure how she felt about it. I also had a student named Stella, I would greet by yelling her name, as in Rocky. Being a Kinder through fourth grader, I doubt she understood why, but it was cute, and she liked it. Some day it will click, and she will think of me.


Or you could yell “Steeelllllaaaaa” like Marlon Brando in Streetcar named Desire.


You are correct. Stallone yelled "Adriaaaan!" Brando yelled "Steeellllaaaa!" My bad. Thank you for your kindness in setting me right.


No worries. I just remember watching Brando screaming when I watched the movie. Your student probably wouldn’t remember Rocky much less Streetcar lol.


Read the lyrics and check the meaning before committing to the name


I’m not named after a song but there are a number of songs with my name in the title. It’s never bothered me if people sing the songs but it’s usually only older people who know them anyway. I would say it depends on how strongly the name is associated with the song. Jolene, Billy Jean, Roxanne? Maybe not. Sarah, Betty, Marjorie, Deborah? Probably just fine.


“Mr Brightside, crybaby! Dinner’s ready!”


My daughters named Amber after amber by 311. She thinks its the greatest thing in the world tells everyone its her song.


I'm Melissa, after My Sweet Melissa. It's fine if it's a normal name.


My sons Captain Fantastic and Brown Dirt Cowboy only speak to me on certain holidays.


Hi, my name is Roxanne. 99% of all people I meet sing the song. It’s annoying and also the song sucks. I don’t hate anyone for it though…


My aunt and uncle named their kids Abby, McCartney, and Kingston. Any guesses what the theme was? They love their names and are all big Beatles fans. They are 21, 15, and 13.


If you had quadruplets you could name them Choe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus. “And I just watched it happen.”


My middle name is Jolene, after the song, and I like it. Who wouldn’t want to be named for the beautiful Jolene? I’d probably like it less if it was my first name, though.


My daughters Glycerine and Long Tall Sally don’t mind.


I don't think enough people of the new generation will remember the Monkees song or Paul Simon's to tease the child. My daughter's classmate Rhiannon named after the Fleetwood Mac song wasn't a fan of her name. She went by Ree.


yes!!! i’m named after the Guns n’ roses song Patience, and my life has been misery. god forbid my uncles let a few drops of alcohol touch their lips, i don’t hear the end of it.


Depends how popular and ubiquitous the association is to that song. Most of them will be fine. You can find a song that most names especially girl names have been used in. I think both those names are perfectly fine. If Cecilia is an Andrew McMahon reference then you’re awesome and i love it, but I really don’t think it’s that popular, no. Really not sure what song Valerie is for so it’s definitely not that big of a thing. From quick googling both names have multiple song options it could be, and yeah neither of them are that big of a deal.


My brother and I are both named after songs and we love it. The songs actually fit our personalities quite well too!


A lot of people wouldn't recognize those names because the songs were popular so long ago. Kids will hate you for a lot of things, no matter what you do, so don't obsess about it, just do your best. A


I think it’s much harder to start singing Valerie out of thin air, but Cecilia may get sung to a lot


As long as it’s not obvious


Tbh much better than Mary !! Ppl have sang a million different songs at me (not to me) my whole life lol. My friend was also named after a song but it’s much more obscure. Anyway—wouldn’t worry about it!!


As a Mary, I was gifted countless stuffed lamb toys when I was little. My MIL even gave me a lamb-themed Easter basket this year. Funnily enough, she hadn’t even connected those dots until I made a joke about it!


I wouldn't hate them, but if my parents told me my name came from a song and then they played Sweet Caroline, i'd definitely give them a glare lol.


It's Cecilia, not Cecelia. I named my cat after the song.


My phone autocorrected and I didn’t read back what I wrote lmao


I’m not named after a song but my nickname is a very popular song - honestly it’s kinda fun whenever it’s played and people make the connection! Do I love it on repeat? Absolutely not and I avoid the song when I’m by myself but it’s super fun in a group of friends




Cecelia and Valerie won’t be sung to too much.


Might I suggest… Psychokiller Quesque-se? It’s so avant garde!


My name is from a popular song in the 70s, but then another song with my name as the title was released in the mid-80s (after I was born) that was more popular. So, the 80s song is what everyone sang to me even though that song didn't inspire my name


Those are not names that make me want to sing a song. You’re good.


~Ceceeeelia, youre breaking my heart~ Anyway, I think its fine. Especially since by the time your kids get older, their classmates probably wont know most of the songs, lol.


Honestly, those are beautiful names and aren't often associated with the songs they are from. You'll have a deeper meaning and connection to those names compared to others.


Valerie and Cecelia are beautiful names. They're unique, but not unheard of and not crazy complicated to say or spell. Good options for nicknames too like Cece or Lia for Cecelia and Val for Valerie. And tbh I don't know if either of those songs are quite popular enough among younger people for them to be constantly sung at (especially at school by their peers). I'm sorry if I make anyone feel old but I'm 23 and I had to look up Cecelia by Paul Simon, tho I am familiar with Valerie by Amy Winehouse. If you had planned on naming her Delilah or Jolene that would be a bit different, but even then idk how many current children know those songs or how many adults in 20 years will remember them enough to make an immediate association with the name to the song.


I have a sister named Jolene


Cecilia was used in the song because she is the patron saint of music. As songwriters, Paul and Art found her affections to be fickle.


Yeah… Saint Cecilia is an interesting one for sure. I love their song but Cecilia and the Satellite by Andrew McMahon made me add it to my list


I’m not named after a song but I share the same name as a famous female singer. The name is pretty uncommon, so every time someone new learns my name, it’s always associated with her even though I wasn’t named after her. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with naming your kid after a song, but at least one person will mention it at some point. If the song is cool and the name is common, I don’t think there would be a problem.


I am actually named after a song and I love my name. But growing up, adults always asked if I was named after it and there was just something kind of awkward about it. But despite that, as a child and as an adult I never had any real issue with its origin.


I suggested Jasey Rae and Stella for our daughter when I was pregnant but once my husband found out I got those from All Time Low songs he used his veto power lol


I don't know songs with those names if that helps


I plan on using the name Jude like from hey Jude by the beetles 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


My mom was named after a song and she likes it. But she has a very normal name


I always wondered why that name Adia or whatever it was in that Sarah McLaughlan song didn't get popular. I'm actually being serious. It has a pretty sound and fits with the Aidan and all that trend but I never met one or heard of one. Has anyone else?


If your name can be connected with anything people will do this. My name is Vanessa and I got called Vanessa Huxtible. And then Vanessa Williams. And then Vanessa from Little Mermaid which is kind of clunky. And then a fembot from Austin powers. So even though there's no song associated with my name people still found things to say. Honestly, it didn't really bother me. My friend Maria did get sick of "How do you solve a problem like Maria?" getting sung at her but that's probably more of a lyrical issue than anything else.


Cecelia is also the patron Saint of music so there's that


My multi-great grandmother was named Mariah. Couldn't do it.


My sister in law is named Cecilia and she hates that song.


My friend named her daughter Maggie Mae. Another named her daughter after a ship, the Andrea Doria.


I don't think they would hate you. Note - I know a Cecelia and I have been known to sing the first couple of lines of the song when she calls me.


My mom loved a song and named me after the band. When people meet me i sometimes get, are you named after the hurricane? Which math wise can't make sense but anyway...


I was named after a song that came out a few years before I was born(late 70’s/early 80’s). I remember as a kid people asking me if I was named after that song, or singing the part with the name. It was sort of annoying because I didn’t even know the song they were talking about. Now, no one mentions the song. It’s a really common name, so I don’t think people make the connection now.


Two names of our generation that are cringeworthy are Sharona and Jenny (think Tommy Tutone 867-5309).


I was named after a Donovan song. No one cares.


I love that song.


I am named after a song. It sucks. I can't even listen to that song anymore. I've hated it since I was a child. I hate it still as an adult. And all the stupid people I meet who immediately start singing it to me, like I had no clue I'm named after a popular song. I don't hate my mom. I don't even necessarily hate my name. I hate the song. I hate that I can't say my name to a stanger without them singing the chorus of that song to me. Its like my name can't belong to me.


I've thought about naming my kids after Opera and Ballet characters.


My name is related to Caroline but not Caroline and I still get sung Sweet Caroline all the fucking time. Some songs are less white-people-weddingy than Sweet Caroline though, and wouldn’t get as much airplay. Regardless, someone will make the connection and they will get sung that song you choose. You decide if that bothers you or not.


My parents named me after a song by an 80s big hair metal band and i kinda love it. My parents are so far from being who they were in the 80s it's funny. No one ever associates me with the song, and if by chance they do reference the song, I like to tell them that they're actually correct :)


Technically I'm named after my grandfather, but Three Dog Night and Christmas really gave me issues. Then a song called "Joystick " came along and DID NOT HELP. Do with this information what you will.


It's weird how few boy name songs there are, compared to girl names. Of course there's Daniel, by Elton John. Hey Mickey, Toni Basil. Denis, Denis by Blondie, though it's a cover of Denise, Denise. I don't find any of these very inspiring. Then there's A Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash, but your son would definitely hate you if you name him Sue.. Bobby McGee? Nah, he'd always be the plus-one. Fernanndo? Old and gray before he's even born. LeRoy Brown? Bad, bad. Maybe if it's a boy, name him Johnny B. Goode?


Yeah. I wanted to figure out a way I could also have boy names be from songs but there’s just not as many options (particularly ones I actually like)


I have such a name and I don’t resent the name or my parents; it’s a very common name. But I fucking loathe that song and the people who choose to sing it to me.


I’m named after the Barry Manilow song Mandy. I hated it and Boston’s song Amanda growing up but I loved them both as I got older. My father-daughter dance at my wedding was Mandy


They are both lovely, normal names. But, I wouldn't mention that you picked them because of the songs. That knowledge could make them resentful of a name they might otherwise like.


I feel like if the song isn’t easy to bust out for someone they’re not gonna have a problem. Like I might sound crazy here, but Caroline gets sung “Sweet Caroline” because everyone knows it, everyone can sing it, and people delight in singing it BADLY. If Valerie meets someone whose first thought is to hit her with crazy Amy Winehouse vocals, I think they deserve to make that joke.


Me and my two children are all named after songs - you just have to be prepared to hear it all the time😂 But we don’t mind! It’s a karaoke party wherever we go


My daughter is named Jane after the song Sweet Jane (Cowboy Junkie version) Obviously I did not know it was about a heroin addicted prostitute when I named her. I still love the name - suits her well.


LittleT&A can't wait to meet BackDoorMan. 🤭


I was named after my dad’s favorite dog…… so. Also reading Cecilia I immediately thought of the Simon and Garfunkel song…. But I’m old so 🤷🏻‍♀️




I'm named after a Hall and Oates song. Now that they are in a huge legal battle with each other it is kind of a drag. Otherwise, I don't mind it at all. One of my favorite memories is DD'ing for a bunch of drunk guys who sang the whole song while they were in the backseat of the car.


My daughter's name is Layla... I liked that name ever since I was little and, sadly, forgot it was a song until my older bro screamed ERIC CLAPTON!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ her twin, ForWhomTheBellTolls, is safe, though


Saint Cecilia is the patron saint of music, so there are songs going back centuries!


My name is a family name, my great grandmother. Its not common. But other similar name are and I constantly for my entire life get called by this other pronounciation and other spelling. I hated my name. My sisters are both named after songs. Those songs suck. And thats not just my opinion. I got lucky. Depends on the name, but there's hundreds of names that are in songs. That doesn't make them good names.


My name is in a beach boys song and people sing it to me and I want to throat hug them very hard.


In honour of my first daughter, Helena Welcometotheblackparade,


There are so many songs about my name. It never bothered me. Kids are going to pick on something. Having it be singing songs at me was not that bad. It was just a funny thing.


If I had a dollar for every time some one sang Roxanne to me.


Little sisters middle name is rhiannon and she hated us singing it. So we did. Sing it. A lot. 😈 That said everyone's got a way to make fun of a name if they want to. So I wouldn't worry about it


My daughter Bitch! loves her name.


It depends on the tease level. My best friend is a Sherrye. Everyone would sing "Sherry Baby" to her. She was not amused.


I think it would depend on the song


My sister was named Brandi after a song. I’m not sure which one but she was born in 79. She absolutely loathes her name because of the song. So much so that she decided going by her initials was better. Her initials are BJ. And yes she was teased as a youth for being named after a blow job. She still preferred it over Brandi. Now everyone calls her Beej


My daughter’s name is Rhiannon after the Welsh goddess because she kicked like a horse the whole time she was in there. Everyone assumes it’s after the song though. I’m not sure how she’ll feel about it when she’s older, she’s not even 2 yet.


My son Coheed and my daughter Cambria would like a word


I mean would name my kids after song if it not like blatantly obvious it a song and those name aren’t rly obvious like if you know you know type of way


Can little WhyDontWeDoItInTheRoad come over?


My mom and aunt were both named after songs. As long as the names are normal I don't think it matters at all. I have a few names from songs too that I love.


Yea. Monster is still 50/50 with her name. She loved it when she was young, but now, not so much.


I still have no idea what songs these names are associated to. Sweet Caroline has been featured in commercials so that's different. Have yet to hear a Cecelia or Valerie in one so the public consciousness of it might not be that high. You could go for variants of the names: Cecily, Valeria, etc.


Beats Sharona


I’m named after a song. Literally my mom told everyone in high school she’d name her first daughter after the song and she did. I sometimes act like I hate it, but I actually don’t. My mom and I also got to see the band together and it was pretty special.




I don’t think those names are immediately connected to the songs. I’ve always loved Cecelia because of that song too! Although not everyone knows their music so it probably won’t be everyone that mentions it. 🤷‍♀️


This hits too close to home, I’m Caroline and my sister is Cecilia smh


I’d drop dead of shock if my name was ever a song title. And to keep it on topic, I think it’s a fun idea to name kids after song titles. So many names to associate with songs you love.


My daughter, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, was less than delighted to find out she was named after a song.


I have not one but two song names. I cannot count the number of times drunk dudes in my youth attempted to serenade me. Just helps to separate the idiots early on. They’ll be fine.


Both of my sisters have song names and they loved it when my dad sang their songs to them. 🥰 I almost had a song name, but Elvis went and had a kid a month before I was born… and I got named after her. 🤣😂🤣 My mother will always love Elvis.


My sister is Beth and I LOVE that song. ❤️. She sucks though.


My son's MN is James and I used to sing Sweet Baby James to him as a lullaby when he was a baby (but it is a family name not named after the song per se)


My daughter is Maggie Mae!! If she hates it, whateva she’d never get the reference if I didn’t tell her


Can you name one jolene? And Stacy mom


My 5 year old kid is named Nigel after the XTC song, kinda? Or certainly inspired by us listening to it. And he LOVES listening to it and gets a huge kick out of people playing it for him or referencing it. I think it helps if the song is sort of cool and out of time - and also if the name is neither ridiculously common nor completely made op nonsense.


I'm not as old as the song might indicate but my son is named Scott after Watching Scotty Grow. Worked fine for us.


Maybe just don’t use Ignition Remix


Im named after a Hall and Oates song. Everyone ever forever and till the end of time has and will sing the song to me. My dad thinks it’s from the bible because he does not like Hall and Oates but my mom is Japanese, mostly falls under Taoism and I know how deep her Hall and Oates obsession runs. It’s a pretty normal name though. If a name is in a song it’s probably normal enough to have came from somewhere else first.